From University Lecturer to Chief Academician

Chapter 397 Flat Excited Emotional, International Hot Discussion, Experimental Test New Results!

"The Nobel Prize in Physics?"

"Yes, we hereby call you. The news of the Nobel Prize winner in physics will be published on the website later. Congratulations again."


Wang Hao thanked him politely, and then asked, "Mr. Anderson, can I ask what kind of research it is?"

He has made too many research results.

In the direction of annihilation physics, there are many studies that are enough to win the Nobel Prize.

Anderson replied, "It is the study of the annihilation force field, including the theory of the annihilation force, mainly in recognition of your contributions to the study of the annihilation force field."

He added, "This is recognized all over the world."

"OK, thanks."

Wang Hao nodded calmly in response, indicating that he already knew.

This plain answer made Anderson feel very depressed. He complained, "Although I was prepared... Well, Mr. Wang Hao, I didn't expect your reaction to be so calm, as if you have known it for a long time."

"Of course, that's not a bad thing."

Anderson laughed at himself, "At least you didn't take our notice as a scam call."

"I am honored to be able to inform you directly. Congratulations for the third time on your winning the Nobel Prize in Physics. Although it is not very good to say this, I still want to say that your award is probably the most unprecedented in the past ten years. It's controversial."

Anderson was full of congratulations and compliments.

It was a tradition before the Nobel Prize was made public to notify the Nobel Prize winners by phone, but it was not necessary for the chairman of the committee to make a phone call in person, and all the people who made the calls were staff members hired by the committee.

Now that Anderson called himself, it was obviously more than just congratulations.

Next, he talked to Wang Hao about the award presentation. Generally, the Nobel Prize needs to be received in person, but Wang Hao will definitely not go to the scene to receive the award, otherwise it will definitely be a super international event.

This is related to the international situation.

A top scientist like Wang Hao has a major influence in many aspects such as science and technology, the military, and the economy, and it is impossible for him to take risks in order to receive an award.

Therefore, Anderson did not ask Wang Hao to accept the award in person, but talked about the arrangement of the Nobel Committee. They hoped that Wang Hao could appear in front of the big camera on the scene through live video, and deliver a acceptance speech.

Wang Hao thought about it and agreed.

After everything was discussed, Wang Hao thanked Anderson again, and then put down the phone calmly.

Several people in the office looked at him strangely.

Helen made a comment, "Mr. Wang, I don't feel like you received a winning call, but rather discussed the itinerary with someone, or something else."

"It seems so."

Ding Zhiqiang and Chen Mengmeng nodded together.

Ding Zhiqiang asked curiously, "Mr. Wang, are you not excited at all? That's the Nobel Prize. Dan Ran, I know it's nothing to you, but after all, it's..."

"Nobel Prize in Physics!"

"Have it?"

Wang Hao thought about it a bit strangely, and he grinned and said, "I am also very happy and excited. Winning the Nobel Prize seems to have a feeling of reaching the pinnacle. The Nobel Prize should be the highest award in physics. Come on. Think about it, I won’t pursue it in the future.”

"Happy? Excited? I can't tell at all..."

After Chen Mengmeng finished speaking, he pointed to the side, "Look, that's called excitement."

Everyone else looked over.

I saw Paul Phil Jones pouted, half lying on the table and staring at the screen of the mobile phone, as if he was performing a pilgrimage to the mobile phone.

His whole body was tense, he kept stomping his feet, and he kept muttering, "Call, call, call..."

It's been a long time.

The phone screen on the table finally lit up.

Paul Phil-Jones quickly picked up the phone, so fast that he almost dropped the phone on the ground. He then gripped the phone tightly, stared at the screen carefully for more than ten seconds, and then swiped the button to the answering position, and then took a long breath Taking a breath, he pretended to be calm and said, "Hi, hello, I'm Paul Phil Jones, a former professor at Caltech, now a professor at Xihai University, and a researcher at Mason's Mathematical Science Laboratory..."


The staff on the other side of the phone fell silent for a while, as if they hadn't expected that they would hear a series of introductions just after the call was connected.

He then reacted and said, "This is the Nobel Committee, Mr. Jones. We specially called to inform you that you have won this year's Nobel Prize in Physics."

"Me? It's me? It's really me..."

"Yes, it's you."

"Then would it be an honor for you to call me?"


"Isn't that what you meant to say?"


The staff member was silent for a while, and said, "Well, Mr. Jones, you should already know that my work is over."

"Finally, congratulations."

"Beep, beep, beep..."

Listening to the busy sound coming from the phone, Paul Phil-Jones was full of doubts, he raised his head to look at Wang Hao, and asked, "Your call just now, the person on the other side seemed to say that it is an honor to inform you. Why isn't that the case when you call me?"

"Probably not alone? It was Anderson, the chairman of the Nobel Prize Committee, who notified Mr. Wang."

"Perhaps your reaction was too intense?"

"Or, you can understand it this way... people don't feel honored?"


Paul Phil-Jones couldn't accept it for a while, but he quickly forgot the short-term unhappiness and cheered excitedly, "Nobel Prize! I won the Nobel Prize!"


"Nobel Prize!"

As he spoke, he rushed out and shouted in the corridor, "I won the Nobel Prize in Physics! I won the Nobel Prize in Physics!"


For winning the Nobel Prize in Physics, Wang Hao's performance was a little dull, perhaps because he had long been prepared for winning an international heavyweight award.

In addition, he didn't need to rely on an award to be sure.

The Nobel Prize in Physics simply cannot explain his own contribution to international physics research.

Paul Phil-Jones was very excited, and the reaction was so intense that people even thought he was crazy, but thinking that he won the Nobel Prize in Physics, others could understand.

After all, that is the most important international award.

He Yi simply didn't know.

On the day when the Nobel Prize in Physics was announced, He Yi was busy working in the Annihilation Force Field Laboratory. The laboratory is a secret institution, and calls from the outside world could not be made at all. It was only when colleagues checked the information and saw the latest news that they knew about him. Received an award.

At that time, He Yi was reading the test report in the operating room, when a voice shouted from the door, "Director He, congratulations. You have won the Nobel Prize in Physics."

"Brother Wang, stop joking!"

"Really, I didn't lie to you, the whole world is talking about it now, you can check it online!"


"Really! Have a look before you talk..."

Other people who heard the news immediately looked for the news, and immediately discussed, "It's true, Director He, you won the award together with Academician Wang and Mr. Jones."

"The contribution of the annihilation force field research? Isn't the scope of this coverage too big?"

"Research on annihilation force field? Director He really deserves an award!"



"Is this the first time a domestic scholar has won an award?"

"Mr. Yang Zhenning doesn't count. He was in American when he won the award, which is definitely the first time in China..."


Looking at the news on the Internet, He Yi opened his mouth wide in surprise, and at the same time, felt a wave of excitement spreading.

He participated in many annihilation force field experiments, including anti-gravity research and strong annihilation force field research, and signed many public results of experiments.

But all along, he felt that he had nothing special to contribute.


Everything was done according to what Wang Hao said, and he was just the person in charge of the experiment.

That's all.

Now I have won the Nobel Prize in Physics, which is really unexpected.

He Yi stared at the news for a long time without speaking.

Many years ago, he was just an ordinary university professor, and his physics laboratory had no reputation at all. He finally applied for a million-level funding project, and his research did not produce any results.

Now the physics laboratory has become an anti-gravity behavior research center, an internationally recognized top-level physics research center, and has mastered the most advanced annihilation force field generation technology.

Over the past few years, along the way, my heart is full of emotions.

He Yi is not lamenting that it is not easy, or the excitement of being affirmed by the award, but...

"It's too easy to win a prize, isn't it?"

"I just followed what Academician Wang said, did experiments, and won the prize."

"So, chance in life is very important!"

He Yi was elated immediately, "Following Academician Wang, everything is under command, the research results are obtained, and awards are also awarded..."


The official website of the Nobel Prize announced the winners of the Physics Prize on time.

Wang Hao, He Yi, and Paul Phil-Jones won this year's Nobel Prize in Physics for their contributions to the study of annihilation force fields.

Nobel Prize Committee in Physics.

Jagland Berhard Anderson had a somewhat helpless expression.

Since he became the chairman of the Physics Award Committee, he has been worrying about award selection, just like what he said to Wang Hao, Wang Hao's award is expected by everyone.

Many scholars are waiting for the news of Wang Hao's award.

If the award is awarded to other people, scholars will question the fairness of the Nobel Prize in Physics.

Justice is the foundation of the Nobel Prize.

If the award lacks justice and is considered unfair in the selection process, the award will quickly lose its influence.

Such is the case with the Nobel Peace Prize.

Jagland-Berhard-Anderson had no choice, or rather, the Nobel Prize in Physics selection committee had no choice.

But even if the award was awarded to Wang Hao, the troubles of the committee were not over.

Because, Wang Hao has many achievements in physics, among which there are too many who are qualified to win the Nobel Prize in Physics.

In the direction of annihilation physics, it is unknown how many items there are.

The theory of superconducting semi-topology has revolutionized the technology of superconducting materials, and is undoubtedly eligible for the award.

If the semi-topological theory of superconductivity cannot be awarded, then the Nobel Prize in Physics will no longer be awarded to research in the field of superconductivity.

In addition, the discovery of first-order iron and first-order energy waves is definitely eligible for awards.

"Perhaps, we can also attribute the discoveries of first-order iron and first-order energy waves to the chemistry award?" Jagland Berhard-Anderson thought carefully, and felt that the idea was very reliable, "At that time, let chemistry Give the award selection committee a headache!"

This pair can only resolve results in one direction.

Anderson still feels a headache. The purpose of their research on the annihilation force field is to 'cover a wider range', but it can't solve all the problems.

Wang Hao's achievements are too many.

If the results are selected one by one, perhaps in the next five years, the selection of the Nobel Prize in Physics will become "the most meaningless work".

Then, he can step down.

How will others evaluate his work then?

"Anderson, the most useless chairman of the Nobel Prize Committee in Physics!"

"He rated Wang Hao five times!"

"Use him as a judge? A pig is fine!"

"Perhaps the Nobel Prize Committee in Physics should be renamed 'Nobel Prize Committee for Wang Hao'."


Others don't have Anderson's worries.

After the Nobel Prize Committee in Physics announced the winners of this year's prize, it caused a wide round of public opinion at home and abroad, "Finally, it is awarded to Wang Hao!"

"Wang Hao, He Yi, Paul Phil-Jones, the latter two are incidentals, right?"

"Don't underestimate He Yi. Professor He Yi is an experimental physicist who has been involved in the research of annihilation force fields and has made great contributions."

"Paul Phil Jones, a super genius, has made great contributions to theoretical research. It is said that he has also greatly helped Wang Hao."

"After several years, the selection of the Nobel Prize in Physics is finally fair."

The last sentence is sarcasm.

Academics believe that Wang Hao should have won the Nobel Prize in Physics long ago, because his superconducting semi-topological theory has made superconducting technology develop by leaps and bounds.

Many Nobel Prizes in Physics have been awarded in the field of superconductivity.

Wang Hao’s contributions are many times greater than those of his predecessors, and it is a matter of course that he won the Nobel Prize in Physics. As a result, until now, the theory of superconducting semi-topology has not been mentioned in the Nobel Prize in Physics selection.

What is awarded now is only the research of the annihilation force field.

Many people discussed this, "I don't know if the Nobel Prize in Physics will be fair next year. If it is fair, it will definitely be Wang Hao."

"Should it be?"

"Maybe not, who knows?"

"It would be unfair if it is not awarded to Wang Hao..."

Public opinion is only discussing the award-winning issue.

Some people are envious of He Yi, because He Yi has been doing research with Wang Hao and has been participating in the experiment of annihilation force field, and won the Nobel Prize in Physics.

If they were to say what ability He Yi had, they would definitely not be convinced.

"So, it is important to follow Wang Hao to participate in the top research..." Wang Hui thought so, and he discussed it with Zhou Qing.

They were all a little excited.

He Yixing, others can certainly do it.

The research done by Wang Hui and Zhou Qing is absolutely qualified to win an international award. They discovered first-order iron through experiments.

Now a first-order lithium has been discovered.

The discovery of first-order lithium is another major achievement.

Wang Hui and Zhou Qing worked day and night with excitement. They did not rest for 17 consecutive hours, carrying their tired bodies for testing, and finally completed all the work.

They sent a simple report to Wang Hao before going to rest.


When Wang Hao got the test report, he looked at the above data and couldn't help being surprised, "First-order lithium, the content is 17%?"

"so tall?"


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