From University Lecturer to Chief Academician

Chapter 373 The results are released, an astrophysical earthquake!

time flies.

In the blink of an eye, a month has passed.

This day is a big day for the International Annihilation Theory Research Organization, because their superimposed force field equipment has been assembled and tested a series of tests, and a strong annihilation force field is created after turning on the equipment.

Although limited by the strength of the superimposed force field (anti-gravity field) and issues such as power supply and balance adjustments, the strong annihilation force field produced has only a gray appearance, but it is only a simple verification, and it can be determined that it is a strong force field. Annihilation force field.

Based on this, as long as it continues to improve, it will definitely be able to create a stronger annihilation force field after it stabilizes.

This made everyone in the organization very excited and looking forward to it. After more than a year, they finally had access to the most cutting-edge experiments in physics.

The main person in charge of the organization, Empoli Kubo, is naturally very happy. As long as he can create a strong annihilation force field, it will not only be a major breakthrough in research, but also mark the development of the organization and a higher level of his personal career. Floors.

At that time, the International Annihilation Theory Research Organization will hold its first conference and be recognized by many countries as an official international academic research organization.

He will also serve as the first chairman.

From the department head of a laboratory to the chairman of an academic organization that has attracted international attention, it can definitely be called the climax of personal career development.

Empoli Cooper is of course very excited. He not only takes the work of the organization very seriously, but also actively accepts interviews with media reporters. He highly praised the work of the past year, "To be precise, we only spent In eleven months, a strong annihilation force field generating device was created from scratch."

"This is the product of our work, the brains and blood of the academics, organizations and supporting institutions involved in organizing the work..."

"It is very remarkable. It represents the direction of future physics research and the future direction of human science and technology."

"Of course, there may still be a gap compared to the Antigravity Behavior Research Center, but it's not in terms of equipment performance, but we are just about to start research, and their (research) has been going on for a while."

"But don't worry, everyone thinks so. The research on annihilation physics will be a century-old project, and everything has just begun, and we have the world's best physicists, mathematicians, and top talents in other fields."

"We have a lot of time to catch up, a lot of time, it doesn't take long..."

Empoli Cooper thought for a while and said, "About half a year, I believe, I can catch up."


"Does this need a reason? Let me give you an example, for example, have they published any results until now?"


Empoli Kubo is very happy, and everyone else is looking forward to it. Even Juraj Novotini, who tends to work with Wang Hao's team and opposes Empoli Kubo, is rare Accepted an interview and said, "We are all looking forward to it."

"Dark space, strong annihilation force field, that will be an unbelievable moment!"

Juraj Novotny just said a few words, and then continued to devote himself to the experimental work.

Outside of the International Annihilation Theory Research Organization, the happiest person would be Druk Bent.

Duruk-Bent advocated the establishment of an annihilation theory research organization. Without cooperating with Wang Hao's team, the organization was able to create a strong annihilation force field generator in a short period of time. Naturally, it can be regarded as his personal achievements. .

The billions of dollars in bills paid by the technology support department for this are simply ignored.

After all, that's just taxpayer money.

In recent days, Duruk-Bent's public speeches, as well as discussions with other people in public, have also been talking about the International Annihilation Theory Research Organization, "The Annihilation Physics Organization will contribute a large number of theoretical and technological achievements in the future, and will Become the vane to guide the development of human science and technology."

"Their research influence will become bigger and bigger, and affect thousands of industries..."


A lot of top people speak out for the annihilation theory research organization platform, which will naturally attract a lot of media reports.

A lot can be seen in the international public opinion, such as "annihilation theory surpasses florists", "the anti-gravity behavior research center will be far behind", "Empoli will lead the future" and other remarks.

When more people see it, more people will naturally pay attention to the trends of the annihilation theory research organization, mainly whether they can create a strong annihilation force field.


Xihai University.

Wang Hao sorted out the documents at hand, and glanced at the news reports by the way. He noticed that some media talked about "the annihilation physics organization catching up with the anti-gravity behavior research center", and felt a little funny in his heart.

Catch up?

Anything is overtaken!

He shook his head amusedly, glanced at the system tasks, and couldn't help being a little excited——

【Task 4】

[Research project name: Experimental study of annihilation physics based on laser irradiation with strong annihilation field (difficulty: S). 】

[Inspiration value: 106. 】

"The inspiration value has exceeded 100, and it can continue to increase, which shows that the research is not over, and there are still some points to be tapped."

"It's not easy just to think about achieving results..."

Wang Hao looked at the materials in his hand and the papers organized in the computer, and decided to publish them first.

It will be good to publish the results later.

He contacted the "Journal of Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences" and "Nature" magazines for submission.

This time, Chinese and English publications are still published separately. Chinese is published by "Journal of Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences", and English is published by "Nature". He wrote an email respectively to agree on the time.


The "Journal of Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences" responded and confirmed the next issue and the release time of the newsletter.

The physics editorial department of "Nature" didn't see the email until a few hours later. The one who noticed the content of the email was Stephen Leggett, a promising newcomer in the physics editorial department.

Stephen Leggett is a Ph.D. from the Department of Physics of Cambridge University. After graduation, he worked in the Optical Research Center for half a year. Later, he felt that he didn't like scientific research work, so he simply hired him to work in the physics editorial department of "Nature".

A young rookie still has to be taken care of by an old man. Stephen Leggett works with the editor-in-chief Campbell, which is enough to prove that the physics editorial department of "Nature" magazine attaches great importance to him.

Stephen Leggett's job is to screen the submissions. He noticed that a submission of about 50 pages, even in top-level papers, 50 pages is quite amazing.

Then Leggett noticed the contributor's name, because it was marked in red in the email.

This is the keyword recognition function of the submission email plug-in program. The editorial department sets some top physicists, and the names will be marked in red letters.

"Wang Hao?"

"Paul Phil Jones?"

The names marked in two red letters immediately aroused Leggett's interest. He downloaded the paper and read it carefully.

Of course, Leggett didn't read the content bit by bit, but just read the introduction and summary to get a general understanding of the content of the paper. After reading it for a while, he suddenly frowned.

"Inflation theory?"

"Annihilation energy leads to cosmic collisions, and it also connects astrophysical issues such as cosmic microwave radiation and expansion acceleration..."


"Didn't it subvert the big bang theory and the cognition of astrophysics..."

When Leggett was thinking, he suddenly heard Campbell's shout, "Stephen! Stephen! What are you doing!"

Campbell walked over quickly as he spoke.

Leggett raised his head in doubt, and explained, "I'm reading a brand new submission, and I feel that the ridiculous..."


Campbell pouted hard, squeezed Leggett away, sat down, operated the computer and submitted the paper directly, and then wrote a reply email, "Dear Professor Wang Hao, we have received your submission and fully agree with it. The release time you agreed upon..."

Leggett was stunned and couldn't help asking, "Mr. Campbell, don't you need to read the content? I think this article should be considered carefully. I just read the content. It is a subversion of the big bang theory, and it is in line with A lot of astrophysical knowledge..."

Campbell was completely unaffected, and patiently finished writing the email. After clicking send, he breathed a sigh of relief, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, before turning his head and looking at Leggett seriously.

"Mr. Campbell..."

Leggett was a little overwhelmed.

"Stephen." Campbell said seriously, "Before I told you that every submission should be carefully reviewed. You did a good job, but some submissions are special cases. Wang Hao's submission is a special case among special cases."

"Let me tell you very clearly now that as long as Wang Hao submits a manuscript, even if he writes that one plus one equals three, you have to approve it. You don't need to think about it, don't worry about the content, just pass it."


Leggett felt a little unacceptable.

"No but!"

Campbell spoke very seriously, and then his tone became softer, "I can understand your mood. However, you must always remember that we are just editors of the magazine, not physicists."

"I heard what you said just now. This paper subverts the cognition of traditional physics. Some of its contents are inconsistent with previous views... But, so what?"

"If there is a problem with the content of the paper, other physicists will naturally raise questions and objections, and that has nothing to do with us."


Leggett struggled for a long time, but still asked, "If the research is wrong, wouldn't we have published the wrong paper."

"No, even if the situation you mentioned occurs, it is Wang Hao who is wrong, Paul Phil Jones, and the experiment of the Antigravity Behavior Research Center, not us."

"We have no way to verify whether the research is correct or not. For us, the most important thing is that Wang Hao chose us first, not whether the research content is correct."


a week later.

"Journal of Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences" and "Nature" magazines released research bulletins on the same day.

The "Journal of Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences" commented, "The annihilation energy non-conservation experiment is a new milestone in physics research and has very important scientific research value and scientific significance."

"The "Inflation of the Universe" completed in this way puts forward the viewpoint of 'the big bang has been going on', allowing humans to have a further understanding of the universe and space."

"The expression of "Theory of Cosmic Inflation" combines the expansion of the universe, accelerated expansion, cosmic microwave radiation background and annihilation energy experiments together, subverting the traditional physical cognition..."

The newsletter of "Nature" magazine said, "Wang Hao and his team have completed a brand-new research, subverting the most basic principle of energy conservation, and introducing a brand-new concept-space."

"What is space?"

"In the research of Wang Hao and his team, space can absorb energy and expand, which led to the occurrence of 'universe expansion'. Their follow-up research expanded and described the problem of accelerated expansion, and made a comprehensive elaboration on the laws of the universe... "

After the newsletter of "Journal of Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences" and "Nature" was released, the research immediately attracted international attention, and the next day, the two journals also released related paper results.

The thesis is the result of theoretical physics, based on the experimental results, a comprehensive mathematical description of annihilation energy and space expansion.

For a time, the international physics community could use the word 'burst' to describe it.

In the original cognition of the universe, the origin of the universe comes from the big bang, which happened at the moment when the singularity burst, and then the universe expanded, filling the entire cosmic microwave radiation background, which is also considered to be the energy left over from the big bang.

The research of Wang Hao and his team believes that what causes the expansion of the universe is the annihilation of energy, space absorbs energy to cause expansion, and the cosmic microwave radiation background is the medium of energy transmission. At the same time, the continuous annihilation of energy also leads to the acceleration of the expansion of the universe.

The latter, to think about it, is pretty scary.

The Cosmology Research Center of the University of California, Berkeley, the famous astrophysicist and cosmologist Antonio Mathein explained the problem of "annihilation energy leads to the accelerated expansion of the universe" in an interview, "Wang Hao's latest research , the follow-up mathematics part makes a simple statement on the problem of accelerated expansion of the universe, but it contains a lot of rich content.”

"You can imagine that a large amount of soluble substances are placed in clear water, and these substances will continue to dissolve in the water, resulting in the continuous growth of the volume of the water."

"At the same time, the solution becomes more and more concentrated."

"To put it simply, it means that the 'normal concentration' is constantly increasing, that is, the annihilation force of the normal state of the universe is constantly increasing."

"So will there be a day when the annihilation force is strong enough to annihilate all energy? At that time, light will no longer exist, and all stars will be extinguished."

"What I'm talking about here is not the reaction of the star, but the light emitted. Perhaps, the internal reaction of the star is still intensifying. Under the action of a stronger annihilation force, the reaction will be more violent, but no matter how violent the reaction is, it will not be able to release light... ..."

"Of course, this is just an inference based on research. In fact, the research still lacks some content, and it does not describe the universe after the annihilation force is enhanced to a certain extent."

"This may be due to experimental limitations or imaginative limitations. Personally, I will not judge whether the research is correct or not."

Antonio Matherin said a lot in the interview, and when it came to the content of the research, his mood was obviously complicated.

This may also be the mood of many astrophysicists.

They have traditional astrophysical cognition, and the latest research has broken many basic cognitions, which will definitely bring about a huge subversion of astrophysics.

The principle of the expansion of the universe is only one of them. The most important thing is some problems that can be discovered by conventional methods.

The most direct one is cosmic microwave radiation.

Cosmic microwave radiation has always been considered as the leftover product of the big bang, but now it is said to be the "medium of space expansion", a definition that subverts all related astrophysics.

"A lot of astrophysical research will be overturned and reframed."

"Astrophysics, an earthquake..."

That's how some astrophysicists feel.

Antonio Matherin also said, "Of course, the basis of all this is that the experimental conclusions are correct, and to judge whether the research is correct, the first thing is the annihilation energy experiment."

"All research is based on that."

At the end of his speech, he still gave a comment, "If the experiment is real, it is a subversion of physics."

This sentence is very pertinent.

The results of the annihilation energy experiment do not follow the 'conservation of energy' of the material world.

If the experimental results are correct, it is a challenge to traditional physics itself, and physics will introduce a new concept——


Only when space absorbs energy, can it explain why energy is not conserved.

So here comes the question - is the experiment correct?

Many physicists immediately turned to the International Annihilation Theory Research Organization.

There are only two institutions in the world that can create a strong annihilation force field, one is the Antigravity Behavior Research Center, and the other is the International Annihilation Theory Research Organization.

The latter has just announced that it has created a strong annihilation force field.

At a time when international physics is facing such a huge challenge, Empoli Kubo, head of the International Annihilation Theory Research Organization, will naturally stand up. He said excitedly, "We have just created a strong annihilation force field, and we are discussing the direction of the experiment. question."

"Now, there's no need to discuss it."

"Energy is not conserved? It's really amazing research, and it will become a major milestone in the development of physics."

"We have decided to verify the experiment, as long as there is news, we will announce it as soon as possible..."

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