From University Lecturer to Chief Academician

Chapter 506 39 kinds of upgrading elements, the results exploded! Tier 1 silver is the goal!

The determination of the resistivity of a single metal is a small experiment, which can be measured in a conventional physics laboratory, but it is different for the first-order gold with extremely low resistivity.

Pure gold, with a very low resistivity, is just a regular wire.

For first-order gold, the resistivity is five orders of magnitude lower. To measure it, the material must be cut fine enough, and very precise instruments are needed to measure it.

This requires a professional team to design experiments.

If you want a more accurate value, you need to design several experiments to record the data and take the average.

Now it has been confirmed that the resistivity of first-order gold is on the order of '10^(-13)', which is definitely something to be excited about.

When Mr. Zhao came to look for Wang Hao, he heard the news immediately, and then asked a little puzzled, "The resistivity is five orders of magnitude lower...what does it mean?"

He knew that Wang Hao had told him to measure the resistivity of first-order gold, but he didn't know what it meant, he just thought it was an ordinary property measurement.

Zhou Qing next to him couldn't help but said, "What does it mean? Do you need to ask? It's almost superconducting!"


Wang Hao cast a glance at Zhou Qing, and suddenly understood him better.

This guy has no EQ at all.

Isn't it normal for decision leaders not to understand technical issues? People in the non-professional field may also be puzzled when they hear it, and the answer is 'does this still need to be asked'.

Mr. Zhao felt a little embarrassed. Anyway, he had a good temper and didn't care about anything. Instead, he continued to ask, "Close to superconductivity? Does this mean that this can become a material that can replace room temperature superconductivity?"


Zhou Qing replied while giving a child a teachable look.

Teacher Zhao was very happy, and even became excited when he thought about it carefully, "Replacing room temperature superconductivity is equivalent to superconductivity. Can it be used in ordinary electronic products?"


Wang Hao felt that Zhou Qing should not be allowed to talk more, so he hurriedly said, "Many electronic products have gold coatings on the metals used inside. Very few are used as conductors, and they are generally used as coatings, because the nature of gold elements is relatively Stablize."

"However, the reason why gold is rarely used as a conductor is that its resistivity is higher than that of silver and copper, especially copper, and the cost is very low."

"The current first-order gold is close to room temperature superconducting materials, so it can naturally be used as a conductor for important components of some electronic devices, but..."

“The cost is a bit too high!”

Teacher Zhao finally figured it out.

The resistivity of first-order gold is indeed low enough, low enough to be close to superconducting materials, but the problem is that gold is a precious metal, and first-order gold will definitely be more expensive.

If the first-order gold is officially sold to the outside world in the future, it will be very easy to double the initial price, and it will be easy to sell thousands of coins for one gram.

Therefore, it is difficult to use first-order gold for ordinary electronic products.

Some high-end products may only add a very small amount of first-order gold to the most critical components, and even if only one gram of first-order gold is added, the cost may increase significantly.

Of course, there are some areas where the price of first-order gold does not need to be considered.

For example, the aerospace field.

In the field of aerospace, many materials are much more expensive than gold.

If first-order gold is used as the conductor material, it can greatly improve the efficiency of solar power generation and electric energy use, and the high price of first-order gold is nothing.

After an exciting discussion, Mr. Zhao couldn't help sighing, "What a great discovery! I believe this will change the world. At least first-order gold will be used in the aviation field in the future. The technology in this field will have huge development... "


"You can look forward to it."

"But I look forward to Tier 1 Silver..."

Wang Hao finally added, "I hope this technology improvement can produce first-order silver. First-order silver and first-order gold have the same characteristics, and the resistivity will be lower."

"The cost will be tens or hundreds of times lower."

Zhou Qing nodded vigorously.

Teacher Zhao also looked forward to it, and said with some regret, "I'm leaving today. I really want to stay here and watch your research."

"It's really amazing!"

"This base is the driving force for our country's technological take-off, and the starting point for earth-shaking changes in human technology."

"Academician Wang, Professor Zhou, and all other researchers..."

"Thank you for your hard work!"


Groom Lake Experimental Site, Lincoln County, Nevada.

Under the leadership of Empoli Cooper and Corot James, they chose to complete a new experiment. They changed the direction of the peripheral magnetic field, and the measured strength of the annihilation force field was still weakened.

That is to say...

"The experiment failed again!"

Corot-James let out a long sigh, and he said to other people in the meeting room, "I thought it was impossible at the beginning of the experiment, we have no theoretical basis at all, we just think of a way to make changes, and then conduct experiments. "

"If you want to increase the strength of the force field, the most direct way is to increase the strength of the anti-gravity field."

"There has been a lot of research in this area, and the antigravity field produced by high-pressure hybrid materials near the transition temperature has a limit value."

"We don't know exactly what the limit value is. But with so much data in the experiment, we can guess... about 40!"

"40 percent is almost the limit."

"With this force field strength, the strong annihilation force field produced by superimposing the field force will not exceed the seven-fold rate at most, and the built-in heat source and magnetic field extrusion will only exceed the eight-fold rate at most..."

"So what we can be sure of is that Wang Hao's team must have adopted other technologies, not like ours."

Corot James' words made everyone else listen and nod.

They thought that Wang Hao's team used other technologies, otherwise it would not be possible to create an annihilation force field that was more than ten times larger. They still had some guesses about the technology of Wang Hao's team.

A researcher named Bob summed up a few points, "First of all, what they produced was a region, not a thin layer."

"It was inevitable. They produced large amounts of magnetized material with a strong annihilation field, and our study proves that 'thin layers' don't work."

"In addition, there is no thick magnetic field outside, and magnetic interference technology may not even be used. This can be guessed from the efficiency of annihilation technology in producing magnetized lithium and first-order iron."

"Of course, that's not certain."

"Finally, the fields they create may not have a built-in heat source for the same reason as in the first point, they are creating an area."

After Bob summed up the three points, Brewster immediately retorted, "Bob, I agree with the first point you said, but the second and third points are not necessarily."

"We can also create a region with a strong annihilation field. We only need to use magnetic interference to empty one side to create a cylindrical region."

The others nodded after listening.

Brewster continued, "In addition, you said that there is no built-in heat source? How do you explain the nuclear fusion project? Their central device is always running!"

Bob was refuted and had nothing to say.

No matter how rigorous his analysis is, he still has to face the issue of nuclear fusion.

The built-in deuterium-deuterium fusion reaction of that device, the satellites in the sky have been able to detect high heat, which naturally shows that there must be a built-in heat source.

Next, the two factions began to argue with each other.

Bob is also a famous physicist, and he has a high prestige in the project team. The same is true for Brewster. The supporters of the two began to debate. When the debate had nothing to say, they were even on the verge of fighting.

Corott-James watched with gusto.

He also said to Cooper, "Do you think they can fight? I think the strong black doctoral student is very good. He is Bob's student? If this guy does something, I bet Brewster immediately kneels and confesses." Cowardly..."

Cooper gave him a helpless look, "That's Wilson, a very easy guy to get along with. Even if you have racism... don't show it."

Seeing that the meeting room was too messy, he quickly slapped the table a few times, "Quiet! Quiet! Don't make any noise!"

Cooper's prestige is not bad.

Everyone quickly stopped arguing and looked over.

Kubo didn't know what to say, he wasn't that kind of professional researcher, and he didn't have any good ideas about the complicated annihilation force field research.

He simply said, "Let Corot say a few words, he has something to say."

Everyone has their eyes on James again.

Corot-James is also very prestigious. Not only did he discover F-rays in the experiment, but he also rejected the military's favorable treatment and resolutely stayed with the Groom Lake project team.

After many people knew about this, they respected Corot James very much.

If it were them, they would definitely not be able to refuse.

James glanced at Cooper dissatisfied, thought for a while and said, "Whether there is a built-in energy source or not, because they use a brand new technology."

"I personally think that this technology may be related to the upgrade element."

He said seriously, "Everyone should pay attention to the timing. Judging from the results they released, they have also been stuck at the position of the 8x annihilation force field for a while."

"Afterwards, it was suddenly announced that it had created an annihilation force field that was 16 times larger, and that it had discovered a variety of advanced elements including tungsten and hydrogen. Some people thought it was an accumulation of achievements, but I thought it might be a one-time discovery."

"From eight times to sixteen times, it may be done in one go."

"What is the key to this kind of technological upgrade? I have studied it carefully. They released a theoretical report before, explaining the three forms of upgrading elements, including α, β and β minus. Then I think the key lies in β and Beta minus..."

Corot - James explained his views.

The people in the conference room kept nodding their heads. Some people felt that their eyes lit up when they heard it, but the problem still exists.

The black doctoral student named Wilson asked, "Mr. James, first of all, I agree with your point of view. It is indeed possible for them to use β elements to upgrade the annihilation force field technology, but the question is, how did they produce β iron?" What about the elements?"

Corot James nodded, "That's a good question."

"So the question turns back again. How did they manufacture magnetized materials in large quantities and produce β-iron elements when they mastered the 8-fold annihilation force field technology?"

"It's Wilson's problem, and it's our problem."

"I personally think that the first thing to be solved is the technical problem of mass production of magnetized materials."

A group of people turned black when they heard this.

The topic went back and forth, but the problem did exist. They had already produced seven times the annihilation force field, but there was no way to manufacture magnetized materials on a large scale.

Question, where is it?

Cooper complained and came to a conclusion, "In fact, it is normal for us to be unable to figure it out for the time being. Such technological improvements, historically, often take decades to complete."

"However, the research speed of Wang Hao's team is too fast, so fast that we can't understand it at all."

"I think it's better to give it to the intelligence department, because they can get some information and help us..."

When it was found that it was difficult to catch up by relying on their own research and development, many people put their hopes on the intelligence department, including the No. 1 decision-maker of American, hoping that the intelligence department could play a role.

If some key information can be obtained, the research of the Groom Lake project can be accelerated and headed in the right direction.

Pascoe, the head of the intelligence department, was under a lot of pressure.

In fact, the intelligence department has been operating all the time, and they have spent a lot of personnel and funds on the technical research of the annihilation force field.

It's a pity that the gains have not been great.

To describe it in one sentence, it is 'the work is difficult'. One reason is that the related research is very confidential. The top physicists in China are not qualified to participate. The core personnel who can really participate in it are only the Anti-gravity Behavior Research Center The 'original man and horse'.

Other subsequent researchers are also from the military or other confidential departments. Most of them can only participate in part of the work and have no access to key technologies.

In addition, it is very difficult to 'buy' top scholars.

In one sentence--

Times have changed!

The ideas of many scholars have also changed with the changes of the times. All people of insight in the world can see that the high-end technological advantages of florists are becoming more and more obvious, and the future development prospects are bright.

In fields such as annihilation force field technology and superconducting technology that represent the future, other countries can only follow behind and eat ashes. Even the technologies they master are all disclosed by flower growers, and their own research has not made any progress worth mentioning.

The research on the annihilation force field and superconducting technology has provided a lot of academic and experimental research opportunities, and the materials and technology upgrades that accompany the manufacturing have also driven the development of lower-level enterprises and made the economy more active.

In this context, the work of intelligence agencies is difficult to carry out.



Two weeks passed.

During this period of time, the Material Testing Center ushered in a great explosion of results. They concluded and discovered 39 kinds of advanced elements, covering metal elements, gas elements, radioactive elements, heavy metal elements, and so on.

Every day brings new discoveries, every day brings new results.

Even though they are busy every day without touching the ground, the researchers in the testing center are very excited, and they wish they could be like this every day.

"39 upgrade elements..."

"Maybe there are still undiscovered."

Wang Hao said with a sigh, "So, the high-incidence area for element upgrades is above 16 multipliers, and the low upgrade ratios for iron and lithium are just a coincidence."

He Yi thought about it and asked, "Will we find second-order elements? For example, iron..."

"It's possible, I don't know."

Wang Hao shook his head and said, "Second-order, some are too far away, and it is not certain whether it exists or not. Maybe after discovering most of the upgraded elements, it is possible to discover the second-order elements."

"However, the most important things are first-order gold and first-order silver."

He seriously explained, "Now we can prepare for the next experiment. I hope to make a big improvement, and it is best to produce first-order silver."

"First-order silver is the ultimate goal of our technological improvement!"

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