From University Lecturer to Chief Academician

Chapter 529: Creating tachyons? Wang Hao: It’s feasible!

Liu Qingzhi's team was 'incorporated'.

They came in an aggressive manner, talking about cooperating with Wang Hao's team on research. The cooperative relationship was naturally equal. They wanted to formally participate in the research and demonstrate the level of the Institute of Nuclear Physics.

Not only are they experts in nuclear physics, there are also several electromagnetic experts and electronic equipment experts who are all outstanding scholars in the field and consider themselves fully qualified to participate in the research.

After arriving at the experimental base, the team suddenly became much more low-key.

Wang Hao and Liu Qingzhi walked in front together, taking them to visit the base. The people behind them stayed far away, leaving their seats to Paul, Chen Mengmeng and others.

This made Liu Qingzhi very depressed, but there was nothing he could do.

When they entered the conference hall and officially started discussing the experiment, no one from Liu Qingzhi's team spoke at all.

Everyone became a 'participant', only observing the meeting without saying a word.

When Wang Hao asked, no one stood up and said anything. They completely forgot about the so-called 'participation in the research'.

Liu Qingzhi sighed in his heart, but he could understand it, and even he didn't want to say anything.

This is like a group of good students who enthusiastically participate in learning activities and hope to perform well in the activities. Not only fighting for first place, but also fighting for second or third place.


There were five college entrance examination top scorers at the event!

How can we strive for this?

The other party has five top students in the college entrance examination, and each subject is close to the perfect score. No matter how hard they work and how active they are, there is no way they can compare with the top students in the college entrance examination.

"This is no longer a matter of fighting for it or not."

"This is disappointing..."

Many people think so in their hearts. They think that just participating is enough.

When they actually listened in, they also found that they were unable to participate. The main content of the meeting was theoretical analysis on how to conduct experiments as quickly and safely as possible.

The Institute of Nuclear Physics also received the report and plan of the experiment, but it is difficult to understand the complex theory. Even if you understand the theory, it is simply impossible to analyze the experiment based on the theory.

So they could only sit in and watch.


Liu Qingzhi continued to sigh.

He glanced at the five Nobel laureates on the scene and sighed in his heart, "You can't even win five Nobel prizes for the continental particle collision experiment, right?"

The experiment carried out by five Nobel Prize winners in physics sounds quite amazing, and participating in it seems to be already very powerful.

The meeting continued normally.

When entering into the discussion of the experiment, many details were finalized, "Initially create a triple rate annihilation force field. The triple rate just exceeds the limit of energy being annihilated, and the relative strength is not high."

"The strength of the force field can be tested by using a built-in heat source."

“It’s still important to focus on the safety layer.”

Wang Hao emphasized, "With weakened force fields and electric heat sources, it is basically impossible to create particle annihilation phenomena, but we still have to pay attention to safety. After all, anything can happen in experiments."

Everyone else nodded.

In reality, Pulitzer already had a criminal record. When Pulitzer conducted the experiment, he certainly did not expect that the device would explode violently.

As a result, he saw God instantly.

Next, the person in charge of the equipment team made a speech, "Between the field force and the bottom material, we put these three layers of insulation materials, as well as a vacuum layer, and a half-meter-thick steel plate. The safety of the bottom equipment is still guaranteed. "

"As long as an energy burst with more than twice the intensity of the replica explosion experiment does not occur, the underlying conductor and cooling system will not be affected."

The next speaker was He Yi, "The heat source carrier uses a first-order tungsten-nickel alloy coil. This new material has a melting point of 4680 degrees Celsius."

"The tungsten-nickel alloy coil will be placed in the force field, and both ends of the coil are connected with high-performance current stabilizers to ensure the safety of electronic equipment..."

When electronic equipment enters the area of ​​a strong annihilation force field, it is easily impacted by a sudden increase in current and magnetization reaction. The principle of F-ray destruction of electronic equipment is to increase the current inside the conductor, making the equipment unable to carry the load instantly and causing a short circuit and burnout. .

High-performance flow stabilizer can resist 'sudden impact'.

This resistance is only for the coil between the two alternators. The material of the coil is still first-order tungsten-nickel alloy, and no magnetization reaction will occur.

With the current stabilizer, the stable operation of electronic equipment can be ensured. High power transmission allows the tungsten-nickel alloy to continuously output high heat, and can also create secondary light waves in the process.

"It is very difficult to reach the upper limit of field force carrying capacity using this method." Wang Hao said, "The first step we need to conduct is just a strength test."

"A lot of data needs to be collected at this stage, and everyone should take it seriously."

"After all tests are completed, we will enter the second stage. Professor Liu's team will place a nuclear reactor in the equipment center."

After Wang Hao finished speaking, he looked at Liu Qingzhi.

Liu Qingzhi immediately nodded and said the only thing he said at the meeting, "We are all ready. As long as we enter the second phase, we can quickly install nuclear reactors and radiation protection safety equipment."

The second phase is to place the nuclear reactor.

The strength of the nuclear reactor placed at this stage is very low. To put it bluntly, the material used in the nuclear reactor is of low abundance and the reaction rate is relatively slow.

A strong annihilation force field can greatly speed up nuclear reactions. The experimental materials still need to be tested, and the initial material abundance is only five percent.

Then, slowly increase.

Until the nuclear reaction can continue, then conduct experimental tests.

After that comes the final stage, which is to create a high-energy nuclear reactor to quickly reach the upper limit of the field force and observe whether there is any annihilation particle phenomenon.

This stage is the real experiment.

When the meeting progressed, Paul Phil-Jones asked thoughtfully, "If a high-energy nuclear reactor is still unable to create an explosion, what will we do then? Improve the force field?"


Wang Hao immediately shook his head and said, "The replica explosion experiment has confirmed that the phenomenon of annihilation particles will occur when the annihilation force field is powered by seven times. The maximum strength of the field force created by our research is also seven times. If it is increased further, it may be dangerous."

Everyone else nodded.

Wang Hao continued, "But what Paul said makes sense. We may not be able to discover the phenomenon of annihilation particles in the third stage."

"If we still can't make it by then, we will have to find cooperation with the Institute of High Energy Physics."

"Using particle accelerators, you can directly create particles close to the speed of light, and then let the particles pass through the strong annihilation force field at the pressure limit..."

Now everyone understands.

There are two most important conditions for the occurrence of annihilation particles. One is a strong annihilation force field at the pressure limit, and the other is active particles.

If you accelerate particles to the speed of light, the activity is already very high.

At this time, if the strong annihilation force field at the pressure limit is used and there are no problems with the theory, particle annihilation will definitely occur.

After Wang Hao finished speaking, many people felt that it was more "reliable" to cooperate with the Institute of High Energy Physics, because that way they would definitely be able to discover the phenomenon of particle annihilation.

Wang Hao didn't see it that way.

While he attaches great importance to experimental research, he also attaches great importance to the research and development of new technologies. If he cooperates with the Institute of High Energy, he can use particle accelerators to increase particle activity and then create annihilation particle phenomena.

Such a method has almost no practical value, and there is no need to talk about technological development. However, the significance of using nuclear reactors to discover the phenomenon of particle annihilation is different, and it contains high-end technology for producing energy.

The meeting is almost over.

The research and experiments have been finalized, and many people feel very relaxed and are looking forward to the next experiments.

Helen suddenly stood up and said thoughtfully, "Teacher Wang, you just mentioned the particle accelerator, and I suddenly had an idea."

"you say."

Wang Hao looked at Helen, and everyone else also looked at Helen.

Helen continued seriously, "Is it possible to accelerate the particles to close to the speed of light first, and then let them enter a new channel, and a section of the new channel is covered by a strong annihilation force field."

"When particles approaching the speed of light are accelerated in a strong annihilation force field environment, can they create tachyons that pass through the strong annihilation force field and enter a conventional force field?"



The conference room was quiet.

Paul Phil-Jones, Chen Mengmeng, He Yi, Ding Ziqiang, Wang Hao, etc., everyone looked at Helen with surprise, and they couldn't help but think about it, and found out what Helen said...

completely fine!


Paul Phil-Jones stood up excitedly, "This is indeed possible! The existing technology can certainly do it, and we can create tachyons!"

"It seems okay..."

"no problem!"

"It's the annihilation force field. The investment may be relatively large, and the design and construction will be difficult..."

"Theoretically, there's no problem at all."

Everyone thought carefully and turned around to see Wang Hao.

Wang Hao was also shocked by Helen's thoughts, and then his face became excited. He nodded vigorously and gave a thumbs up to Helen, "That's true!"

"With our technology, there is no problem at all."

"Before, we only theoretically demonstrated the flow of tachyon particles. We originally thought that they could only be found in the universe, but we never expected that..."

Wang Hao didn't even know how to describe it.

Helen's idea is indeed very simple, which is to use a particle accelerator to accelerate particles, and then let the particles pass through the 'acceleration channel' covered by a strong annihilation force field.

In this way, the particles are accelerated beyond the speed of light.

When the particles pass through the force field, their speed will be greater than the speed of light, which verifies the ‘existence of tachyon particles under the normal annihilation force field’.

The idea is very simple, but it is difficult to think about it!

After Wang Hao confirmed that the idea was feasible, the people in the research team couldn't wait to discuss, "This method is indeed feasible. We can create ultra-high-speed particles!"

"It can be directly verified experimentally!"

"This can directly confirm our research. Whether it is true or not depends on this time..."

"Although I don't want to say it, I still have to say... This proposal sounds much more reliable than the current annihilation particle experiment!"


Wang Hao was equally excited. The theoretical research was completed by them together. If tachyons can be detected, to a certain extent, it will confirm the research on the characteristics of strong annihilation force fields and also confirm the theory of "tachyon flow".

He immediately said, "Well, let me contact the Institute of High Energy Physics to see what their intentions are."

"This experiment is really important."

"The performance of the collider equipment at the Institute of High Energy is somewhat inferior, but it can still do some experiments, and the particle accelerator is no problem."

Paul, Chen Mengmeng and others then said, "Hurry up then!"

"I can't wait!"

"The experiment also requires a lot of preparation, and the particle accelerator also needs to be changed, which all takes time... I can't wait..."

When a group of people were discussing with excitement, everyone at the Institute of Nuclear Physics looked at each other with very complicated expressions.

There are surprises, doubts, and puzzlements...

They couldn't understand why the experimental research meeting turned into a discussion of 'tachyons', and why they wanted to cooperate with the 'Institute of High Energy'?

Contact the Institute of High Energy?

Verify the existence of ultra-fast particles under normal conditions?

Transforming particle accelerators?

What does this have to do with their research!

Their moods were full of complicated emotions, but they did not dare to ask directly. Someone simply asked Liu Qingzhi in a low voice, "Professor Liu, what are they talking about? What about particle accelerators and tachyons? Why did the partner become a high energy institute? Is it... ...won’t cooperate with us?”

Liu Qingzhi took a deep breath and held it in for a long time, " seems to have nothing to do with us."

"They're talking about new research."


Several people nearby took a long breath.

They didn't want to be kicked away by the 'collaborator' as soon as they arrived at the experimental base, because the other party was Wang Hao, and there would be no room for reasoning.

That would be so depressing.

Regarding the creation of tachyons, we can only discuss it for the time being.

Helen's idea is that there is no problem. It is indeed possible to cooperate with the Institute of High Energy to create 'tachyons' together, but transforming the particle accelerator is not that simple, not to mention that a strong annihilation force field needs to be added to the middle channel for a distance.

That section of the strong annihilation force field channel cannot be too short, so it must be specially designed and manufactured, which will involve many issues such as materials, magnetic fields, and annihilation force field technology.

"It's better to ask about the intention of the High Energy Institute first."

Wang Hao thought.

After some discussion, everyone could only wait for the time being.

The experimental research is still carried out normally. The first step they do is the strength test. Everything is ready. As long as the equipment is debugged, the experiment can be started.

Most people are relaxed and have nothing to do, except that the equipment team and a dozen engineers are constantly busy.

At this time, the busiest person became Xu Hua.

Xu Hua is an optical expert. She came to the research team to detect second-order light waves.

The experiment to be carried out now is to use second-order materials to create energy in a strong annihilation force field. Naturally, second-order light waves can be directly produced.

Naturally, Xu Hua would not miss the opportunity.

Shen Huiming's team is also doing research on second-order waves, but their research tends to "produce second-order electromagnetic waves of various frequencies" rather than detecting specific second-order light waves.

In this regard, Xu Hua is the professional.

During the 'safety phase' when the experimental research had just begun, she became the busiest and hardest-working member of the research team.

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