From University Lecturer to Chief Academician

Chapter 348 Wang's Function Public opinion is boiling; under heavy rewards, there must be brave

The discussion about Ding Zhiqiang is just an episode.

When Wang Hao gave an in-depth explanation of the functions, everyone focused on the complex functions on the blackboard.

"Is it related to the distribution of prime numbers?"

"Deduced from the Riemann function and the quartic equation..."

"Surely there is something special about it?"

Everyone present has an in-depth study of mathematics, but from the perspective of a mathematician, the functions on the blackboard are indeed very ugly.

Mathematicians like to appreciate the beauty of mathematics, and at the same time, they also think that everything in the universe and the mathematical laws contained in it are beautiful.

The beauty of mathematics is actually very simple to understand.

Give an example to understand.

For example, X (cubic) + Y (cubic) = 1, this equation contains the beauty of mathematics, whether it is the plane geometric figure corresponding to the equation, or the algebraic geometric figure corresponding to the expression of the imaginary number boundary, they all have four-sided symmetry .

The beauty of this corresponding figure also reflects that the equation itself is of great research value.

Mathematicians can keep changing the equation to get another graph, or something else.

Let's analyze another equation: 5X (square) + 9y (cubic) + 4.39 = 9.47.

This equation is still a bivariate cubic equation, but obviously. It is difficult to say that it has the characteristics of "beauty".

It is also a binary cubic equation, and the geometric figure it corresponds to is much less "beautiful" than the former, and it also brings another problem, the equation is difficult to do other transformations.

In other words, not only is the beauty of mathematics missing, but the difficulty of research has also risen exponentially.

That's the problem.

When Wang Hao came to the conclusion, he felt that the function did not have the beauty of mathematics. Later, after seeing Ding Zhiqiang, he thought about the distribution of prime numbers.

Does prime number have the law of "beauty"?

Hard to say.

At least within the known range, even if the law of prime numbers can be found, the law itself is far from the beauty of mathematics.

He has been able to determine that the function must contain some mystery, and it must be related to the distribution of prime numbers, at least it can reach the level of Riemann's conjecture.

Even if it does not have the beauty of mathematics, so what?

Connotation is also very important!


If other people say that such a function that does not conform to the beauty of mathematics contains very great significance, even related to the distribution of prime numbers, it will definitely be refuted by a large group of people.

Everyone here is like this.

The more in-depth study of mathematics, the more obsessed with the beauty of mathematics.

However, Wang Hao is very authoritative.

In today's international mathematics circles, Wang Hao is the first person in the two fields of analytical number theory and partial differential equations. He also made major contributions in the field of theoretical physics. He created annihilation physics alone and became the first theory of physicists.

Such a person who is destined to be recorded in the annals of science will naturally be believed by others if he says that a function he has developed contains extraordinary significance.

Some people are interested in the function itself, which is equivalent to finding a good topic for themselves.

Some people are interested in the research results, because Wang Hao said very clearly that any result of function research may be a big result.

Who wouldn't want to accomplish something big?

Scholars will also pursue fame and fortune, as well as academic achievements.

They couldn't wait to start researching.

But they still had doubts about the matter itself, so Zhang He from the calculation team asked directly, "Academician Wang, can this function be passed on?"

Others also looked at Wang Hao.

Wang Hao said indifferently, "There is nothing to keep secret. I hope more people will study together, so I let you come together."

Of course he doesn't care.

Wang Hao's research is the construction of quality points, and the derived function is only an intermediate result.

In addition, the functions have been researched, and the derivation process is still on the draft paper. Even if the function is passed on, it is impossible for others to reverse deduce it, so naturally I don’t worry about making it public.

What Wang Hao wants to know now is the mystery contained in the function itself.

It is also very helpful for his own research that other people can study the meaning contained in the function, and the meaning contained in the function, on the contrary, the greater the value of his results.

For example, Yang Zhenning and Mills jointly developed the Yang-Mills equation.

That in itself is a huge achievement.

It is impossible for them to hold back the results and not let others know, and then study the Yang-Mills equation in depth together.

It doesn't make any sense to do that.

The more in-depth the research on the Yang-Mills equation, the more related achievements, which will naturally boost the value of the creator of the Yang-Mills equation.

The two are mutually reinforcing.

Others didn't see it that way. Instead, they thought Wang Hao was amazing. He knew that a certain function contained great significance, but he directly made it public for others to study together.

What a state of open-mindedness this is!


After Wang Hao introduced the function, a group of people walked out of the meeting room.

They couldn't wait to start researching.

The same is true for several people in the Mason Mathematical Science Laboratory. Luo Dayong returned to his office with the transcribed function, grabbed a pen and began to think hard.

When Zhang Zhiqiang passed by the door, he glanced inside, walked over and asked, "What did you guys say when you went to the conference room just now?"

Luo Dayong raised his head and said, "Wang Hao gave a new function, let's study it separately."


Zhang Zhiqiang's tone suddenly became sour, and he said, "My math level is not bad, you should let me follow along!"

Luo Dayong raised his head slightly, glanced at Zhang Zhiqiang expressionlessly, then continued to lower his head, his chin shook slightly.

This action was so sarcasm that it made Zhang Zhiqiang explode in anger, "Don't look down on people! Let me take a look! Don't keep it secret?"

Luo Dayong took his hand away indifferently.

Zhang Zhiqiang lowered his head full of annoyance, stared carefully at the line above, and grabbed a pen to calculate it.

Then his movements stopped.

Frown, wrinkled.

keep wrinkling...

Wrinkle again...

Time seemed to have stopped on that face, and his expression remained unchanged for a long time.

Two minutes later.

Zhang Zhiqiang seemed to be holding his breath for a long time, and exhaled it all with one mouth. He nodded slightly and said, "Since Wang Hao didn't ask me to go in, he must not want me to participate in this research."

"forget about it!"

"No way, he is the leader, I'm just a small director, alas..."

He sighed again, turned around and walked out quickly.

Luo Dayong pursed his lips hard.

Shaking his head slightly.


What happened in Luo Dayong's office was similar to what happened elsewhere.

Since Wang Hao does not prohibit the spread of the function, those who participated in the meeting will also share it with other colleagues and friends, and many people have copied a copy of the news.

They all thought, since Wang Hao said that the function is very meaningful, what if they can research it?

This includes teachers and students in the mathematics center, including those in the calculation group, and also the entire Faculty of Science...

Soon, everyone outside the university knew about it.

Many people's reactions were similar to Zhang Zhiqiang's. They were very interested at first, but after looking at the function for a long time, they immediately lost interest.

Let alone doing research on this complex function, it is very complicated to perform a small transformation.

Some scholars use computers to conduct research, but soon find that it is almost impossible to write a program that can be substituted into the solution, because the resulting equation is still very complicated after the values ​​are substituted.

This kind of difficulty equation, solving itself can be said to be a good research.

Some things will only be circulated within the industry, but some things will soon be out of the circle, such as things related to Wang Hao's research.

Wang Hao is a big celebrity!

Even on the Internet, his reputation is no worse than that of first-line stars.

Soon someone posted the function on the Internet, and marked it as Wang Hao's latest research, which immediately aroused a series of discussions, "This function is very meaningful, Wang Hao himself said it!"

"This is his latest research result, which is related to the distribution of prime numbers!"

"It's related to the Riemann Hypothesis!"

"Could it be possible to crack the Riemann Hypothesis by cracking this function?"

"Crack? Are you kidding me? From my perspective as a 985 doctor of mathematics, this is more complicated than the Riemann function, and it is not easy to substitute and evaluate..."

Many people participated in the discussion.

Although it didn't reach the level of becoming popular on the Internet, many people still left messages for Wang Hao, wanting to know more about the function.

Wang Hao is also scratching his head and doing research. He knows more than others, but he still can't find the key points. When he has a headache, he only reads the news, and then he notices the news on the Internet.

When he found that many people knew about the function, he was a little happy, and immediately sent a message, "This is indeed my latest research, and the function is related to the distribution of prime numbers.

If anyone can find out its particularity, I will personally provide a bonus ranging from 100,000 to 1,000,000 depending on the result. "

After this news was sent out, it immediately caused a huge heated discussion on the Internet.

A function that rewards millions of flower coins at the highest.

So tempting!

A lot of media also joined in the fun, commenting while reposting the news, "This will be a math feast!"

"It's not a precedent for a million kinds of coins to reward mathematics research, but it's very attractive for a newly completed research..."

"Analyzed from Wang Hao's own attitude, this function must contain great significance."

The impact of this incident is indeed great.

The main reason is that it was Wang Hao who initiated the research, which means that Wang Hao was also the one who gave the reward. With his personal influence, it is enough to drive the enthusiasm of public opinion and scholars.

At the same time, there are some institutions that join in the fun, such as the Department of Mathematical Physics of the Science Foundation, who are even considering starting research projects related to functions.

The news quickly spread abroad.

Many foreign scholars also discussed, "Have you seen the public opinion of flower growers? Wang Hao recently completed a function, and he personally rewarded scholars who can decipher the meaning of the function."

"This function is too complicated and does not conform to the beauty of mathematics at all."

"We call it Wang's function, but what's in it?"

"It is said to be related to the distribution of prime numbers..."

"This is understandable!"

Many foreign scholars have also come to be interested, and they have started research one after another, and even foreign institutions have participated.

For example, the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton decided to form a temporary group to study the 'Wang's function', hoping to discover the key as soon as possible.

Of course, some negative public opinion is also indispensable.

Some scholars believe that the function mentioned in public opinion is a hoax, because the function does not conform to the beauty of mathematics at all, "this research has no meaning at all."

"Maybe it's just a little joke made by Wang Hao, and there is no need to take it seriously."

"Even the research he made, he himself doesn't know what it contains, maybe the research is wrong?"

"I am also inclined to this judgment!"


Soon, a week passed.

The popularity of public opinion on the function on the Internet has disappeared without a trace. After all, the public is not interested in mathematics, especially if it is a function that is completely incomprehensible, no one will care.

However, in the field of mathematics, many scholars are still studying Wang's function.

This is out of trust in Wang Hao.

At the same time, more scholars have doubts, because the long-term research has not made any progress.

It is not a single scholar doing research, but dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of mathematicians doing research together, but no progress is made.

This situation naturally makes people suspicious.

Not to mention the international mathematics community, even some domestic scholars began to doubt, "Maybe this function has no meaning."

"Academician Wang is unlikely to make such a joke, but maybe his research is wrong?"

"No one can guarantee that they are 100% correct. In my opinion, this function has no 'beauty' at all. It is said that it is related to Riemann's conjecture. I believe it, and it does have the shadow of Riemann's conjecture. The distribution is about..."


"I did a complicated verification, brought in several numbers, and the solution I found was an irrational number..."


When many people doubt, there are also many people who insist on continuing research.

One is because of Wang Hao's authority, or out of personal trust in Wang Hao.

The second is money.

Wang Hao was more eager than others to find out the key, so he simply used money tactics-raising the minimum level of bonuses to 500,000.

"As long as there are valuable discoveries, a bonus of 500,000 yuan will be given."

This is what Wang Hao said clearly.

Everyone also believed in what he said, because Wang Hao is not just an ordinary scientist, but has also become a famous rich man.

The shares of the Superconducting Materials Industry Company alone allowed his personal assets to be measured in tens of billions.

Five hundred thousand, what is it?

Facts have proved that the charm of money is very strong, and more scholars participating in research will naturally bring more possibilities.

This day, Wang Hao didn't even want to think about it anymore. He opened the public mailbox, and after a glance, he found dozens of emails in it.

Chen Mengmeng helps organize emails and deletes some meaningless ones.

Even so, there is still a lot of mail left.

Wang Hao patiently checked them one by one. Most of the contents were meaningless, but there was a brief email that directly fixed his gaze.

"Academician Wang, hello.

I'm Zhu Kuiyang from Donggang University of Technology, and I'm a PhD student majoring in mathematics.

When studying Wang's function, I substituted three numbers, 5, 7, and 17, and derived, transformed, and evaluated the obtained equation, and obtained the number 991, which happened to be a prime number.

I don't know if this discovery is meaningful, but I decided to send it to you, hoping to help you.

The transformation method of the equation is as follows --



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