From University Lecturer to Chief Academician

Chapter 500 Delineate the Space Restricted Zone! Wang Hao: What have you been through!

The astronauts' concerns are completely unnecessary.

The orbit of the International Space Station has a declination angle, and there is a deviation every time it orbits the earth.

In the vast space, even if the operating altitudes are exactly the same, as long as there is a slight deviation in the orbit, the distance between them is calculated in hundreds of kilometers or thousands of kilometers.

This distance is simply too far.

Now even the nuclear fusion engineering project team does not know how far the released F-rays cover, and the related detection is very complicated.

They are still only the first release, and there is no previous data to discuss this issue

The project team also discussed the coverage of f-rays, and the final estimate is about 500 kilometers to 600 kilometers, and normally it will not exceed 600 kilometers.

The orbital height of the International Space Station is about 410 kilometers. As long as the orbit is not facing the position of the nuclear fusion project team, it is relatively safe.

When there is a lot of international public opinion, the nuclear fusion project team will naturally discuss related issues, not only the project team members, but also the decision-makers who came to participate in the experiment.

Everyone in the project team was very surprised, "This can also be photographed? We conducted the experiment at the darkest time of the night..."

"This is too coincidental!"

"If it is a near-Earth satellite, it needs to be very close to take pictures. The International Space Station is still far away, but the camera accuracy of the space station is indeed high."

"They presumably study every image associated with the central installation?"

This sentence hits the point.

Regardless of whether it is a near-Earth satellite or the International Space Station, the ground personnel will carefully analyze any images related to the central device. Because of this, they can notice the enlarged black line at the first time.

The leaders are thinking about other issues, "This shows that their space monitoring capabilities are very strong!"

"In the field of space monitoring, we still have a big gap."

"Our research must continue, but we must also pay attention to the issue of public opinion, and we must not let everyone think that we are researching terrorist weapons."

"Should I... conduct the experiment publicly?"

"Want to announce the news of the experiment? That's right, anyway, f-rays have already been discovered, so it doesn't make much sense to keep it secret."

"If the experiment is carried out publicly, and the time and scope of the experiment are explained in advance, it is tantamount to an early warning and an explanation to the international community."

In the end, the project team decided to disclose the experimental information.

What they are researching is f-ray technology, which can be regarded as an ultra-high-end space weapon, but it is not used as a secret weapon for war.

The weapons in the hands of human beings are too powerful now, and a large-scale war between major powers will be disastrous, and may even cause human extinction.

War is no joke.

All major powers abide by the default rule that direct wars do not occur. Even if regional conflicts occur, they must be carried out in a proxy situation, otherwise the scale of the war will become uncontrollable.

So f-rays are generally not used.

No matter how high-end and advanced the F-ray weapon is, it mainly serves as a deterrent, letting other countries know the power of the weapon so that they will not initiate wars.


The nuclear fusion engineering project team released a message, confirming that it is responsible for the 'black line', "The International Space Station captured the annihilation rays released by the center device of the engineering team, which we call F-rays."

"However, the research on F-rays is not to create space weapons, but to prepare for the follow-up research and development of nuclear fusion."

"F-rays are a special form of field force released by a strong annihilation force field in a magnetic interference environment. The excited F-rays can be used to ignite nuclear reactions, including nuclear fission and nuclear fusion. Both can be completed with F-rays Remote ignition."

"We've been studying F-rays for a long time."

"The specific properties of F-rays will be released by the Antigravity Behavior Research Center that discovered F-rays in "Annihilation Physics and Theory."

"What we need to emphasize is that the research and development of F-rays is not aimed at satellites in space, nor does it have the ability to accurately strike satellites."

"In order for humans to master the controllable nuclear fusion technology of unlimited energy, we will continue to develop F-ray related technologies. At the same time, we also understand the impact of F-ray experiments on space, so subsequent F-ray experiments will be notified in advance... "

After a series of explanations and explanations, following up is a 'warning' message, "Our next experiment is planned in the early morning of a week later, and the direction of F-ray release will be based on the nuclear fusion center device, with a deflection angle of 71.8 degrees Between 72.3 degrees, to a space range of one thousand kilometers from the ground."

"This demarcated area is demarcated based on international public satellite trajectory data and will not affect the operation of the satellite."

"If non-public military or other satellites pass through this area, please be sure to contact us in advance..."

"We will determine the safety of the satellite based on the trajectory calculation results..."


The news released by the nuclear fusion engineering project team was quickly reported by major international media, and also shocked the whole world.

Since the Groom Lake project team released information about annihilation rays, annihilation ray technology has always been the focus of international public opinion.

According to the information released by American, the florist has mastered the annihilation ray technology, and even destroyed a commercial satellite with the annihilation ray.

The florists only admitted to the outside world that they had mastered the annihilation ray technology, but they did not admit that they had destroyed commercial satellites. Now, the nuclear fusion engineering experiment team confirmed that the nuclear fusion center device could release annihilation rays, even at a distance of more than 400 kilometers.

Some of them justified that "the research is for nuclear fusion" and "the research is not aimed at satellites", which were subconsciously ignored by many people.

Those were just words of comfort.

Regardless of whether the research on annihilation rays is aimed at satellites or not, the annihilation rays have the ability to directly destroy satellites. The technical purpose is not important, and the degree of mastery of technology is the most important thing.

Of course, some countries and media can only express their dissatisfaction.

There is nothing they can do.

The research on annihilation rays does not involve any international law, that is, it does not violate any international rules, and any organization has the right to conduct research.

The nuclear fusion engineering project team also stated that the experiment will be carried out publicly, and an early warning will be given for the release of F-rays.

This made it even more uncomfortable.

The project team has delineated a range for releasing F-rays. The ground deflection angle is only 0.5 degrees, and it covers an altitude of 1,000 kilometers in space, which is a super-large conical range.

Although the declination angle of the ground is not large, even less than 1 degree, it is still a very large area to expand to a thousand kilometers.

The project team also said that it is an area delineated according to the international public satellite trajectory.

In other words, no public satellites will pass through this area during the experiment, and the confidential unpublished satellite data can be contacted and submitted to the project team?

Do not make jokes!

Most of those confidential undisclosed satellites are military satellites. How could the trajectory data be publicly submitted to the project team?

The project team said bluntly, "During the experiment that day, don't let any military satellites pass through this designated area, otherwise you will think you are unlucky if you are destroyed..."

This information caused international public opinion to boil.

If it is placed on the ground, it is tantamount to conducting missile test experiments and demarcating a military restricted zone, but now it is just replaced by space.

The problem is that……

Space scope is not owned.

If a certain country can control all regions of space, they can even assign all regions of space to themselves.

That is of course pointless.

Amidst the heated discussions among the public, the Globe reported, "This is a historic moment!"

"Florists became the first country to designate military restricted areas in space to experiment with satellite weapons. They fired the first shot in the space field!"

"Perhaps in the future, similar things will become the norm."

"Other countries will certainly carry out similar experiments, and they cannot allow florists to 'occupy' space..."

Competition in the space field is considered to be the development trend of future wars.

American will definitely increase research and development efforts, and they have also mastered the f-ray release technology. Public opinion generally believes that they will soon be able to release ultra-long-distance f-rays.

But in fact, it's not.

American certainly attaches great importance to F-ray technology.

Experiments by florists have proved that F-rays can pose a direct threat to satellites, and can even easily destroy near-Earth satellites.

This kind of technology must be mastered, otherwise any future disputes will be passive.

However, it is not easy to continue to develop f-rays.

The decision-makers organized an expert meeting again, discussing the research on F-rays. The Groom Lake project team of Cooper and Corot-James was naturally the protagonist of the meeting.

Some scholars made reports.

Based on public information and the report content of the Groom Lake project team, they summarized key points.

"Florist's F-rays are excited by the nuclear fusion center device, and the built-in is an ultra-high-intensity deuterium-deuterium fusion heat source."

"If you want to release such f-rays, you must first achieve the control of nuclear fusion, and to achieve the control of nuclear fusion, you need very complicated designs and other technologies..."

"Annihilation force field technology and material technology are very important."

"As for material technology... According to our information, the central device of the nuclear fusion project uses high-performance materials made of a large number of upgraded elements. In other words, if we want to solve the material problem, we still need to create a high-strength annihilation force field , in order to manufacture magnetized materials, upgraded elemental materials..."

Everything is back to square one.

"In the end we still have to study the annihilation force field technology!"

As the protagonist in the conference hall, Empoli Kubo received more attention than the decision-maker who presided over the meeting, because he was the head of the Groom Lake project team and was responsible for leading the team to study the annihilation force field technology.

Empoli Kubo just felt the pressure.

Now they can't find a research direction to improve the annihilation force field technology at all, the direction of the ongoing experiment is to stimulate the F-rays and conduct research.

Corot-James made a report on behalf of the Groom Lake project team. He made a summary report of the experiment, which also has high gold content. "We have been studying F-rays."

"The current F-ray coverage is 23 kilometers. At the same time, we determined that the release distance of F-rays is related to the strength of the built-in energy source and the strength of the interference magnetic field."

"So, while the built-in energy remains the same, we can increase the coverage by increasing the magnetic field strength."

"We can use superconducting materials to create stronger magnetic field devices..."

It is of course a very effective method to increase the f-ray release distance by increasing the magnetic field, but there is also an upper limit to the increase.

Participants don't care how much they can improve.

Now the release distance is only 23 kilometers, no matter how much it is improved, it is impossible to reach 230 kilometers, while the F-ray of the flower planter has a release distance of more than 400 kilometers.

The difference between the two figures is too great.

After Corot-James finished his report, the participating scholars, including the decision-maker who presided over the meeting, couldn't help looking at Empoli Cooper.

They hoped that Cooper would say something, but in the end Cooper continued to sit.

He has nothing to say.

This also made the decision-maker feel very depressed. He was very sure that Cooper had done a good job. He discovered F-rays soon after taking office and continued to carry out follow-up research.

This alone is much better than the previous two terms.

However, it is not enough.

He hopes that Kubo can lead the team to quickly achieve results one by one, and quickly create more than ten times the annihilation force field. Only in this way can he see the possibility of catching up with the flower growers.

Obviously, Cooper couldn't do it.

The meeting can only continue, and the decision-maker also explained the follow-up work, "We must get more information, and the intelligence agencies must step up their work."

"In addition, we still have to send satellites to observe the f-ray experiment."

"If we can get some key information, we can continue research along their direction, and we also need to find our own direction."

The last sentence is aimed at Kubo.

The decision-makers hope that Kubo can lead the team to achieve better results, instead of just doing research step by step, and completely see no possibility of catching up with the florists.


at the same time.

The nuclear fusion engineering experiment team is preparing for the next release of F-rays according to the established plan.

The F-rays of the central device have to be released many times, and the purpose of each time is to accumulate data. Only with enough data can we have a more comprehensive understanding of the F-rays and the central device itself.

There will be no need for Wang Hao to participate in the follow-up time.

Wang Hao didn't want to participate at all, because he would be "exiled" far away for every experiment, and he would not be able to return to the base until the experiment was over.

Now there is no technical difficulty, so he simply returned to Xihai University, don't plan to care about the research progress of the students.

Chen Mengmeng and Ding Zhiqiang's research on "energy priming" has aroused very important repercussions in theoretical physics. Many scholars in related fields are interested in the research, and many scholars plan to do follow-up research based on this.

Helen and Paul's research content is very good.

Wang Hao also wanted to know whether their research was successful, and when he returned to the Mason Tree Laboratory and met Helen, he already knew the result.

Helen's face was full of excitement and excitement.

After meeting Wang Hao, he seemed impatient to talk about the research, "We have made progress! Paul and I... and Ding Zhiqiang, we are studying advanced light waves, based on photons and energy primes..."


Wang Hao interrupted Helen's words, and pointed out the key point with a puzzled face, "Ding Zhiqiang? Xiao Ding? Why is there something about him..."

Helen said, "We asked Ding Zhiqiang to study together."

"We worked together for more than ten days, and finally completed all the content. Paul, Ding Zhiqiang, I, together..."

"Ding Zhiqiang is really a genius!"

"Although his foundation is weaker, he is very thoughtful about research..."

Helen chattered, and did not forget to add, "No wonder Chen Mengmeng was able to complete the research on energy primes, it must be Ding Zhiqiang's idea!"

"He's a genius!"

"Moreover, he likes to do research very much and is very enthusiastic about his work..."

She said a lot of good things to Ding Zhiqiang in succession.

at the same time.

Ding Zhiqiang walked over from the stairs. He shrugged his shoulders and hunched his back, with big bags under his eyes, looking decadent and hopeless.

Wang Hao couldn't help but asked with concern, "Xiao Ding, what's the matter?"

"What the hell have you been through..."

Ding Zhiqiang burst into tears immediately.

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