From University Lecturer to Chief Academician

Chapter 461 Is it normal to spend a few years? Look down on Academician Wang!

Iron-58, is not rare.

The content of this isotope of iron is 0.28% in nature, but it is still very difficult to extract it separately.

The first-order α-iron 58 sent by Annihilation Technology Company weighed about 2 kilograms.

The annihilation force field experiment group used 300 grams for the β material transformation experiment, and the produced first-order β-iron 58 was just a small piece of metal, part of which was sent to the material testing center, and the rest was placed in the laboratory. Separated with a radiation barrier.

After it is determined that the material is not radioactive, or that it is not harmful to the human body, the remaining material is taken out and sealed in a vacuum glass container.

This is to assure the purity of the material.

Although the state of iron is very stable, it will still react weakly with oxygen, water vapor, etc. when exposed to the air, which will also affect the purity of the material.

Wang Hao checked the materials in the glassware.

It was a piece of silvery metal, its color looked more like steel than pure iron, and it felt obviously heavy in the hand.

"The density is very high."

Wang Hao asked, "Has the test by Professor Wang Hui been completed?"

Nodding to Qiansheng, "Most of them have been completed. The oxidation test and some other chemical reaction tests will be done later."

Wang Hao nodded, "A comprehensive test is indeed required. The behavior of first-order β-iron and first-order α-iron is very different, which may also affect the chemical properties."

"After all the tests are completed, let Annihilation Technology Company produce more α-iron (58). We need to manufacture as much of this material as possible, and provide it to Deng Huanshan's team, so that they can produce several CWF-type superconducting materials. .”

"With this, we can conduct follow-up research."

Wang Hao's voice was a little flat, but what he said was exciting.

This is to determine the next research plan.

The basic superconducting materials used by the annihilation force field experiment group, including the Antigravity Behavior Research Center, are manufactured by the Superconducting Materials Research Center.

Wang Hao has participated in many projects of the Superconducting Materials Research Center.

Most of the main materials used today were researched by Wang Hao and his team, and they have discovered a clear rule in the process of testing the characteristics of superconducting materials.

The isotopes of metal elements and the corresponding higher-order elements will not affect the characteristics of superconducting materials, that is, the same element composition, no matter whether metal element isotopes or higher-order elements are used, the manufactured materials still have superconducting properties.

However, the Annihilation Field property is affected.

If the effect of the isotope is not too great, changing it to an upgraded element will make the strength of the created annihilation force field higher or lower.

In terms of anti-gravity characteristics, upgrading elements does not necessarily bring benefits.

This is mainly due to the influence of peculiar phenomena.

The annihilation force field produced by the first-order α-iron will be limited by the special properties of the α-iron, resulting in a lower strength of the anti-gravity field produced, but at the same time, the particularity of the first-order metal elements will also allow it to Before that, the anti-gravity field was activated.

First-order β-iron, theoretically unlimited.

So they could explore the technique used by first-order beta iron to create strong annihilation fields by making several of the discovered superconducting materials.

"The first is CWF-018, 027, and 031, and 035 and 041 will be studied later." Wang Hao said, "The easiest to manufacture is 018, and we will be able to get large quantities of materials soon."

"We can start research from 018."

Xiang Qiansheng also looked forward to it, "If a material with the characteristics of a DC strong annihilation force field can be found, there will be a lot of room for technological growth."

Wang Hao also nodded expectantly.

The next work is to manufacture the material, and then to verify the characteristics of the DC strong annihilation force field of the material.

This work is similar to the verification of the characteristics of DC anti-gravity, except that the verification of the characteristics of the DC strong annihilation force field is more complicated and much more difficult.

They haven't done similar experiments before, mainly because of the influence of peculiar phenomena, first-order iron cannot create a high-strength annihilation force field, so it is meaningless to invest a lot of money in verification.

Now that there is first-order β-iron 58, verification experiments can naturally be carried out.

The two said a few words together expectantly.

Xiang Qiansheng talked about practical problems, "This research requires a lot of funds. The verification of the characteristics of DC strong annihilation force, the materials required for each experiment, including design, equipment, etc., will be very large."

"We have to verify several materials, and we don't know how much it will cost."

Wang Hao silently calculated, "Several billion?"

He wasn't sure either.

Material manufacturing and characteristic verification consume a lot of money, and it is difficult to estimate in advance how much it will cost.

Some materials are relatively simple to know.

For example, CWF-018.

This material is one of the products of the Superconducting Material Industry Company, and it has already achieved large-scale production. They only need to provide the first-order β-iron 58 to obtain the corresponding superconducting material.

Other types of superconducting materials are more troublesome, because they all need to be manufactured in a laboratory environment.

Wang Hao sighed after thinking, patted Xiang Qiansheng on the shoulder and said, "Everything is worth it. At least we have a clear direction."


Xiang Qiansheng thought of the Groom Lake plan.

Although the information they got came from media reports, it is certain that the Groom Lake plan has not directly progressed.

The Groom Lake project cost at least tens of billions of dollars, and it didn't even hit a wave when it was invested, and it didn't even create a superimposed force field.

This is going in the wrong direction.

It is simply impossible for them to rely on first-order iron to study superconducting materials, and then directly create a strong annihilation force field.

Wang Hao continued, "I hope the research will go well, so that we can create a stronger annihilation force field soon."

"As long as the high-pressure mixed materials can be replaced with metal operating materials, the research and development prospects will become bright. First, we can use granular material technology to directly increase the strength of the annihilation force field."

"With a stronger annihilation force field, we can manufacture first-order carbon and first-order silicon in large quantities. These two upgraded materials are very important."

"And copper, mercury, tungsten, etc..."

"However, I am most looking forward to the first-order hydrogen and deuterium elements. Compared with metal elements, hydrogen has great scientific research potential, and may even be used as a fuel for nuclear fusion."

He and Xiang Qiansheng were discussing together, and they couldn't help but look forward to it.


The next step of research officially started.

The initial research is to manufacture materials, the manufacturing cost of first-order α-iron 58 is very high, and then to the annihilation force field experiment group to carry out β-type transformation.

The follow-up will be provided to the Superconducting Material Research Center to manufacture the corresponding type of superconducting material.

This process consumes a lot of funds.

The Annihilation Force Field Experimental Group applied for a funding of 5 billion in advance. When the report was submitted to the science and technology department, Teacher Xu felt his scalp tingle after looking at it.

"Doing materials research?"

"The special material that supports the annihilation force field?"

Teacher Xu pondered carefully, "Could it be related to nuclear fusion? But if it's nuclear fusion research, that part of the funds should be used?"

5 billion is not a small amount.

However, most of the funds for the Annihilation Force Field Experimental Group come from Annihilation Technology Company and Superconducting Material Industry Company, so there is no need for the technology department to worry about it. All he has to do is to approve and sign.

Teacher Xu simply signed and agreed.


Another trouble came to the door.

Several major domestic material institutions came together to ask questions about dense material technology, because they could not find Xiang Qiansheng from the annihilation force field experiment group.

There was no reply from the annihilation force field experiment group either.

Teacher Xu hurriedly sent someone to ask. Wang Hao remembered the material research of nuclear fusion only after hearing the news. He was going to hand over the work to Xiang Qiansheng.

Things are different now.

Wang Hao just found a few researchers and asked them to form a new team, which is responsible for cooperating with the research of several material institutions.

The person in charge of the new team is not Xiang Qiansheng.

Teacher Xu sent someone over to communicate again, and the reply he got was, "Professor Xiang has more important work."

"What else is more important than the material research of the nuclear fusion project?" Mr. Xu frowned, and then ran over to have a look by himself.

He came in a hurry.

When we got to the annihilation force field experiment group, we found that they were not busy doing anything, but looked very leisurely.

Many researchers are sitting in the office bragging and farting.

"We are waiting for materials." Wang Hao explained, "I have handed over the research on nuclear fusion materials to Professor Zhao Dongqiang."

"Professor Zhao Dongqiang has rich experience and is very familiar with dense material technology. It is enough for him to use our equipment and lead a team to cooperate with other institutions' research."

"As for Professor Xiang..."

"We have more important research."

Teacher Xu is certainly interested in new research.

Wang Hao hesitated for a long time, and explained helplessly, "The new research is related to the strong annihilation force field, and we hope to create a stronger field force."

"Our report has already stated that a non-radioactive first-order iron has been discovered. To be precise, it is the first-order β-iron-58."

"Iron-58 is an isotope of iron..."

"Beta iron is a future element. It has a characteristic that it will not be affected by abnormal phenomena, so it can support manufacturing..."

"Wow wow wow..."

Wang Hao continued to explain a lot.

Teacher Xu's head got dizzy when he heard it, and then he simply interrupted, "Okay, okay, I understand, anyway, it is to study the technology of strong annihilation force field, right?"

"It can also be understood in this way." Wang Hao nodded after thinking for a while.

"Then you can continue your research." Teacher Xu rubbed his forehead and said, "But you should also pay attention to the research of nuclear fusion materials, your dense material technology, and several new elements...Anyway, other institutions attach great importance to it. "

"Don't worry, Professor Zhao Dongqiang will cooperate, and all the equipment in our experimental base can be used."

Teacher Xu got the answer and simply left the experimental base.

Wang Hao asked Zhao Dongqiang to be responsible for the docking with the material institution. The purpose was to liberate Xiang Qiansheng. The new research was so important that the core team members must be involved.

The annihilation force field experiment team is Xiang Qiansheng.

There are He Yi and Sheng Hailiang at the Antigravity Behavior Research Center.

Sheng Hailiang has been in charge of leading the team to test the anti-gravity characteristics of superconducting materials, but now he is going a step further and testing the characteristics of DC strong annihilation force. His work experience can still bring great help.

two weeks later.

The annihilation force field experiment team finally got the first material - CWF-018 made on the basis of first-order β-iron 58.

CWF-018, is a publicly available superconducting material.

This metal superconducting material is one of the main products of Superconducting Materials Industry Company. It has a very important characteristic, which is to create an anti-gravity field at room temperature.

Although the strength of the field force is only 2.65%, it is inconceivable to activate the anti-gravity field at room temperature.

After the experimental team got the materials, each group got busy immediately.

They held a meeting to discuss the experimental work.

There is no previous experience in the verification of DC strong annihilation force characteristics, everything can be said to be from scratch, and the only "reference" is the layout of high-voltage mixed materials.

Wang Hao also started from this, allowing everyone to put forward their own opinions to design the layout of the underlying materials.

Discussions continued for three days.

After that, Wang Hao determined the material layout plan, and then asked the cooperative factory to process the materials, and after transporting them back to the experimental base, manual corrections and layouts were performed.


It wasn't until a week later that the equipment was set up for the experiment, and after a series of tests, it was ready to start the first measurement experiment.

An experiment, prepared for more than 20 days, makes people feel exhausted.

Everyone felt that the experiment was not easy, and even felt confused about the prospect of the research. They rarely felt this way, but now they feel that the experiment is too complicated.

"It takes more than 20 days to prepare for an experiment, and this is just a material."

"Other experiments will definitely be carried out in the future, and each time will take at least half a month. I have participated in the anti-gravity measurement, basically once every three days, and many experiments are required for one material."

"How long will that take?"

"It takes a few months, half a year for one material..."

"It's been too long."

Qian Zhijun said something with emotion, and suddenly felt something was wrong.

Others feel it too.

Normally, it is normal for a research to last for several years. The determination of multiple materials is a super large project, and the pre-applied funds have reached 5 billion.

Is it not normal for a 5 billion project to take a few years?

Now they all feel awkward.

"It's still Academician Wang!"

"Doing research with Academician Wang, I'm used to getting results quickly. When I think about the research taking several years, it feels very long..."

"I feel the same way."

"But it's actually normal to spend a few years..."


A group of researchers discuss.

They didn't have much hope for the first experiment, mainly because they had no previous experience, and only high-pressure mixed material equipment could be used as a reference.

However, high-voltage hybrid materials and metal superconducting materials are completely two things.

This kind of referentiality can even be ignored.

Therefore, it is difficult to achieve any results in the first experiment, and most people carry out the experiment without hope. They all feel that the first experiment can only accumulate experience at most, and may not even accumulate experience.


The experiment has officially begun.

Because the equipment has been set up and the detection has been completed, the experiment is to conduct a detection after powering on to see if a superimposed force field is created at the center.

This is what most people think.

After the experiment officially started, Wang Hao just shouted from a distance, "Let's start", and then the power was turned on.

After a few seconds.

All those involved in the experiment were stunned.

Accompanied by the roar of some equipment and the noise of high-intensity current, an eye-catching area appeared in the empty position above the equipment.

Everyone knows what that is.

"Strong Annihilation Field!"

Xiang Qiansheng yelled subconsciously, then took a deep breath and reminded, "Attention, normal experiment, ready for testing!"

The entire experimental group jumped into action immediately.

Everyone was very excited, they never expected that the first experiment would be able to create a strong annihilation force field.

They have a lot of experience with this.

Just looking at the situation in the area, I found that it was not a gray area, but that I couldn't see anything at all, so I knew that its intensity must exceed the '4 times ratio'.

For the first experiment, create an annihilation force field with a multiplier of more than 4.

They just thought it was unbelievable, and then someone reacted, and couldn't help but say during the work, "I said it a long time ago, doing research with Academician Wang will definitely produce results quickly!"

"I've said it a long time ago, it will be very soon. What are you talking about just a few months or a few years? Look down on Academician Wang!"

"It takes more than 20 days to prepare for the experiment, which seems a bit long, but we only need a few experiments!"

"I already said..."


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