From University Lecturer to Chief Academician

Chapter 432 Important confidentiality, production suspension. American's Voice: We will study f

When the first-order iron was first discovered, the content of the first-order iron in the magnetized iron material was very small, and the extraction could only be carried out in the laboratory.

The unit used for the production of first-order iron is 'gram', or even 'mg'.

Later, the strong annihilation force field generation technology made great progress, and the content of first-order iron in the manufactured magnetized iron materials also increased to more than 2%, and the production unit changed from 'gram' to 'kilogram'.

Now, when I hear the phrase 'production of first-order iron in large quantities', Mr. Xu certainly knows what it means. It is very likely that the unit used for the production of first-order iron will become 'tons'.

But he still asked several times, "Are you sure?"

"With this new technology? Mass production? Direct production of first-order iron?"

Wang Hao affirmed, "The new technology can skip the extraction stage and directly produce high-purity first-order iron. Although no experiments have been conducted, I estimate that there is no problem with the content exceeding 80 percent."

"Academician Cao and Professor Qu's new discovery of magnetized iron materials can make first-order iron move sideways under special circumstances..."

"In principle..."


Teacher Xu pressed his forehead hard, he quickly made an interrupt gesture, and said quickly, "The most important thing now is technology, let Academician Cao quickly report."

"Contact the technology department of Annihilation Technology Company. We need to decide on this technology. If we have the technology, we should quickly experiment and update the equipment."

"When the technology is determined and the output is increased, the research can also apply for awards, or give other rewards."

"Academician Wang, it's the same on your side, you've worked hard!"

Teacher Xu is really looking forward to it.

The increase in the production of Tier 1 Iron is really important.

First-order iron can create high profits for Annihilation Technology Company, but in fact, as some people worry about, first-order iron is too expensive. Even if research in many directions is fruitful, it is difficult to be recognized scale applications.

Even if it cannot be cited on a large scale, the sustainability of profit creation will not be strong, and it will be difficult to bring about any changes in technology and life.

If you want the influence of the first-order iron to be greater and should be used in more fields, you must realize mass production.

With mass production and mass sales, first-order iron can not only continue to create high profits, but also has strong strategic significance.

From the perspective of the future, for example, first-order iron covers many fields of science and technology, such as medical treatment, materials, military, aerospace, etc., and only Annihilation Technology Company can manufacture first-order iron, which realizes the development of a high-purpose basic material. monopoly.

Materials are widely used, which not only improves technology, but also has strategic significance.

Strategic significance, very important.

For example, when there is a conflict with a certain country, some form of sanctions can be implemented through the means of "banning sales"...

cough cough.

In conclusion, it is very important to achieve mass production of first-order iron.


Institute of Aeronautical Materials.

Qu Shigang was sitting and chatting with Ai Yongchuan.

They were talking about the research of Cao Dongming and Qu Gui, and Wang Hao was particularly curious about their research.

Ai Yongchuan asked, "What kind of research did Dongming and Xiaoqu do?"

"It seems to be related to the magnetized iron material." Qu Shigang shook his head and said, "The research in this area may be confidential, and I haven't asked about it."


Ai Yongchuan nodded understandingly, "Both of them are very talented. Dongming has just been selected as an academician, and he is only in his fifties. He can still work for more than ten years. Xiaoqu is even younger."

He sighed and continued, "But this time, their results came out quite quickly. I only heard from Xiaoqu last month that Dongming pulled him to do research in cooperation with Academician Wang."

"By the way, what are they doing these two days?"

"Rush to report."

Qu Shigang said, "I saw Dongming in the morning, and he said he had been rushing to report. Academician Wang told them to hand in the experiment report quickly."

"In such a hurry?" Ai Yongchuan was a little puzzled.

Qu Shigang pursed his lips vigorously and said, "I guess it will help Academician Wang's research."

"Academician Wang's research!"

Ai Yongchuan sighed and said, "They are all great achievements, and any one you take out will be world-class. Dongming and Xiaoqu's research can help Academician Wang... If it is used for awards, maybe it will win a third prize for science and technology?"

"Haha, that's unlikely."

Qu Shigang shook his head and said with a smile, "The Science and Technology Award is not so easy. It's almost the same with Academician Wang. Xiao Qu and Dong Ming... are helpful, right?"

While the two were talking, they heard a lot of footsteps coming from outside.

Just as Qu Shi went out to take a look, he found that many people were walking towards the door. He yelled and asked, "Little Ma? What's going on outside?"

Ai Yongchuan also came over.

Xiao Ma turned around and said, "Academician Qu, Academician Ai, many people came, and the leaders of the science and technology department went directly to Academician Cao Dongming's office."


Qu Shigang and Ai Yongchuan glanced at each other, then hurriedly followed to have a look.

It was Mr. Xu and another senior leader who came. They were talking to Cao Dongming, and then a group of people cheered and went to Cao Dongming's laboratory.

Several guards were guarding the entrance to the laboratory.

Just as Qu Shi tried to follow him, he was stopped. They inquired with others, and only then did they know that the research of Cao Dongming and Qu Gui was listed as a major secret.

"Big secret?"

Qu Shigang and Ai Yongchuan looked at each other, and couldn't help grinning, "This's amazing!"

Ai Yongchuan also sighed, "I also said that I can win the Science and Technology Award... If it is a major secret, it may be able to win the first prize?"

"When I get old in the future, I may get a medal based on this research..."

They were instantly envious.

The research of the Institute of Aeronautical Materials is classified as confidential, but it's no big deal, a lot of their research is confidential projects.

However, confidentiality is also graded.

When a project is listed as a major secret, it must be a very important achievement, and it will have a great influence in a certain field. Level, so that the technology in a field has a significant improvement.

"What will it be this time?"

"Magnetized iron material? Is there any new discovery of first-order iron?"


"Don't guess about the important secrets. If you can know it, you will know it soon. If you can't...don't inquire about it in this life."


"In short, this research must be very unusual."

"I also said it was the third prize for science and technology... Teacher Xu is here, and Teacher Zhang is here too... I don't think the first prize will be won!"

Qu Shigang and Ai Yongchuan talked more and more sourly.

They have worked hard for a lifetime, and it is very good to be an academician at the old appraisal, but they have not completed the results that are classified as "major secrets".

What about Cao Dongming and Qu Gui?

The two of them cooperated with Wang Hao last month, and the total time spent on it could not have exceeded one month!

Really, so sour!


the other side.

Wang Hao has returned to Xihai University. He is going to sort out the information and start research on micron-scale granular materials.

The people from Annihilation Technology Company came over again.

Zhong Minge brought Wang Jinlu and other technicians back to the manufacturing base of Annihilation Technology Company when he heard that there was a technology for mass production of first-order iron materials.

They didn't have any rest at all, and went straight back to Xihai with their luggage. They were exhausted after tossing and turning, but everyone was energetic.

"Mass production of first-order iron?"

"Is it a technical improvement? Or something else..."

"I don't know, it's the news from the science and technology department that Academician Wang has mastered this technology, which seems to be related to the research of the Institute of Aeronautical Materials. I have invited Academician Cao Dongming and Professor Qu Gui to the manufacturing base..."

"Let's ask Academician Wang Hao first."


Zhong Minge was really excited.

The mass production of first-order iron is too important. The purpose of his running around is to improve the technology, and he ran several times to no avail.

Now that there is a new technology, we must understand it as soon as possible.

Of course, it was impossible for them to let Wang Hao go to the manufacturing base to give an explanation, so a group of people came to Xihai University to find Wang Hao.

When Wang Hao saw Zhong Minge again, he also had a wry smile on his face, "Manager Zhong, what are you worried about? I am preparing to write a report."

"No hurry, no way!"

Zhong Minge said, "I can't help it. Academician Wang, you also know how important this technology is..."

Wang Jinlu nodded and echoed, "That's right, we know we'll be here soon."

Seeing their excitement, Wang Hao said simply, "Well, you come to the anti-gravity center with me, and I will give you a brief explanation, and you will know how to do it when you go back."


A group of people quickly followed.

Wang Hao found a conference room and began to explain the technology.

"This was discovered by Academician Cao Dongming and Professor Qu Gui. During their research on magnetized iron materials, they found that under the special environment of high temperature, high magnetic field and high pressure, one-way stirring of the molten material will make the first-order iron Gathering towards the side..."

"That is, it can separate the first-order iron."

"This sounds like a technique for separating first-order iron, but unlike other separation techniques, it can be used in the manufacture of magnetized iron materials."

"In the process of studying the first-order iron, we found that the first-order iron element has a specific magnetic field."

"In magnetized iron materials, the distribution of first-order iron elements is absolutely balanced, and the specific magnetic field emitted by first-order iron forms a kind of protection for ordinary iron elements. It can be understood in this way."

"Because of this, when pure iron materials are in a strong annihilation force field, the content of first-order iron will not increase over time..."

"If this technology is used in the manufacturing process, as the first-order iron elements move toward the side, the first-order iron content in the center will decrease, and under the action of the strong annihilation force field, there will be more regular iron elements , a step-up occurs and becomes a first-order iron..."

"That's the underlying principle."

"In actual manufacturing, the speed may be beyond imagination."

"The upgrade of the iron element is done instantly. As long as the individual mixing speed is fast enough, the first-order iron element can move to the side faster, and the production will be completed in a short time."


Wang Hao carefully explained the technical principles.

Facing a large group of technicians is much more comfortable than facing Mr. Xu.

When I was explaining to Teacher Xu, not only did I not get any correct feedback, but I was always interrupted halfway through the explanation.

Now that he was able to finish the lecture smoothly, and gave a lot of feedback in the middle, he simply improved the manufacturing technology according to the content of the feedback.

"You may encounter problems in the process of researching manufacturing technology."

"At that time, it can be solved like this..."

"Also, it is best to use tungsten alloy as the container material. The melting point of tungsten alloy is high enough. Under the force field of 7.8 magnification, the strength of the magnetization effect is very consistent with the magnetic field required for the first-order iron separation..."

"Of course, careful study is still needed."

"The difficulty of this technology lies in the balance of the high magnetic environment and the magnetization of the strong annihilation force field..."

Everyone listened carefully.

After listening to the technical content, they heard what Wang Hao said about the problems encountered in manufacturing research, and they couldn't help feeling that Wang Hao was unusual.

Wang Jinlu was full of shock. During the interval between explanations, he kept sighing to Zhong Minge, "Academician Wang Hao, you are really amazing. He is explaining the theory and technology, but I feel as if he has made it."

"He even knew about the problems we might have."

"I don't even know what to say, academician Wang Hao... is not a mortal! No wonder he can complete so many researches."

"Sincerely, academician Wang Hao is number one, and the others can't even catch up with Hao Mao."

"Not even close!"

At first, Zhong Minge nodded his head in agreement, but later he couldn't help digging his ears, and looked at Wang Jinlu with vigilant eyes.

This guy is obviously a technician, why does he seem to be better at... bragging?


a week later.

Annihilation Technology Company issued an announcement, announcing that the company will overhaul and renovate the equipment, and the equipment dedicated to first-order iron manufacturing will be suspended.

"Timeout indefinite."

"Before the equipment is back in service, we will release the information in advance..."

The press officer of Annihilation Technology Company also publicly accepted interviews with reporters and said, "This is just a normal overhaul and transformation. The manufacturing technology of first-order iron is very complicated, and the equipment is also very complicated. We need to invest a long time to maintain the equipment. .”

"In addition, we also plan to modify the equipment to improve manufacturing efficiency."

"Our goal is to be able to mass-produce primary iron..."

The press officer followed up with a few words about 'equipment transformation' and 'mass production', but not many people cared about it at all, because most of the manufacturing cost of first-order iron is still on 'extraction'.

Even if the manufacturing efficiency of magnetized iron materials is improved, it is impossible to manufacture first-order iron in large quantities.

So, why suspend the device?


This is possible.

However, the media in some countries interpreted the actions of Annihilation Technology Company as "actions against American".

For some time in the past, politicians in American showed an unfriendly attitude because the negotiations with the technology department failed.

Magnetized ferrous materials are still very expensive, and their purchases have also dropped significantly.

This also caused the Groom Lake project to be blocked. Many cooperative scientific research institutions and enterprises could not obtain the required magnetized iron materials, and the research could not proceed at all.

Gamow-Shapley was the most depressed man.

What hinders research now is the materials, but to put it bluntly, there is not enough funds to buy them in large quantities. On the other hand, there are also political factors involved.

Some influential people in American are calling for "scientific research cannot be controlled by others", expressing clear opposition to Groom Lake's plan to use upgrading materials.

Some people simply called for the Annihilation Technology Company to be put on the 'sanction list'.

What they say makes sense--

"Flower growers can develop in many fields, but they rely on our sanctions. They can't get the technology, materials, and equipment they want, so they can only research and develop by themselves..."

"That's something we need to learn."

"We don't have advanced material manufacturing technology, so we must resolutely not buy it, and do research and manufacture by ourselves. We have the most and best team of scientists in the world..."

"The Groom Lake Project was supposed to do this research!"

"We can study it alone, and there is no need to spend a lot of money to buy materials from flower growers..."

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