From University Lecturer to Chief Academician

Chapter 285 The end of one era, the beginning of another era!

"What are you talking about? This is a very important research result..."

"Why did you become a murderer?"

"I do not understand."

Paul Phil-Jones really had a brain problem. He didn't understand what Wang Hao meant, and he thought it would be a good thing for Witten to study and add the name of Witten.

Isn't it a good thing to contribute to top theoretical research?

Even if it is the result of the annihilation theory, it is still the top research.

Paul Phil-Jones also thought about it carefully. Even if he is studying the annihilation theory, he must be willing to accept it if he can make major achievements in the study of string theory.

Wang Hao twitched the corners of his mouth when he heard this, and quickly stopped Paul Phil Jones from discussing with Witten.

He just exaggerated what he said just now. After hearing these words, he felt that Paul Phil-Jones passed, and maybe poor Witten really ended up in Sudong.

Wang Hao explained patiently, "Mr. Weiteng has no shortage of personal achievements. His pursuit is to play string theory, and even verify string theory."

"A study, even the most top-notch study, is meaningless to him personally."

Different positions, different pursuits.

Wang Hao already has a deep understanding of this, and some top-level mathematics and physics achievements have no effect on him personally.

Now his pursuit is to develop technology, establish a correct theoretical foundation, and at the same time develop and improve his own theory.

After Wang Hao explained carefully, he also sternly told Paul Phil-Jones not to 'get close' to Witten.

Then he thought about a question, "Will Witten be safe if Paul doesn't get close?"

of course not.

In the afternoon, a report on relevant results will be made. Edward Witten will definitely be there and know the news.

Because of the release of a research result, a famous scholar died of a heart attack on the spot...

This is definitely not a good thing.

So Wang Hao quickly contacted the hospital in Sudong City and asked them to send a professional first aid team to the meeting site, ready to dispatch at any time.

At this moment, he breathed a sigh of relief, feeling a lot more at ease in his heart.

Before the afternoon meeting, Wang Hao met Edward Witten when he entered the venue. He immediately suggested, "Mr. Witten, the results I want to announce are major research in the field of annihilation theory, and you probably don't like them very much."

"Although academically, we are at odds, but I respect you very much. In this must be very tired after a busy morning. Why don't you go to the hotel and take a rest?"

Wang Hao's tone was already very tactful.

Edward Witten immediately shook his head and said seriously, "This is a rare theoretical physics conference, and there is also your report. I must be there."

Wang Hao was silent for a while.

He looked at the medical team prepared at the venue, nodded and said, "...Okay."

Then he went to prepare the report.

Wang Hao's original plan was to make a work report, but the research has already made a breakthrough, so it can be released directly at the venue.

So he decided to do the research report first, and the work report can be left for the next day.

After officially boarding the podium, facing the crowd, Wang Hao said, "I originally planned to give a work report, but because of the results of the research, I decided to give the report first."

"This achievement is very important. Here, I would like to thank my colleague Paul Phil Jones, other members of the research team, and my students Helen Hinton and Chen Mengmeng."

When Wang Hao mentioned a name, the corresponding person stood up and waved to the others. Paul Phil Jones in the front row was quite dull.

Not only was he called by name, but he would also come on stage to explain some mathematics content later.

Helen and Chen Mengmeng are different.

Helen stood up blankly, and raised her hand mechanically, as if it was a planned action.

Chen Mengmeng was much more shy. She smiled a little embarrassedly, showing a little awkwardness. It was the first time for her to participate in a large-scale academic conference, not to mention, being noticed by so many scholars all at once.

Wang Hao continued, "In addition, I would also like to thank two people, one is my excellent student Ding Zhiqiang, who provided inspiration for our research."

"The other one is Mr. Edward Witten!"

This sentence made the meeting hall become silent.

Many people looked at Edward Witten in the front row, and Witten was also puzzled. Wang Hao said something similar in the morning, but he still hasn't understood it.

Wang Hao didn't continue to say more, but started to explain. There was a whiteboard on his left hand, which was the content of Edward Witten's report.

Facing the new whiteboard behind him, he said, "Our latest research is to demonstrate the boundary of the 2.5-dimensional topological framework and the three-dimensional space."

"But my explanation starts from Mr. Weiteng's research..."

2.5-dimensional and three-dimensional boundary problems, the research starts with the Riemann function, but the Riemann function is the beginning of the research, not the beginning of the report.

Wang Hao's report started from the properties of two different dimensions, and after only explaining for a while, it was connected to Edward Witten's conclusion.

"Mr. Witten has proved that under normal circumstances, the 2.5-dimensional topological structure cannot exist in three-dimensional space."

When the explanation came to this point, everyone in the venue immediately hit their spirits, and they knew that the key point was coming.

"But..." Wang Hao continued, "The photon structure is not just a 2.5-dimensional topological structure, but also a more important core structure."

He drew a picture on the whiteboard. It was a big ball, and a mess of lines were randomly drawn on one side of the ball.

"This circle is the most critical, I call it the core of the photon."

"Mr. Witten has come to the conclusion that no matter what the structure of the 2.5-dimensional is, it is impossible to exist in the three-dimensional space."

"However, when the two-and-a-half-dimensional structure has one end connected to the core, it is different."

"We can understand it this way, the core can continuously provide energy, and can be associated with other photons..."

Wang Hao explained carefully.

To put it simply, the core is the support of the photon structure, and the link to connect with other photons.

2.5-dimensional topological structure, the mathematical structure is a line composed of prime numbers.

For example, 7-17-23-43-3...

The core is connected to a section of the prime number line, and the overall structure becomes: core-7-17-23-43-3...

If two photons are connected, it becomes: Core-7-17-23-43-3... Core-7-17-23-43-3...

In this way, no matter how many photons are connected together, what is finally exposed to the three-dimensional space and can be annihilated is actually only the last end.

The annihilation force, or the space squeeze effect, is limited in strength.

It's like lighting a long string, as long as the string is long enough, it takes a lot of time to burn.

In other words, the structure of photons is not perfect and can be annihilated, but the speed of annihilation is limited.

"If it's a single photon, it's relatively short-lived."

"If many photons are connected together, the time of existence will become very long, but the problem that must be considered here is..."

"Time is relative!"

The word will be spoken, and many scholars present have already understood it.

According to the theory of relativity, motion is relative, and time is also relative.

When it reaches the state of light speed, time will have a delay effect.

Research done by physicist Hick shows that, in the photon frame of reference, the lifespan of a photon is as short as three years.

But, in a conventional frame of reference, light is over a billion billion years old, while the universe is only 13,800,000,000 years old.

This huge numerical gap means that, no matter what, photons are always there.

According to Einstein's theory of relativity, the speed of light is a physical characteristic that seems to have a BUG, ​​and the speed of any matter cannot reach or exceed the speed of light.

For example, there are spaceships that can accelerate to the speed of light with advanced technology.

Did the spaceship really reach the speed of light?

The answer is: no.

If calculated by normal logic, the spacecraft flies from a distance of 300,000 kilometers towards the earth, and it can reach the earth in one second.

In fact, with the Earth as the frame of reference, the spacecraft will not be seen arriving until a second later.

From the perspective of the spacecraft, it did reach the earth in only one second; taking the earth as the reference system, the flight time of the spacecraft is two seconds, and the speed is only half of the speed of light.

This is the result derived from the calculation of the theory of relativity.

Obviously, time has been stretched.

According to the inference of the theory of relativity, the closer to the speed of light, the longer the time will be, and it will even expand to a hundred times, a thousand times, and ten thousand times.

What Wang Hao is now explaining is also explained with the help of the theory of relativity, because light always travels at the speed of light, even if a single photon can only exist for a very short time, in the conventional frame of reference, the photon can still exist forever.

At this point in the explanation, many scholars breathed a sigh of relief.

They have understood the overall structure of the research and found that the core is the so-called "core" of the photon architecture. Combined with the research results of Edward Witten, the "core" can be said to be the finishing touch.

Wang Hao continued to expand, "The 2.5-dimensional topological structure is not perfect, and there will always be gaps. Just like other particles, they cannot exist forever."

"Some particles dissipate slowly, as if they exist forever, while some substances dissipate quickly, causing decay phenomena."

When the 2.5-dimensional frame structure is combined with the effect of the annihilation force, to be connected with the matter, then it can be directly connected with the decay problem.

Afterwards, Wang Hao mentioned the conventional space squeeze strength, that is, the conventional annihilation force strength.

"In the future, we can use experimental methods to study the structure and life span of various particles to calculate the strength of space squeeze."

"The study of annihilation force cannot be perfected by relying on theory alone."

"We need constant combination experiments to analyze..."


When Wang Hao finished explaining the structure, there was loud applause from the audience.

There was brief confusion in the front row, because Edward Witten suddenly clutched his chest and half-lyed on the chair, motionless.

The medical team on the side of the venue had been staring at Edward Witten, and immediately rushed over when they saw this scene.

Edward Witten lay on the chair and took a deep breath. He finally understood why there was an extra medical team at the venue, and the medical team members kept looking over frequently.

It turned out to be for him.

Others also realized that many people looked at Edward Witten's position, and Edward Witten pushed the doctor away. He knew that there was nothing wrong with his body, and he just felt unacceptable when he covered his heart.

He is so sad.

I originally thought that I had completed a research result that overturned the photon architecture, but I didn't expect that it would be used by the "opponent" to complete a major research within a few hours of publication.

The research on the photon framework has not been overthrown, but also expanded and stabilized to complete the entire framework, and even further explained the existence of particles and connected the problem of decay.

Even to a certain extent, to stabilize the 2.5-dimensional topological framework is to demonstrate the existence of the annihilation force.

This is enough to take the annihilation theory to the next level.

If it was just the perfection of a theoretical study, it would not make Edward Witten so sad, but after listening to Wang Hao's report, even he was convinced of the existence of annihilation force and the existence of a 2.5-dimensional structure.


The theory is too perfect, so perfect that no flaws can be found.

In comparison, much of string theory is a 'forced' explanation of unknown physical phenomena, while annihilation theory is logical and has a more perfect mathematical logic.

Under the premise of the existence of annihilation force, the established theoretical system can definitely cover the content of multi-field physics.

"After this meeting is over, the theory of annihilation will definitely develop rapidly!"

"Perhaps those people are right to choose to study the theory of annihilation..."

Edward Witten thought bitterly. Compared with annihilation theory, string theory is like a gorgeous castle.

No matter how gorgeous the pavilion is, it is just a mirage, which can only be seen but not touched.

Annihilation theory is different.

The theory of annihilation is based on experiments. As long as the annihilation force exists, it means that the foundation has been laid, and the buildings on it can be seen and touched, and are real.

Even if there will be some buildings in the future that will collapse because they do not conform to the architecture, at worst it can be postponed to reconstruction.

With a foundation, the development of annihilation theory will only become more stable and better.


"As long as the existence of the annihilation force is confirmed, the theory is not just a theory."

"Annihilation theory, perhaps called annihilation physics is more accurate. Compared with a real physics, what is string theory?"

Edward Witten sighed with deep thought, got up and left the venue early.

He no longer cares about the rest of the content.


Two days later, Sudong Airport.

A group of people walked towards the hall, and Edward Witten and Wang Hao walked in front.

The meeting is over.

Edward Witten did not attend the meeting, but stayed in the hotel for two days. Wang Hao also found Edward Witten and talked about annihilation theory and string theory.

Because the two theories are in conflict on the underlying basis, it can be said that they are opposite at the academic level.

But string theory definitely has merit.

Many studies of annihilation theory now rely on the mathematical logic of string theory, including the latest research, and the content of Paul Phil Jones's explanation on stage is also based on the mathematical logic of string theory.

After two days of thinking, Edward Witten was finally able to show some smiles, as if everything had come to an end.

Of course, he couldn't really be happy.

"Professor Wang Hao, speaking of it, I have long wanted to meet you. A few years ago, I thought you were a genius. At that time, I had reviewed your research..."

Edward Witten shook his head as he recalled, "It's just that I didn't expect that, the theory of annihilation, we have an academic confrontation."

"I didn't even expect that my latest research would be helpful to your research. If you knew it in advance..."

He shook his head in thought, "I think, I'll still publish it!"

"For any scholar, the pursuit of scientific authenticity is the most important thing."

Edward Witten said, "I understood this when I was young, but now that I am old, I can't think about many things."

"I'm really confused..."

Wang Hao said, "Edward, you haven't retired yet."

Edward Witten shook his head with a wry smile, "When I go back this time, I'm going to retire. I've already decided."

He stopped in his tracks, looked at Wang Hao and said seriously, "This time, I am convinced, whether it is academic or otherwise."

"The future always belongs to the young."

"In the future, it will be your era, the era of annihilation of physics."

"I hope that annihilation physics can develop better and better, can truly lead the development of science and technology, and pursue the truth of the universe..."

After Edward Witten finished speaking, he walked into the cabin with a sigh.

The people who came to see him off all looked at his back and walked away slowly until he disappeared.

At the same time, they seem to have witnessed the end of an era.

The beginning of another new era!

That is the era of annihilation physics, a great unification of physical theory, leading a new era of human science and technology explosion!

PS: Dear friends, the book is not finished, don't get me wrong.

This is the end of the first volume. The main content of the first volume is still the theoretical basis, and there is not much applied technology content.

The next chapter officially enters a new volume with technology as the main body, which will involve technology development, international technology and military-military competition, high-end black technology research and development, etc.

Don't get me wrong.

This is the end of a volume, and the next chapter opens a new chapter in the development of the technological age.

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