From University Lecturer to Chief Academician

Chapter 485 Hope, after all, is just hope. Tier 1 Bomb and Air Defense Technology!

Wang Hao attached great importance to the research of Chen Mengmeng and Ding Zhiqiang. He decided to let the two of them do research with peace of mind, not to be disturbed by other offices, and let other people come over to share the assistant work.

Chen Mengmeng's work is still very important.

She needs to be responsible for docking information data with institutions such as the Annihilation Force Field Experiment Group, Antigravity Behavior Research Center, Superconducting Materials Research Center, etc., and is also responsible for managing Wang Hao's email and contact information, plus some things like conferences, placed in the Together it's still complicated.

Much of the information involves confidentiality issues, and it cannot be done by just finding someone, and there are very few suitable people.

Yan Jing is one of the suitable candidates.

Yan Jing is an old man at the Anti-Gravity Behavior Research Center. She has been in charge of the experimental work at the Anti-Gravity Behavior Research Center. It will definitely be no problem to be transferred to be an assistant.

In this way, Chen Mengmeng can concentrate on research work.

Under the guidance of Wang Hao, Chen Mengmeng and Ding Zhiqiang have found the next research direction - to demonstrate the parity non-conservation problem of the particle boundary under the premise of energy prime number, so as to demonstrate the absolute zero degree.

The law of non-conservation of parity is a very important law in physics, which refers to the asymmetry of the motions of matter that are mirror images of each other in the weak interaction.

Before 1956, the scientific community always believed that parity was conserved, that is to say, the mirror image of a particle has exactly the same properties as itself.

However, there is a particle problem in parity conservation.

Scientists have found that theta and tau mesons have the same spin, mass, lifetime, charge, etc. Most people think that theta and tau mesons are the same particle, but when theta meson decays, it produces two pi mesons, and when the tau meson decays, it produces two pions. Three are produced, which again means they are different particles.

Later, Li Zhengdao and Yang Zhenning studied various factors together, and boldly asserted that 'τ and θ are exactly the same particle (later called Kaon), but in the environment of weak interaction, their motion laws are different. Not necessarily identical'.

That is to say, the "θ-τ" particle is not conserved in parity under the weak interaction.

This research result was questioned when it first appeared, because the pursuit of perfection in the scientific community is just like the pursuit of perfection in mathematics by many mathematicians. Many physicists believe that the parity of the microscopic particle world is conserved.

"θ-τ" particle, even if it is proved that the parity is not conserved, it is only regarded as a special exception.

Later, the famous experimental physicist Wu Jianxiong verified the "parity non-conservation" with a clever experiment. She used a strong magnetic field at an extremely low temperature (below 0.01K) to turn the spin direction of the cobalt-60 nucleus in a device Left-handed, turn the spin direction of the cobalt 60 nucleus in another device to right-handed.

The cobalt-60 in the two sets are mirror images of each other.

Experimental results show that the number of electrons emitted by cobalt 60 in the two devices is very different, and the directions of electron emission cannot be symmetrical to each other.

From then on, the "non-conservation of parity" was really admitted.

This law has important implications for particle physics and cosmology, and it also opens up new research directions in fields such as symmetry breaking and elementary particle physics.

The non-conservation of parity has become a law of physics.

The past researches were all based on "parity non-conservation", just like the shaping of the standard model of particles, and parity non-conservation is one of the theoretical foundations.

The research of Chen Mengmeng and Ding Zhiqiang is about the relationship between particle boundaries and "parity non-conservation". To put it bluntly, it is to explain why "parity" appears by shaping particle boundaries under the model of "prime energy". non-conservation' problem.

This is more in-depth theoretical physics research.

"If this argument can be completed, the problem of particle tremor can be solved, and it can also explain why science cannot create absolute zero."

"At that time, your research will be complete."

"That will become a systematic theory, which can be named "Energy Primalization: Particle Boundary Theory."


Wang Hao is looking forward to the research of the two students.

At the same time, he also did a little work, that is, to give the definition of energy prime number to lay a good foundation for the theory.

Priming energy is a very good idea, but "whether energy can be primed" will definitely cause a series of controversies.

If the precondition of energy priming violates some definite physics, no matter how wonderful the subsequent analysis is, it will be meaningless.

"First, the individual prime energy cannot be annihilated."

"Annihilation can only target prime nodes, tiny mass points, not scattered individual primes."

"Secondly, prime number energy cannot exist in a large density alone, and the density beyond the critical line must exist by relying on mass points or particles, otherwise it will quickly dissipate."

"The dissipation of prime number energy is not annihilation, but like particle annihilation, it will quickly disperse into the cosmic space at the speed of light, and finally form a balanced situation in the cosmic space (cosmic microwave radiation background)."


Wang Hao thought about it and made a basic definition.

These definitions do not conflict with the existing physics, and some of them are integrated into the system of the expansion theory of the universe, which can support the basic existence of energy prime number.

"If relevant demonstrations can be completed, many existing theories can be revised based on this, combined with Helen and Paul's research..."

"Perhaps we can start to demonstrate the electromagnetic force?"

"I just don't know if Helen and Paul have a brilliant idea similar to 'prime energy'..."

Wang Hao shook his head in thought.

He still handed over the theoretical work to other people, while he continued to focus on experiments and technical research, but the work of the annihilation force field experiment team was already busy enough.

In addition, the affairs of the nuclear fusion engineering project team have also increased.

As the general director of the nuclear fusion engineering project team, Wang Hao is mainly responsible for leading the team to tackle key technologies, or to solve problems that others cannot solve.

With the materials and equipment of the project base in place, the construction of the foundation is completed and the project officially begins.

Many components and modules in the design have entered into manufacturing and testing.

Wang Hao has to read a lot of reports every day, as well as some very important experimental data, and then decided to go to the experimental base to see the progress of the project on site.

at the same time.

A big event happened internationally.

American's well-known energy company Bein announced that it has successfully manufactured a superconducting battery. The new superconducting battery weighs only seven tons, can support high power output, and is installed on an aircraft.

Some media reported and analyzed, "This also means that the 'American UFO Project' has been put on the agenda."

"American has the horizontal anti-gravity technology, the only difference is energy, and because the results of the Bein company are timely, they can order the superconducting battery of the Bein to manufacture the anti-gravity aircraft (flying saucer) belonging to American. "

The news is exciting enough.

Only flower growers have produced anti-gravity aircraft before, while the technology of other countries is severely limited, and the biggest limitation is energy power.

That is, superconducting batteries.

Now that the Beiyin company has successfully manufactured it, it means that they will soon be able to start the "American flying saucer construction project".

At this time, some politicians must participate.

They appealed, "We must quickly establish the flying saucer project and know that we can find better flying machines than florists."

"Speed ​​is critical."

"It took the flower growers more than a year to create an airship aircraft, and our speed is faster than them..."

These words are the voice of many people.

It didn't seem to take long for florists to develop superconducting batteries, and it didn't take long for them to build the first anti-gravity aircraft.

The speed of florists is unimaginable.

A lot of people naturally hope that American will have the same speed and make a better aircraft than the Air Ship-2 series.

But hope, after all, is just hope.

The American military has long been aware of Byin's superconducting battery technology, and they have only produced a test model that can run. The technology is far from perfect, and various problems will occur after a long run time.

Superconducting battery technology is very important.

The military is very supportive of technical research, but it will take a long time to improve the battery. The only thing they can do is to design the aircraft around the battery.

When many aircraft experts were convened, there was a big gap between the information they gave and their imaginations, "Even without considering the time required to complete the battery, similar to the design, manufacture, and first test flight of the Airship-2 aircraft, the minimum required More than eight years."

"F-35, the development time is already very short, but it took nearly ten years from design to flight test."

"The flying saucer to be designed now, from the horizontal anti-gravity technology to the superconducting battery, is all new technology. It will take ten years to complete the first one from the manufacture to the test flight... the speed is already very fast."

This conclusion is disappointing.

The representative of the military immediately asked, "Then how did the flower growers do it? Their air-ship series aircraft can only be used for no more than two years at most!"

Although it is only estimated data, the deviation will not be too large.

The first test flight of the Airship-1 aircraft was photographed. At that time, it was less than a year since the florist announced that he had mastered superconducting power storage technology.

Subsequent tests were perfected, and the speed was astonishingly fast.

Now Airship-2, which has the function of "invisible shield", has such a high-end technology that even American can't understand it at all.


Beiyin announced the development of a superconducting battery, which made many American people look forward to it, but it put a lot of pressure on the military and high-level officials, because they could not quickly develop an anti-gravity aircraft.

American's high-level executives held a meeting and once again decided to communicate with the florists.

They have successively sent representatives to the flower growers to discuss cooperation issues. In addition to some conventional business cooperation, their focus is on "technology research and development cooperation".

In the communication between the two parties, they also talked about the annihilation force field technology.

"The annihilation force field is a basic physics research, and florists should consider opening up the results and technical information in the field of basic physics."

"In this direction, we can cooperate to a certain extent."

"Our Groom Lake project has the largest and best team of scientists, and can communicate with the corresponding scientific institutions of florists in the academic field..."


The representative of American said a lot, and he also got a very clear reply-deny!

Anyone with a sane mind knows that American just wants to 'prostitute' technology, such as cooperation, academic exchanges, etc., they are not qualified at all.

Wang Hao's team has the most advanced annihilation force field technology, and the basic technology of the equipment just manufactured by the Groom Lake Project was "exchanged" from the Anti-Gravity Behavior Research Center.

The technical levels of the two parties are not equal, so naturally there is no need for communication.

at the same time.

The florists' military has also taken action.

Recently, the military has focused on two scientific and technological projects. One is the F-ray release technology. They have been demonstrating the construction of several F-ray release equipment to assist in air defense missions in key areas.

The other is a first-order deuterium-tritium fusion experiment.

This experiment is in charge of the team of the Institute of Nuclear Physics. They first carried out the first-order deuterium-deuterium fusion, which is to lay the foundation for the development and improvement of controllable nuclear fusion equipment.

Later experimented with first-order deuterium-tritium fusion.

Deuterium-tritium fusion is obviously not just for the research of controllable nuclear fusion, but for the next step of upgrading nuclear weapons.

Judging from the current situation, it is necessary to increase the nuclear arsenal.

Even if nuclear weapons are not used under normal circumstances, increasing the size of the nuclear arsenal can also play a deterrent role. First-order deuterium-tritium fusion is used to manufacture nuclear weapons, and the effect is much better than conventional deuterium-tritium fusion. One is that the ignition requirement is reduced. That is, the explosion intensity has increased by more than four times.

In terms of the research and development of the first-order deuterium-tritium bomb, the technology is relatively simple, as long as there is a supply of materials, there will be no problem.

F-rays are the point.

The military sent representatives to the annihilation force field experiment team. On the one hand, they visited the annihilation force field experiment team to gain a certain understanding of cutting-edge technology.

On the other hand, it was to discuss the issue of F-ray equipment with Wang Hao.

The person in charge of the military team is Xu Guomao, who is also the number two decision-maker in the theater. After seeing Wang Hao, he said straightforwardly, "Academician Wang, we are studying the feasibility of using F-ray equipment to assist air defense missions."

"We visited the F-ray experiment group. The current F-ray equipment is technically strong enough, but it's too complicated..."

Liao Jianguo was a little embarrassed to hear it, he explained, and said, "That's right. They need more simplified technology. The built-in energy source of the anti-gravity field will pose a safety risk, and it will also affect the external power and magnetic field, and the use of equipment And maintenance will be troublesome..."

Wang Hao asked suspiciously, "If it's only used for air defense assistance, it's enough to cover a range of 100 kilometers? Don't you need a built-in nuclear reactor?"

Liao Jianguo pursed his lips and reminded, "Other built-in energy sources are not sustainable."

Wang Hao suddenly realized.

F-rays use the first-order iron-based superconducting DC anti-gravity technology. The anti-gravity field produced at the beginning is very low, and the distance and intensity of exciting F-rays are increased by external helical magnetic field extrusion and built-in heat sources.

This creates a problem - the heat source has to be built in!

Now the most high-end F-ray generating equipment, the built-in heat source is a nuclear reactor, but the built-in nuclear reactor will make the use and maintenance of the equipment extremely complicated.

If other heat sources are built in, such as the simplest electric heat dissipation, there is a strong annihilation force field outside, which will affect the normal power transmission, and the continuity and stability will be a problem.

"Also, there's the cost to consider."

Xu Guomao shook his head and said, "The solution with a built-in nuclear reaction requires a large amount of continuous power supply, and the maintenance cost is too high..."

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