From University Lecturer to Chief Academician

Chapter 281 Small Experiment, Big Achievement, Won Two Wolf Prizes for a Record

After participating in the project meeting of the Science Foundation, Wang Hao returned to Xihai University. The project research has only just begun, and work and life are quite relaxed.

He spent a lot of time supervising several students' papers and submissions.

The time is approaching the graduation season, and some of the papers of several students have been published, and some are preparing to submit papers.

Among them, Qiu Hui'an, Li Xin, and Zhang Yixin were the most labor-saving. Qiu Hui'an completed the proof of Legendre's conjecture, which can be used as a master's thesis.

Li Xin and Zhang Yixin have been participating in laboratory projects, and their performance has not been outstanding, but they have been following the research and completing a paper is still very easy.

They are excellent students themselves. They not only completed their graduation thesis, but also revised and submitted their manuscripts to foreign journals and entered SCI indexing.

The thesis of Helen and Chen Mengmeng is the most painstaking. They have been doing theoretical physics research with Paul Phil-Jones, and the research has indeed achieved certain results.

But just because there are certain results, it is natural to hope to do better.

Wang Hao reviewed their research and discussed with them. Later, the research went through several revisions, and finally decided to submit it to the top physics journal "Physical Review Letters".

Xu Jie is a special one.

As a graduate student in the Department of Mathematics, he eventually published a research paper on mathematical computers, doing research related to geometric electrical signals.

Wang Hao still cared about his research content, but later realized that he didn't need to care about it at all, and Zhang Zhiqiang was the one he cared most about.

Xu Jie's thesis was taught by Zhang Zhiqiang.

Now Xu Jie has decided to follow Zhang Zhiqiang directly for his Ph.D., and Zhang Zhiqiang also admires Xu Jie very much and plans to make him his outstanding student.

Wang Hao has a feeling of being robbed by the students.

However, there is no way.

Who told Xu Jie to follow him to do research, so he can't do anything at all?

In the end, I had no choice but to follow Zhang Zhiqiang.

But to say that Xu Jie's mathematics level is poor is only compared to Helen, Qiu Hui'an and others. He is doing research in the direction of mathematics and computers, and his mathematics ability is completely sufficient.

Mathematical computing is also a good direction, including Zhang Zhiqiang, including Luo Dayong, the main direction is mathematical computing.

All the students led by Wang Hao have completed their graduation thesis, and he also feels much more relaxed. After all, he is a top scholar, and he does not want students who cannot graduate.

Scholars still have to fight for face. It is still a bit embarrassing for some of the students selected by themselves to fail to graduate.

Afterwards, Wang Hao also paid attention to the anti-gravity behavior research center's research on the behavior direction of the anti-gravity field.

This direction is still very important.

Wang Hao is most concerned about the study of particle inertia in the antigravity field.

The reduction of the speed of light is a manifestation of particle inertia.

Although the framework theory of photons has been completed and some conclusions have been drawn, related research is still very important.

If the inertia of particles can be controlled, it will not only help to improve the theory, but also have a very broad application prospect.

For example, would particle inertness slow down nuclear reactions?

If the nuclear reaction speed is slowed down, whether it is any fusion reaction or nuclear fission reaction, it can be more easily controlled to a certain extent.

Of course, the above is not a research that can be completed by a team, and needs to be researched and demonstrated in multiple directions.

Another point that Wang Hao is concerned about is the proof of the existence of the space squeeze force field.

In the research of shaping the photon’s structure, for the description of the mathematical structure of the anti-gravity field, it shows that the anti-gravity field has an effect, and it is to reduce the intensity of the space squeeze, or to decrease the intensity of the annihilation force.

But how to prove it?

There are several ways to understand the anti-gravity field, and the two most important ones are that the gravitational constant is reduced, that is, the effect of the gravitational wave is reduced.

The other is to basically reduce the space squeeze and directly affect the quality of the object.

Both ways of understanding are possible.

According to Newton's law of universal gravitation, whether it is reducing the effect of gravitational waves or reducing the mass, the effect of gravity can be reduced, and the performance on the earth is the effect of gravity.

At the same time, there are several other related explanations, but the above two are the most credible ones, and the academic public opinion tends to the first one, that is, the effect of gravitational waves is reduced.

Because of this, it is called 'anti-gravity'.

Wang Hao naturally knew that it was the first type, because it reduced the space squeeze effect and directly affected the mass of the object.

When he was thinking about the verification problem, He Yi came to the door directly and shouted, "Wang Hao, new results! The Planck Institute has proved the annihilation force!"

"Have you verified the existence of the annihilation force?" Wang Hao was puzzled.

He Yi nodded and sighed, "To a certain extent, it can be said that they designed a very ingenious and very simple experiment to prove that the antigravity field directly acts on the mass!"

"However, it may not be easy for them. They can only create fifteen strong anti-gravity fields."

After hearing this, Wang Hao immediately paid attention to the new achievements.

The Max Planck Institute in Germany, which can be understood as the German Academy of Sciences, has formed an anti-gravity research team.

After Wang Hao's research group published a paper on the photon structure, many physicists around the world began to study it, and various antigravity teams also began to design experimental demonstrations.

The anti-gravity team of the Planck Institute is dedicated to researching the behavior of the anti-gravity field. After understanding the results of the photon framework, they naturally understand the mathematical expressions in it, explaining that the mechanism of the anti-gravity field is to create a region that reduces the effect of space squeeze .

One of them, an excellent young researcher, designed a very ingenious experiment.

Using the properties of buoyancy and mass-independence, they experimentally tested levitation in an antigravity field.

At the beginning of the experiment, when the anti-gravity field was not turned on, an object with a wooden iron core was suspended in the middle of the water.

After that, the anti-gravity field was turned on, and the object immediately floated to the surface of the water.

After several consecutive experiments, according to the experimental results, they determined that the antigravity field acts on the mass instead of the gravitational wave.

The principle is directly related to Wang Hao's research results.

Wang Hao’s research on the photon structure shows that the anti-gravity field will make the particles inert. For example, the speed of light will decrease, but the inertia of particles is not directly proportional to the anti-gravity field. Only 50% of the anti-gravity field can slow down the speed of light. fifteen percent.

Therefore, even if the anti-gravity field can affect the buoyancy effect, it is definitely not directly proportional to the weight loss like an object.

When an object is suspended in a liquid, the force is naturally balanced, and the formula can be drawn——

ρ liquid gV row=m object g.

When the experiment is in the anti-gravity field, the buoyancy force is obviously greater than the gravitational force, which naturally proves that the mass of the object has decreased.

The results of this simple experimental study are not 100% convincing, because the effect of the anti-gravity field on buoyancy has not been determined.

However, it is still very persuasive to a certain extent.

The anti-gravity team of the Planck Institute used a very simple experiment to prove that the anti-gravity field directly acts on the mass of the object, and the published results are also very influential.

Even in the photon structure results published by Wang Hao, the use of data to explain the effect of anti-gravity is the reduction of the effect of space squeeze, but most scholars still prefer the effect of gravitational waves.

Now, the team of the Planck Institute uses an experiment to explain the effect and mass, and to a certain extent, it also confirms the existence of the space squeeze effect and the annihilation force.

Muller of the Planck Institute team said in an interview, "At least there is a great possibility that the space squeeze effect, that is, the annihilation force exists."

"The explanation of the annihilation force can perfectly explain the experiment, but there is no theory for the effect of gravitational waves."

"We believe that the experimental results, often the simplest experiments, are the most convincing."

After the results of this experiment were published, many people felt incredible.

The reason why many scholars believe that the antigravity field acts on gravitational waves is because they believe that the mass will not be changed.

The current results show that the quality has decreased, which feels a bit contrary to common sense.

When Wang Hao saw the new results, he couldn't help sighing, "It's a very simple experiment with good results. I never thought that it could be verified so easily."

"There are still many geniuses in the world."

Wang Hao found that he thought too complicated before, and always linked the verification of the characteristics of the anti-gravity field with very complicated microscopic physics.

Now the results of the Planck Institute prove that simple mechanical research can also bring great help to the research of anti-gravity fields.

He Yi felt very annoyed. He felt that his team had such a good environment and could create more than 50% of the anti-gravity field.

The team of the Planck Institute can only produce 15% of the anti-gravity field, even if it is a mechanical experiment, the effect is very poor.

"Why didn't I think of this method?" He Yi said depressedly.

Wang Hao didn't care about it at all. He didn't lack a result at all. The results of the Planck Institute verified the existence of annihilation force to a certain extent, which was very beneficial to the annihilation theory.

"It's also impossible for us to do all the research," he said.

"When the research was made public, it was hoped that more scholars and more teams would participate, so that it could be gradually improved."

"It's normal for other teams to have results."

The results of the Planck Institute cannot 100% prove the existence of annihilation force, but it can also be said to prove a third.

If the annihilation force wants to be verified, the most direct way is to measure the 'conventional annihilation constant', that is, the strength of the conventional space squeeze.

From this, many conclusions that can be verified in experiments can be derived.

In addition, it is also necessary to contact microphysics to verify the role of annihilation force in microphysics.

"Argument mass unit..."

"At least one microcosmic force must be associated to find out the mutual relationship."

"Demonstrate the function and performance of annihilation force in microphysics, improve the annihilation theory, and combine it with existing microphysics..."

Each of the above is very important.

Although there are still many directions and a lot of work to be done in the study of annihilation theory, the work cannot be completed in one go, and the perfection of the theory is a systematic and huge project.

Wang Hao still enjoys a relaxed work life. He also took time to work on projects of the space agency and completed the corresponding core codes.

The rest of the work is done by other people in the lab.

Everyone in the lab was in the office that day, and a project-related work assignment meeting was held.

Wang Hao talked about the problem of the core code, and the others exchanged and discussed together.

Wang Hao was very leisurely. He read the news casually, and opened the email to check it. He found that there were several special emails with the same content.

The first letter was from Didier Mayor, and the expression inside was very enthusiastic, "Dear Wang Hao, there is a piece of news that you will definitely be interested in. This year you have entered the nomination for the Wolf Prize.

It's still early, but congratulations in advance for your Wolf Prize. "

Later, Didier-Mayor asked about Wang Hao's recent research, the purpose is to know whether Wang Hao has any research, which needs to be verified by experiments.

Wang Hao has a lot of content that needs to be studied experimentally, but most of them are related to the anti-gravity field, and Mayor's team has no way to do it.

He wrote a reply letter with a smile on his face, which generally means that he is doing research on the mechanism of superconductivity wholeheartedly, and has no thoughts related to quantum physics for the time being.

Afterwards, Wang Hao checked other emails. The emails were all big names in the international physics and mathematics circles, and the content was similar to that of Mayor. Just to explain, they learned from their own channels that Wang Hao and Wo The Golf Awards are associated.

Among them was a well-known Finnish mathematician who seemed to have an accurate channel, "Your superconducting semi-topological theory was nominated for the Wolf Prize in Physics, and you were nominated for the Wolf Prize in Mathematics."

"Congratulations on winning the Wolf Prize in Mathematics and Physics!"

Wang Hao read several emails in a row and knew that the matter must be true, otherwise it would be impossible for so many people to send emails.

The reason why these scholars sent emails was because they knew that he would definitely win the award.

As long as he is nominated for the Mathematics Prize personally, the award is basically certain.

The influence of the theory of superconducting semi-topology is too great. As long as there are candidates for the Physics Prize, more than 90% of them may win the Wolf Prize in Physics.

Looking at the emails, Wang Hao couldn't help showing a smile. He was still looking forward to the international awards.

Although in terms of his fame and influence, the Wolf Prize can only be said to be icing on the cake, but he can win both the Wolf Prize in Mathematics and the Wolf Prize in Physics...

It can be regarded as unprecedented!

At this time, many people were sitting in the office, including Luo Dayong, Zheng Yaojun, Zhang Zhiqiang, Qi Xiao, Zhu Ping and others, and they were discussing the assignment of project work.

Zhang Zhiqiang noticed Wang Hao's expression, and leaned over with some doubts. He glanced at his computer screen and asked, "What is this?"


Wang Hao shook his head indifferently, "It's just that someone told me that I might win the Wolf Prize in Mathematics and Physics this year."


Everyone in the office looked over.

Wang Hao noticed everyone's eyes and added, "It's just possible..."

"Maybe, it means sure!" Zhang Zhiqiang nodded vigorously, and then asked, "Is it the research of superconductivity?"


Wang Hao answered and looked at Luo Dayong, and said with some regret, "Many international physics awards only judge three people at most, Brother Dayong, you probably won't be judged..."

For the research on the theory of superconducting semi-topology, the three judges must be Wang Hao, Birkar and Lin Bohan, and Luo Dayong's contribution can only be ranked fourth.

"it does not matter."

Luo Dayong only felt a little regretful, but he didn't care at all when he thought about it, "I didn't make much contribution at first, so it's great to be able to participate. The research on superconducting mechanism may win many awards in the future."

The others nodded along, and they also looked at Luo Dayong with some envy.

Although it is difficult for Luo Dayong to win awards based on his research on superconducting semi-topological theory, he has always participated in the research and made certain contributions.

Even if he cannot win international research-related awards, he is personally recognized by the international academic community.

In addition, Luo Dayong is also a member of Wang Hao's research group, not to mention the most important, but his status is quite high.

Now Luo Dayong can be called a top scholar.

When the news of the award was announced, there was an endless discussion in the office. After Zhang Zhiqiang returned to his seat, while talking with other people, he gradually became sad.

He recalled a few people in the office of the complex.

When Wang Hao first came to Xihai University, he was the core focus in the small office. He was the first to be promoted to associate professor, and his future was bright.

At that time, Luo Dayong had no results for several years, and he might face unemployment in the future.

Wang Hao had just entered Xihai University, and everyone felt that the working hours would not exceed one year.

Zhu Ping only graduated with a master's degree, so it would be nice to be a small lecturer for the rest of her life.

Yan Jing's time here was also very short, and there was no result at all.


Needless to say, Wang Hao; Yan Jing is a professor at the Antigravity Research Center, and is involved in top-level confidential research; Luo Dayong has become an internationally renowned scholar and is recognized as the top figure in the field of complexity issues.

There is only him, just an ordinary professor working on a project.


Zhang Zhiqiang sighed depressedly, moved closer to Zhu Ping unconsciously, and muttered in a low voice, "In the original office, we were the only team."

"Who is on your team!"

Zhu Ping shook her head vigorously, "I don't do scientific research. I've already applied to be transferred to administration. Our family is doing scientific research. Dayong alone is enough."

Zhang Zhiqiang stared at the big wave head, but didn't listen to what she said specifically.

He grabbed the few strands of dry hair on the top of his head with his hands, and immediately thought about a philosophical question, "Why is my hair falling the fastest when I do research?"

"And, in the end, I was the worst one..."


The news of the Wolf Award is just a small episode. After all, the award has just entered the nomination stage, and it will take more than half a year to announce the list of winners.

Wang Hao also continued to work and live normally, while also paying attention to international academic trends.

The research results of the anti-gravity team of the Planck Institute have indeed aroused widespread heated discussions. The behavior of the anti-gravity field has become the focus of attention, and then the research related to the photon structure has received a lot of attention again.

Many top physicists have devoted themselves to the research of related content, and the physics community is very concerned about the development of follow-up research. "The results of the Planck Institute, to a certain extent, have confirmed the characteristics of the anti-gravity field."

"If the annihilation force really exists, how can we prove it?"

"From the perspective of photon architecture research, it is the 2.5-dimensional topology that determines the characteristics of photons."

"According to Wang Hao's theory, the 2.5-dimensional topology is produced under the effect of space extrusion, that is, the annihilation force..."

"If we want to verify the existence of annihilation force, perhaps we must first understand the 2.5-dimensional topology, not just a side argument."

The last sentence is recognized by many physicists.

The research on 2.5-dimensional topological structure is indeed very powerful, but in fact, the relevant descriptions in the photon architecture are all sideways, that is, they are discussed from the perspective of photon properties, rather than really analyzed.

Then, how does the annihilation force work to produce the 2.5-dimensional topological structure?

How does the 2.5-dimensional topological junction maintain a steady state operation?

Bell Sinick, a famous theoretical physicist at Cambridge University in Eagle Country, said in an interview with reporters about the follow-up research, "No matter from any angle, if you want to analyze the annihilation force, you will inevitably encounter a problem , that is, a two-point five-dimensional topology.”

"Beyond the 2.5-dimensional topological structure is a three-dimensional universe, so how is the 2.5-dimensional topological structure maintained?"

"What is the boundary between 2.5D topology and 3D space?"

"The latter is very critical."

"Without solving this problem, the annihilation force will never be understood."

Bell-Sinick's words have been recognized by many theoretical physicists, and also reported by many media.

At this time, many string theory scholars seem to have come to the spirit.

When it comes to the space dimension argument, string theory is the specialty!

Even for the 2.5-dimensional topology, most of the mathematics was done by Paul Phil-Jones, who was once a top scholar in string theory.

They feel that they can use the mathematical system of string theory to construct a 2.5-dimensional topological structure and solve the boundary problem between the 2.5-dimensional structure and the three-dimensional space of the universe.

at the same time.

Wang Hao is also thinking about the same question, he naturally knows the importance of demonstrating the boundaries of dimensions.

If it's just a high-dimensional argument for string theory, it feels very out of touch with reality.

However, the 2.5D topological structure is different, and he can be sure that the relevant research is correct, so how to analyze the boundary problem between the 2.5D topological structure and the 3D?

This is a very deep mathematical problem.

Wang Hao couldn't find the direction after thinking carefully, so he simply tried to set up a task——

【Task 4】

【Research Project Name: 2.5D Topological Behavior and 3D Cosmic Boundary Problem (Difficulty: S). 】

[Inspiration value: 0. 】


It seems that it can be studied!

After Wang Hao set up the task, he still couldn't find his way. He was not too anxious, because the content of the temporary research was too advanced, and he was a little out of touch with experiments and life.

This kind of top-level mathematical research may be able to gain some inspiration in the professional field.

What he was waiting for was the Annihilation Theory Conference being organized.

In recent years, the development of annihilation theory has been very good. Many mathematicians and physicists all over the world have begun to study annihilation theory.

This time is the first professional conference on annihilation theory, and many scholars will definitely attend.

That will upgrade the meeting to a large international professional meeting.

Wang Hao waited unhurriedly. What he didn't expect was that the inspiration value would come so quickly.

this day.

Qiu Huian found Wang Hao and asked a question in the field of number theory.

Wang Hao and Qiu Hui'an studied together for a while, and then gave Qiu Hui'an an answer.

After the two had almost finished speaking, Ding Zhiqiang knocked on the door and walked in.

Recently, Zhiqiang Ding has been preparing his master's thesis. He is looking for the field of algebraic geometry, the representation of special sets of algebraic varieties. He also has some ideas about specific research, so he wants to talk to Wang Hao.

After Ding Zhiqiang entered the door, he talked to Wang Hao, "Mr. Wang, I want to find special cases in special sets of algebraic varieties for special research. This direction..."

"no problem."

Wang Hao affirmed, "In this direction, if you have an idea, you can do it. Whether it is the representation of algebraic varieties or geometric varieties, it is very important research. If there is anything you don't understand, you can ask me or Kaqie Er, or someone from the computing team."

Ding Zhiqiang was affirmed, and he couldn't help but feel a little happy.

Wang Hao suddenly turned his head and asked Qiu Hui'an, "Hoi'an, do you have any ideas about the direction of research? You are about to study for a Ph. D. It would be great if you have a definite direction in advance."

"It should be number theory..."

Qiu Hui'an hesitated and said some nonsense, then shook his head and said, "I haven't thought about it yet."

Ding Zhiqiang joked, "There are many directions in number theory. Teacher Wang has completed Goldbach's conjecture. I think you can consider Riemann's conjecture. These are two major number theory problems."

Qiu Hui'an's face darkened when he heard this, and he was about to speak back.

Suddenly Wang Hao's eyes lit up, and he gave Ding Zhiqiang a thumbs up, "Very well said, Zhiqiang, you are indeed a genius!"

Ding Zhiqiang touched the back of his head in confusion.

Qiu Hui'an said in a daze, "Mr. Wang, do you think I should study Riemann's conjecture?" He was very unconfident as he spoke, because he felt that Riemann's conjecture was not something he could study at all.


After hearing this, Wang Hao was stunned for a moment, and quickly realized, "You misunderstood. It is up to you to decide what direction to study. That's not what I'm talking about. I just think Ding Zhiqiang is a genius."

As he spoke, he glanced at the system, and there was already a new message.

[Task 4, inspiration value +1. 】

very good!

It seems that the research on the 2.5-dimensional topological behavior and the boundary of the three-dimensional universe can try to start from the perspective of the Riemann Hypothesis.

Qiu Huian and Ding Zhiqiang walked out of the office together.

When he got to the door, Qiu Hui'an couldn't help complaining, "Ding Zhiqiang, do you understand what happened just now?"

"Understand what?"

"Didn't you notice? Teacher Wang has a special...preference for you, yes, it is a preference! Anyway, no matter what you say, Teacher Wang thinks you are a genius." Qiu Hui'an even said in a sour tone. I feel that I am a genius, and I solved Legendre's conjecture at the graduate level.

But why does Mr. Wang Hao always praise Ding Zhiqiang?

Although he is already an adult, he also wants to be praised by Teacher Wang Hao!

After hearing this, Ding Zhiqiang didn't look happy at all. He thought carefully about the past few years and the suffering life that has continued until now.


All the suffering stemmed from a compliment from Teacher Wang Hao when he was a junior?

Later, he was constantly praised, and he was considered a genius by the people around him, so he started to study continuously, and he didn't even have any spare time for playing.

Ding Zhiqiang realized.

He thought of a very popular Internet hot word - PUA.

Thinking about it carefully from beginning to end, didn't I just get PUA by Teacher Wang Hao? It was still PUA for several years in a row, and he was used to PUA until he was used to it.

This is simply too scary!

All in all, so it is!

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