From University Lecturer to Chief Academician

Chapter 527 The dramatic impact of the paper! Wang Hao: I support science!

The new issue of "Annihilation Physics and Theory" publishes three papers from the Mason Number Laboratory.

The author list of the paper includes everyone in the research group.

Among them, "Zero State Energy" and "Tachyon Flow" both have four main authors, namely Paul Phil-Jones, Helen, Chen Mengmeng and Ding Zhiqiang.

The last article, "Time Independence under Conventional Field Forces", is mainly written by Wang Hao. Paul Phil-Jones, Chen Mengmeng, Helen and others are listed in the author column.

Compared to the fact that the paper comes from the Mason Number Laboratory, and that among the authors are four Nobel Prize winners in physics, the release of the paper is still very low-key.

This time it was really low-key, and the impact after the release was also very low-key.

The whole world is paying attention to the most important election issue, and many top international physicists have been interviewed to express their opinions.

They do this for a reason.

When the campaign content included scientific and technological support, scholars found that their status improved, especially those top physicists. Media reporters always came to interview them, hoping to know their attitude towards antimatter research.

This has resulted in many physicists not having the time to do research.

For the new issue of "Annihilation Physics and Theory", the number of orders has not changed much, but the number of people viewing it immediately has decreased.

On the day the new issue was published, public opinion at home and abroad could be said to be calm. Until the next morning, a medium-sized media disclosed that the new issue of "Annihilation Physics and Theory" had Wang Hao as the main author. paper.

This media clearly did not understand the content.

Wang Hao's name has great appeal in the academic world, and is also very attractive in public opinion. Several other heavyweight scholars, including Paul Phil-Jones, Helen, Chen Mengmeng, and three Nobel Prize winners in physics Scholarship recipients were simply ignored.

Of course, being ignored is only temporary.

As time went by, reports began to rise exponentially, and the rise began with the words of Bentley Williams, a professor at Caltech, who said, "You're right to interview me now. I just watched it." The latest papers are from Wang Hao and Paul.”

"Wang Hao, you must know that Paul is a Nobel Prize winner in physics. In fact, he was once a professor at the California Institute of Technology."

"Yes, we are colleagues, but our relationship is not good. It's not a big deal, because in the school, it is difficult to find people who have a good relationship with him. Even the students hate him."

"It's not important at this time. Of course, I'm talking about his new achievements."

"Although I hate him very much, I must admit that the content of this new result is very good. His research denies antimatter. It does not deny the existence of antimatter, but denies that antimatter was created in explosion accidents."

After Bentley-Williams finished speaking, he said matter-of-factly, "You are right. I absolutely support the No. 2 candidate because he treats science more rationally rather than writing blank checks."

"I don't believe in antimatter, let alone antimatter technology."

Bentley-Williams' interview made a large group of people look at the new issue of "Annihilation Physics and Theory", and they immediately noticed three papers.

Judging from the names of the papers, they are all about theoretical physics and seem to have nothing to do with antimatter.

From the content point of view...

Most people can’t understand it!

Some top scholars also read the paper. They studied and understood it carefully. The so-called "denial of antimatter" appeared in the first paper. The research set up an existence called "zero state energy" and believed that the "energy intensity limit" Under the strong annihilation force field' state, a large amount of zero-state energy will accumulate, thereby annihilating active particles and releasing energy consistent with the mass-energy equation.

In other words, the first paper argued that the cause of the explosion was the annihilation of active particles and the release of huge amounts of pure energy.

The next two articles can be said to be supplements to the first article.

Most of the contents of the first article are settings, and there is no complete mathematical foundation. The mathematical logic does not form a closed loop, and there are many doubtful aspects.

The second article supplements the content and demonstrates the existence of tachyons under the normal annihilation force field.

Later, it was also mentioned that the generation method of a tachyon particle flow is "by passing through an ultra-high-energy strong annihilation force field and entering the conventional force field universe."

Particles in a strong annihilation force field will become more active, and the speed of light is higher than that of a conventional force field. When the superluminal particle flow passes out of a strong annihilation force field, it will not return to the speed of light immediately after being affected by inertia, but will continue to move at the speed of light. Exists in a state of super-light speed.

The second paper is still incomplete. Whenever you talk about super-light speed, you will definitely think of "The Theory of Relativity".

The last article is a supplement to the second article, which demonstrates the time problem in the 'tachyon flow'. If the time problem is solved, more than 90% of the problems will be solved.

The third paper is also the most complex.

Even the top mathematicians and physicists will need a long time to understand the entire content of the third paper.

The media certainly can’t wait.

When reporters interviewed several top physicists, they immediately reported on what they found, "Wang Hao's latest research refutes the Theory of Relativity!"

"Wang Hao VS Einstein, who do you support?"

"Is the Theory of Relativity true or false? Wang Hao's research believes that there are errors in the space-time content of the Theory of Relativity!"

As the report continued to unfold, the topic became more targeted.

Some scientists who opposed antimatter research stood up and said affirmatively, "Wang Hao's research believes that antimatter does not exist. What appeared in the explosion was not antimatter, but the annihilation of particles."

"The explosion accident has nothing to do with antimatter, so the so-called 'antimatter support' has no basis."

"Now we can be sure that antimatter-related research has ended before it even begins."

"No one in the world of physics is more authoritative than Wang Hao. He denied the occurrence of antimatter in experiments, so we can think that at least there is no antimatter in experiments..."

When the topic of science is added to the campaign, it will naturally attract a lot of reports, and many top scholars will come forward to express their opinions.

Candidate No. 1 immediately became passive.

The plan proposed by the support team of the No. 1 candidate is "antimatter research." If antimatter did not appear in the explosion, their plan would be meaningless.

The support team immediately reacted and came up with various theories, "Wang Hao believes that the explosion accident has nothing to do with antimatter, which does not mean that antimatter cannot be studied. In fact, we have been investing in this area and have accumulated decades of experience... …”

"Wang Hao may not be right. His research is just theory."

"We are convinced that antimatter exists, and a theoretical study means nothing."

"Wang Hao not only denied antimatter, he also denied the Theory of Relativity. This kind of research itself is meaningless and cannot be accepted by the physics community."

This statement is somewhat useful.

A large number of physicists cannot even accept the existence of tachyons, and naturally cannot accept the denial of the Theory of Relativity.

Even if it's just the theory of space-time relativity...

No way!

These physicists stood up and expressed their opinions one after another, but their influence did not seem to be very good, and they did not have a direct effect on the direction of public opinion.

The reason still has to be attributed to Wang Hao.

Wang Hao is recognized as the world's number one mathematician and physicist. No scientist dares to compare with him. In the minds of many people, his achievements have surpassed historical figures such as Einstein and Newton.

One is recognized as the number one scientist.

On the other side are a lot of politicians and "unknown" scholars. If you put them in front of an ordinary person, who will he believe?

There is no doubt about the result.

Most people will believe the number one scientist, even scientists from other countries, because the number one scientist is 'face-conscious' and can already leave his name in history, so why would he still lie?

The same cannot be said for politicians and ‘unknown’ academics.

They can have many reasons for lying, just to achieve their goal.

As for ‘denying the Theory of Relativity’, is it important?

If it were Newtonian mechanics, perhaps more people would know about it. "Theory of Relativity" is really too high-level for ordinary people, and most of them have only heard of the name.

So, it doesn't matter at all.

Of course, it was important for physicists that the Theory of Relativity was disproven.

"The Theory of Relativity" is written into textbooks and has been widely used and studied in astronomy and physics. The negative impact of part of the content is huge.

Many in the physics community said, "Absolutely unacceptable."

There have been a lot of objections in the academic world. They believe that Wang Hao's research is wrong, and even think that Wang Hao fabricated the research.

the latter……

A new explanation soon emerged.

When the support team of candidate No. 1 found that the negative research effect was not very good, he immediately changed his statement, "I have reason to suspect that candidate No. 2 has contact with Wang Hao's team."

"Wang Hao's team supports the No. 2 candidate, so they compiled such a research paper. Maybe there is a transfer of interests between them."

"This is extremely egregious behavior."

"We believe this should be investigated..."

This is a conspiracy theory.

However, conspiracy theories still have a certain market, especially among the team supporting the No. 1 decision-maker, including world-famous media tycoons.

What followed was overwhelming coverage.

Ordinary people will find relevant content just by reading the news, saying that 'the No. 2 candidate is likely to be related to Wang Hao's team', 'there is a transfer of interests between them, in exchange for the support of Wang Hao's team', 'it is simply treason. Behavior'……


When public opinion becomes like this, the content of the paper seems to become unimportant, and the focus becomes whether Wang Hao's team has a relationship with the No. 2 candidate.

In this public opinion environment, the No. 2 candidate will naturally not sit still and wait for death.

They immediately held a press conference, faced the media directly and denied the relationship between the two, and publicly stated, "In this regard, we can accept all investigations."

"We are very sure that we have not had any communication with Wang Hao's team."

"This is pure slander!"

The support team of the No. 2 candidate also has certain media resources, so naturally there are a lot of reports denying relationships and antimatter.

The confrontation between the two candidates looked lively, but in fact it was a routine part of the campaign.

Slandering and throwing dirty water on opponents is something that happens in every election campaign, and relevant departments will indeed conduct certain investigations.

But it’s just ‘certain’.

It is impossible to investigate problems like this in a short time.

The content of public opinion still affected Wang Hao.

Many domestic and foreign media have applied to interview the Mason Number Laboratory. The reporters knew that interviewing Wang Hao would be very difficult, so they chose the next-level target.

For example, Paul Phil-Jones, Ding Zhiqiang and others.

Faced with the heated public opinion from the outside world, Wang Hao and others discussed it and decided to accept an interview. They wanted to hold a public press conference.

The conference venue was the large conference room of Xihai University.

Wang Hao, Chen Mengmeng, Ding Zhiqiang and others sat in a row. It was Ding Zhiqiang who first made a statement about the research, "We have been studying the principles of replicating explosion experiments."

"There are many statements about antimatter in the world, but we believe that antimatter did not appear in the experiment because there is no physical basis to support it, and a strong annihilation force field cannot create matter out of thin air."

"We believe that the cause of the explosion was the annihilation of neutrons."

"In this direction, we have studied for several months and summarized the theory of "zero state energy" to explain the problem of annihilation mass points."

Ding Zhiqiang gave an overall statement on the research

Afterwards, Paul Phil-Jones, Helen and Chen Mengmeng explained the three research papers in detail. Paul Phil-Jones also demonstrated the 'closed-loop mathematical logic' live, which made the reporters dizzy. People simply blocked their ears.

Paul Phil-Jones didn't care about the reporter's situation. He was very angry that his research was questioned. "If you can read the paper carefully, you can understand that our mathematical logic has formed a closed loop."

"The physical theory of closed mathematical logic is a great achievement in itself. It is ridiculous to question the theory!"

"If anyone questions our research, they can use mathematics or experiments to speak!"

Paul said it with gritted teeth.

The reporters in the audience were all stunned. They didn't know what to say for a moment. Even though Paul's attitude was very bad, no one raised their hands to ask questions.

Paul waited for a long time and found that no one asked questions, so he nodded with satisfaction, "It seems that you also agree with what I said..."

Except for Helen, everyone else had strange expressions.

Of course, just get used to it.

Wang Hao simply pretended that Paul had not said anything. He gestured to the press officer and started the free question period.

The reporters’ questions were all directed at Wang Hao.

The first domestic reporter to stand up asked, "Is your research a detailed analysis of the principle of replicating the explosion experiment? So, you have fully understood the cause of the explosion accident?"

"In a way."

Wang Haodao, "Based on this, we can use various methods to avoid similar explosion accidents, but it is not perfect theoretically, and we still need to continue research in this area."

The second reporter who stood up asked, "There was no antimatter in the explosion. Does that mean antimatter does not exist? Many people in the world are now concerned about this issue."

Wang Haodao, "The two are unrelated."

"I can only express my own opinion. There is a lot of antimatter research in the world, but there is no clear experiment that has definitely discovered antimatter."

"Now we are not sure whether antimatter exists, and its theory cannot be denied."

The third person to stand up was a foreign reporter. He asked a very focused question, "Mr. Wang Hao, do you support the No. 2 candidate?"

The press officer immediately saw Wang Hao.

Wang Hao waved his hands indifferently and replied, "I personally will not express my opinion on this kind of issue. In addition, I personally cannot affect the campaign on the other side of the world."

The reporter immediately asked, "What if you could influence it? Which candidate would you support?"

Security guards with guns walked towards the reporter.

Wang Hao seemed not to notice and continued to answer the question normally, "I have just said that I will not express my opinion, so let me add that I have never thought about this issue."

"My time is devoted to scientific research and your question makes no sense to me."

"Of course, if you insist on me saying which one to support..."

The venue fell silent.

The security guards with guns stopped for a moment.

Wang Hao smiled softly, "——I support science!"

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