From University Lecturer to Chief Academician

Chapter 509 Difficult to manufacture? Twenty tons in one afternoon! Wang Jinlu: What technology do w

The results related to first-order gold and first-order silver were released in a very low-key manner, just accompanied by the new issue of "Annihilation Physics and Theory", which published related newsletters and papers.

Before the release of the research results, no one stood up for interviews, and there was no so-called advance notice. The released content included a newsletter and three papers.

The newsletter, like a news report, makes a comprehensive explanation of the discovery of first-order gold and first-order silver, and explains important data.

Among the three papers, one is the main paper published in the name of the Antigravity Behavior Research Center. The first author of the paper is Wang Hao, and other authors include He Yi, Xiang Qiansheng, Liu Yunli and others.

The publishers of the other two papers are Wang Hui's laboratory of the Material Testing Center, and the Hu Xiuquan team of the Annihilation Force Field Experimental Group.

One newsletter and three papers were released in a low-key manner.

No matter how low-key it is, "Physics and Theory of Annihilation" has always attracted much attention, and many scholars have noticed since the new issue came out.

After they read the content, they were shocked immediately.

"It's nothing to discover a new section of elements. It seems to be a routine operation of Wang Hao's team... But, this resistivity?"

"The resistivity of gold and silver is more than five orders of magnitude lower!"

"2.73x 10^(-14)Ω.m, it's terribly low, isn't it a mistake in the power value? Negative 14th power?"

"Negative 13th power is already terrible..."

"This can be understood as room temperature superconductivity, and it is room temperature superconductivity of single metals!"


International shock!

Many scholars have noticed the newsletter and carefully read the content of the three papers, which has aroused a great discussion in the academic circle.

Top scholars engaged in research on superconducting materials naturally have a great say. They analyzed the characteristics of first-order gold and first-order silver, "This is not superconductivity, but extremely low resistivity, and its performance is almost the same Superconductivity is consistent, but it doesn't have the properties of superconductivity."

"For example, first-order gold and first-order silver materials will be affected by an external magnetic field."

"The resistivity is extremely low, which is essentially different from superconductivity. It is normal for the outer electrons of upgraded elements to be active, including first-order iron. The resistivity is also lower than that of conventional iron..."

Other top scholars stood up and said, "Wang Hao's team has been working on the annihilation force field technology. They are the most authoritative in this field. It is not surprising to find new first-order elements."

"In the field of superconducting materials, kj033 is more attractive."

"KJ033 is the superconducting material. First-order gold and first-order silver are just simple conductors with extremely low resistivity."

Many scholars in the field of superconducting materials support this statement.

"If kj033 is proved to be a superconducting material, from the academic field, kj033 is much more valuable than first-order gold and first-order silver."

"The later ones were not superconducting materials."

Most scholars in the field of superconducting materials recognize kj033, and many people stand up to express their support for kj033, thinking that kj033 is a greater "superconducting material achievement".

First-order gold and first-order silver are not superconducting materials.

It is normal for so many scholars to stand up and support kj033, because they are all doing research on superconducting materials, and using conventional theoretical and experimental methods, they can research better superconducting materials step by step.

If kj033 is proved to be a room-temperature superconducting material, it can be said to be a "master" in the research direction, and they will naturally support the results in their own field.

Of course, the premise is that kj033 is a superconducting material.

First-order gold and first-order silver are not superconducting materials, but they achieve the same effect as room-temperature superconductivity with "extremely low resistivity", as if directly parachuting the results into the field of "superconducting materials" from other directions.

These top scholars are naturally unwilling to accept it.

They are all doing research in the direction of superconducting materials. As a result, the results of airborne in other fields have solved more than 90% of the problems of superconducting materials at room temperature...

So, what's the point of their work?

The emergence of first-order gold and first-order silver is almost equivalent to denying their work and everything in the field of scientific research.

This is too cruel!

So after the discovery of first-order gold and first-order silver was made public, many top people in the field of superconducting materials kept mentioning kj033.

Kj033, which has received a lot of support, seems to have been identified as a superconducting material for a while, rather than being controversial before.

The research team of kj033, the person in charge Jin Rongzheng also frequently appeared in front of the media, constantly talking about the research problems of kj033, and confirmed that kj033 is a room temperature superconducting material.

Jin Rongzheng also received a lot of support, especially the people of Kimchi Country, who regarded him as a hero in the scientific community.

This is the academic consensus in the field of superconducting materials.

It's different in other fields.

For example, financial markets.

When the KJ033-related results were released before, concept stocks related to superconductivity were hyped up, and many top technology stocks also rose sharply.

It's different now.

Concept stocks related to superconductivity have ushered in a sharp drop.

The world's top leading technology stocks fell even worse. For example, the fruit company with the largest market value fell by 8% in one day, and the follow-up market was not optimistic.

Other leading international technology stocks also fell endlessly. Even Sanxing, the number one company in the kimchi country, lost 10 points of market value in two days.

A lot of financial-related media made analysis and comments, saying, "When the academic field related to superconducting materials is endlessly debated, and many scholars stand up to support kj033, the financial market votes with their feet."

"The financial market completely ignores the attitude of scholars. They have always been optimistic about first-order gold and first-order silver, and believe that it will lead human technology to the era of superconductivity..."

This is the attitude of the financial markets.

The reason is also very simple. Whether kj033 is a room temperature superconducting material is controversial, and whether it can be mass-produced and applied is also questionable.

First-order gold and first-order silver are different.

The characteristics of the two upgraded elements have been determined, and most fields must be able to be used as room temperature superconducting materials.

In addition, the public sale of upgraded elements such as first-order iron and first-order lithium has proved that the upgraded elements researched by the Antigravity Behavior Research Center can be mass-produced.

This is the basis for mass adoption.

Judging from the past behavior style and the international situation, flower growers have "replacement technology for room temperature superconducting materials", and they will definitely give priority to supplying domestic companies.

Then technology companies in other countries will definitely be greatly affected.

The magnetized lithium material is the proof.

After manufacturing the magnetized lithium material that can greatly increase the battery storage capacity and output power, Annihilation Technology Company gave priority to supplying related domestic companies, which allowed domestic related companies to occupy a large number of markets.

In order to fight against "monopoly", some countries simply ban the sale of products of related domestic companies. As a result, after the magnetization of lithium materials is opened to the international market, companies related to the "banned" countries are listed in the list of "not allowed to buy".

Countries that have banned the sale can only choose to open the market, otherwise the enterprises in their own country will suffer huge losses, and even withdraw from the international market competition.

The past is vivid.

The stock prices of related domestic technology companies will naturally rise sharply, including manufacturers of lithium batteries, electronic components, screens, circuit equipment, or mobile phones, home appliances, etc. .

Correspondingly, the stock prices of related foreign companies plummeted.

The ups and downs of the financial market seem to have explained the future economic situation.


The discovery of first-order gold and first-order silver caused violent shocks all over the world.

When the international financial market is boiling, many people are also concerned about issues such as cost, mass production and selling price.

The science and technology department and Annihilation Technology Company have received many international inquiries.

The science and technology department replied, “Relevant research has only just begun, and it is not yet possible to achieve mass production of first-order gold and first-order silver.”

"Before there is no technology for mass production, the cost is also uncertain."

"The only thing that is certain is..."

"First-order silver costs less than first-order gold!"

This sentence is of course nonsense.

The reply from the science and technology department reassured many people, "Mass production is still not possible, it seems that the technology is very complicated!"

"Luckily, it cannot be mass-produced.

"The future may be uncertain, but judging from the reply, even if it is mass-produced, the cost must be high, and large-scale application is difficult to achieve."

Groom Lake Plan project team.

Empoli Cooper also noticed the first-order gold and first-order silver related achievements, and he immediately found Corot James with excitement, "Didn't you say that the β element can support the creation of a higher annihilation force field? We Here comes the opportunity to obtain the β element, and there are two kinds!"

Corot-James was reading a theoretical paper, he raised his head and asked, "First-order gold, first-order silver, I'm not sure if it's helpful."


Cooper showed more confidence than James, "I think it's possible, why should we try? We can easily obtain a large amount of gold and silver beta elements."

"Now that this result is announced, it means that they are likely to sell first-order gold and first-order silver on a large scale."

James agreed with Kubo's statement, but couldn't help shaking his head in his heart.

Although it is not sure whether the first-order gold and first-order silver can promote the development of strong annihilation force field technology, but one problem must be considered--

"If first-order gold and first-order silver are helpful for the development of strong annihilation force field technology, why are the results made public?"

"Could it be economic interests..."

"That's right, it can be used as a room temperature superconducting material in most fields, and it contains economic benefits, which is unimaginable..."

James can only think so.

Now the work of the project team is still relatively idle. The American military wants to build F-ray generating equipment, and the project team needs to provide relevant technical support.

Many teams and top scholars have gone to military research bases.

This resulted in a lot of emptiness inside the experimental base, and there was not enough manpower to complete some basic experiments. Both Kubo and James were relatively free.

Kubo noticed that James had been looking down at things, and leaned over to take a look, and found that the title was "Particle Boundary Theory", and suddenly asked curiously, "What is this?"

"The theory completed by Chen Mengmeng and Ding Zhiqiang, as a supplement to the annihilation theory, they proposed the expression method of 'prime energy'..."


Corot-James gave a comment, "As expected of Wang Hao's student. By the way, Chen Mengmeng is a very good female physicist. She just won the Nobel Prize."

"It's really amazing."

Kubo took a closer look and found that he couldn't understand it at all, so he simply asked, "Why are you looking at this? Do you want to study the theory?"

"I'm not doing research, I'm trying to understand."

James said, "Empoli, the reason why our research has not made much progress is mainly due to the lack of theoretical support."

"These are public theories, and we have to understand them."

"What's the use of that?" Cooper asked.

James pursed his lips and said, "For example, I know that gold has a β-state, which is different from other elements."

"Most elements transition from α-state to β-state, while gold goes from β- to β-state."

"That's the difference."

"So, I think that the first-order gold is probably not meaningful for our research. The same is true for the first-order silver."

Cooper rolled his eyes depressed, "Always try, this time I hope you are wrong."


Annihilation force field experiment base.

Zhong Minge, the general manager of Annihilation Technology Company, brought Wang Jinlu, Xu Jun and others from the technical department to the experimental base.

This time Zhong Minge came for a new experiment.

The new experimental research has produced a stronger annihilation force field, and a total of more than 50 higher-order elements have been discovered, among which first-order silver, which is close to superconducting properties, is the most important.

"I can produce first-order gold in batches, and I can create higher profits than first-order iron."

"Not only is it higher, it may be ten times, a hundred times higher!"

"That's superconducting..."

Zhong Minge said very seriously, "So our goal is to understand the technology, we must understand everything, we can also use this to do research, manufacture more stable devices, simplify the manufacturing process, reduce costs, and strive to achieve higher profits. "

He also did a "profit science", "Actually, we are a monopoly enterprise, a monopoly, that is, there are no other competitors."

"What should I do if I want to achieve higher profits in this situation? Of course, it is to expand the market."

"There is a market of 10 billion, so we will make 10 billion. If the market is 100 billion, we will make 100 billion. This is the reason for reducing costs. Only ordinary people can use it when the cost is low, and the market will expand..."

"First-order silver is definitely not easy to manufacture. This time we strive to understand all the technologies..."

Zhong Minge kept talking.

His purpose is to hope that the people in the technical department will be more serious and write down more content so that they can do research and reduce the manufacturing process and cost.

He Yi led Zhong Minge's team into the laboratory.

First of all, they want to visit the new experimental equipment. During the process, they can help explain related technologies. During the process of visiting the experimental equipment, Zhong Minge found a lot of bright silver lumps of metal piled up next to it.

He took a closer look with doubts, picked up a piece and looked at it carefully, and couldn't help asking, "This is...silver? Why is the color so bright..."

"First-order silver."

He Yi said, "It is the newly manufactured first-grade silver, which is much brighter than the conventional color, so it should be called 'bright silver'."

"First-order silver?"

Zhong Minge was a little dazed, "So much? Is it more than ten tons?"

He Yi nodded, "About 20 tons. It was manufactured with special equipment yesterday afternoon for the use of scientific research institutions, so I took the time to manufacture more."

"One time production is almost enough."

"Anyway, all the ready-made materials have been shipped over."

Zhong Minge swallowed hard, opened his mouth and asked, "Didn't it mean that the technology is very difficult and cannot be mass-produced?"

"That's not what we said."

He Yi said, "This couldn't be easier. Silver has a special β-state, which is the same as gold. After a certain force, it will all be transformed into a first-order material."


Zhong Minge's head was still a little dazed.

Wang Jinlu asked with doubts, "Manager Zhong, since the materials can be produced after passing the field said all the way to let us understand the technology, what do we need to understand?"

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