From University Lecturer to Chief Academician

Chapter 277: Fake Exposure! American can't do it, and China G can't do it either?

Wang Hao is indeed very confident in solving the problem of approximate solution of equations.

This can be said to be his specialty.

In terms of understanding of partial differential equations, he dared to say that he is number one in the world. After completing the research on NS equations, he can be said to have passed the test in the direction of fluid mechanics and the approximate calculation of complex partial differential equations.

If he can't complete the research, others certainly can't complete it.

There are many problems that other people can't solve at all, but it is very simple for him.

Now that's the problem.

So Wang Hao is not in a hurry at all, he doesn't even need to create a special mission, he already knows the direction just by glancing at the content.

After hearing that Wang Hao was sure to complete the research, Zheng Guofeng and Zhao Xingli had great expectations for Wang Hao, and they couldn't wait to solve this problem.

The research and development of orbital injectors is really important to them.

But Wang Hao was not in a hurry. After lunch at noon, he first went to the temporary dormitory to rest, and after waking up, he went around the base.

The surrounding environment is still very good. The blue sky, white clouds and beautiful mountain scenery make people feel refreshed and relaxed.

The environment inside the base is also very good, and there are many military-related facilities, which are absolutely invisible in ordinary places. Of course, you have to take a closer look if you have the opportunity.

It took Wang Hao an entire afternoon, and Zheng Guofeng was with him the whole time, but he always wanted to change the topic with Wang Hao to the algorithm.

Wang Hao said, "Professor Zheng, don't worry, I've already said it, and I'll explain the algorithm to you tomorrow."

Although Wang Hao emphasized it many times in a row, Zheng Guofeng still had a bitter face, because the core algorithm was very important to them.

When Wang Hao talked about being able to solve the problem, he had great expectations and sincerely hoped that Wang Hao could do it.

Of course he believed that Wang Hao could solve the problem, but he didn't believe that Wang Hao could finish it in a short time, saying that he would give the solution tomorrow morning, but Wang Hao didn't seem to be in a hurry at all.

Zheng Guofeng was very anxious, and at the same time explained the failure of the experiment to Wang Hao, trying to save face, "Actually, we have done several tests before, and there has never been such a serious deviation."

"Now I haven't even found the reason for the deviation..."

In fact, he just wanted to remind Wang Hao from the side that there is still a lot of work that needs to be done.

Wang Hao was still not in a hurry, and went to the big cafeteria of the base to have dinner.

After that, he went to the workshop with Zheng Guofeng and got the core code, mathematical analysis method and framework.

Many people gathered around Wang Hao to watch.

When he found out that Wang Hao was really devoted to the research, Zheng Guofeng hurriedly drove the others away, and he also walked out, for fear of disturbing Wang Hao.

Wang Hao stayed in the workshop for two hours.

After that, he walked out leisurely, checked the time and went back to the temporary dormitory, lay down on the bed and fell asleep.

Still tired after this day.

the other side.

Zheng Guofeng went to the work room to have a look and found that Wang Hao had left. He asked other people to know that Wang Hao left after only two hours of work and went back to the temporary dormitory to sleep.

"It's really tiring this day, and it's normal for Academician Wang to go to rest..."

Although he said it was normal, Zheng Guofeng still felt very depressed.

He felt hopeless.

How could such a difficult problem be solved in two hours?

It must be that Wang Hao went to rest when he couldn't think of a solution.

"Tomorrow may not be possible." Zheng Guofeng shook his head depressed, but he knew not to be in a hurry.

Now that Wang Hao has agreed to solve the problem, even if it cannot be completed in the experimental base, he can help solve it later.


Zheng Guofeng sighed and shook his head, wishing he could solve the problem right away.

It's just that it can't be done!


That night, Wang Hao had a full sleep, woke up, had breakfast, and then went to the workshop.

Zheng Guofeng seemed to have not closed his eyes all night.

Wang Hao saw him when he entered the work room, and after saying hello, he asked concerned, "Professor Zheng, take care of yourself, have you had breakfast?"

Zheng Guofeng shook his head.

He comes here when he wakes up, not in the mood for breakfast at all.

Wang Hao also noticed Zheng Guofeng's state, and knowing that the other party was eager to solve the problem, he simply said, "I have already thought about the problem you mentioned yesterday."


Zheng Guofeng was stunned.

Wang Hao said, "I looked at those materials last night."

"Your thinking is correct, there is no problem with the main direction, but there are two mathematical core analysis deviations."

He found the source code from the computer, and pointed out the two problematic parts corresponding to the mathematical materials in his hand.

"This part of the content has been revised many times, but no matter how you modify it using this method, the deviation will be very large."

"And there may be a situation in yesterday's experiment. Under certain special values, the data will have huge deviations."

He said that he drew a curve on the paper, and the fluctuations on both sides of the curve were relatively large. "If the value is on both sides, the missile trajectory will deviate greatly."

"This is mainly because, in the process of evading interception, the degree of deviation of the missile has exceeded the normal data range, and the subsequent trajectory cannot be corrected at all, which will cause confusion."

"So this part of the algorithm needs to be modified. From the perspective of code..."

When Wang Hao was talking seriously, many people had already surrounded him.

Among them were the core members of Zheng Guofeng's team. They also came very early. Knowing that Wang Hao was explaining something very important, they hurried over to listen to it.

Wang Hao continued, "According to the analyzed data set, assign values ​​​​in order."

"Start with this function..."

"This is a problem with the underlying mathematical analysis. If you want to reduce the error, there must be a calculation and averaging process from here."

"Averaging is not just for the value, but for the three main contents of the output of the function..."

Wang Hao spoke seriously.

When he found that more and more people were listening, he simply walked to the whiteboard next to him and began to explain mathematics seriously.

Because some procedural issues were involved in the process of explaining, he simply projected the computer screen on the screen and sat down to explain.

This lecture is more than two hours.

When the content of the two parts is really explained, everything becomes clear.

What Wang Hao said was not very advanced, and he didn't talk about the principle in detail, but just told them the solution, but some researchers who are good at mathematics still understood.

They were all surprised, and after the explanation was finished, they still discussed, "Why didn't I think of doing analysis and calculation like this?"

"In this way, straightforward and clear, the approximate solution must be closer to the real solution."

"I seem to have thought of it before, but how dare I question Professor Zheng's direction..."

"Stop bragging, it's an afterthought."



Wang Hao explained the two problems very clearly, and everyone knew where the problems were and how to solve them.

Then they all seemed easy.

But when they think about it carefully, they realize that some of their thinking is too simple. The key is that some problems can be thought of, and there are some ideas for algorithm modification that they have never thought about.

This reflects Wang Hao's in-depth understanding of the mathematical fields related to partial differential equations and the world's top professional ability.

Everyone in the workshop was also very surprised when they talked about the content of Wang Hao's explanation.

This problem has been bothering them, but it was solved by Wang Hao in two hours.

can only say……

"Mathematics is a field that truly belongs to geniuses!" Zheng Guofeng said with emotion.

The others nodded in sympathy.

After resting for a while, everyone in the workshop immediately entered the working state, and they needed to modify the code.

Wang Hao was also about to leave.

He just came to watch an experiment and help solve a small problem by the way, but when he talked about leaving, Zheng Guofeng kept trying to persuade him to stay, "Academician Wang, you have to stay for a few more days, we haven't entertained you yet!"

"You left after only one day, it seems that we have not entertained well."

Zhao Xingli also came.

Knowing that Wang Hao helped solve the problem and that the research team had found the direction of modification, they immediately persuaded them.

This kind of reason certainly doesn't make any sense to Wang Hao.

Later, Zheng Guofeng simply told the truth, "It takes two days for us to modify the code. After the code is entered into the machine, a new round of experiments can be carried out. Can Academician Wang Hao wait for the experiment before leaving?"


Zhao Xingli immediately said, "If we encounter any problems again, we can rest assured that you are with Academician Wang..."

To put it bluntly, I was afraid of other problems.

In terms of complex mathematics and complex algorithms, no one dares to say that there is no problem. With a top expert by his side, there is no need to worry if you encounter problems.

After thinking about it, Wang Hao decided to stay. After all, the issue of missiles is involved, which is still very important to the country.

He waited three days at the base.

Until the third day, the new code was entered into the new equipment, and everything was ready.

Relevant personnel quickly completed the experimental preparations.

This time Wang Hao was still watching the experiment at the original place, but he was aware of the danger of the experiment, so he stood a long way back, thinking of the danger, he hurried into the air-raid shelter.


The commander announced the start of the experiment. The new experiment was launched with medium-range missiles, and the anti-aircraft missiles were launched to intercept after ten minutes.

Wang Hao once again saw the successful anti-intercept missile.

The missile passed through the clouds and headed towards the shooting range with an arc trajectory. Just by looking at the direction, it was clear that it did not fail like last time.

After a sound in the distance, the experiment ended.

The staff immediately went over to check the strike point and calculated a series of data, and the most important data was quickly reported, "The strike point deviates from the target by 17 meters!"


Everyone cheered together.

That's pretty good data, because the experiments were conducted with poorly crafted shell missiles that were also built more than two decades ago.

More than 20 years ago, domestic missile technology was far behind what it is now. The accuracy of ordinary medium-range missiles is very low, and the deviation generally exceeds 20 meters.

In the current experiment, the deviation of the missile is only 17 meters. It can even be said that the orbit change did not affect the accuracy of the missile, which is simply unimaginable.

Wang Hao said, "This data should be a matter of probability. I analyzed your main core algorithm. The orbit change will definitely affect the accuracy. The size of the impact is related to the orbit change height and radar accuracy."

The others also nodded.

There are too many factors that can affect the accuracy of the missile, not just the problem of orbit change, but also the radar system, computer system, and even the overall quality of the missile, which can directly affect the accuracy.

What needs to be confirmed in the current experiment is that the orbit change will not have a great impact on the accuracy of the missile, as long as this is confirmed.

They will definitely conduct more experiments in the future, and will also conduct experiments on the most advanced missiles.

After the technology slowly matures, large-scale experiments of high-speed sound and intercontinental missiles may even be carried out.

The success of the current experiment is only the beginning.


Wang Hao left in a warm farewell, and many people still expressed their reluctance until the car he was in drove away.

Although they only worked together for three days, everyone felt Wang Hao's genius.

If there is a genius like Wang Hao in the team, the problems encountered in the research will no longer be problems.

This idea is of course impossible.

They all know that the research done by Wang Hao is much more complicated than theirs, and its importance is no less important than that of missile research.

Missiles, after all, are just missiles. With the improvement of military weapon technology, most of the time they can only serve as a deterrent.

Even in a state of war, missiles are only one type of weapon.

At present, Wang Hao is doing research on superconductivity and antigravity. Both are very important in military, cutting-edge technology, and civilian technology, and can be used in many fields.

After Wang Hao returned to Xihai University, he also started preparations for related research.

He started writing project applications.

For a large project with a budget of 5 billion, the application letter must be written in detail, but it does not need to involve all aspects of details. He just wrote a main research direction, as well as related auxiliary and branch research.

This research is carried out around CA005, and the research should start from the perspectives of physical properties, AC gravity properties and condensed matter physics, the latter being the most critical.

A lot of research on the first two has been done, and many conclusions can be drawn without the participation of a large number of laboratories.

From the perspective of condensed matter physics, it is necessary to communicate condensed matter physics with semi-topological theory, and analyze the superconducting state properties of CA005 from the aspects of superconducting electron motion characteristics and ion lattice motion characteristics.

In this connection with the semi-topological microscopic form of CA005, an in-depth analysis is made, and the scientific content of the superconducting mechanism is further analyzed.

When Wang Hao was seriously writing the application report, a very interesting piece of news suddenly appeared in the world.

News related to the antigravity research group at Los Alamos Laboratory.

An employee involved in anti-gravity research, after being fired from his job, exposed the results of the anti-gravity research team, "They exaggerated the release of the results."

"In fact, they have never researched an anti-gravity technology based on high-temperature ultra-high-temperature materials to achieve a field strength of more than 50 percent."

"Those are fake news. They were released just to let the public recognize their research and development capabilities. In fact, there is nothing at all, nothing at all."

"Everyone knows that we have not developed a new type of high-temperature superconducting material, and it is even more impossible to use a new type of high-temperature superconducting material for anti-gravity experiments."

"The only progress is 50 percent field strength, that's true, the real number is 52 percent."

"But it uses low-temperature superconducting materials..."

This exposed news was reported by many American mainstream media.

Philippe Rohrer's team was immediately involved in the whirlpool of public opinion.

At the same time, the employee who exposed the news did not end well. He was investigated for allegedly violating the R\u0026D confidentiality agreement.

However, no one cares about the exposed people being investigated.

All public opinion points to the team of Philippe Rohrer, because their research and development has spent a lot of money and released false results information, making the public feel cheated.

They have always thought that the anti-gravity technology might not be too inferior to the Chinese team, only to find out that it was fake news and nothing at all.

In the midst of public opinion from the outside world, Philip Laurel can only stand up bravely, but he is not unprepared.

He came up with a trick to divert trouble, "I admit, what the news said is true."

There is no way to deny this.

Unless it is a technology that can produce high-temperature superconducting materials to produce high field strength, it will not be trusted at all.

Philip Rohrer continued, "In fact, in the release of the results, not only we will appropriately exaggerate the results, but also the Chinese side."

"They announced that it is simply impossible to create a 70% anti-gravity field with high-temperature superconducting materials."

"We just have a tacit understanding not to expose each other, that's all."

"If you do the same research, you will know that there is an upper limit to the strength of anti-gravity, and low-temperature superconductivity is more suitable for creating a high anti-gravity field. We have done a lot of research on high-temperature superconducting materials, and the results show that the effect It's far worse than the low temperature..."

Philippe Rohrer said a lot in a row, but the main content is only one--

Not only we are telling lies, but the Chinese team is also telling lies!

More than 70% of the high-intensity anti-gravity does not exist at all, let alone the high field strength produced by high-temperature superconducting materials, it is simply impossible.

After the release of Philip Rohrer's interview report, international public opinion immediately pointed in the direction of China.

There have been a lot of discussions in the public opinion, "What Laurel said makes sense, American can't do it, and China can't do it either."

"Before, it was just a tacit agreement not to expose each other."

"Anti-gravity technology is still just a future technology, and 70% is simply impossible."

"High-temperature superconducting materials are not suitable for supporting anti-gravity research, and this conclusion is definitely okay."

"So the results released by China are all fake..."

"They're already good at exaggerating results..."

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