From University Lecturer to Chief Academician

Chapter 532 Terrible energy transformation, new project planning meeting! Kolot: I have a clear cons

Technology sector.

Teacher Xu was facing the computer, checking the submitted documents. One of the documents was marked in red, which represented the key content.

Academician Deng Huaizhen is also in the office. He is a technology consultant hired by the science and technology department.

He was sitting opposite Teacher Xu.

When there are any questions about science projects, Teacher Xu will consult Deng Huaizhen, who can often provide professional advice.

"This document comes from the Mason Mathematical Sciences Laboratory..."

"Wang Hao's research team?"

There are several signatures on the plan, including Paul Phil-Jones, Chen Mengmeng, He Yi and others, and of course Wang Hao is also indispensable.

Teacher Xu said to Academician Deng Huaizhen, "Look at this, the particle annihilation experiment project plan? Wang Hao has applied for new research again, and he also brought his research team with him."

"Five Nobels..."

Deng Huaizhen also became interested and walked over to take a look. He immediately noticed the subtitle below, "Research on Space Carrier Power Technology?"

Deng Huaizhen and Teacher Xu looked at each other in confusion.

Teacher Xu rubbed his eyes vigorously, took another look at the subtitle, and found that he had indeed read it correctly. He said with a smile, "Who wrote this plan? How did you write the title? Nowadays, young people like to use this method when writing project plans. A silly title?"

Deng Huaizhen also thought it was funny, but faced with the projects applied by five Nobel Prize winners, there was no way to comment directly. It was better to be more serious, "Let's take a look at the content before talking."

The two of them read the content together.

In fact, Teacher Xu couldn't understand it, he just read the general overview.

Deng Huaizhen is the main force.

After a brief browse, Deng Huaizhen said seriously, "It's similar to the summary. It's a technology that annihilates particles to release energy."

"If this kind of technology really existed, it would indeed be able to provide unimaginable energy."

He said it very seriously.

The conversion of mass into energy is very scary. The mass-energy equation is E=mc, where c represents the ‘speed of light’. The square of the speed of light multiplied by the mass equals energy. Even if the mass is very small, the total conversion into energy is still a huge number.

The essence of nuclear reactions is also the process of converting the lost mass of nuclei into energy. For example, in nuclear fission reactions, one kilogram of uranium can undergo a sufficient nuclear fission reaction to release energy equivalent to the explosion of 20,000 tons of TNT.

One kilogram compared to 20,000 tons, you can know how terrible it is.

After listening to Deng Huaizhen’s explanation, Teacher Xu asked, “Academician Deng, do you support it?”

Deng Huaizhen said, "I dare not judge directly. The research that Academician Wang applied for still feels a bit too science fiction."

"Do you think it's feasible?"

"I's better to ask Academician Wang face to face."

Teacher Xu also recognized Deng Huaizhen’s statement.

The research content of this project plan is really amazing.

If you just do some experiments for measurement, there is no problem, but in terms of the content of the project plan, it must be a big project.

In addition, the statement of the space carrier is also somewhat divorced from reality.

There is a simple description of the space carrier in the project plan, which means that it will become a fortress for docking space flying saucers in the future.

How big is the space flying saucer?

More than twenty meters in diameter.

If we were to build a fortress for space flying saucers to dock, the size would be larger than a football field. To allow such a huge fortress to operate autonomously, instead of flying around the earth like a space station, would require unimaginable energy support.

“If it’s just a small research project and an allocation of several hundred million is needed, it can be directly supported, but this research is a bit too big.”

"The Institute of Nuclear Physics and the Institute of High Energy are also cooperating..."

"How about this."

Teacher Xu made a decision, "Let them submit detailed reports and designs, we will hold a meeting to discuss it, and then let them make a report as a group."

"I'll also listen to it live, what exactly is a space carrier..."

He shook his head unconsciously as he spoke.

Teacher Xu’s approval of the project plan was ‘agree’, but a more detailed report and design content were needed, and a meeting was held to discuss it together.

Wang Hao was not surprised to see the content of the approval.

Such research costs a lot of money and requires the cooperation of several institutions. It cannot be completed with financial support.

He immediately contacted the Institute of Nuclear Physics and the Institute of High Energy and handed over part of the work to them for technical and design advice.

Liu Qingzhi had just returned from the experimental base when he learned that Wang Hao had sent a new project cooperation plan. He looked at it carefully and was suddenly surprised, "Annihilation particle research? Aren't we conducting experiments?"

"Can it provide space carrier power?"


"Do we still want to carry out the current experiment?"

Liu Qingzhi felt a little confused, but he must agree to the cooperation requested by Wang Hao. At the same time, he felt a little happy in his heart.

The crisis is over!

Ever since the experiment exploded, he has had a shadow in his heart, always thinking that he might become the second Priel.

it's good now!

Academician Wang Hao is preparing to start new research and will also redesign and manufacture the experimental equipment, so the original experiment can be suspended.

Safety is guaranteed.

On the other side, Academician Tian Guilin of the Institute of High Energy also knew the news. He directly ignored the space carrier power technology and only wanted to participate in Wang Hao's research.

Then, the difficulty of choice arises.

"Should I do a tachyon experiment or a particle annihilation experiment?"

"Two projects at once!"

"But I can definitely only participate in one, and I won't have the energy to take care of two..." Tian Guilin suddenly felt a little depressed, and he decided to listen to the content of the new experiment.

What if it is more promising than tachyons?

In new research, the Institute of Nuclear Physics and the Institute of High Energy are indispensable. The Institute of High Energy is responsible for neutron control and energy detection, while the Institute of Nuclear Physics is responsible for nuclear reactor maintenance, nuclear radiation safety assurance, and related equipment design and manufacturing.

Wang Hao's research group also represents the annihilation field experimental group, which can provide strong annihilation field technology. At the same time, it is the party responsible for the project.

After confirming the participation of two institutions, the research team quickly came up with a draft design plan.

This design plan only has the general components of the experimental equipment. The more detailed ones are the annihilation force field device and energy control area, nuclear reactor, magnetic field and neutron control. It requires the other two institutions to study together before it can be finalized.

Although it is only a draft design plan, it can be submitted.

Because there will be a meeting for discussion later, once you have the basic design plan, you can submit it and make a report at the meeting. As for some detailed issues, since they do not involve technical problems that cannot be overcome, they can be solved in the future.

The research team submitted its report very quickly.

The review speed of the higher-level departments was also very fast. The decision-making department saw Wang Hao's urgency. At the same time, they were indeed very interested in the so-called 'space carrier power technology'.

The meeting time was quickly decided.

While the research team was preparing a new experimental project, a very important event also occurred internationally, that is, American decided on a new decision-maker.

The No. 2 candidate was successfully elected and became the top decision-maker.

Many opponents believe that the election of the No. 2 candidate is inseparable from the paper published by Wang Hao's research group. It is precisely because of the support of the paper that the No. 1 candidate failed miserably in terms of "technological support" and was elected very weakly. Lost the election at a disadvantage.

But no matter what, the ending has been decided.

When becoming a new decision-maker, there are many things to deal with. After promoting a series of managers, the new decision-maker immediately turned his attention to the direction of technological support.

Now everyone knows the importance of technological research and development.

After losing the leading edge in technology, many fields began to decline continuously, which led to a series of problems.

They must catch up on cutting-edge technology.

This is also the campaign platform of the new decision-maker, and he has implemented his slogan. The second batch of people he met were a lot of laboratory directors and top scholars, and at the same time, he quickly hired more than a dozen top scholars as scientific and technological consultants. .

Among the scientists who met, the most important ones were the representatives of the Groom Lake project team, Empoli Kubo and Korot James.

The new decision-makers also organized a special meeting, with participants including some top physicists, representatives of the Groom Lake project team, and military-related R\u0026D personnel.

However, the meeting was not about strong annihilation field technology, but antimatter research.

During the campaign, antimatter was at the heart of the technology-supported topic, and no one was sure whether the research on antimatter was correct.

If candidate No. 1 is elected, he will definitely support the research of antimatter. The new decision-maker has not expressed absolute support for antimatter and believes that candidate No. 1 has failed in developing science and technology.

Now the new policymakers are organizing a meeting on antimatter, hoping to discuss the outcome - should we support the research on antimatter?

Whether to establish an antimatter research project.

Even though Wang Hao published a paper arguing that antimatter does not exist in explosion experiments and that the pure energy that appears is caused by annihilation particles, many scientists still support antimatter research projects.

the reason is simple--


Many scientists are engaged in antimatter research. If a large antimatter research project is launched, how many interests will be involved?

How much financial support is there?

As for whether there will be results, they are not worried, because as long as the research is done, there will be results.

Even if it is finally proven that antimatter does not exist, it will still be a success. This is the case in the scientific field. A huge part of the investment in scientific research cannot be converted into applied technology.

Among the group of scientists, Croat-James is not outstanding and does not have a particularly big influence. However, he is the chief experimental physicist of the project team and still got the opportunity to speak.

"I believe that the focus of technological support should continue to be on strong annihilation field technology."

"Strong annihilation force field technology can be studied from the DC direction. Ultimately, we hope to develop a 'DC annihilation force field' technology based on metallic superconductivity."

Corot-James' speech, from a theoretical and practical perspective, demonstrated that research in the DC direction is the direction for the improvement of strong annihilation force field technology.

He also used ‘mass production of magnetized materials’ as an example, “We have done a lot of discussions, but relying only on AC technology can only create thin layers of strong annihilation force fields, which cannot be used for mass production at all.”

"A lot of evidence shows that Annihilation Technology's technology is based on direct current and metallic superconductivity."

What Collot-James said was well-founded, but it attracted a lot of opposition. Some scholars immediately said, "Even if what you said is right, that is the research direction of Wang Hao's team, and we want to achieve it." If we surpass ourselves in science and technology, we cannot follow the same path, otherwise we will always lag behind.”

“The past few years have proven that.”

"Besides, your research is a complete mess, and today's technology is still available for purchase, right? You are not qualified to talk about technology at all!"

The angry words of several scholars were merciless at all.

James felt speechless.

However, many people support James’ statement. They believe that ‘strong annihilation field technology that has been proven feasible’ is the best direction. As for antimatter, Wang Hao believes that antimatter does not exist in explosion accidents, so how can he start research?

There were a lot of arguments at the meeting.

The new decision-maker sat aside and listened, and couldn't help but rub his forehead vigorously. He somewhat understood why his predecessor could not do a good job in technical support.

These issues in the direction of science and technology are simply not clear. There are a lot of people arguing around during the meeting, and even the hired technology consultants have different opinions.

How does he make decisions?

Who should he support?

The meeting ultimately came to nothing.

The only thing the new decision-makers have determined is to give the Groom Lake Project Team greater authority to use funds, which means, 'If you want to study the DC direction, you can study it, but there will definitely not be a large amount of new funding support in the short term.' .

As for F-ray research, the new decision-makers will stay out of it.

That's a matter for the military.

Many people who participated in the meeting felt that the final result was normal. During the election process of the new decision-maker, the "stability first" style was reflected.

When things are beyond judgment...

Just put it aside for now!

"But procrastinating is not the answer."

Empoli Cubo and Collot James walked out of the meeting together. While discussing the meeting issues, they expressed that they were not optimistic about the new decision-maker's approach. "Wang Hao's team is progressing very quickly. They have been There are new results.”

"If you stagnate, you will fall behind, and you will fall behind more and more."


Korot James laughed out loud, "When did you care so much about falling behind? If you fall behind, you will fall behind. You were behind in the beginning anyway."

"Don't you hope we can take the lead?" Kubo said with confusion.

James said, "If you have to choose between losing your job and becoming a homeless person, or falling behind in technology, how do you choose?"

"Of course I choose the latter." Cooper did not hesitate, "I have become a homeless person, why should I care about technology?"

"Most people would choose that."

James said, "But you can't tell it. If you face media reporters, you will definitely choose the former, right?"

"Of course...what do you mean?"

Cooper asked depressedly.

James said, "I don't care at all whether I'm falling behind or not. I've been working very hard recently and told them my ideas, but they didn't adopt my opinions."

"I have a clear conscience!"

"Moreover, I have a new retirement plan, which is to join the International Annihilation Theory Organization. Of course, Wang Hao's team can also sell it to them, or some other organization, and I will definitely get a good price for it. "

"At that time, I can enjoy my retirement life with peace of mind."

"...You're such a bastard!"

Cooper cursed angrily, pointed at James and asked, "Aren't you afraid that I will tell other people this? You will be taken away!"

"I just planned, not implemented."

James said nonchalantly, "I'm still very young, and I'm still far away from retirement. Besides, who knows what will happen then?"

"Twenty years later..."

"That was such a long time ago. Looking at the development in the past twenty years... maybe by then, flower growers will have already landed on Mars and started to immigrate to Mars?"

"By then, the things in my head may not be valuable anymore."


James sighed dejectedly, "I really envy Paul!"

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