From University Lecturer to Chief Academician

Chapter 426 Perfect technical complementarity! major? Let's see who is more professional!

Wang Hao really wanted to recruit Shen Huiming to Xihai University.

One is that he hopes that Xihai University will develop better and have more high-tech top talents. Second, Shen Huiming has a lot of research in the direction of first-order electromagnetic waves, and maybe there will be cooperation in related research in the future.

But he didn't consider letting Shen Huiming join the Antigravity Behavior Research Center, or simply join the Annihilation Force Field Experimental Group.

Because the profession is not right.

The study of annihilation force field does not require Shen Huiming, the first-order electromagnetic wave actually belongs to the next level of research of annihilation force field, which can be regarded as 'annihilation technology'.

Even if Shen Huiming joined in, he would not be able to participate in the experimental work at all.

Shen Huiming is a top talent, he is the leading figure in the field of first-order electromagnetic waves, and he can even be said to be the only one.

He discovered the first-order green light.

So far, no other experimental group has announced that it has successfully reproduced Shen Huiming's stimulated radiation experiment.

Now I have discovered an intermediate frequency radio wave that is suspected to be a first-order wave.

As the only person in the research of first-order waves, Shen Huiming was favored by the Radar Research Institute, and they asked him to do tens of millions of large projects, and even set up a research team for him.

It is not easy to find such a talent.

The electronic information laboratory of Xihai University is indeed too poor, even if enough funds are given, it is difficult to retain people.


After the meeting, Shen Huiming rejected Wang Haocai as soon as he mentioned it.

Shen Huiming said sincerely, "Academician Wang, I just came to the Radar Institute with some achievements, so I don't want to leave like this..."

"Do not worry."

"If your research needs me, I'll put down what I'm doing right away!"

Wang Hao nodded regretfully.

He didn't pay much attention to it, but talked to Shen Huiming about the research on the first-order wave, "Your research will eventually produce first-order short-frequency waves, and short-frequency waves are necessary, so that the penetrating power is strong enough and the coverage area is sufficient. wide."

"If the intermediate frequency is not good or not..."

"Our goal is to create short-frequency waves." Shen Huiming said depressedly, "But it's very difficult, but it's very difficult. We have used many methods, but we haven't found anything at all."

"Maybe it's not strong enough?"

Shen Huiming was a little puzzled, "Academician Wang, what do you mean...?"

"I mean the material."

Wang Haodao, "Since you have discovered intermediate frequency radio waves, it means that the research direction must be correct. I think the follow-up can start with material discovery, such as using some superconducting materials of first-order iron, or containing first-order iron and first-order iron at the same time. Lithium-order superconducting materials."

"Use superconductivity to create strong electromagnetic energy, and gather and excite electromagnetic waves..."

He said simply.

Shen Huiming's eyes lit up after hearing this, and then he smiled wryly, "Academician Wang, first-class iron superconducting materials are not something we can have."

"It doesn't matter. We have several types. You can apply and I will agree to sign."

"But it's also expensive!"

Zhang Shuqing suddenly said, "Even if there is approval, the superconducting material made of first-order iron..." He didn't want to continue talking.

Even the research institutes under the Aviation Group have to pay a certain fee to obtain primary iron materials from internal channels.

Normally, the fees are much lower than market sales.

However, the first-order iron superconducting material is not sold outside, and it must have been produced by laboratory research. Even if it is only given a cost price, it is absolutely amazing.

Level-up materials are too expensive!

Upgraded superconducting materials...

They can't even imagine it!

Domestic scientific research institutions also suffer from the high cost of materials. Institutions such as the Radar Research Institute have a limited budget for funding each year. It is definitely beyond the budget to spend such a large sum of money just to purchase materials.

Wang Hao was not in the mood to help them solve their problems. He smiled, "Professor Shen, why don't you go to Xihai University, when the supply of first-order iron and first-order lithium is released, all the superconducting materials we have can also be used." Let you experiment."

"At the same time, for your project, how about I help you apply for a funding of over 100 million yuan?"


Shen Huiming swallowed hard, thinking that he directly rejected Wang Hao's solicitation just now, he felt that it was too hasty.

Zhang Shuqing was as anxious as an ant on a hot fire, and immediately interrupted, "Hui Ming, don't worry, our funds are indeed limited, but I have to apply for you because of my old face..."

"Fifty million!"

He gritted his teeth hard as he said.

Shen Huiming immediately said, "Don't worry, I didn't even think about going there. I came to the radar institute. No matter how difficult the conditions are, I will definitely lead the team to do research."


Zhang Shuqing was a little relieved.

He looked at Wang Hao again with a sad look in his eyes, and asked, "Academician Wang, do you value this research so much?"

"Of course."

Wang Hao explained calmly, "You may think that this is the radar technology of the future, but I think that if this technology is developed, it will be available soon."


Both Zhang Shuqing and Shen Huiming didn't understand.

The reason why the first-order radio wave radar is considered to be the future radar technology is because it is difficult to use for the time being. Even if the first-order radio wave is discovered and the manufacturing method is known, it is difficult to put it into use quickly.

This is mainly because radar technology is already very mature.

The development of radar technology can be traced back to a hundred years ago. In the First World War, Eagle Country produced radio wave radar for military detection.

A technology with a century-old history must be quite perfect.

Modern radars can freely control the frequency band, frequency, and coverage, and there are too many advantages of mature technology.

First-order radio radar naturally has its advantages.

For example, if the opponent does not have the relevant technology and cannot even do signal interference, electronic information warfare will naturally gain the upper hand.

However, just after the discovery of the first-order radio waves, it will definitely take a lot of time to research equipment and improve technology to reach the level of existing radars.

Wang Hao didn't explain in detail, he patted Shen Huiming on the shoulder, and said seriously, "This technology is really important, study it carefully, Professor Shen."

"You can apply for first-order iron materials, and the report says it's my suggestion."

"I hope to find out soon!"

Shen Huiming said gratefully, "Thank you, Academician Wang."

On the other hand, Zhang Shuqing grinned, lamenting that keeping Shen Huiming was costing money, 50 million? Where should the money come from?


Wang Hao attaches great importance to the research and development of first-order radio wave radar because of the air-ship series aircraft.

He led the team to develop and design the Airship-1, and developed the Airship series aircraft on this basis. He naturally has an unusual love for the Airship series aircraft.

The current air-ship series of aircraft is very complete, but there are still many directions for improvement, one of which is the stealth effect.

The air-ship series of aircraft can be considered invincible to a certain extent when it rises to an altitude of more than 30,000 meters, but even if it rises high enough, it may still be hit by some missiles, because the aircraft does not have the stealth function. Can be locked at any time.

The enemy's missiles can't hit, and it is very dangerous to continue to launch interference.

In addition, there are some special cases.

For example, if the aircraft is required to perform low-altitude missions, or the ascent and landing of the aircraft, there will be a risk of being hit.

This is mainly because the airship series aircraft do not have stealth functions.

The initial design of the aircraft did not consider the issue of invisibility, not because of negligence in the design, but because large aircraft cannot be invisible at all.

Invisibility is not just painting, but requires all-round design cooperation.

For example, aerodynamic layout and overall shape design.

Infrared radiation from electric motors and high-power devices also needs to be simplified, otherwise it will be detected by radars with infrared functions.


The stealth function of the aircraft is very complicated, and it needs to be coordinated with the overall design at the beginning. At the same time, a series of problems will also arise.

For example, aircraft with stealth functions generally have the characteristics of high speed and high maneuverability, but do not have the characteristics of high altitude.

For another example, the design of the stealth function will lead to a very limited amount of ammunition carried by the aircraft, which limits the combat capability.

Therefore, the airship series aircraft cannot be designed stealthily.

Now, by studying the strong annihilation force field excited by the horizontal antigravity field, it is possible to form a layer of superimposed force field on the surface of the aircraft in the situation of magnetic field confinement, and may even form a thin layer of strong annihilation force.

This will give the aircraft the characteristic of annihilating electromagnetic waves, making all radio wave radars ineffective.

But annihilating electromagnetic waves is a double-edged sword.

It is true that the aircraft can no longer be detected by radar. Similarly, the aircraft itself cannot send out signals, which is equivalent to losing eyes to a certain extent.

The first-order radio wave radar can perfectly solve the problem.

The first-order wave cannot be affected by the weaker annihilation force field, and the superimposed force field is naturally even more unaffected. Using the first-order radio wave radar, the airship series aircraft can be turned invisible while receiving external information normally, even It is to lock the local target and launch the missile.

These are perfectly complementary technologies.

Wang Hao was a little emotional just thinking about it. He couldn't wait to return to Xihai University, and started the magnetic field design research with the experimental group.

At this time there is another good news.

The task inspiration value has increased to '57', which is still very surprising. During the meeting, he didn't care about the task issue at all, but there was a small increase in the result.

"It seems that the research is still somewhat relevant."

"A first-order wave, maybe a deep theoretical connection?"

Wang Hao got some correct knowledge feedback, but he didn't know which one was related to research, so he simply shook his head and continued with his normal work.

His working method is to hold discussion meetings.

Now that they have finalized a design, they are constantly discussing and revising the details of the design, and correct feedback will appear in the process, which can also help improve the design.

Such discussions are held every day.

The normal working method of the experimental group is to go to research independently in the morning, and to hold a discussion meeting in the afternoon to improve and correct the design of each part.

The main framework of the design was completed by Tang Jianjun and several related researchers.

Tang Jianjun is the leader of the research. He feels that the design research has been perfected so far. The next step should be to manufacture the magnetic field generator according to the design, and then conduct experiments to find out the problem.

If the experiments identify problems, improvements can be made.

This afternoon, the design didn't make any progress.

Tang Jianjun couldn't help complaining, "Why not manufacture it directly? Our plan is already perfect, and we will know if there is any problem after manufacturing it for experimentation?"

"What's the point of discussing this?"

The objects of his complaints were He Yi and Yan Jing. He Yi was the No. 3 person in charge of the experimental group, and Yan Jing was in charge of the meeting.

He Yi persuaded, "Academician Tang, don't worry, we can just do as Academician Wang directs."


Yan Jing nodded in agreement, "Academician Wang is a professional in research."


Tang Jianjun didn't know what to say for a while.

Wang Hao, major?

The current research is the design of the magnetic field generating device, mainly to design and study the direction of the magnetic force and the strength of each part, so as to maximize the 'gathering' of the strong annihilation force field.

The subject of research is the magnetic field.

No matter from which angle you look at it, he is the nuclear magnetic expert, right?

"never mind……"

"Two young people! Don't care!"

Tang Jianjun took a few deep breaths before suppressing the depression in his heart.

Next, work continues as usual.

But for a week, the design has not been improved, that is, the discussion has no results.

Many people also began to support Tang Jianjun, thinking that the discussion can be suspended, and the design is perfect enough to manufacture equipment for experimental research.

Wang Hao thinks it can be improved.

The reason is very simple. The inspiration value of the research task is only '97' and has not yet reached the full value of '100'. There must be some problems with the design.

However, it is very frustrating to not find the problem for a long time.

Where is the problem?

Wang Hao also knows that many people in the group think that there is no need to argue, they just didn't say it directly.

This is also because there has been no improvement for a long time.

"How about this."

Wang Hao said bluntly, "Everyone expresses their opinions. Regarding this design, I know that some people support putting it into production and then conducting experiments."

"What do you all think?"

He looked at Yan Jing and said, "Professor Yan, tell me first, and you can say what you think."


Yan Jing was a little hesitant. She would definitely support Wang Hao, but she felt that there was no need to continue when she expressed her thoughts. She gritted her teeth and said, "Academician Wang, I don't think any design is perfect."

"Our solution is very mature, and it can be manufactured and then tested. If there are any problems, the experiment will find out."

After hearing this, Wang Hao was taken aback, and couldn't help talking to himself, "Is there no design that is perfect?"


"Our design is indeed perfect. It's so perfect that we can't find any flaws..."

Everyone else didn't understand why.

Wang Hao slammed the table and shouted, "That's true. Come and see, the magnetic field we designed can form a perfect closed loop and surround the entire device."


"What's wrong?"

"That's right, that's how we designed it..."

"That's the problem!"

Wang Hao said vigorously, "We are not trying to create a thin layer of strong annihilation force field, and it is impossible to create it. If it is such a design, it is impossible for the force field to be gathered, but to continue to disperse."

"When the same force is applied to each point in an area, isn't there no change in the entire area?"

"So we need to add a magnetic gap in the design, so that the force field has a direction to release, rather than enveloping it as a whole."

After hearing this, the others suddenly realized.


"Sure enough, that's it!"

"It doesn't matter if it's too perfect. We didn't create a thin layer of strong annihilation force field, and it's impossible to create it."

"The design is so perfect it becomes unfeasible!"

"It turned out that Academician Wang was looking for this problem. Maybe Academician Wang had always thought there was a problem before, but he couldn't find it. Now he finally found it."

"I didn't understand before..."

"The gap is too big!"


Amidst the heated discussions, Tang Jianjun said sourly to himself, "It makes sense? What makes sense? It's just a theory, perfect or not? How to prove it?"

"Maybe when it's time for the experiment, it will prove that the perfect magnetic closed-loop design is effective..."

In fact, Tang Jianjun was not forgiving, and he also felt that what Wang Hao said was reasonable, but didn't he directly deny his idea?

He still remembered Yan Jing's words...


How could Wang Hao understand magnetic fields better than him?

When the experiment officially starts, let's see who is more professional!

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