From University Lecturer to Chief Academician

Chapter 345 Celebration, flying saucer falling from the sky!

conference Center.

Wang Hao seriously talked about his own research, and the surrounding scholars were also very surprised. They couldn't help but sigh, "As expected of Academician Wang Hao, he is extraordinary when he makes a move."

The mathematical structure of mass points is the basic problem of annihilation theory, but most scholars can only think about it, and dare not even try it, because the difficulty is too high.

To make a comparison, it is like using traditional physics to construct photons, electrons, and quarks, which is simply impossible.

In quantum physics, various particles are the most basic units.

For example, electronics.

Electrons are the most basic particles, which can only explain the properties of electrons, but cannot discuss the composition of electrons, because electrons have been defined as basic particles.

Wang Hao proposed the annihilation force and perfected it into annihilation physics, thus completing the mathematical framework of photons, but he only discussed the existence of dark matter with the framework of photons, rather than analyzing it in connection with other physical problems.

In annihilation physics, the particle is no longer the smallest unit, and the smallest unit has become a 'mass point'.

Quality points are just a concept.

"For theoretical things like mass points, even if the mathematical structure is truly completed, it can only be like many theoretical physics. At best, it can only be justified, and it cannot be proved at all."

This is what many people think.

The mathematical structure of the mass point is not a single research. If the research can be completed, it can be directly linked to other physical theories.

At that time, annihilation physics will truly become a grand unified theory.

Unification, how can it be so easy?

Of course, the difficulty of research is indeed very high. Wang Hao also said that the Riemann Hypothesis and some high-dimensional equations will be used as the mathematical carrier, and the complexity can be imagined.

It is still possible to complete the mathematical structure of the mass point in this way, but it is necessary to further connect the three microcosmic forces and other physics, and a complete proof is needed.

At that time, it will be proved that the Riemann conjecture is really just the foundation.

No matter whether they are optimistic about the research or not, every scholar has nothing but admiration for Wang Hao.

Only Wang Hao dared to touch such a difficult research.


Of course Wang Hao knew that the difficulty was very high, but in order to perfect the theory of annihilation, he had to do it. Fortunately, he already had a clear direction.

As long as you find the direction, the difficulty will immediately drop a lot.

Now he has no time to think about theoretical issues. He has participated in related meetings for two consecutive days, and then he will participate in several meetings and activities.

These meetings and events are very important.

Among them, there are invitations from the science and technology department, as well as invitations from other relevant departments and organizations, etc. Most of them are invited to participate and will not express any opinions on decision-making.

In the last two days, there have been a lot of news in the media, most of which revolve around the event, and the most attractive thing is the things that will be exhibited at the event.

Many people are discussing it.

There are many weapons that have attracted attention in China. Among a series of high-end deterrent weapons, the most eye-catching ones are large intercontinental missiles and the most high-end fighter jets.

Every time they appear on the stage, they will become the international focus.

But the combination of the two cannot keep up with the attractiveness of the Air Ship-2. Since its exposure, the Air Ship-2 has become the most important international focus because it uses the most cutting-edge technology instead of the design of traditional aero engines. .

The anti-gravity technology feels like "future technology". It is full of sci-fi feeling, and coupled with the design similar to the appearance of a flying saucer, it will attract the attention of many people.

Even for activities, Airship-2 has the most discussions, even more than all others combined.

Internationally recognized that Airship-2 is the most advanced aircraft, it adopts brand-new anti-gravity and superconducting technology, and it will also become the mainstream direction of the aerospace field in the future.

Some people mentioned that the Airship-2 may appear in the event, and some topics said convincingly, "Recently, I can see the Airship series of flying saucers every day!"

"Upstairs, let's dream!"

"Look at this picture! It was taken around Hucheng, is it a flying saucer? I still have several pictures in my phone, it must be Airship-2!"

"Airship-2 is being tested at the base in Hucheng, it has been confirmed, and it is flying every day..."

"You said it all, you are doing a test, how could you fly here..."

That last sentence is what many people think.

Airship-2 adopts brand-new anti-gravity technology and superconducting battery technology. It is the most advanced aircraft in the world today, but most people just think about it if it appears in an event.

Many people subconsciously feel that it is impossible.

Because, time.

Normally, a new type of aircraft needs a long time to be tested and perfected.

The development and testing speed of Airship-2 is already very fast.

Generally, it takes more than ten years for an international high-end aircraft to go from its first test flight to its official service. For such a long time, most of them are doing flight tests, and various bugs will be encountered, which must be corrected one by one.

Airship-2 is a brand new aircraft that uses very high-end technology, and it will take longer to test and perfect.

The current activities are still too early, and it is naturally impossible for Airship-2 to make a real appearance.

Soon, the event will come.

Wang Hao got up at four o'clock, walked around the central square, and then went into the main hall to rest. There were already many people inside, and they were all guests invited to watch the event.

Wang Hao was chatting with several invited representatives.

Several representatives also watched the morning ceremony together, and then came here to rest and wait.

When the celebration officially begins, they will also stand in an area to watch.

Several representatives were very happy to see Wang Hao. Even in foreign countries, Wang Hao is very famous. He can even be called a "legendary" scientist. He is the idol of many young scholars.

They talked about scientific research together, and it was inevitable to talk about anti-gravity aircraft.

There are a lot of foreign reports on Airship-2, and they are all very interested. Several people asked, "Can this aircraft really rise more than 40,000 meters?"

"And can it rise vertically and fall?"

"I just watched the video, it's really sci-fi, Academician Wang, you should know that, right?"

"That thing is really powerful!"

Wang Hao said with a smile, "It's hard for me to say the specifics, but you'll know when the time comes."


"have a look?"

"You mean...?"

Wang Hao smiled without saying a word.

A few people thought of something, and suddenly became energetic.

They really didn't expect to see the anti-gravity aircraft during the celebration, and they were very much looking forward to it when they knew the news in advance.

Wang Hao didn't keep it a secret anymore, because there was no need to keep it a secret.

Even in the media, there are some reports that Airship-2 may be seen during the event. Some people believe it, and some people don’t believe it, because there is no public information, and there will be no big media reports. There are many related discussions.

Now Wang Hao is just clarifying this matter, even if it gets out, it doesn't matter.

In short, when the event comes, you will know.

During the discussion among several people, more and more people gathered around, and Wang Hao had no time to shake hands with various people, most of whom were invited representatives similar to them.

In the constant greetings and waiting, the activity officially started.

The pace of activity is not fast.

But from the perspective of participating and watching, I feel that time passes very quickly. The atmosphere at the event site, together with the excitement and pride in my heart, makes me feel that I have reached the later stage quickly.

In a series of demonstrations, a missile received special attention. Ordinary people didn’t seem to notice anything, but professionals could notice at a glance that the part behind the warhead seemed to be “thicker.”

"It seems that something has been installed?"

"What is it?"

"Strange, what can be added behind the warhead?"

"What is the use?"

"It can't be changed casually, it must have some effect!"

Many professionals in related fields feel a little confused.

Professionals naturally consider professional issues, and they can't figure out why a new ring is installed behind the warhead.

Wang Hao noticed the warhead part, and he knew it in his heart.

That is the 'trajectory correction device', which can assist missiles to avoid air defense strikes. He just didn't expect that high-end anti-ship missiles would also use trajectory correction devices.

If you think about it, it's normal.

The "trajectory correction device" can be used on various types of missiles, not necessarily conventional missiles, anti-ship missiles are also possible.

After that, they are all shocking large weapons.

As usual, every display of a large weapon is a shock, and many people are excited about it.

After the biggest guy on the ground was shown, it was time to look up and see the display in the sky.

A series of aircraft passed one by one, and it was the turn of the most concerned model. More than a dozen fighter jets were arranged very neatly, including three types of aircraft. The aircraft full of sci-fi feeling aroused the voice of the square.

After the aircraft that received the most attention passed, it was usually the final stage, which also meant the end of the event. However, after the fighter jet flew past, there were no other aircraft behind it, which made people in the square puzzled.

The audience in front of the TV didn't feel much, because the lens had been temporarily adjusted and pointed to another location.

It was only now that the host of the live TV broadcast got the temporary lines, and when he was feeling puzzled, he realized that the camera was aimed directly at the sky.

"what happens?"

The host reacted very quickly, he glanced at the lines, and immediately said with an excited tone, "The following is the Airship series aircraft, which is composed of two Airship-2 aircraft. Falling, gradually appearing in the field of vision..."

"Let's see, they fell from the sky together, shocking..."

Only then did many people look up into the sky, and found that there were two black spots that slowly enlarged, and they didn't see clearly until they appeared close to them. They were two huge flying saucers.

"It's really Airship-2!"

"I thought I heard it wrong just now, but I didn't expect it to appear so soon? Is it already finalized!"

"The flying saucer that fell from the sky, I thought it was aliens who came to take over the earth..."

"It's too sci-fi!"

"I discovered for the first time that we are so powerful that we already have such a high-end aircraft!"

"No. 1 in the world, right?"

"The world's only!"

Seeing the flying saucer slowly zooming in front of them, many people in the square exclaimed.

After the two flying saucers fell to a certain height, they changed from falling to flying horizontally as the disks rotated, and passed over the square, turning into a small black dot again, and then slowly disappeared from sight.

Everyone's eyes followed the flying saucer until they couldn't see it at all, they still stared in that direction, and their eyes didn't move for a while.

The appearance of Airship-2 is really shocking.

Although the time of Airship-2's appearance was only about one minute, it made the people in the square full of excitement.

When Airship-2 left, it was followed by the last team, and a ribbon appeared in the sky, but no one paid attention to it, and people were still discussing excitedly, "A flying saucer! A real flying saucer!"

"That's Airship-2, an anti-gravity aircraft, the most advanced aircraft in the world!"

"I can actually see this kind of aircraft today. I saw it on the Internet yesterday, but I didn't believe it at all."

"It turned out to be true!"

"so amazing!"

"Did you see it? It fell directly from the sky just now, I thought it would fall..."

"It's so handsome!"

Everyone was talking about Airship-2, and everyone was shocked.

intermediate perspective.

Watching Airship-2 slowly disappearing from sight, Wang Hao was also a little excited, and at the same time felt very proud.

That is a new type of aircraft manufactured by his team, using the most advanced anti-gravity technology and superconducting technology, and it is also the world's number one anti-gravity aircraft for the time being.

Many people also asked Wang Hao, "Airship-2 looks very good, is it finalized?"

"It can really appear, the performance is already very stable, right? The progress is too fast!"

"I thought that within five years, I would never really see it, but I didn't expect..."

Wang Hao replied, "I am only responsible for technical issues, and the rest has nothing to do with me."

"I hope..."

"The performance of this aircraft is really good, very high-end."

That's all he said.

Now that the anti-gravity aircraft has been designed and manufactured, the follow-up really has nothing to do with him. Unless there is a serious problem, the team in charge can solve it.

Wang Hao also let out a sigh of relief.

A year ago, the person in charge of the representative knew about the anti-gravity aircraft and asked whether it could appear publicly at the event.

At that time he agreed to come down.

What he promised must be done. In the past year, he and his team have spent a lot of time on research and development.

Now it has officially appeared in the event, and other teams are taking over, and the related work has finally come to an end.

Wang Hao is still more concerned about his own research. The anti-gravity aircraft is indeed high-end, but it is only an applied technology product combining superconducting technology and anti-gravity technology.

He is more interested in academics, theory, and exploring the most essential mysteries of the universe.

That's worth the effort to explore!

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