From University Lecturer to Chief Academician

Chapter 404 Technological competition, if you don't advance, you will retreat; a mess is also a

When a decision made in a major meeting is named with the suffix "plan", it is very unusual.

In the history of American, there are several very famous 'plans'.

The most famous of these is the Manhattan Project.

In June 1942, American implemented a plan to use nuclear fission reactions to develop atomic bombs, also known as the Manhattan Project.

This project has gathered the largest and best team of scientists, well-known ones include Einstein, Fermi, Bohr, Feynman, Von Neumann, Wu Jianxiong, Oppenheimer, Rabbi, Lawrence, etc. , There are countless scientists who participated in the Manhattan Project.

According to statistics, the Manhattan Project required a total of more than 2,000 civilian personnel, more than 2,000 military scientists, and more than 1,000 famous scientists from various countries.

The total number of people planned to mobilize exceeds 100,000 people.

The entire plan took 3 years to complete and cost more than 2 billion US dollars. In the end, the world's first nuclear explosion was successfully carried out, and two practical atomic bombs were produced according to the plan.

$2 billion may not sound like much, but you know, that was in the 1940s.

At that time, 1 US dollar could buy 170 catties of rice or 1 gram of gold. You can imagine how huge US$2 billion is.

In addition, the most famous is the "Marshall Plan".

It was after the end of the Second World War. Marshall was a high-level official of American. He came to the famous Harvard University to give a speech and talked about the preparations for rebuilding O State.

However, Marshall didn't go into too much detail, he just said that American contributed money to help O Continent in order to develop O Continent.

Marshall told O State.

Several large media outlets in Ozhou broadcasted the entire content of the speech.

At that time, the situation in Ozhou was very bad. The war caused Ozhou to lose its economy. Many people could not live well, and there were labor movements everywhere.

The Marshall Plan was an extremely successful strategic plan.

While helping West O and other regions, American has greatly expanded its economic and military control.

Now American's high-level decision to formulate the "Groom Lake Project" is a state-supported one-way technology research and development investment plan.

The reason for making a 'plan' is because the investment will be huge.

Groom Lake is a place name, less than 100 kilometers away from the bustling casino Las Vegas, and the desolate area around the lake bed is a famous military restricted area.

It also has another name - Area 51.

The 'Groom Lake Project' is to build a brand new large-scale laboratory in the desolate area surrounding Groom Lake, dedicated to the study of annihilation force fields and related supporting plans.

At the same time, a large number of top scientists are invited to participate, and other university scientific research institutions, large experimental laboratories and large enterprises cooperate in the research.

In short, allocate sufficient funds and gather a large number of top talents to jointly study the annihilation force field technology.

American executives believe that as long as they pay enough attention, they will definitely be able to achieve a technological overtake for florists and anti-gravity behavior research centers.

Because their investment is greater.

They have more and better scientists.

With so many top scientists and sufficient financial support, isn't it better than an anti-gravity behavior research center or Wang Hao?


American's top executives have only drafted the plan, and it will definitely take a long time for the plan to pass through to detailed demonstration and then to be officially implemented.

But there is no doubt that they have given absolute importance.

Wang Hao didn't care about other countries and institutions. He didn't even have the concept of "competition" for the time being, because the Antigravity Behavior Research Center has been leading the research.

The International Annihilation Theory Organization has also created a strong annihilation force field, but the strength of the field is obviously too low to be called a 'competitor' at all.

In addition, they also have new technology.

Direct current electricity creates a strong annihilation force field, which is much more efficient than the method of producing an alternating current superimposed force field.

They are no longer a starting line.

Of course, having more advanced technology does not mean that you can sit back and enjoy the benefits. The competition in science and technology is sailing against the current, and if you do not advance, you will retreat.

Therefore, Wang Hao is still thinking about the issue of technological improvement.

He thinks that the next step is to start with the fundamentals of the annihilation force field generation technology, that is, to develop new superconducting materials.

There is a piece of good news today.

Jieli Lithium Industry, a large domestic lithium battery manufacturing company, took the lead in using magnetized lithium element compound materials to manufacture a lithium battery.

The R\u0026D team of Jieli Lithium Industry reported the performance test data, and the performance of the newly manufactured lithium battery has more than doubled compared with the conventional one.

Lithium battery performance, there are two important indicators, one is the storage capacity, and the other is the effective output power.

The storage capacity of the new lithium battery has increased by 2.4 times, and the effective output power has increased by 1.5 times. Other data, such as service life, are still in the testing process.

According to the existing data, the service life will also be slightly improved.

While this news is exciting, it also makes the formation of new companies around making first-order materials much smoother.

A new company needs to have a product.

First-order iron is only one of them, but it is not the main one for the time being. The manufacturing speed in units of 'kilograms' can only be supplied to scientific research units for the time being, and it is far from meeting the market demand.

Magnetized lithium elemental materials are different.

The magnetized lithium element material only needs to pass through a strong annihilation force field, and then degaussed. The manufacturing speed will be very fast, and it can be put into the market directly.

The new company will have products that are put into the market, and it will be able to generate continuous profits.

On this day, Wang Hao went to the capital to attend a meeting of the science and technology department. The meeting discussed two points, one was the establishment of a new company, and the other was the research issue of annihilation force field.

Wang Hao is concerned about two points, one is the funding of the annihilation force field.

Funding is too important.

The annihilation force field experiment group is very money-burning. It is easy to spend hundreds of millions of funds on average every month. When focusing on a single research, the speed of burning money will increase several times, and it must have far-reaching and continuous financial support.

So when it came to the issue of establishing a new company, Wang Hao directly proposed that the profits that belonged to the new company should be invested in the annihilation force field experiment group.

The proposal passed quickly.

One is that the new company is just about to be established, and the division of interests is not yet fixed. Of course, it is necessary to listen to the suggestions of the technical experiment team.

The second is that the research of the annihilation force field experiment group is very important, and it is an important guarantee for the research and development of annihilation technology and the technological improvement of new companies.

The meeting finally decided that 20% of the annual profits will be allocated to the annihilation force field experiment team and other related research.

In this way, the annihilation force field experiment team no longer has to worry about funding issues, and may even become the richest scientific research institution in the future.

On the topic of annihilation technology research, Wang Hao also talked about his own ideas, "I think a new experimental group should be established to study superconducting materials that support the manufacture of anti-gravity and strong annihilation force fields."

"The high-pressure mixing materials used by our experimental group have not been improved for a long time."

"That's a huge question."

"Science and technology research, if you don't advance, you will retreat. The superconducting materials laboratory focuses on superconducting materials, not anti-gravity and strong annihilation materials. The two are different."

"This brand-new experimental group has only one task, which is to continuously research superconducting materials that can support the creation of anti-gravity fields or strong annihilation force fields. They need to continue to conduct experiments to test."

"If we can find a material that is more suitable for producing annihilation force field, it will make great progress in the technology of annihilation force field generation."

Wang Hao talked about his thoughts seriously.

Materials are so important.

If there is a more suitable material that can support the creation of a stronger annihilation force field, the research will naturally make great progress.

The antigravity field direction is the same.

The superconducting materials used in the air-ship series of aircraft are still the same as those used in the original experiments, without any progress at all.

If we can find a superconducting material with a higher critical temperature and higher transverse anti-gravity field strength, the manufacturing and maintenance costs of the air-ship series aircraft will be greatly reduced.

In the direction of annihilation force field technology, superconducting materials are fundamental.

This suggestion was also adopted by the meeting, but establishing a new experimental group is not a simple matter and needs to be discussed in more detail.

Among them, the funding of the new experimental group is also very important.

The new experimental group studies superconducting materials that support anti-gravity and strong annihilation force field generation technology, so it needs to continue to do large-scale experiments.

Whether it is to create an anti-gravity field or a strong annihilation force field, the experimental requirements are very high, and it will definitely require a lot of funds.


Superconducting materials are indeed very important.

Wang Hao believes that superconducting materials are the key to annihilation force field technology. After returning to Xihai University, he also started research on superconducting materials.

His research is not to create superconducting materials, but to re-examine the superconducting semi-topological theory from the bottom.

When a brand-new element is discovered, it can lead to various new problems, such as the first-order iron element and the first-order lithium element, which bring about a new problem of "superconductivity theory adaptability".

In the theory of superconducting semi-topology, the core is a basic formula, which can be used to solve the superconducting transition temperature of a single element by entering various data of substituted elements.

In addition, the superconducting transition temperature of the two-element combination can also be obtained through complex calculations.

If you go deeper, the three elements and four elements will increase in difficulty beyond the exponential level, and it will be very, very complicated to solve.

This basic formula also allowed the semi-topological theory of superconductivity to be quickly recognized by the international physics community and become the most important theoretical basis for the study of superconductivity and superconductivity.

However, the emergence of first-order iron and first-order lithium has made superconducting semi-topological theory inapplicable.

For example, first-order iron elements and conventional iron elements have the same properties of protons, seeds, electrons, etc., and the critical temperature values ​​obtained by bringing in the same data to solve are naturally exactly the same.

Birkar analyzed, "This is probably because the electronic transition of elements forms a stable state, which is different from the elements in the conventional annihilation force environment."

"The strength of the relationship between electrons and nuclei differs."

The fields of superconducting semi-topology theory and annihilation theory are different. Wang Hao found another team, including Birkar, Lin Bohan, Zhang He, Ding Zhiqiang and Luo Dayong.

Among them, Bill Carr, Lin Bohan and Luo Dayong all participated in the research of superconducting semi-topological theory.

Ding Zhiqiang's main direction is also algebraic geometry.

Zhang He performed outstandingly in the theoretical calculation group engaged in superconducting elements. He still served as the team leader of the calculation group, and also took the position of deputy director on him, becoming the number two person in the calculation group.

Now the problem they hope to solve is how to incorporate the first-order elements into the superconducting semi-topological theory.

Several people expressed their opinions one after another, "I think it can be corrected on several constants based on the experimental results of superconductivity detection."

"This is impossible. Now there are only first-order iron and first-order lithium, with few experiments and few data."

"Is there a possibility? To connect the first-order iron with the existing elements and make a data change?" Ding Zhiqiang put forward a strange point of view.

This point of view may sound bizarre.

Others thought about it carefully and found that there is indeed a certain truth. If they can find elements similar to the first-order iron superconducting state, or convert them into specific data based on their properties, they can be substituted into superconducting semiconducting elements. in topology theory.

In the end Wang Hao shook his head, "The difference is too big."

"The closest to the first-order iron superconducting transition temperature is mercury, but there is no relationship at all in terms of other characteristic data between the two."

"Even if it's just a change in data, there are too many variables, and it's simply impossible."


The research can't find the direction for the time being,

Wang Hao also gave others time to think about it, while he continued to study the relationship between the superconducting properties of first-order iron and first-order lithium.

On the issue of superconducting properties of first-order elements, the Superconducting Materials Laboratory has long begun research.

They have determined the superconducting transition temperatures of first-order iron and first-order lithium, and also determined the transition temperatures of several iron-based superconducting materials made of first-order iron.

Two of the iron-based superconducting materials have very weird transition temperature data. Not only did their transition temperatures not increase, but they decreased a lot.

This is where the problem lies.

The transition temperature of the first-order iron element has been greatly improved. In addition, the transition temperature of the two iron-based superconducting materials measured at the beginning has increased, so many people have a fixed impression-as long as the iron is replaced by a When iron is added, the transition temperature of the material rises.

As a result, they found a decline.

Wang Hao also asked the research team to focus on these two materials, and asked the Antigravity Behavior Research Center to measure the antigravity properties of the two iron-based superconducting materials.

He simply went to the Antigravity Behavior Research Center.

When I got to the experimental group, I saw He Yi coming out, waving his hands and shouting loudly, "Academician Wang, you came just in time!"

Wang Hao walked over to meet him.

He Yi followed him into the door and said, "We have just completed the measurement of one of the materials, and the result is a bit special. I am going to tell you."

Wang Hao suddenly became interested, "Tell me."

"The conventional transition temperature of this superconducting material is 73K, but when replaced with first-order iron, the transition temperature is only 65K."

"We have also done anti-gravity tests before, and the highest field strength is only 0.96 (4%). However, around 139K, the experiment discovered the anti-gravity phenomenon, and it was not confirmed until 100K, and the measured value was 0.2%. "

"We thought we had made a major discovery, but when it reached 71K, the value also increased to 0.3%."

He Yi felt a little regretful, "64K, in the superconducting state, is only 0.4%, which is really too low..."

He said with a change in his voice, and said with a smile, "Although we haven't found that kind of super material, this is also a very important discovery, right?"

Wang Hao pondered carefully, "The transformation temperature is only 65K, but anti-gravity phenomena can be found above 100K..."

He smiled wryly, "The study of the applicability of the superconducting semi-topological theory to first-order iron is already messy enough. I have no clue until now. Your discovery complicates the research."

"It's a mess!"

"The original theory has been overturned, and the original experimental results have completely lost their meaning..."


He sighed, murmured after thinking carefully, "However, the results of the experiment are confusing... Maybe it's also a major progress!"

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