From University Lecturer to Chief Academician

Chapter 494 The discovery of annihilation rays is made public, shocking the world! Corot shot to fam

Tim Bryan returns to the White House.

The news he brought back from the Groom Lake Experimental Base was very shocking. After he finished speaking, everyone immediately fell into discussion, "Are you sure? Tim, are you kidding me?"

"Did you find a black ray? Is it a strong annihilation force field?"

"It's the first time I heard that the field force can be shot out like a ray. It's incredible."

"The discoverer is Corot James. I don't seem to have heard of this name."

"I know, Empoli is optimistic about the guy. After Empoli took charge of the plan, he immediately became the deputy..."

Everyone is discussing.

This news was indeed very shocking. After the discussion was digested and combined with other intelligence information, they knew it was true.

As Tim Bryan said, "I was surprised when I heard the news, but when I think about other things, I know it's true."

"It all ties together."

What surprised them before was the situation of deuterium-deuterium fusion. The intelligence department has a very high degree of confirmation of the information, but scholars think it is impossible.

It's clear now.

In order to ignite the deuterium-deuterium fusion reaction, the only method that can be thought of is a strong annihilation force field, but no scientific research institution can be stupid enough to use a strong annihilation force field generator to ignite the deuterium-deuterium fusion reaction, and the high-heat reaction it triggers , will destroy the device immediately.

That is definitely not worth the candle.

Now that everything has been explained, flower growers have already mastered the 'annihilation ray' technology, which is to use the method of releasing annihilation rays to create deuterium-deuterium fusion over a long distance.

They can also understand why florists will start nuclear fusion engineering projects.

Deuterium-deuterium fusion is the cleanest energy source in theory. Compared with deuterium-tritium fusion, the raw materials are much cheaper and easier to obtain. The content of deuterium in nature is about 1/7000 of ordinary hydrogen.

One in 7,000 sounds very rare, but considering the inexhaustible resources of seawater, even if it is only one in ten thousand, it is an inexhaustible amount.

"If the deuterium-deuterium fusion reaction can be controlled, even if the power generation with positive income cannot be realized, the technology and experience accumulated during the entire engineering project will be a huge harvest, which will lay a solid foundation for the future realization of nuclear fusion energy supply and research .”

"Because of this, the florist will start the nuclear fusion engineering project..."

The person in charge of the intelligence center said, "There is another piece of information from the satellite center, the SY-331 satellite that crashed, and the self-inspection system at that time determined that the circuit was damaged."

"At that time, the satellite was damaged very suddenly. The picture captured showed penetrating black spots on the outside. I think it was probably hit by this annihilation ray..."

Speaking of this matter made everyone in the White House silent.

They had been thinking about deuterium-deuterium fusion ignition before, but the head of the intelligence center suddenly said that the satellite was destroyed.

think carefully……

Seems to make sense!

A strong annihilation force field can not only realize fusion ignition, but also can short-circuit the circuit instantaneously, and cause a strong magnetization reaction in the metal, both of which can have an impact on the electronic system.

"So, the annihilation ray can be used as a weapon?" Decision maker No. 1 asked.

The person in charge of the intelligence center nodded and said, "Looking at it now, yes."

Tim Bryan explained, "In theory, the annihilation ray has many advantages as a weapon. The penetration is strong enough to be impossible to intercept, and it is at the speed of light, but it still depends on the experimental data."

After hearing this, many people took a deep breath, "It turns out that the satellite was destroyed by flower growers!"

"The real culprit has been found!"

"This shouldn't be good news, right? In other words, they have mastered this technology a long time ago, and they can also use it as a space weapon to directly destroy satellites..."

"That's really scary!"

"We have to study this technology, otherwise we will lose all the initiative in the future..."

"Is the information going to be released?"

The last sentence was a question from Tim Bryan, and the staff members of the White House were silent. They didn't know whether to publish it.

Someone named Ruddick said, "I think it should be released."


Luddick said, "Think about the current situation. It's not that I don't have no confidence in the Groom Lake plan, but with the Groom Lake plan, I don't think it's possible to catch up with the technology mastered by florists in a short time."

"So it's impossible to just hear us."

"Now that this technology is released, only the Annihilation Organization will benefit, and we are also members of the Annihilation Organization."

"In addition, we can also disclose satellite-related matters to create public opinion pressure on flower growers..."

"It will work in our favor."

Ludick's words aroused the thinking of others, and they all thought it was very reasonable, and even the No. 1 decision maker kept nodding.

Groom Lake plans?

After Kubo took office, research has indeed progressed, but it is impossible to catch up with florists in a short time.

Now just look at the annihilation ray.

They have just discovered the annihilation ray, and florists have been able to use it to destroy satellites a few years ago.

This is really terrible!


three days later.

Empoli Cooper and Corot James go to the Department of Energy for a presentation. Their report was not only aimed at the Department of Energy, but also included top policymakers and representatives of the military.

"The annihilation rays we created cover a distance of more than twenty kilometers."

"Although no experiments have been conducted, in theory, annihilation rays can remotely ignite nuclear reactions, destroy electronic systems, and even create upgraded elements."

"We have done calculations on the intensity of the annihilation ray, and the results show that it is higher than the annihilation force field..."

Many people immediately thought of first-order iron.

The flower planter's technology department initially sold first-order iron, which was sold in units of 'grams', that is, the quantity produced was very limited.

"Then is there a possibility that the first-order iron was produced by annihilation rays?"

"The time to contact the destroyed satellite and sell the first-order iron can also be matched..."

"This shows that our research is on the right path."

Many people's evaluation of Kubo has been greatly improved.

After Cooper became the head of the Groom Lake project, he did not propose a clear direction, which made many people not optimistic about him.

He just asked the research team to stabilize their pace and do research around the annihilation force field equipment.

Now they find that this is the correct approach. Cooper led the team to discover new technologies, and by the way, they also learned about the gap with Wang Hao's team.

This is progress!

After Cooper and James made a report together, they quickly carried out the operation of publicizing the results, and the information was released by the magazine "American Frontier Technology".

The results they released are academic in nature, the content is the discovery of annihilation rays, and announced some related parameters, "the annihilation rays cover a range of more than 20,000 meters, and have the same characteristics as a strong annihilation force field."

"The annihilation ray could remotely ignite a nuclear reactor and, we think, support nuclear fusion ignition, or even deuterium-deuterium fusion ignition."

According to the follow-up analysis of the study, the nuclear fusion project of the flower planter is likely to use the annihilation ray ignition technology.

The news is shocking.

When the florists decided to start the nuclear fusion project, many people couldn't understand it, even in China, there were some voices who didn't understand it.

Most people think that nuclear fusion engineering is at most just a technology accumulation, rather than a real device for nuclear fusion to convert energy.

Now everyone understands.

It turns out that flower growers have already mastered the technology of remote ignition of deuterium-deuterium fusion, and the nuclear fusion project is also developed around deuterium-deuterium fusion. Not to mention whether the energy conversion of deuterium-deuterium fusion can be realized, but the control of deuterium-deuterium fusion is also a very remarkable achievement. .

That would allow nuclear fusion engineering to create enormous scientific value.

Another piece of news that shocked the world came from American officials, who disclosed the findings of the damage to the SN3-R3 satellite. "We believe that the SN3-R3 satellite was destroyed by the annihilation ray generation equipment of the florist."

"They rely on high-end annihilation ray technology to conduct experiments with SN3-R3 as the target..."

"Eventually caused damage to the SN3-R3 circuit and crashed into the Atlantic Ocean..."

This information is very shocking.

Many people began to read related reports, and found that the SN3-R3 satellite had a sudden circuit failure when it was traveling over the uninhabited area of ​​​​Tariq.

American said, "SN3-R3 was hit by some kind of anti-satellite ray weapon. After professional analysis, it may be an anti-satellite weapon secretly developed by a certain country."

At that time, most people thought that American was just looking for an excuse to throw dirty water on the florists.


It seems to be confirmed!

The international public opinion is discussing relevant information, and many journalists are also paying attention to the press conference of the florists, hoping to ask relevant questions.

The person in charge of the florist said, "That's dirty water!"

"The annihilation ray hits the satellite? As long as you have common sense, you know it's impossible. It's a satellite, and the speed is a few kilometers per second..."

"How to hit it?"

"If anyone still thinks that we did it, please provide us with a feasible method. We are also very curious about it..."

The relevant person in charge did not deny that he had mastered the annihilation ray technology, but only denied that the fall of SN3-R3 was related to his side.

This kind of thing is just a war of public opinion.

SN3-R3 does not exist at all, the real satellite code name is SY-331, it is a spy satellite, and it has crashed in the Atlantic Ocean.

American had no evidence at all.

Even if the wreckage of the satellite can be found, it is impossible to explain it. If public opinion knows that it is a spy satellite, the mainstream argument will immediately become "it should be destroyed."

In fact, American is not 100% sure that SY-331 was destroyed by Huahua's annihilation ray, just like what the relevant person in charge said, even if he has the annihilation ray technology, mastering the technology and accurately hitting the satellite are two different things. thing.

They even wish 'no'.

If florists can hit satellites with an annihilation ray, it's pretty scary when you think about it.

What does it mean to hit a satellite?

This also means that the relevant technology has matured, and it can easily hit any missile by concentrating satellites. Intercontinental missiles loaded with nuclear warheads will not pose a threat to flower growers. They can use annihilation rays to detonate nuclear warheads in hundreds of kilometers of space. .

For other missiles, if they are hit, the circuit system will be paralyzed, causing them to lose control midway and unable to hit the target, or even detonate.

After all, no matter how fast a missile is, it cannot be faster than a satellite.

If we also consider that the flower growers have advanced air-ship series flying saucers, which means they have an active advantage in the air, their homeland will no longer be threatened by nuclear bombs and large missiles.

American lost all military deterrence.

This question is very scary when you think about it.

Of course, these issues will definitely not be discussed in the public opinion, and American can only rely on public opinion to continuously condemn the flower growers.

But it's just condemnation.

When the number of condemnations is too high and the time is long, it makes people feel meaningless, and public opinion also turns to practical things.

For example, nuclear fusion engineering.

The information released by American shows that the nuclear fusion project of the florist may be successful, and it still uses the most ideal deuterium-deuterium fusion.

This makes many people feel boiling.

"Humanity is very close to mastering nuclear fusion."

"Mastering nuclear fusion control technology means that science and technology will lead to leap forward progress, it means that human beings will no longer worry about energy, and it means that human beings have taken the first step to conquer the universe."

"This study has very significant implications."

Many scientists have stated that they hope to join in the research of nuclear fusion and make their own contributions to the scientific and technological cause of mankind.

Other big impacts are economic.

For example, the stock market.

The global stock market has ushered in a rising tide, including technology, electronics, manufacturing and other fields, and there has been a general and sharp rise.

Of course there are also affected sectors.

The most affected is undoubtedly the energy sector, oil, natural gas, and coal-related stocks have all suffered sharp setbacks.

Also, one person became famous.

Corot James.

As a scientist on the project team of the Groom Lake Project, he used experiments to discover annihilation rays. Even if it was definitely not the first discovery, his discovery made the technology public, and even the later discovery is very remarkable.

Many people in the scientific community believe that Corot James should get a heavyweight award.

Corot James' fame is not limited to the scientific community. When it was reported by the media, Corot James' situation was dug out.

38 years old, experimental physicist, graduated from California Institute of Technology, double doctorate in mathematics and physics, won some small prizes in physics.

In the circle of top scientists, Corot James' resume is very ordinary, but he also has unusual places.

For example, after being reported by many media, many women came forward and said that they knew Corot James and had a relationship experience.

Some days, some overnight.

Several women in Amsterdam came forward and said that Corot James was a frequent visitor to No. 3 Street last year, and he was a very generous person, which left a very good impression on them.

There are too many similar news.

A simple search on the Internet can find a lot of news, and the number of women is calculated in units of tens or hundreds.

Among them, there are inevitably some people who rub the heat, but the bystanders don't know the truth.

For a time, Corott James' reputation soared.

A well-known writer stood up and said that he had found the inspiration for his next book, titled "The Genius Scientist and His Female Friends".

Many people expressed their great anticipation for the new book...

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