From University Lecturer to Chief Academician

Chapter 514 Want to find out the cause of the accident? Let's do a replica experiment, let&#039

A total of 9 people were killed and 37 were injured in the explosion accident at the F-ray experiment base of the American military, and more than 100 people were at risk of serious nuclear exposure.

At the same time, it also directly caused economic losses of more than 5 billion US dollars.

In the list of dead and injured, 13 people were members of the research team of the Groom Lake Project, and the other 33 were scientists employed by the military, from the Institute of Nuclear Physics, Fermilab, and Caltech. Institutions such as physics laboratories.

Among them, there are four of the most important ones, all of whom are recognized as the world's top physicists, and the most influential one is Prior.

Puryer, as a scholar, was invited to be the project leader, which is enough to show his academic influence. He is the world's top physicist, and he has made many contributions in the field of theoretical physics, including annihilation theory, which is also at the top. Published dozens of papers.

Even in the Groom Lake project team, Prior is a well-deserved number one among scientists.

In administrative positions, Prior is second.

Corot James' personal influence is also great, but mainly because he discovered F-rays, and before that he was invited by Cooper to be the head of the experiment.

In the academic field, James is still much worse than Prior.

The headache for the accident investigation team is that Priel died on the spot during the experiment, and he was the one closest to the explosion and the worst. The other core scientists either died or were injured, and they could find an explanation for the explosion. It's just a person outside the experiment.

For example, Abraham Jefferson, who is engaged in nuclear physics research, and his team are responsible for providing technical support for nuclear reactors.

For example, Deng Jiasheng, an electromagnetic expert at Fermilab, is in charge of the outer electromagnetic equipment.

For example, Adams Perrier, he is the leader of the engineering team and is directly responsible for the commissioning and installation of various equipment.

The investigation team immediately questioned several people.

Abraham Jefferson was glad that he escaped. When the experiment was being carried out, he was watching from a close distance. The institute suddenly called in. He saw that the equipment was operating normally, and he could not see anything outside, so he walked out of the experiment. room to answer the phone.

Now he is thankful to Felipe, the supervisor, who called.

Immediately after the explosion, Abraham put on the anti-radiation suit and went to the scene to investigate. When asked about the investigation, he shook his head and said, "I don't know the cause of the explosion."

"There are many fragments of nuclear reactor material in the traces at the scene. I asked other people, and the amount of radiation in the air is only in the middle range, which does not correspond to the situation of a nuclear explosion."

"To put it bluntly, it wasn't a nuclear explosion, I'm pretty sure."

"Actually, it is theoretically impossible. The uranium we use is only 20% rich, and only when the material is richer than 85% can an explosion occur."

The answer was given by electromagnetic expert Deng Jiasheng. He said, "I don't know the reason. If it wasn't a nuclear explosion, then the explosion seemed to have come out of thin air."

"In the few seconds before the explosion, we only measured a rapid rise in the temperature of the magnetic field equipment, which is the escape of the heat source of the built-in nuclear reactor."

"But that's not the reason for the explosion. The magnetic field equipment will cause circuit problems at most, and the explosion will not happen."

Adams-Perier participated in the whole process of the experiment, but his method of participation was in the monitoring room, constantly watching the parameters of various equipment.

He said with fear, "I'm very fortunate to be in the monitoring room now, otherwise I would..." He took a few deep breaths as he spoke, "All the tests we conducted before the experiment were normal. Seconds before it happened, there was a problem with the magnetic field equipment."

"My first reaction at the time was that there might be a problem of nuclear radiation leakage, and I never thought that there would be an explosion."

"That doesn't make sense at all."

As he spoke, he talked about the experiment process, "At that time, there was a problem with the magnetic field equipment, and Priel went over to check it out. I didn't understand what he was looking for, but I reminded him not to approach it..."

"I haven't finished my words..."

Adams-Perrier covered his eyes hard and sighed, "That scene was so tragic, I really hope it didn't happen."

"I think, (it) will stay in my memory forever."

The investigator pulled the corners of his mouth vigorously. He wasn't targeting Adams Perrier, but was thinking that there was a problem with the experimental equipment. He didn't walk away immediately, and even moved closer to check the equipment?

"He... is really great!" The investigator sighed after a long time.

His assistant added, "Maybe 'stupid' is the right word to describe it."

"Anyway, he's dead."

"We can't criticize a dead person, and he is a famous scientist, we can only say that he is great..."

After some inquiries, the investigation team still failed to find out the cause of the explosion.

They can only record it temporarily, and when they go back to make a report, they will apply for a few professional scientists to join the team, otherwise they will not be able to investigate anything at all.


The news of such a major accident cannot be covered up at all.

One reason is that there is a small town more than ten kilometers away from the F-ray R\u0026D base, and everyone in the small town heard the explosion.

Second, there are too many deaths, and they are all top scientists.

The media soon got the news.

Although the military tried its best to reduce the dissemination of relevant news, it had no effect at all. Many multimedia reporters rushed over to do interviews, and the Internet was flooded with a lot of related news. kind of report.

"F-ray", "explosion", "strong annihilation force field", "many people died", "F-ray is very dangerous" and so on have become hot words on the Internet.

When a large number of reports appeared, international public opinion also boiled.

"The study of F-rays will cause a big explosion!"

"It is said that it was a nuclear explosion. The research team placed an atomic bomb inside, but the explosion occurred out of control."

"There is also news that it is not a nuclear explosion, it seems to be related to the annihilation force field."

"Research is very dangerous whether it's a nuclear explosion or not."

"We should protest and resist this kind of research that may destroy the world. This time only a dozen people died. The next time we will not be so lucky."


These public opinions put pressure on the F-ray research team and the higher authorities.

An official came forward and said, "The cause of the accident is still under investigation."

"The only thing we can be sure of is that the cause of the explosion has nothing to do with the nuclear explosion. But because the accident involves high-end research, everyone still needs to wait with peace of mind..."

This statement doesn't make much sense.

What followed was a lot of protests, many people carried out spontaneous parades, and called for boycotting research related to F-rays and strong annihilation force fields.

Some rational people hope that the cause of the accident can be made public.

The problem is that the investigation team can't find the reason at all. The head of the military has asked several top scientists to join the team, but no matter how they investigate, there is no result.

In fact, just like the original inquiry, the only thing that can be confirmed in the accident is 'not a nuclear explosion', but it is only an equipment problem. Why did it cause such a strong explosion?

They couldn't find the cause of the explosion at all.

A group of scholars discussed and discussed, but they could only come to one conclusion, "The explosion was caused by the escape of energy, but its principle is probably related to the strong annihilation force field."

The energy escapes and normally just damages the equipment.

Even if the device itself explodes, it cannot be so violent. Just like a computer, the power of the explosion is controllable.

The current explosion cannot be explained at all.

When the scholars came to a conclusion, many people felt that they should ask the florists, because only the florists have the most perfect theory and technology.

In this regard, the Antigravity Behavior Research Center is the most professional.

American also knew that the investigation would not yield results, but they did not ask normally, but some politicians stood up and said, "The explosion accident is directly related to the florists."

"This is their conspiracy!"

"Some of the technologies come from florists. Obviously, they concealed some content related to security issues..."

Facing the large amount of dirty water poured over, the florists will naturally retort, "The experiment conducted in American, the accident happened because of us..."

"This is really a big joke!"

"Unfortunately, April Fool's Day will have to wait a few months."

"As for the explosion accident, we know from public information that the direct cause of the explosion was the escape of the heat source of the built-in nuclear reactor, and our given technical description clearly marked the upper limit of the built-in heat source."

"Obviously, the relevant research team of American doesn't care about this at all."

The florist not only refuted, but also produced evidence. What they disclosed was a picture, which was a document that provided technology to American. There was a line in the document, which was "the upper limit of the intensity of the built-in heat source within the safe range" .

Now, American was embarrassed.

Their strong annihilation force field technology comes from flower growers, but it has not been made public to the world, and only the top circles in the world know that they have exchanged the strong annihilation force field generation technology by using material technology cooperation.

It's all public now.

Of course, in the face of the huge explosion accident, the embarrassment of face is nothing.

The problem that American must face is that they cannot find the underlying cause of the explosion accident. As long as they cannot find the underlying cause, they cannot continue their research.

The Groom Lake project team is already worried.

Their experiment center has a strong annihilation force field device that is constantly operating, and there is also a nuclear reactor with a high heat source inside.

What if there is an explosion?

No one can be sure of this, and the result is that no researchers go to the experimental center.

Empoli Cooper was naturally very depressed. He also had the same worry, and he stopped going to the experiment center at all, and the related experiment plans also stopped.

Now he can only sit in the office and occasionally chat with Corot James, "You are really lucky, you were the first one to be invited."

"It's not luck."

James said indifferently, "It's just that Prior answered God's call, and I... you know, an atheist."



"Why don't you have faith?" Cooper asked suspiciously. He didn't understand that he didn't have faith, and even if he didn't have faith, he couldn't arrange God so casually.

James said as a matter of course, "Empoli, do you think people like me will be favored by God?"

He continued seriously, "So I don't believe it."

"... makes sense."

Cooper found himself convinced, he changed the subject, and continued to ask, "What now? We can't do anything, and even the experimental center is empty."

"I'm really worried that one day, that device will suddenly explode."

James said indifferently, "Actually, I hope to continue like this. It doesn't matter whether I study or not. Anyway, I have a salary to get."

Cooper held his forehead hard. He felt that if he stayed with James, he might be pissed off one day. He took a deep breath and asked, "What do you think is the cause of (the explosion)?"

"have no idea."

James said bluntly, "An investigator asked me, and I said that it might have something to do with the strong annihilation force field, but it's just a guess, and there may be physical principles we don't know about."

"Anyway, I won't go to the equipment again until it's safe."

"I don't trust the military, let alone their nuclear reactors. Maybe there is something wrong with the raw materials they provide. A sudden burst of energy will cause the heat source to penetrate the strong annihilation force field..."

"It could be an explosion at that time!"

Listening to what James said, Kubo had to admit that it was really reasonable, and he thought that he would try not to go there in the future.

At this time, the phone rang.

Cooper picked up the phone and said a few words, then looked at James in surprise, "Your dream is about to come true, at least twenty years in advance."


"Go to the flower planter!"

Kubo said with surprise, "I will go to the flower planter with you. They have reached an agreement, let us communicate with Wang Hao face to face and ask about the cause of the accident."

"They made up their minds and must find out."

"Of course, this is necessary, but I didn't expect such a big determination..."

James was also surprised immediately. He thought about it carefully, nodded and said, "It's normal. We must understand the cause of this accident, otherwise our research will not be able to continue at all."

"Now is the wisest choice."

"Only the Antigravity Behavior Research Center and only Wang Hao can explain the cause of the explosion."


After some exchanges and negotiations, American and the florist reached an agreement on investigating the cause of the accident.

On the one hand, American must know the cause of the accident, otherwise the current research will not go on; on the other hand, florists also have the same worry.

The strong annihilation force field equipment manufactured by the American military uses their technology. Even though it has been upgraded to the DC anti-gravity technology, the essence of the field force produced is still the same.

The outer layer has a strong annihilation force field, the inner layer has an anti-gravity field, and a built-in heat source in the center. The same design is used in nuclear fusion control equipment.

At the same time, the florists are preparing to manufacture more than a dozen F-ray generating equipment.

Without knowing the cause of the accident at American, the safety risks of the fusion plant and other F-ray equipment cannot be ruled out.

This is so important.

Now the American explosion accident has affected flower growers, for example, the annihilation force field experiment group, the F-ray experiment group, and the nuclear fusion engineering group. Many scholars are studying the information disclosed by the explosion, hoping to find 'possible s reason'.

As a result, it was not found at all.

The high-level leaders directly came to ask Wang Hao, and Wang Hao was also unable to determine the cause. His reply was like this, "From the public information, the direct cause of the explosion was the escape of the heat source."

"It's not a nuclear explosion, it's most likely related to a thin layer of strong annihilation force field."

"Perhaps the most direct way to find out the deeper reason and dig out the physical laws contained in it is to do a replica experiment..."

"Watching the explosion happen, and detecting various data during the process, when the time comes, you can directly study it."

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