From University Lecturer to Chief Academician

Chapter 467 Difficulties are overcome one by one, nuclear fusion enters the manufacturing stage!

International Annihilation Theory Organization.

Brian and Novotini were moaning in the office, and at the same time, couldn't help cursing American for his despicable behavior.

The project team of the Groom Lake Project has determined the next step. It will use the strong annihilation force field generation technology mastered by the annihilation organization to manufacture strong annihilation force field equipment.

Although the team claims to have made many corrections and changes, everyone knows that the main technology of their manufacturing equipment is still the same, and the corrections and changes are only slightly adjusted to facilitate subsequent research.

The new equipment they plan to manufacture can also be called the '2.5th generation' strong annihilation force field equipment.

Because the same technology is used, the equipment manufactured by the Groom Lake project team will be more advanced, and the focus of public opinion will also shift to the Groom Lake project. The direct impact on the Annihilation organization is to raise funds for the manufacture of next-generation equipment It has become more difficult.

Annihilation is supported by more than two dozen countries and institutions.

Funding is apportioned.

Some countries and institutions learned that the Groom Lake Project will manufacture more advanced equipment, so they no longer want to continue to support the Annihilation Organization, and raising funds naturally raised objections.

These countries and institutions feel that there is no need to compete with American. In many fields, it is impossible for them to master the most advanced technology. Even if they master advanced technology, they do not have the financial resources and people to support the use of this technology.

Then there is no reason to continue to support the International Annihilation Theory Organization.

Brian is struggling with this.

They were already preparing to design the third-generation strong annihilation force field equipment, but they encountered great difficulties in raising funds.

On the one hand, the funds promised by American have not arrived for a long time, and they always find various excuses to delay.

On the other hand, some countries and institutions have voiced their opinion that they should no longer support the large-scale manufacture of new equipment by the Annihilation Organization.

Both issues are American related.

Brian could only yell at American, at the Groom Lake Project, and at Empoli Cooper, the 'despicable thief'.

Novotini shook his head and said, "We have to worry about funding every time. It would be great if we could do research with the florists..."

He very much hopes to participate in the most advanced annihilation force field research.

"We should have more cooperation, not like now." Novotini continued, "The last time I went to the flower house, I felt very good. Wang Hao was also very enthusiastic. He talked a lot, Bill, what do you think? Is it possible that we can cooperate in the future?"

"It's hard."

Brian shook his head thinking, "Our technology is too bad. For them, there is no benefit in cooperating with us."

"What if we lower our profile? Like, give something?"

"For what?" Brian asked.

Novotini pursed his lips and said, "For example, we help them do experiments? Share data? They can give us technical support, so that we can surpass the Groom Lake project team, and then we will have to raise funds Support is easy."

"We can also involve their people, get them into the organization, and even lead our research..."

Brian was stunned when he heard this, and he said with a wry smile, "So we won't become their auxiliary organization?"

"Affiliated... so what?"

Novotini said helplessly, "A lot of our research is not innovative at all, and it has already been thoroughly researched by them."

"If we don't do this and don't have higher-end technology, how can we convince those politicians to support our research?"

"Without funding, there is nothing."

Brian also understands this truth, but on this issue, they don't even have the right to decide, and they can only think about it for the time being.

He sighed and said, "I'm going to make another trip to Germany, France, and Japan to see if I can get support..."


The Groom Lake Project project team has identified the manufacture of new equipment.

The International Annihilation Theory Organization is also demonstrating the manufacture of third-generation equipment, and Brian runs around to meet with various officials, hoping to get research and development sponsorship.

This matter has naturally been noticed, but not many people care.

The media focus is on the Groom Lake project team, because they have enough money to go and definitely build new equipment.

In addition, Ronald Nolan also claimed that the new equipment can create a strong annihilation field of seven times the rate.

This has exceeded the level-up requirement value of the iron element.

In other words, as long as the manufacture of new equipment can be completed, the project team of the Groom Lake Project is likely to master the technology of manufacturing magnetized iron materials and first-order iron elements.

Good Media is also very optimistic about the Groom Lake project, "They will soon be able to catch up with the Antigravity Behavior Research Center on a basic basis."

"There is not much difference between the seven-fold rate and the eight-fold rate."

"The technology of the Anti-Gravity Behavior Research Center has reached the bottleneck, and they may have begun to worry, because the opponent behind them will soon be able to catch up..."


Another reason why the Groom Lake project has attracted attention is that they have enough funds and scientific research personnel, and at the same time, they also have relatively mature technologies.

So new equipment can definitely be manufactured.

Then you can look forward to it.

Next, the Groom Lake project team continued to disclose research progress, and international public opinion also set off waves.

If you just look at the content of public opinion, it seems that the Groom Lake Project Department has already produced new equipment.

In fact, there is still a wait.

Amid the high profile of the Groom Lake project team, the silence of the Antigravity Behavior Center, and the helplessness of the International Annihilation Theory Organization, three months passed quickly.

In the past three months, Wang Hao devoted all his energy to two tasks, one is granular metal superconducting materials, and the manufacture of brand new strong annihilation force field equipment.

The second is the research and development of key materials for nuclear fusion design projects.

The former needs to wait most of the time, while the latter takes more energy. In the last month, Wang Hao even stayed in the Metal Materials Laboratory of the Academy of Sciences.

He personally led the team to develop one of the most critical materials—compression-resistant and heat-insulating materials that are resistant to neutron shocks.

This material should be placed in the innermost layer of the equipment, and the surface will directly contact the high-intensity nuclear fusion reaction inside, so it must withstand the impact of high temperature, high pressure and neutron impact.

However, high temperature, high pressure and neutron impact are not the key, the key is that a thin layer of strong annihilation force field will exist inside the material.

The thin layer of strong annihilation force field cannot directly contact the internal reaction, because the strong annihilation force field will annihilate energy, and it can only be used as a protection for safety. stability.

A strong annihilation force field will make the material magnetized.

The outer layer of the device is a helical magnetic field, so the magnetization of the material will affect the helical magnetic field, so the material also needs to have 'anti-magnetization characteristics'.

It is obviously impossible for ordinary metal materials to have anti-magnetization properties.

Therefore, the material must use a large number of upgraded elements and future elements, and it is best to use all upgraded elements and future elements.

This research obviously exceeds the capability level of the material institutions, and even most of the material institutions do not even have the authority to conduct research.

Wang Hao simply went to the metal materials laboratory and personally led a team of more than 20 researchers, and it took a month to overcome the difficulties.

They developed a dark-colored β-iron composite material named 'β-iron-tungsten-003'.

The elemental composition of 'β-iron-tungsten-003' is very complex, including three metal elements and four non-metallic elements. Except for sulfur, which is a balanced element composition, all other elements use future elements and advanced elements.

"The dense material of 'β-iron tungsten-003' has a melting point of 7300 degrees Celsius, and it also has ultra-high toughness and compression resistance."

"We have already done the anti-neutron impact test, 'β-iron tungsten-003' passed the test, and we will continue to do high-heat and high-pressure tests in the future..."

"But we think there is no problem passing the test."

Academician Yang Jun made a report.

After hearing this, Wang Hao let out a sigh of relief. He was also looking forward to the performance of 'β-iron-tungsten-003', but when he knew that it was likely to succeed, he was not excited.


The delay is too long!

'βFe-Tungsten-003', with '003' in the name, is naturally not the first material to be researched.

Before they came to the Metal Materials Laboratory of the Academy of Sciences, they had already researched 'α-iron-tungsten-001' and 'α-iron-tungsten-002', but the basic performance was still much worse.

After Wang Hao came to the laboratory, he carefully inspected the manufacturing process and held a meeting to discuss it. Later, he decided to replace alpha iron with beta iron and adjusted the manufacturing process.

When the 'β-iron-tungsten-003' is manufactured, the performance is still relatively poor, so we simply use dense material technology to increase performance.

Now, it finally worked.

Wang Hao sighed with emotion. When the others cheered excitedly, he always thought of going back to Xihai City as soon as possible to continue the research on the annihilation force field supported by the 041 material.

That's the kind of research he wants to do.

After all, the research of materials is not his job, because the research has not progressed for a long time, and materials are very important to the research, so he decided to come here.

I just didn't expect...

It took up to a month!

The next morning, Wang Hao couldn't wait to leave the metal material laboratory. He walked very simply, waved to the others and got into the car without any nostalgia.

It makes people who come to say goodbye feel weird.

Someone asked Yang Jun, "Academician Yang, why do I feel that Academician Wang is a little unhappy? We have obviously completed such a major research..."

"He walked very simply, as if he couldn't wait."

"If it were me, I would definitely stay for an extra week. This kind of achievement... After overcoming this problem, can nuclear fusion research enter the next stage?"

Yang Jun shook his head amusedly, "So you are not Academician Wang!"

"What's the meaning?"

Others also looked over.

Yang Jundao, "You guys, I still don't understand Academician Wang. When it comes to research, our concept of time is different."

"You think one month is very short, but Academician Wang thinks it is very long, and he obviously doesn't like materials research."

"As for the result..."

"Do you think Academician Wang will care about this achievement?"

A group of people were questioned.

When they think about it carefully, they think it makes sense. The research results of top-notch materials are very important to them, but Wang Hao doesn't care at all.

The basic materials used in the research process, including β-iron, α-tungsten, α-silicon, α-hydrogen, etc., were all researched by the team led by Wang Hao. The final manufacturing process of dense materials is also Wang Hao’s annihilation force field completed by the experimental group.

The current results are only applied materials research.

Wang Hao studies new elements, new substances, and new technologies, all of which are in the most advanced scientific fields in the world.

It can only be said that the gap between them and Wang Hao is too great, and they are not at the same dimensional level at all.


The anti-neutron impact-resistant compression heat insulation material is the most difficult and most important research in the material difficulties of nuclear fusion design.

Half a month later, the metal material laboratory basically confirmed that 'β-iron tungsten-003' met the requirements.

The reason why we say 'basically confirmed' is because follow-up testing is required, and the testing of material life cannot be completed in half a month.

They must continue to apply pressure to determine the endurance and service life of 'β-iron tungsten-003'.

This is related to ignition duration.

Although nuclear fusion equipment can be 'turned off and paused', there must be a need for 'filling materials' in the middle, but it is not easy to replace the inner layer of heat insulation material.

That's not something that can be done by pausing for a few days.

In any case, 'β-iron-tungsten-003' can at least become a 'solution for inner layer materials'. So far, the major difficulties in the direction of materials have been overcome, and the remaining small material requirements can be replaced. , and the research is relatively easy.

After the research results were submitted, Mr. Xu immediately contacted Wang Hao and talked about the next step of nuclear fusion research.

Then, with a sigh of mixed feelings, "Finally, this day has come!"

He was referring to fusion research moving into manufacturing.

Teacher Xu has long known that this day will come, because Wang Hao's team has provided too many high-end materials and technologies. As long as the research continues normally, there is great hope that various material difficulties can be solved.

It's just a little ahead of schedule right now.

Perhaps the main reason is that Wang Hao personally participated in the research, otherwise the "compression and heat insulation material resistant to neutron impact" will have to wait for a long time.

The next step is more complicated.

The design stage of nuclear fusion can be finished, and the manufacturing issue can be discussed later, and there are too many factors involved in manufacturing.

They need to organize large meetings.

People in many fields will attend the meeting to discuss the manufacture of nuclear fusion equipment, and their plan is to prepare to build power stations relying on nuclear fusion equipment.

This is the general route.

If it is to build a power station, there is no need to limit the size of the equipment, no matter how large the area is, it is acceptable, and the requirements are naturally much lower.

However, there are many problems with building a power station.

For example, where did you see the power station? When built, which power plants will be replaced? Will subsequent equipment debugging and experiments have any impact?

Also, what is the expected investment? How to raise funds?

During the entire construction process, which institutions and factories are involved, how to solve the confidentiality problem, which research and development institutions are involved...


There are too many problems here, too complex.

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