From University Lecturer to Chief Academician

Chapter 435 Two bars, hoping to become a dragon, surpassing Wang Hao? Level A difficulty, one hour i

Teacher Zhou treated Ruan Xingping very politely, but he was not satisfied with the work of the power group.

The problem of dynamic balance must be solved, but the coverage test plan is simply unacceptable, and he couldn't help thinking, "Why do you need dynamics experts to do coverage testing?"

These words will certainly not come out.

Experts and scholars in the power group still need to be respected.

The reason why coverage testing is unacceptable is that the testing process is too complicated, and it may take a year, two years, or even longer to complete all the projects.

This is still under the premise that everything is normal and the aircraft can continue to be tested.

If there is any problem with the aircraft in the middle of the test and needs to be overhauled, it is not known when all the tests need to be completed.

Coverage testing can also make the system large.

When there is a large amount of information in the database, problems may arise if it is continuously retrieved, and may even directly affect the safety performance of the aircraft.

At the same time, data breaches may also occur.


The optimal solution of the dynamic balance problem is a computer algorithm.

When the aircraft is at various altitudes, speeds, and angles, timely detection information can be input into the program, and the balance power can be obtained through real-time calculation.

This is the solution.


at the same time.

Wang Hao continued to focus on the research of micron-scale granular materials.

This research work is not tense or cumbersome, it can only be said that it is done step by step, and it is impossible for them to speed up.

Many arguments are based on experiments.

In other words, if you want to make progress in a certain area, you must wait for the experimental results.

Micron-scale granular materials is a huge project, mainly involved in three large scientific research institutions - Institute of High Energy Physics, Donggang Precision Affiliated Technology Research Institute and Superconducting Materials Research Center.

In addition, the Key Laboratory of Superconductivity of the Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Nano and Micro Materials of Xihai University also participated in some experimental work.

As one of the participants, Xia Guobin was very excited.

He is really happy.

The last time I did research with Wang Hao, I couldn’t get a tens of millions of funding. The Institute of Nano-micro Materials worked overtime.

Now I can do research with Wang Hao again, and I don’t need to talk about large sums of money. Each experiment will have sufficient funding.

In this way, at least a bonus can be given to the people in the material institute.

Xia Guobin can also breathe a sigh of relief. There are too many problems caused by the shortage of funds. Many people in the school are squeezing the labor force of doctoral students at the Nano-micro Materials Institute. He is the person in charge of the Materials Institute, and he has four doctors, The six postgraduate students are about to be given the title of 'Evil Mentor Who Squeezes Students'.

Of course the title is not good.

If there is a choice, who would be willing to let his students only work and not get paid? What's more, the subsidies given to students are all out of funds, not out of their own pockets.

Doctoral supervisors are like that.

Some tutors have a large amount of funds in their hands, so they can give students a large amount of subsidies.

Some tutors are poor and do not even have enough funds to conduct experiments, so the subsidies for students are naturally very pitiful.

Xia Guobin is not so pitiful. From the perspective of funding, he is still in the upper middle class. However, in recent years, Xihai University has developed too fast, and it has also been highly valued by the country and the province. Even some of the Faculty of Science Professors can easily get hundreds of thousands of funds.

I am afraid of comparing anything.

Xia Guobin still hopes that he can 'keep up with development' and give more bonuses to his doctoral students and technicians in the institute.

If you have money, you have the motivation for scientific research.

Driven by money, the Institute of Nano-Micro Materials worked together, and every assigned experiment was completed very well.

Wang Hao's work is much easier.

He mainly grasps the general direction of research, and after having enough experimental foundation, he calls other people to demonstrate together.

Research step by step, advance step by step...

The project is going well.

Wang Hao also has time to stay in the office and live a relaxed and leisure life.

Zhang Zhiqiang is also in the office.

He just finished a project, and he is also very leisurely. When chatting with Wang Hao, he also talked about Xu Jie's situation, "Xu Jie is developing very well. He is now participating in a chip project and giving lectures at Capital University. At a young have become an expert."

His tone was a little sour.

Until now, no university like Capital University has invited him to give lectures.

Xu Jie is Wang Hao's graduate student, and his Ph.D. is doing research with him. He has reached this level within three years of his Ph.D.

"Xu Jie, it's really good." Wang Hao made a brief comment. He was just about to say something when he saw the message from Su Yingxue.

That is a picture.

A white pregnancy test stick is on the table, with two bars showing in the center blank.

He fell silent.

Zhang Zhiqiang looked at Wang Hao with doubts, and asked, "What's wrong?"

Wang Hao glanced at him hesitantly, took a deep breath, and pursed his lips forcefully, before handing over the phone.

Zhang Zhiqiang took the phone and glanced at it, his eyes widened immediately, and he exclaimed, "Two bars!"


"Two bars! Two bars!" Zhang Zhiqiang was very excited, "Wang Hao, do you know what this means?"

Wang Hao pointed at himself with his finger, and gave a look of "do you think I'm stupid?"

Zhang Zhiqiang said excitedly, "You have a child!"

"Why are you more excited than me?"

"Can I not be excited? This is your child!" Zhang Zhiqiang said quickly, "I told Yanzi yesterday that when you have a child, it is best to be a boy. We must make a baby kiss. Then we will My daughter doesn't have to struggle!"


Wang Hao was silent.

Having been a human for two lifetimes, and having a child for the first time, his feelings are very complicated.

After a long time, he asked, "Brother Zhang, what's it like to be a father? It's your first time being a father, right, but you have more experience than me."

Zhang Zhiqiang thought about it carefully, "Anyway, it's very intimate, blood is thicker than water, but our Swallow always looks forward to a daughter Jackie Chan, saying that a daughter must surpass my father..."

"I'm a bit too. I hope she's smart, at least smarter than me."

"I have a Ph.D. from a key university, so it's good for her to get a Ph. D. from a key university. She is better than me in scientific research... Of course, she is definitely far behind you, but she can reach the level of Da Luo... Cough cough, his level is the same as mine... Anyway Just better than me."

Wang Hao asked with some doubts, "You still hope that your daughter can win a Fields or a Nobel?"

"Can not be done?"

Zhang Zhiqiang stared back and asked, "Is this abnormal? Everyone wants their children to surpass themselves, right? You will definitely think so when your child is born."


"of course!"

Zhang Zhiqiang was very sure, then looked at Wang Hao and fell into deep thought.

Wang Hao was also lost in thought.

Chen Mengmeng broke the silence, and she said to Wang Hao, "Ms. Wang and Mr. Zhou are here, and they have already entered the school."


Zhang Zhiqiang quickly stood up, "It's just right, I'll go and ask other people too."

Wang Hao also stood up, and said a little depressed, "Why did you come so soon, I said I was going to go home and have a look..."

"go home?"

Chen Mengmeng was a little confused.

Wang Hao's work is very busy.

Even when he was relatively free, there was always something to come up with, so he never came home during working hours during the day.

Zhang Zhiqiang walked to the door and waved to Chen Mengmeng to call her out.

Chen Mengmeng followed out with doubts. They arrived at an office on the side and stood in front of Luo Dayong's desk, only to hear Zhang Zhiqiang ask in a low voice, "I have a question for you."

"Beyond Wang Hao, who will it be?"

Luo Dayong and Chen Mengmeng looked at each other, and said several answers one after another, "The pioneer who led mankind out of the universe and realized interstellar navigation?"

"The hero who leads mankind to achieve eternal peace?"

"The great emperor who rules all mankind and makes the earth no longer have national boundaries?"

"Let human beings achieve immortality..."

"Stop, stop!"

Zhang Zhiqiang felt dizzy when he heard this, and pressed his forehead hard, wondering why he didn't think of it? Is it really IQ...

"Is such that."

He simply said, "Wang Hao has a child. He hopes that his son will become a dragon, and he hopes that the child can surpass himself. I just thought... what kind of evildoer can surpass him..."

Chen Mengmeng opened her mouth wide, "Ms. Wang has a child?"


Luo Dayong nodded lightly, "But beyond Wang Hao, there are many answers to this question, right?"

"for example?"

Zhang Zhiqiang was very dissatisfied immediately.

Many answers? Why didn't he think of any of them?

"For example, you."


Zhang Zhiqiang pointed at himself with disbelief written all over his face.

"Yes." Luo Dayong said, "You are stronger than Wang Hao. Your weight is stronger than Wang Hao, your hair is more than a hundred times thinner than Wang Hao, and your age is also older than Wang Hao. And your food intake should also be higher than that of Wang Hao. Wang Hao, last time we ate skewers together..."


"So, Daqiang, call uncle to listen."

"...What the hell about me!"


the other side.

Wang Hao waited for Teacher Zhou in the office.

Teacher Zhou came over with a stack of documents, and directly talked about the problems encountered in the test, "It's still a power balance problem. The strong annihilation force field interferes with the balance. Academician Wang, you already know it?"

"Because there is an additional change factor, the calculation of the power group has encountered difficulties..."

Wang Hao asked suspiciously, "Didn't I already give you the data last time? The influence of the strong annihilation force field on the air is regular."

Teacher Zhou pursed his lips hard.

When it comes to complicated math problems, his eyes are darkened, and he simply passed the information, "Academician Wang, take a look..."

Wang Hao took the document and glanced at it.

The above is the summary of the experimental data by the dynamic group, as well as some processes of calculation and derivation. Their summary is very good, and several dynamic equations with many unknowns are listed.

A lot of calculations below will have no results.

"So the question is, how to solve these dynamic equations with many unknowns?"

"Professor Ruan said so."

Teacher Zhou explained, "These power equations have one more variable unknown than the conventional equations, and the difficulty increases."

Wang Hao nodded slightly.

He glanced at the content again, and he also knew the reason why the power group couldn't solve it. The power equation was already very complicated, and it became even more complicated with the addition of an unknown number and a change function.

This kind of pure mathematics problem can apply for tens or millions of projects if it is taken alone.

Even if he wanted to solve it, it couldn't be done in one or two days. The problem was that he didn't want to waste his time here, and wanted to go home to accompany Su Yingxue.

The children have it, math problems...

"It's half past two!"

Wang Hao looked at the time and sighed helplessly.

Teacher Zhou suddenly said worriedly, "Academician Wang, I know it's difficult, but if we can't solve this problem, we can only do coverage testing..."


"Coverage testing takes too long, maybe a year, two years..."


Wang Hao rubbed his hair vigorously, and stood up helplessly, "Okay, okay, Teacher Zhou, I'll find someone right away."

"Find someone?"

Teacher Zhou couldn't understand Wang Hao's train of thought at all.

Wang Hao didn't explain much, so he went out to call someone.


A group of people gathered in the meeting room.

These include Luo Dayong, Chen Mengmeng, Zhang Zhiqiang, plus Ding Zhiqiang, Paul Phil Jones, Helen, Qi Xiao, Tian Hong...


Mathematical problems composed of complex kinetic equations were copied on a large whiteboard.

Wang Hao stood in front of another whiteboard and explained, "Everyone looked at the problem and thought about it. I asked you to come over to solve this problem."

A group of people suddenly became energetic.

Wang Hao is the world's top mathematician, and he is still involved in the field of partial differential equations, which he is best at, but he asked them to help solve mathematical problems.

It's a shame to talk about this kind of thing!

Zhang Zhiqiang felt very face-saving, and his mind was not on the math problem at all, because he knew such a complicated problem, it was impossible for him to have a train of thought.

The key is……

He is involved!

"Also be serious, if any ideas are adopted, who will dare to say that my math level is poor in the future?"

Zhang Zhiqiang suddenly became very serious.

Others were also very serious, including Ding Zhiqiang, Paul Phil-Jones, Helen, they all began to seriously think about the topic.

They all thought that they could play a role in solving the problem, and some of them even took out a pen and paper, and began to calculate and analyze carefully.

at the same time.

In order to solve the problem quickly, Wang Hao has already established tasks——

【Task 3】

[Research Project Name: Airship-2 Opens Stealth Power Balance Calculation (Difficulty: A). 】

[Inspiration value: 0. 】

"Class A?"

"The difficulty is not low. No wonder the dynamical group can't be solved, but it's just a dynamical equation, within the scope of partial differential equations..."

"It shouldn't be difficult, right?"

A-level difficulty is indeed not low.

However, partial differential equations are his field of expertise, and he has also solved NS equation problems, plus there are so many outstanding talents on the scene...

An hour is almost enough, right?

He looked at everyone with anticipation.

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