From University Lecturer to Chief Academician

Chapter 279 The research results are confirmed, international heated discussion, reporter: I regret

In the ever-changing motion evolution process in nature, the diversity of motion shows various symmetries.

In physics there are two types of symmetries of different nature -

One is the symmetry of a certain system or a specific thing; the other is the symmetry of physical laws.

Aiming at the law of motion and development of the thing itself, it will also show corresponding symmetry.

For example, as long as the properties of a certain aspect of an object do not reach an extreme value, it can be increased or decreased, and can be expanded or compressed. If there is attraction, there will be separation.

The existence of space extrusion is similar to the density of air and the atmospheric pressure on the ground, and it is the extrusion force that exists through the microcosmic level.

The intensity of space squeeze is just the “average intensity” of the universe annihilation force.

This value is difficult to measure and express, but it is basically just a number. The existence of the anti-gravity field reduces the intensity of space compression, so there must be a corresponding increase in the intensity of space compression.

"What will happen when the intensity of the space squeeze increases, that is, the intensity of the annihilation force increases?"

"Is the annihilation force constant in the universe?"

"Is there a certain location in the universe, space, such as the interior of a black hole, where the annihilation force is very strong?"

"What about the reverse?"

These are questions that can be imagined and explored.

Wang Hao frowned and shook his head, divergent thinking, imagination is of course possible, but it is a pity that the theoretical research related to gravity is not in-depth, and no phenomenon of high annihilation force intensity has been found, so there is no way to conduct research directly.

However, he is interested in the study of the increase in the strength of space squeezes.

In the end he decided to create a task --

[Task 2: Find the phenomenon of increasing space squeeze (difficulty: S). 】

[Inspiration value: 0. 】

After the task was successfully created, Wang Hao suddenly smiled.

The fact that the task can be successfully created and the difficulty can also be displayed proves that the phenomenon of increased space squeeze strength exists, but it has not been discovered until now.

No matter whether this phenomenon exists in the universe, in the research of microphysics, or in experiments related to communication gravity, as long as the phenomenon really exists, it may be discovered in the future, and then it can be studied in a targeted manner.

"This will be a good direction..." Wang Hao was very sure of this.

It is a pity that even if the phenomenon is known to exist, it is almost impossible to get inspiration because it has not been discovered yet.

This is not to teach students or do research with other people to increase the inspiration value.

In fact, it is similar to the discovery task of annihilation force. After setting up the task, the inspiration value has not been increased for a long time. Later, in the physics laboratory, it was learned that He Yi's group was replicating the gravity experiment, and the inspiration value increased significantly.

Wang Hao didn't think too much about it at all, as long as he found something in the future, he would always know, and he continued to pay attention to the measurement experiment of the anti-gravity property, mainly the situation of animals and plants in the exchange gravity field.

The good news is that animals and plants in the exchange gravity field are very similar to those in space, and all they show are discomfort with the lack of gravity, and nothing else.

"Hopefully it's the same as in space and doesn't show other effects."

When discussing with He Yi, Wang Hao said, "If there is obvious discomfort or other influences, the exchange gravity field must not be used as a training ground for astronauts."

"In addition, the subsequent application of anti-gravity technology will definitely be greatly restricted."

This is mainly because the human body cannot exist in the anti-gravity field, and the application of aerospace technology will be greatly affected.

In addition, the influence of other directions will also cause a problem of 'field force exposure'.

For example, the anti-gravity maglev train.

If the field force has a direct impact on the human body, passengers in the train may be affected by the communication field under unexpected circumstances, thereby directly affecting the health of the passengers.

From the perspective of technology application, research in this area is still very important, and continuous research is needed.

For example, the negative effects of some radiation cannot be seen in a short time, but only in a long time.

Therefore, the experimental research cannot be completed in a day or two, and their shortest plan lasts for two weeks.


When Wang Hao was concentrating on the research on the behavior of the anti-gravity field, a piece of news related to him suddenly appeared in the world.

To be precise, it is related to the theoretical research some time ago.

The Antigravity Experiment Group at Los Alamos Laboratory, that is, Philip Rohrer's team, cooperated with the Laboratory Optics Research Group to measure the speed of light in an environment with 50% antigravity field strength.

The final conclusion is that the speed of light has decreased by about fifteen percent.

This conclusion is basically consistent with Wang Hao's research, which is equivalent to confirming the research paper published by Wang Hao's team.

For a time, public opinion heated up.

Laurel also publicly accepted an interview for this, and he couldn't tell whether he was happy or unhappy.

In fact, what he hopes most is to disprove Wang Hao's theoretical research, but the conclusions of scientific experiments cannot be falsified.

If the scientific experiment is falsified, it is tantamount to misleading the development of science, and he will become a sinner written in the history books.

In addition, even if the experimental conclusion is falsified, because the Chinese team also has the corresponding anti-gravity technology, they can also measure the conclusion, and the falsification can be easily exposed.

So they can only publish the results.

This result also shows that China is far ahead in theoretical research in the fields of superconductivity and antigravity.

"Fortunately, it's not technical application, it's all theoretical research..."

Rorel can only think so, confirming the theoretical research of the 'competitor' is not good news.

Of course, Laurel was not going to sing praises for Wang Hao when he was interviewed. His main purpose was to show the public that the experimental group had the technology to create a high anti-gravity field.

They have completed the experiment, which means that the technology is very stable.

What the outside world does not know is that Philip's research team spent nearly 30 million US dollars to verify the conclusion.

This is definitely a big deal!

"Spending 30 million US dollars is just proving the competitor's research..." Laurel felt his heart bleed when he thought about it.

The international public opinion does not care whether Rorel's research group has the technology to create a 50% anti-gravity field, mainly because his experimental group has already released relevant results.

Many people even read the news and thought that the results of Rorel's experimental group were falsified, and they simply didn't have the technology to use high-temperature superconducting materials to create an anti-gravity field.

International public opinion is concerned about the results of Wang Hao's research group.

"Rorel's research team confirmed part of Wang Hao's research."

"In an antigravity environment, the speed of light will decrease, so it can be inferred that the particles will have a certain inertia."

"Although some mathematical content has not been confirmed, but the numerical value of the speed of light reduction is accurate, which means that the main content is correct."

"The speed of light framework may also be correct..."

The international physics community focuses on Wang Hao's research on the content of the 2.5-dimensional topological structure.

That's the focus of focus!

A famous physicist stood up and explained the importance of the research on the morphology of the 2.5-dimensional topological structure, "In Wang Hao's research, the 2.5-dimensional topological structure is the most important structure of photons, which directly determines the nature."

"We can extend this to the fact that massless particles all have a similar architecture."

"Massless particles can be understood as gauge bosons to some extent, because all known massless particles are gauge bosons, including photons and gluons."

"The photon is the vehicle of electromagnetism, and the gluon is the vehicle of the force."

"Then we can study the structure of the gauge boson in depth, and extend it to the study of the combination of particles and particles, to explore the nature of the laws of the universe..."

After Wang Hao's theory was confirmed, many physicists thought deeply about it, and came up with various ideas.

At the same time, other people in Wang Hao's research group also became famous.

In both domestic and international reports, the names of Paul Phil-Jones, Lin Bohan, and Zhang He appear frequently, because they are scholars who have made great contributions in Wang Hao's research papers.

Some of the theories studied now have been confirmed, and the relevant scholars are naturally famous.


Physicists are more concerned about the follow-up research, and the proposal of the 2.5-dimensional topology is only the beginning.

There are many directions that can be explored in the future.

When some news media interviewed the research, Wang Hao talked about this issue, "We have only constructed photons, and only described the 2.5-dimensional topological structure."

"But in this way, it can be extended to many fields, especially those theories that can only be expressed mathematically."

"For example, the problem of supersymmetry also includes the structure of elementary particles, as well as the demonstration of the principle of parity non-conservation, and some underlying theories of microphysics, etc."

"In fact, many known physics have not been confirmed by experiments, and even some known particles."

"For example, gluons."

"In the current microscopic physics, gluons seem to be existing particles, but in fact, gluons have never been measured in experiments, and it is only theoretically believed that gluons exist in hadrons, but as long as they are not actually found, the theoretical It's not necessarily true..."

Wang Hao talked a lot about professional issues, and the more he said in the end, the more profound he said, which made the reporters feel their scalps go numb.

After Wang Hao stopped talking, the reporter hurriedly turned to Paul Phil Jones next to him, hoping that the white guy could say something interesting.

Paul Phil-Jones has been looking forward to it for a long time, he enjoys doing press interviews, especially after completing a big study, he feels like an academic star.

He felt that he should show off his academic level, and immediately said seriously, "I have completed the mathematical demonstration of the 2.5-dimensional topological structure in my research."

"Those are important, including some..."

"Just now Wang Hao also talked about the follow-up expansion of the 2.5-dimensional topology. I think the most feasible direction is to demonstrate the problem of supersymmetry."

"The problem of supersymmetry is easy to understand. Of course, most people probably don't understand it. I will briefly explain it here..."

"We all know that elementary particles can be divided into two categories according to their spin. Particles with an integer spin are called bosons, and particles with a half-integer spin are called fermions..."

"In this regard, the consensus in the physics community is related to string theory..."

"In string theory, elementary particles are regarded as vibrating strings rather than point particles. Therefore, we have established a supersymmetric theory with N=8 to unify fermions and bosons..."

"We believe that the universe has four dimensions in addition to four dimensions, and the extra four dimensions cannot be understood as time or space..."

"The eight-dimensional universe is inhabited by fermions. Matter can transfer from the four-dimensional space to the eight-dimensional fermions through spin, and from the eight-dimensional back to the four-dimensional..."

The reporter was dumbfounded.

When interviewing Wang Hao just now, he just felt his scalp tingling.

Now it has turned into a confusion, the boring content combined with the sharp tone, like a big rooster, constantly crowing back and forth in the ear.

The key is……

The rooster seemed to see his favorite hen. The more he crowed, the more excited he became, and his voice became louder and louder.

The reporter pulled the corners of his mouth hard, and after thinking about the interview just now, he realized that Wang Hao was so amiable.

Unfortunately, Wang Hao has already left early.

I regret it!


What Paul Phil-Jones said in an interview is from the bottom of his heart. He really thinks that the 2.5-dimensional topology structure, the first thing to demonstrate in the follow-up expansion is the problem of supersymmetry.

Most of the current basic mathematical frameworks for supersymmetry problems are explained by string theory.

The foundation of the annihilation theory, plus the 2.5-dimensional extended structure, can be completely combined to re-theory the super-symmetry problem.

In this way, annihilation theory can replace the role played by string theory in the problem of supersymmetry.

In fact, not only Paul Phil-Jones thinks so, many theoretical physicists also have similar ideas.

In the current international theoretical physics community, annihilation theory and string theory are divided into two worlds, and string theory still occupies a great advantage, or it can be understood that string theory occupies more 'territory'.

Many physical theories use the mathematical interpretation of string theory.

However, the study of string theory has stagnated, and there has been no new progress for a long time. Those that can be explained have been completed, and those that cannot be explained are still unexplained.

Annihilation theory is different.

The theory of annihilation has just started, and it can continue to attack cities and villages and play a role in various fields. For example, the problem of supersymmetry can be explained by the content of M theory, and follow-up studies can also be explained by annihilation theory.

Many theoretical physicists are very interested in this, including some scholars of string theory.

Scholars of string theory are not necessarily all faithful.

They already have two role models, one is Paul Phil Jones and the other is Ledley Parsons.

Paul Phil-Jones gave up string theory and turned to study annihilation theory, and achieved a lot of results in a short period of time. He has become a potential winner of Fields and Nobel, and can be said to be one of the big names in mathematics and physics.

Ledley-Parsons, on the other hand, is considered to be the development of annihilation theory towards theoretical physics, and a brand-new analysis of the big bang theory shocked the international physics community.

He is also considered the 'number three' of the school of annihilation theory.

Trailblazers will always attract attention.

The current research on the 2.5-dimensional topological framework is like opening the door to a treasure, which can expand research in many directions, and physicists are naturally very interested.

Scholars in China also have the same idea. Many well-known physics professors have contacted Wang Hao, hoping that he can provide some theoretical physics directions.

Among them are Zhou Yun, a well-known domestic theoretical physicist, head of the Theoretical Physics Society, and professor of the Physics Department of the Academy of Sciences.

Zhou Yun contacted Wang Hao by email, and after getting a reply, he sent the video link directly.

Wang Hao patiently talked about the research on the 2.5-dimensional topological structure, as well as the thinking on the follow-up research expansion.

He just provides a direction.

In fact, the scope of theoretical physics is too broad, and there are many research directions.

Zhou Yun listened patiently, and then asked, "Academician Wang, do you have any ideas about developing an annihilation theory?"


Wang Hao nodded affirmatively.

The theory of annihilation is the research he pioneered, and it is natural to hope that the theory will flourish.

Zhou Yun said, "It can be like this. I think the current annihilation theory has become an internationally recognized major physical theory, so we can hold an academic conference related to the annihilation theory. What do you think of this idea?"

Wang Hao thought about it carefully, "It's possible, but how to hold it? It's a bit too troublesome..."

"No trouble!"

Zhou Yun said enthusiastically, "It's enough for our Physics Society to be responsible for holding academic conferences. At that time, Academician Wang, you can just come to participate and give reports."

"That's it..."

Wang Hao hesitated and thought for a while, and it seemed that there was no harm to him, so he nodded and smiled simply, "If it's a meeting of the theory of annihilation, I will definitely prepare well."

"This sentence is enough!"

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