From University Lecturer to Chief Academician

Chapter 393 Special Magnetic Field? Wang Hao: Ionization energy, ionization, makes sense!

"The curves of other compounds are very similar, only the curve of lithium carbonate is different, it must be more than a coincidence."

"I can't think of other reasons for the time being, only element upgrades!"

"Metal elements have a strong magnetization reaction and are more likely to produce electronic transitions. If lithium elements undergo electronic transitions, it may affect the magnetization reaction."

"This judgment is not necessarily correct, but it is very likely."

Wang Hao made a judgment very seriously.

The current discovery is so important that he has always hoped to find a second element that undergoes an upgrade to study the electronic transition phenomenon under a strong annihilation force field.

There is too much research to be done in this direction.

For example, the most direct question is that the iron element was first discovered in the experiment to upgrade, why is it iron element and not other elements?

If you want to find the answer to this question, you need to find two or more upgrade elements, and the importance of the second upgrade element can be imagined.

It is a pity that because the problem is found to be lithium carbonate, which is a compound, it is temporarily impossible to simply judge the content of the upgrading element, or even 100% sure whether there is a phenomenon of upgrading.

"How long does it take to extract elemental lithium?" Wang Hao asked.

"That's not difficult!"

Wang Hui thought for a while and said, "The extraction of lithium will be completed soon. Academician Wang, I understand what you mean. It is to detect whether there is first-order lithium, right?"

Wang Hao nodded.

Wang Hui said, "Extraction is not difficult, but detection is not easy." He explained, "The behavior of elemental lithium is very unstable, and it cannot be operated like the extraction of first-order iron. Some processes require a vacuum environment. In this regard, I will discuss with Professor Zhou Let's discuss it."

Wang Hao nodded expectantly and said, "I'll leave it to you."

"This is our job!"

Wang Hui was also very excited.

He knew very well that the discovery of the second ascending element was definitely a discovery that shocked the whole world.

When discussing with Zhou Qing before, they also felt that the new discovery was very unusual, but they didn't consider the direction of upgrading at all.

Now knowing that it may be a phenomenon of upgrading, naturally also know the great significance of the research.

At the same time, he was a little flustered.

Because of the results.

He has been in charge of the detection of magnetized materials. A 'variant element' was discovered in the laboratory, which was later determined to be a 'first-order iron' element.

Now the 'first-order lithium' element has been discovered.

In the future physics textbooks, there will definitely be introductions to advanced elements, so his name will be indispensable.

This is to leave a name through the ages!

Wang Hui felt emotional just thinking about it. He is also a well-known material expert, but he thinks that his scientific research level is average, and some top achievements have little influence.

After being responsible for the detection of magnetized materials, a lot of achievements and honors followed.

"So, the most important thing in life is opportunity!"

Wang Hui thought carefully, and sighed, "The most important thing is Academician Wang. Research with academician Wang can easily achieve great results!"

Wang Hao didn't have so many emotions.

He has achieved enough achievements and honors, and some incidental achievements and honors in other directions are completely irrelevant to him personally.

On the way back, he was thinking about his new discovery.

The magnetization reaction intensity of lithium carbonate is low, which does not mean that the lithium element has been upgraded, but the lowest estimated possibility is more than 80%.

"If Professor Wang can extract the first-order lithium, it will naturally be proved."

"But why lithium?"

Wang Hao couldn't figure it out at all.

The upgrading phenomenon of iron element can be understood as "the magnetization reaction of iron element is strong", but compared with other metal elements, the magnetization reaction of lithium element is not so strong.

Lithium and iron have very different physical and chemical properties.

Lithium element is a very non-state metal element. It is the third element in the periodic table, and its melting point is only 180.5°C. At the same time, lithium element has a large charge density and a stable helium-type double electron layer, which is easy It polarizes other molecules or ions, but itself is not easily polarized.

This affects the stability of lithium elements and lithium compounds.

Due to the most negative electrode potential, lithium is also the most active metal among known elements (including radioactive elements).

The above characteristics are difficult to associate with iron.

"Iron, lithium..."


"But not necessarily." Wang Hao thought carefully, "Maybe there are other elements that have undergone electronic transitions, but they haven't been detected yet."

"It's quite possible."

"The content of the first-order iron is extremely weak. Perhaps some elements have also been upgraded, but the content is even weaker, which makes it impossible to detect..."


Wang Hao returned to the Mason Number Lab with a lot of questions.

He was bored in the office and thought carefully, and later found that there were too many problems, so he simply sorted them out one by one.

Then I found that the priority of research is still about the question that I thought about before, "Why does the content of first-order iron not increase in the long-term prevention of pure iron materials in a strong annihilation force field?"

Thinking from the perspective of the evolution of the universe, with the continuous improvement of the annihilation force, as long as the critical value of the iron element's step-up effect is reached, which is about "6.6 times" the annihilation force field strength, the iron element should undergo electronic transition.

"It's not right to think so!"

Wang Hao frowned, "In a strong annihilation force field environment, pure iron will not be magnetized at all, and only when it returns to a normal environment will there be a magnetization reaction."

"The annihilation force field suddenly strengthens and suddenly weakens..." He suddenly thought of the key factor, "Time, the problem still lies in time!"

In the experiment, the pure iron material was placed in a strong annihilation force field environment, and the longest duration was only about one hour.

This is limited by the device.

The strong annihilation force field generating equipment cannot work all the time, and it must be turned off and paused after being turned on for more than an hour, otherwise malfunctions may occur.

An hour doesn't sound like a short time.

However, compared to the evolution and development of the universe, it is too short, so short that it can be ignored at all.

The increasing speed of the annihilation force of the universe is extremely slow.

Various elements are gradually adapting to the environment in an extremely slowly enhanced environment, instead of jumping directly from the conventional environment to the strong annihilation force environment like in the experiment.

It's like a stretched spring.

Stretch the spring all at once, and then release it, and it will spring back forcefully.

Slowly stretching and releasing will also spring back.

What if "slowly" refers to the time in units of "billion years"? That is not necessarily the case, even if the spring does not change its behavior, it may still adapt to the stretching environment.

"Then suddenly, the annihilation force increased to exceed the critical line for upgrading, what happened in the pure iron material?"

Wang Hao found that it was difficult to solve this problem simply by thinking.

This required experimentation as well as inspiration, so he simply recruited three generals: Paul Phil Jones, Ding Zhiqiang and Helen.

In fact, Wang Hao also hopes to have more outstanding talents join the research team, but the threshold for annihilation physics research is too high.

Those who are qualified to cross the threshold are some older professors.

Forty is very young.

"We need to recruit talents and train newcomers, but it takes time to train newcomers..."

Wang Hao really didn't want to take students with him.


He looked at Ding Zhiqiang and Helen, and suddenly had an idea, "Maybe we can let them take students? Then, I will help with the interview..."

"It makes sense!"

When I think about it this way, I have expectations in my heart.


Helen didn't want to take care of students. Her situation was similar to that of Paul Phil-Jones, she was the kind of teacher who was extremely disliked by students.

Helen also taught classes at the school.

Most of the students couldn't understand or keep up with that course. Even if they studied all the content carefully, the pass rate of the final exam was very low.

The real data is that 50 people took the elective, and 11 people passed.

This is still the result of the school's educational administration's intervention. Otherwise, only two or three students might barely pass, because the test papers Helen gave were too difficult.

Probably because of the 'IQ gap'.

Helen always lectures according to her own understanding, and the progress of the course is naturally extremely fast. Whenever she talks about a question, she subconsciously thinks it is very simple, and most of the students can't keep up with the rhythm at all.

Even if she was reminded, she still didn't understand.

When it was time for the final exam, the test papers were all "questions that I thought were easy", but in the end it stumped most of the students.

In short, Helen was a disaster as a teacher.

Ding Zhiqiang didn't want to take students with him either.

It's not because of any genius or not, he already felt dizzy from being too busy.

Ding Zhiqiang has joined Wang Hao's team since he graduated with a Ph.D., and was "forced" to pick up knowledge of theoretical physics, annihilation physics, and even astrophysics.

Everyone knows that Wang Hao attaches great importance to Ding Zhiqiang and thinks that Ding Zhiqiang is very talented. As a result, when he was in school, many people took the initiative to find information for him, hoping that he could learn more quickly.

At home, too.

Ding Zhiqiang lived with his parents.

His parents also knew that Ding Zhiqiang joined Wang Hao's research team and kept saying, "Your Teacher Wang cultivated you to be a talent, and you must not let Teacher Wang down!"

"Study more when you have time, I know, you are studying physics, right?"

"The last time Professor Huang came to buy things, he told me for a long time, you are studying annihilation physics, right, I know this..."

"Empty flying saucer! And super iron!"

"Now it's being reported on the news, and many teachers are telling me..."

Ding Zhiqiang felt very depressed when he heard it.

It turns out that his parents are both in his hometown, even if he is urged to study, it is also a holiday, but now his parents run a small shop in the school, and they will know what's going on right away.

He wants to move away!

Ding Zhiqiang thought carefully, "There must be an excuse for moving away, and the best excuse is to find a girlfriend..."

"If you want a girlfriend, you must find someone who is obedient and doesn't urge me to study."

"It also allows me to play games at home and relax without taking up any spare time. At the same time, I can't look bad, preferably beautiful and understanding."

"Also, I don't know how to cook or do housework. She must know how to cook and do laundry..."

Ding Zhiqiang nodded vigorously, "Well, that's it."

Suddenly there was a question from the side, "Xiaoqiang, what are you thinking about? So focused? Do you have an idea?"

It's Helen.

Helen's voice caught the attention of others.

Wang Hao also raised his head and looked at Ding Zhiqiang expectantly, "Zhiqiang, have you been researching these two days? If you have any ideas, please tell me."

Ding Zhiqiang pursed his lips depressedly.

They had been doing research together for several days, and he did have some ideas, but he didn't express them because he felt immature.

"Is such that."

Ding Zhiqiang asked, "Mr. Wang, let me ask a question, is the distribution of first-order iron in the raw materials even?"

This question stopped Wang Hao.

Even in the process of material testing, no attention has been paid to the distribution of first-order iron in raw materials.

Wang Hao thought about it and asked, "We haven't studied it, but we can assume that the distribution is balanced. You can continue."

Ding Zhiqiang said, "I think so. If the first-order iron is evenly distributed on the raw materials, can it be understood in this way that those iron elements that have been upgraded, that is, first-order iron elements, have some kind of protection for other iron elements. effect?"

"This protection takes the form of a specific magnetization response."

"According to the theory, the magnetic field repels the strong annihilation force field, and the magnetization reaction itself is the repulsion and resistance to the strong annihilation force field."

"Then is there a possibility that the magnetic field generated by the first-order iron may be different from the conventional magnetic field?"

Several people in the office were stunned.

They feel very reasonable, at least the causal relationship makes sense.

Wang Hao thought about it carefully, and sighed, "Although I don't know if it's right, but your explanation... makes sense!"

His eyes were full of admiration.

Ding Zhiqiang is indeed a very genius, and at the same time he dares to speak out his own ideas and dare to question the inherent knowledge.

This is very unusual.

What he said may sound like nothing, but in fact, it is a bit shocking, and it will definitely cause a lot of refutation.

A magnetic field is a magnetic field, how could it be different?

If it were some stubborn old professors, they would immediately think it was a 'rebellion', and asked him to explain why.

That is obviously impossible.

Ding Zhiqiang only put forward his own ideas, not really a set of theories, but it is rare to come up with them, at least he can explain the experimental phenomena.

Wang Hao thought about it and asked, "Assuming that the first-order iron can excite a special magnetic field, what specific performance will it have?"

The problem is simple.

Several people immediately said, "Is the conductivity of first-order iron better? The superconductivity has been verified, right?"

"Increased electronic activity may also affect conventional electrical conductivity."

"If there are enough materials, it would be nice to be able to measure the ionization energy, and maybe the ionization energy will also increase..."

The last sentence was said by Helen.

Wang Hao was stunned for a moment, and immediately grasped the key words, "Ionization energy? Ionization, ionization... makes sense!"

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