From University Lecturer to Chief Academician

Chapter 299 Is it true that everyone believes it? Backstab preparation from a friend...

"Nature" magazine headquarters, "Nature-Physics" editorial office.

The early morning sunlight hit the computer screen from the window, reflecting a somewhat dazzling white light, shining on Campbell's face.

That wrinkled face is obviously much older than it was two years ago.

Campbell sighed sadly, rubbed his forehead vigorously, and turned on the computer habitually.

Two years ago, he would not have been so diligent at all.

When I come to the office every morning, I have to make a cup of coffee first, then read some magazine news, relax, and then go to work.

It's different now.

In the past two years, he has served as the most common review editor, and it doesn't matter if he is someone else, but he used to be an editor at the upper level of "Nature-Physics", and his mentality is completely different.

So he is busy working every day, hoping to rely on performance to get promoted again.

Last month, he succeeded.

Satisfied with his performance, Magdalena Skipper reassigned him to his old position.

The editor-in-chief of "Nature-Physics" has only Magdalena Skipper, the editor-in-chief of "Nature", who can be considered as the person in charge of "Nature-Physics".

Although he successfully returned to his original position, Campbell did not dare to relax at all. He learned the lesson from the last time and kept 'Donald Cordini' firmly in his heart.

"This despicable old woman!" Campbell couldn't help gnashing his teeth when he thought of Cordini's name, but did he have any good way, because Donald Cordini had retired.

The latest news related to Donald Cordini is that he found a 40-year-old boyfriend after he retired, and went shopping in the mall hand in hand and intimately.

Campbell felt even worse when he thought about it.

He is still working hard every day in order to earn a salary to support his family, while the 'enemy' Cordini retired safely and found a young and strong boyfriend.


"If I were in New York, ahem..."

Campbell clenched his fists tightly, finally let out a sigh of relief, looked up at the time, quickly restrained his thoughts, and checked the manuscript in the mailbox.

The first one, nothing interesting, just call back.

The second, what? Is it possible that a comet hits the earth and wiped out the dinosaurs?


Campbell read several articles in a row, feeling a little dizzy, and then saw a 'big headline' content.

"Strong annihilation force?"

He read the introduction with doubts, and then he noticed the author's name.

The reason why he didn't notice it at first was because he saw two strange names, Helen Hinton and Chen Mengmeng.

After downloading the paper, he noticed the corresponding author—Wang Hao?

Campbell stood up cleverly, and then he knew that he didn't need to review it, so he passed it immediately, and marked the sentence "Wang Hao, publish it directly".

After confirming that the paper was published directly, Campbell breathed a sigh of relief and patiently looked at the content of the paper.

This time I was really patient, and it took me a whole morning to see it.

Although it is not a careful review of every sentence, but I have also browsed the content of the main body, knowing that the main argument is the influence of strong annihilation force on particles, and I have drawn an important conclusion--

The continuous strong annihilation force will make the particle structure more stable and cause the particle's behavior to weaken.

"This conclusion..."

Campbell felt a little puzzled, and he looked at the end again, and suddenly thought of the controversy in the international physics community about the existence of dark matter.

Suddenly, he understood.

Campbell realized that the problem was a bit big, and he immediately called Magdalena Skipper to explain the paper submitted by Wang Hao and the problems with the content.

"That is another explanation for dark matter, which makes up for the lack of explanation in the field of astrophysics when dark matter does not exist."

"But it will definitely cause controversy. Now whether dark matter exists is an international academic issue."

"More scholars believe in Parsons' theory. If this research is released, it is not clear whether it will have an impact..."

Magdalena Skipper didn't care at all, but said with great interest, "Follow the next issue directly."

"No, put it directly on the website, the Internet will release it in advance, and it will be released publicly and for free, and it will be posted on the homepage!"

"Campbell, you have to know that we are just an academic journal, and our job is to publish scholars' papers. Many scholars will be interested in Wang Hao's latest research."

"This is enough!"

"Our job is to let more scholars see the papers they are interested in. As for whether it will cause controversy..."

"If there is, it is the best."

Now Campbell understood.

He really thought it was a bit complicated. They just published the paper. As for the controversy within the annihilation theory, what does it have to do with them?

Most importantly, Wang Hao decided to publish the paper in "Nature" instead of "Science".

This opportunity must be seized.


"Nature" magazine interprets what is called "publishing speed" with actions.

Wang Hao submitted the manuscript two days ago. Only two days later, the paper appeared on the large-screen news on the main website of "Nature" magazine. The background picture of the news is a mysterious mathematical symbol, with a sentence below— —

"Wang Hao's latest achievement!"

Below that is a subtitle, "Strong Annihilation Force."

After clicking on the news page, I saw a brief description of the research on the 'Strong Annihilation Force', with a link for free download.

The practice of "Nature" magazine also really shows sincerity. They have not been reviewed, just like publishing news, they directly hang the paper on the main website, so that everyone can download and watch it directly.

Those who do not subscribe to Nature will also be able to download and view it for free.

This will allow the paper to be seen by more people.

Wang Hao was shocked by the speed and method of publication. He received a lot of special treatment, but this time it was still very different.

"Didn't you say that "Nature-Physics" needs to be reviewed?"

He felt a little puzzled, "I remember, when I submitted the manuscript two years ago, it said that peer review was definitely needed..."

Helen was the first to see the news about the thesis, and she was also very surprised, but also a little depressed, "The names of me and Mengmeng are not on the news picture at all."

"Yeah, we were originally a team."

"In the end, only Teacher Wang..."

The two female students looked at Wang Hao sadly.

Wang Hao could only laugh, "There is no other way. How about this, next time I submit an article, I will emphasize it with them?"

"next time?"

"Where is the next time..."

"Maybe, but I'll have graduated by then."


The papers posted on the homepage of the official website of "Nature" will definitely attract the attention of many scholars.

At the beginning, everyone only noticed that the paper was published by Wang Hao, but later it was discovered that the authors were Helen and Chen Mengmeng, and Wang Hao was the corresponding author.

The corresponding author is very important, sometimes even more important than the first author.

This is mainly because the corresponding author often means the recipient of the project, the leader of the research group or a supervisor.

Wang Hao is the mentor of Helen and Chen Mengmeng, and the research is completed by his students.

The author of the research is only one aspect, what is more important is the content of the paper.

In fact, in the academic field, the 'strong annihilation force' is not attractive, it feels like exceeding the speed of light, it is just a conceptual problem.

What about faster than the speed of light?

Probably many people are just curious, but not very interested, because human technology cannot surpass the speed of light.

When conducting in-depth research on the content of the paper, many scholars found that something was wrong. The theme of the paper was to demonstrate the effect of strong annihilation force on particles.

The first is to cause a reaction inside the atom, increase the force inside the atom, and cause the electron to have a "singular reaction".

At the same time, the atomic structure will become more stable, and the particle structure will become more stable. The direct impact is the weakening of the external state of matter.

After further understanding, it is found that the content of the paper on the strong annihilation force is directly related to the dark matter problem.

Spoulson, professor of physics at the University of Manchester, explained, "Strong annihilation force will weaken the behavior of particles. Simply put, it means weakening the external performance."

"For example, when illuminated by light, the absorbed light is also weakened."

"Suppose there exists a cut surface that can absorb 50 percent of the light energy."

"If the properties of matter that make up the cut surface are weakened, then the light energy absorption rate will not reach 50%, it may be 40%, 30%, and so on."

"In other words, particles, outward manifestations of matter, and some physical properties are weakened."

"In astronomy, if some galaxies have a large number of regions of strong annihilation force, the state of matter in them is weakened, and the spectra they scatter will also be weakened."

"This will affect the calculations in astronomy for the study of the mass of galaxies."

"Current astronomy uses all kinds of spectral analysis methods for the mass of galaxies. Of course, it is impossible for us to measure directly. The data we get can only be combined pictures..."

Finally, Spoelson concluded, "The weakening of particle behavior under the action of strong annihilation force replaces the role of dark matter in astrophysics."


Florida State University.

In the large classroom on the third floor of a teaching building, an open class of theoretical physics is being conducted.

Ledley Parsons is the keynote speaker of the open class, and what he talks about is the content of "constructing dark matter based on the annihilation theory".

Now Parsons is an academic star at Florida State University. He has a large number of admirers, and many students like to attend his classes, not only because of Parsons' achievements, but also because of his funny teaching style.

Parsons likes to open public classes to promote his theories.

He was convinced of one thing.

For a theory that cannot be verified, when more people believe it, it will naturally become a true theory.

In fact, just like religion, it is uncertain whether gods exist, but when more people believe in them, gods exist in people's hearts.

If the whole world believes in the existence of a certain god, someone who says it doesn't exist will be a heretic.

Parsons doesn't teach alone, he has a friend to help, and his friend is also a heavyweight.

Lin Wenji is the head of the antigravity research group at the National Physical Laboratory of Florida State University.

Lin Wenji and Parsons became good friends because their research could complement each other.

Lin Wenji hopes that Parsons can provide a theoretical basis to help research related to anti-gravity.

Now that Lin Wenji's anti-gravity team has made new discoveries, he also hopes that Parsons can participate in it to explain the new discoveries with the theory of annihilation.

"If we can complete this research, we may win the Nobel Prize." Lin Wenji said confidently.

Parsons was naturally very interested.

So he and Lin Wenji became good friends, and invited Lin Wenji to hold open classes together.

Half of this public class is Lin Wenji explaining the relationship between the annihilation force and the anti-gravity experiment, and the other half is Parsons promoting his own theory, "The annihilation theory is an important physical basis, and the existence of the annihilation force can construct what we know all physical phenomena."

"Of course it includes dark matter. According to my research, dark matter is the most important component in the universe, and it can even be understood as the basis for the existence of matter."

"Dark matter supports the existence of the Higgs particle..."

"Although humans haven't discovered dark matter so far, I believe it's just a matter of means. We exist in a three-dimensional universe, and we need some special means to discover dark matter that is different from the three-dimensional composition..."

"At the same time, we need to construct more theoretical foundations and continue to demonstrate..."

Parsons spoke enthusiastically.

After the course ended, some students told him, "The content on the front page of "Nature" magazine has a new replacement for dark matter, which is Wang Hao's research."

Parsons and Lin Wenji returned to the office together, and immediately studied the content of "Strong Annihilation Force".

They are all top physicists, so it is easy to see the key.

"Particle form weakened?"


"How can a strong annihilation force exist, it doesn't exist at all!"

"This is fiction!"

Parsons subconsciously denied it, because the effect of strong annihilation force on the weakening of particle form was almost equal to directly negating his research.

Parsons said to Lin Wenji with certainty, "No one can prove the existence of strong annihilation force."

"This is just a theory, and mine is also a theory, but I believe that my research is more credible!"

Parsons was a little flustered for a while, but he calmed down a lot after thinking about it carefully.

Because it cannot be proved.

Even if there is a 'strong annihilation force' theory, the theory is just a theory. As long as no strong annihilation force is discovered, it will not prove that his research is wrong.

This is like 'beyond the speed of light', you can only prove what will happen, who can prove it?

Everyone believes in the calculation results of the theory of relativity, so there will be an affirmative answer.

What if you don't believe it?

It won't matter anyway.

So Parsons became calm, and he kept emphasizing with Lin Wenji that his own research was the right one.

Lin Wenji's reaction was a bit weird, he just said a few words in a coping manner, apparently absent-minded.

In fact, Lin Wenji thought of his new discovery.

His anti-gravity experiment group used the method of three superimposed force fields, and found that after the metal object passed the edge of the superimposed force field, a weak magnetic field response appeared on the surface.

This discovery is likely to be amazing, and he would want Parsons to participate in the research and explain it based on annihilation theory.

It doesn't seem to be needed now!

In the content of the argument in "Strong Annihilation Force", the conclusion of "singular electronic reaction" happens to be related to the research, so the edge of the superimposed force field is the strong annihilation force?

There is theory and there is experiment.

This discovery is made public, it may be a Nobel Prize-level achievement!

Lin Wenji took a deep breath as he thought about it, he decided not to be friends with Parsons anymore.

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