From University Lecturer to Chief Academician

Chapter 516 The 419 accident investigation team, the whole world cooperates, Wang Hao is in charge!

Wang Hao said that the cause of the accident was probably a 'particle explosion', but others directly understood it as a 'neutron explosion'.

This is because there are only three kinds of high-heat particles contacting the thin layer of strong annihilation force field, which are energy particles, electrons and neutrons.

Photon, naturally cannot explode.

Electrons are very active, but it feels strange to say that there is an explosion. Relatively speaking, they are more receptive to neutron explosions.

After the seminar ended, the delegation started to discuss.

Jere Lockyer is the head of the investigation team. He asked Empoli Cooper and Corot James, "What do you think of Professor Wang Hao's statement? Could it be a neutron explosion?"

Cooper shrugged, "The only thing I know is that humans have not discovered the physics of detonating neutrons so far."

Corot-James frowned. He had been thinking about related issues, "Just now I wanted to encounter several particles of field force. If the explosion is related to field force, then it may be a particle explosion."

"Electronics are also possible."

"To be precise, Professor Wang Hao is talking about particle explosions, not neutron explosions."

"But no matter what kind of particle explodes, if it is real, it will be a discovery that shocked the world..."

"That would be entirely new physics."

James' voice tinged with excitement.

As an experimental physicist, even though he enjoys a comfortable life, he also hopes to make new physical discoveries.

Now it is likely to be a new physics, and he hopes that what Wang Hao said is right.

Wang Hao's side is also discussing this issue.

Feng Siqi is an official of the science and technology department. He is responsible for receiving the delegation, participating in and supervising the academic exchange process. After the meeting, he immediately asked Liao Jianguo, He Yi and others, "Academician Wang said it was a particle explosion, are you sure?"

"It seems that I have never seen such an explosion..."

"I just know about particle colliders. Is it an explosion similar to particle colliders?"

Liao Jianguo twitched the corners of his mouth and said, "Director Feng, you really have an imagination. What kind of particle collision, can the annihilation force field accelerate particles or change the direction of particles?"

Feng Siqi pursed his lips, thinking it was a mistake to ask Liao Jianguo.

Liao Jianguo continued, "Academician Wang said it was an inference. Maybe it was an inference. It's just a possibility. We can only use their information to analyze the cause of the explosion."

"It's simply impossible to draw conclusions in this way."

"It may be like what Academician Wang said, we need to reproduce the explosion experiment to draw a conclusion, but the replica explosion experiment..."

He said shaking his head.

He Yi curled his lips when he heard this, and only said, "Anyway, I believe in Academician Wang, and I believe everything he says."

Liao Jianguo laughed and said, "You are a crazy fan, Academician He, you are also a great academician, so you should have your own opinions."

"My opinion is to listen to Academician Wang."

He Yi said indifferently.

He is very clear about how he achieved success, how he won the Nobel Prize in Physics, and how he became an academician based on this.

This is the result of doing research with Wang Hao.

If he was allowed to do research by himself, let alone win the Nobel, it would be great to be able to get out of Xihai University.

In addition, past experience shows that Wang Hao's so-called inferences are all true. He said that he is just guessing, but often guesses will turn out to be true.

What is there to say?

"You still have hesitant questions..."

"Especially Liao Jianguo, it's no wonder that your research has not yielded any results. You can't even understand this matter. You really think you can question and give opinions?"

He Yi thought amusedly.

When the delegation came to Xihai University and discussed the accident with Wang Hao, international public opinion continued to be dominated by the explosion.

A lot of media reports, a lot of analysis and research.

This is a major scientific research accident that shocked the world. The research party has been unable to give a definite reason for a long time, and it also adds mystery to the annihilation force field experiment.

Many scholars stood up to express their views on the accident, "The impact of this accident will be huge."

"If the cause of the accident cannot be investigated for a long time, then the research on the annihilation force field will definitely have a great impact."

"To create a strong annihilation force field now, the internal anti-gravity supports the outer strong annihilation force thin layer, and the built-in heat source in the center can increase the strength of the outer field force, and can also support the creation of mysterious F-rays..."

"It's the structure of the whole."

"Including the Annihilation organization, including the Groom Lake project team, and the military research team that had the accident, all of them have such designs and such equipment..."

"Even, the anti-gravity performance research center of the florist and the nuclear fusion center device of the florist are manufactured in the same way."

"The reason for the current explosion cannot be found, so all equipment is at risk."

"It is necessary to conduct a thorough investigation to find out the final reason, so that the research can continue."

There are various arguments in international public opinion.

Among them, the most supported is the 'danger theory', "A strong annihilation force field is likely to contain the crisis of destroying mankind."

"Its structure is likely to be directly related to black holes."

"Perhaps by continuing to study, it is possible to create a black hole that destroys everything on the earth."

There have been many such arguments in the past.

Now that there is a major explosion accident, more people support this statement.

International public opinion reported that the project team of the Groom Lake Project and the Antigravity Behavior Research Center, the two institutions are working together to study and discuss the explosion accident.

"The two sides will investigate the cause of the accident together!"

"This is the first time that the two institutions have cooperated. With the basis of this cooperation, the two parties may have more cooperation in the future."

"Whether in terms of technology or other aspects, annihilation physics, as a brand new physics, represents the most cutting-edge technology and represents the future of physics and scientific development."

"Increasing academic cooperation in the same field will help..."

Another organization that studies strong annihilation force fields, the International Annihilation Theory Organization, felt very depressed and dissatisfied when they saw the media reports.

The Groom Lake Program project team and the Antigravity Behavior Research Center...

Represent international?

So what is the 'International Annihilation Theory Organization'?

Junior Novotini and Bill Bryan said together depressedly, "Look at these reports, they represent the whole world."

"What about us?"

"Our technology is not as good as the anti-gravity center, why is it not worse than the Kubo team? It turns out that everything has nothing to do with us..."

"We are the organization that was established together! This kind of explosion accident, the practice... should contact us first, and at worst let us participate in the investigation, right?"

Now they feel left out.

Wang Hao's side and Kubo's side discussed for three days in a row.

Wang Hao's side and Kubo's side discussed for three days in a row.

Together, they studied the technology, experimental design, data, and on-site conditions of the explosion accident, and every small detail was carefully discussed.

In the end there was no direct result either.

They only agreed on the investigation method, "If you want to find out the root cause, you must reproduce the explosion."

Wang Hao had a serious talk with Feng Siqi, and later with the superiors in charge. He made it clear that he hoped to reproduce the explosion experiment.

"The Anti-Gravity Behavior Research Center has obsolete equipment."

"We can use those devices to do experiments to see if there will be an explosion. I can now confirm that it is a particle explosion, and the probability is at least 90%."

"There is likely to be a brand-new physical law contained in it..."

For the use of "eliminated" equipment to do explosions and study a new kind of physics, the relevant person in charge of the superior will definitely not object.

However, there was an accident in American's F-ray research, and they took out the equipment to reproduce the experiment to find the cause of the accident, and they felt a little awkward.

There are some issues of interest involved.

Teacher Xu simply had a serious discussion with Wang Hao on the issue of "new physics". Wang Hao said, "Are you worried that this new physics is a very high-end technology?"

"You shouldn't have to worry about that."

"I think it contains microscopic physical laws, which are directly related to the annihilation force field, similar to similar collision experiments, which study microscopic physics and quantum physics."

"This kind of physical law will only allow us to better understand the annihilation force field, and should not involve technical issues."

Wang Hao's answer reassured Mr. Xu.

Immediately afterwards, I felt that it was a bit of a loss to do research on my own side to find the "cause of the explosion accident", because I had negotiated cooperation with the investigation team and delegation. When the time comes, will the cause of the accident be found out or not?

There is no problem with the disclosure of basic physics, but the other party knows the reason for no reason, and it feels like they have been taken advantage of.

The higher-ups discussed it.

After that, they took a clear attitude and supported the anti-gravity center's replica explosion experiment, and the delegation could consider whether to participate.

Participate and come up with financial support!

The content of the discussion between Wang Hao and Kubo is, "We provide the equipment, and you provide the funds."

"We can work together to conduct experiments, and the final research results are shared by both parties. If you are not willing to cooperate with us, we will do the research ourselves."

His attitude is clear.

Regardless of whether Cooper's side is involved, they will conduct the explosion replica experiment.

If Cooper wants to participate, he has to pay, specifically "6 billion US dollars", that is, to pay for "old and obsolete equipment".

Cooper, of course, couldn't make up his mind.

Afterwards, the news was reported to a higher level, and after some discussion, it was decided to pay for research with Wang Hao's team.

This is a decision after comprehensive consideration.

After the explosion, their research could not continue at all. If the investigation was delayed and there was no result, the research would stop.

The problem is that Wang Hao's team has the equipment to do their own research, and they will definitely not disclose the results of their own research.

They also have equipment manufacturing technology, and they can also do research independently, provided that they re-manufacture the equipment and reproduce the experiment of the explosion accident, and the cost is more than 5 billion US dollars.

Doing so does not necessarily have results.

When the meeting at the upper level was held, some officials said, "We spend 5 billion US dollars to remanufacture the equipment and reproduce the explosion accident. It will take at least three months."

"At that time, it may not be possible to draw a conclusion."

"Compared to Cooper, James, or the Groom Lake project team, I believe in Wang Hao more. He is the top expert in this field."

One is that there is a great possibility that there will be no results, and it will cost 5 billion US dollars.

One is that it is very likely to have results. It costs 6 billion US dollars and can cooperate with Wang Hao's team to a certain extent.

They made a choice, but directly supported the "accident investigation" experiment with 6 billion U.S. dollars. Even if there is a physical discovery, it will annihilate the physical basis.

Such a generous research on basic physics?

What a loss!

Therefore, they thought of the 'International Annihilation Organization'.

Bill Bryan never expected that the first information they got about the accident would be... asking for money!

Two billion dollars?

"Stop kidding, we have to spend $2 billion to participate in the investigation of the accident?"

"It's fantastic!"

"They are really unreasonable!"

Yunil Novotini said, "You have to look at the key points. They need to conduct a replica explosion experiment, let us participate, and $2 billion is the participation fund."

"And, Wang Hao will also participate."

"It said that the experiment may discover a physical phenomenon that humans have never discovered..."

"If there is such a physical phenomenon, what if this physical phenomenon is a new discovery and new technology? At that time, they will all know, only we will not know."

"Both of their institutions can conduct research, and we don't even have the qualifications to know."

It does matter.

When the incident spread to other countries, I felt that I was "abandoned" in the field of "cutting-edge technology".

How can this work?

Any country or institution will hope to develop cutting-edge technology and master the highest-end technology in order to maintain an advantage in future development and competition.

Otherwise, how to maintain the existing interests?

The International Annihilation Theory Organization immediately received a lot of support, and also began to contact and discuss joining the replica explosion experiment.

In the end, the Annihilation organization decided to spend 2 billion US dollars to support the experiment, and at the same time, let their scientists participate.

Of the $2 billion, $1 billion was contributed by Oblivion.

The other one billion dollars was contributed by the Groom Lake project team, because the project team has a "support debt" to the Annihilation organization, and spending an extra billion dollars can be regarded as "repaying the debt".

After all the cooperation matters were negotiated, the replica explosion experiment became an international cooperative research, and the main funders were the Annihilation Organization and the Groom Lake project team.

In total, they took out $6 billion.

The Antigravity Behavior Research Center provided equipment, and the Institute of Nuclear Engineering provided nuclear reactor technology.

The Antigravity Behavior Research Center, the Groom Lake Project, and the International Annihilation Theory Organization jointly conducted an experiment, and scientists from 37 countries participated. The experiment became a truly major international cooperation.

When the cooperation was still in the process of preparation, a large number of media began to cover the sky and covered the sky.

"The three annihilation force field institutions work together, and the whole world joins hands to study and investigate the cause of the accident. This will definitely become an important moment in the history of annihilation force field research!"

"Scientists from 37 countries formed the '419 Accident Investigation Team', which shows that the academic community attaches great importance to accidents."

"The experiment will be carried out in the northern desert of the Florist, and many famous physicists will participate in the research..."

"After this cooperation, the mystery of the accident will be solved..."

"we hope……"

"According to the interview, the famous Professor Wang Hao is probably worried about the person in charge of the replica experiment. As the founder of the annihilation theory, he will lead scientists from all over the world to study annihilation physics..."

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