From University Lecturer to Chief Academician

Chapter 273 Embarrassed Laurel, the fraudulent results will be exposed? Materials Conference

After the release of the new issue of "Cosmos and Microphysics", many physicists have paid attention to the expression of wave-particle duality.

The physics world has a not-so-clear statement about the problem of wave-particle duality. The conventional statement provides a theoretical framework, so that any matter can sometimes show the properties of particles, and sometimes it can show the properties of waves.

Quantum mechanics believes that all particles in nature, including photons and neutrinos without mass, electrons and atoms with mass, can be described by a differential equation.

For example, the Schrödinger equation.

The solution to this equation is the wave function, which describes the state of the particle.

The wave function has superposition properties, they can interfere with each other like waves, and at the same time, the wave function can also be interpreted as describing the probability of particles appearing at a specific position.

In this way, particle and wave properties are unified in the same explanation.

Among them, the issue of de Broglie wavelength is involved, which explains the unobservable fluctuation of objects in life, because the de Broglie wavelength is much smaller than the observable limit size, so the size of fluctuation nature may occur, in daily life beyond the scope of life experience.

The conventional explanation in the physics world feels like an 'imposed' analysis of the problem of wave-particle duality, which makes people feel difficult to understand, and is basically not used when encountering physical problems.

Now, Wang Hao’s research group has released a new interpretation of wave-particle duality based on the topological structure of photons.

A simple description is, "Each photon can exist independently, but it can also be related to each other."

The key lies in the 2.5-dimensional topology.

At the same time, because of the topological structure of 2.5-dimensional, it cannot stay in the 3-dimensional universe continuously, and it needs constant motion to ensure its continuous existence.

This also explains the high-speed motion of particles without mass, and extends to the tremor problem of microscopic particles.

In fact, the new explanation is not very clear. It just demonstrates the characteristics of the 2.5-dimensional topological structure from the side with a mathematical framework.

But as a brand-new theory, a brand-new explanation of wave-particle duality is completely enough.

From this, it can be extended that most of the particles have a two-and-a-half-dimensional structure, which also explains the reason why photons can be continuously produced.

In many physical phenomena, there will be photons, even in the process of light propagation, the reflection phenomenon is the process from the annihilation of photons to the generation of photons.

If we continue to think in a broad sense, it can be extended to the fact that particles are all related to each other, even electrons and photons, two completely unrelated particles, both have the same two-and-a-half-dimensional topology.

In this way, many unexplainable physical phenomena can also be explained.

For example, the most classic and mysterious double-slit interference experiment.

If you think about it deeply, the double-slit interference experiment is very scary. Many scientists have done double-slit interference experiments.

To explain simply, when there is a camera to observe the photons, the light will not show the behavior of waves.

Conversely, in the absence of observation, light behaves like a wave.

It is as if the photon 'knows' that someone is observing, and thus shows different behaviors to hide itself.

The new explanation of wave-particle duality holds that all particles have a 2.5-dimensional topological structure, and can also be understood as being related.

Then any way of observing particles will itself affect the experiment.


Many scholars are discussing new research, but the focus is still on the wave-particle duality.

This is mainly because the research content is very profound, and it is not easy to quickly understand it. The most prominent problem of wave-particle duality was the first to be noticed.

When digging deeper into the paper, some prominent scholars quickly discovered that wave-particle duality was not the only result.

In fact, the real achievement of the research is still around the structure of the photon, mainly to explain the reduction of the speed of light in the AC gravitational field through the study of the structure of the photon.

Edward Witten was one of the fastest scholars to understand the content of the paper.

As the top theoretical physicist, Edward Witten's personal abilities needless to say, but he felt very depressed when he saw the name of 'Paul Phil Jones' among the authors of the paper.

After the emergence of annihilation theory, string theory has two "famous" traitors.

One is Ledley Parsons of Florida State University.

Based on the theory of annihilation, Parsons made a new analysis of the Big Bang, and also disproved some mathematical content of string theory.

At the same time, by the way, he 'pit' him hard.

Edward Witten gritted his teeth thinking about it. He usually has a good temper and is nice to everyone, but he still feels that Parsons is too much.

The other is Paul Phil Jones.

Edward Witten feels very sorry for Paul Phil Jones. Paul Phil Jones is a master of string theory. He has always thought that Paul Phil Jones is his successor.

As a result, Paul Phil-Jones turned to do research on the theory of annihilation, and continued to have heavyweight results.

The same is true for the paper in front of me.

Edward Witten looked at the paper and heaved a long sigh. He had already read the part about the expression of wave-particle duality. Just looking at the mathematical content in it, he knew that this part was probably Paul Phil Jones. Completed.

"Paul, it's hard to come back..." Edward Witten continued to watch with depression.

Although he is over seventy years old and his brain is no longer as fast as it used to be, it can be said that he has no creativity at all, but it is still very easy for him to understand the content.

"The expression of the 2.5-dimensional topological structure is indeed very novel, and it can explain many problems."

"What an amazing theory..."

Edward Witten sighed, "But the core is still the expression of the communication gravity field."

"Exchanging the gravitational field is to reduce the effect of annihilation force, which is to reduce the effect of space squeeze..."

"After a series of frameworks and derivations, there are conclusions related to experiments..."

This is indeed Wang Hao's style.

It is also the research of theoretical physics, but many of Wang Hao's researches have clear conclusions, not just the mathematical content of the framework theory.

Many conclusions can be directly related to experiments, and because of this, the annihilation theory was quickly accepted by the international physics community.

This is unmatched by string theory.

Edward Witten quickly understood the conclusion, "So, the conclusion is that the speed of light is negatively correlated with the strength of the exchange gravitational field."

"The higher the field strength, the lower the speed of light. When the field strength reaches 50%, the speed of light will drop by about 15%."

"When the field strength reaches 100%, will the photon lose its wave characteristics?"

Edward Witten frowned at the conclusion.

Let’s not talk about the final conclusion, because it is definitely impossible to achieve 100% communication of the gravity field for the time being.

However, 50%... seems to be ok!

Edward Witten is a leading figure in string theory, but he also admires the research on annihilation theory. What lies ahead is a rather exquisite theoretical research, and he is also curious about whether the research subject is correct.

He immediately found the Los Alamos Laboratory, and contacted the head of the anti-gravity experiment group, Philip Rohrer. He asked bluntly, "About the latest research, when the exchange gravity field is 50% strong, Are you ready to verify the conclusion that the speed of light will be reduced by 15%?"

Opposite Philippe Laurel was stunned.

When he knew that Edward Witten called him, he was a little surprised, because compared to Edward Witten, he is an ordinary experimental researcher, and he must be at the bottom of the chain of academic contempt.

But hearing what was on the phone, Philip Laurel was in a bad mood. He thought about it and said, "Maybe we can give it a try?"

Then explained, "I'm going to ask other people, because the verification needs some funds..."

"Besides, I can't decide on my own."

Funding is just one of them, and technical issues are the key factors.

Their research team publicly announced that they can use high-temperature superconducting materials to create more than 50% of the anti-gravity field.

In fact, they can only use low-temperature superconducting materials to create 50% of the anti-gravity field.

This is the highest technology available.

If it is to create the highest-intensity anti-gravity field to detect the speed of light, it is not something their experimental group can do, and other related teams are required to cooperate.

In addition, if you want to conduct detailed testing and get accurate data, you must not only conduct an experiment, which will definitely consume a lot of money.

Philippe Lorrel put down the phone, thinking he should wait a while.

However, there are many scholars with similar ideas to Edward Witten, and Philip Rohrer quickly received one call after another.

This is mainly because there are only two experimental groups that can produce more than 50% anti-gravity strength, one is Philip Röhrer's experimental group, and the other is the Chinese anti-gravity team.

China's anti-gravity team announced that it can produce more than 70% of the anti-gravity field, and they have reservations about this. In addition, the research was done by Wang Hao's research team, and the Chinese anti-gravity team did the testing. , Isn't it equivalent to testing yourself?

So they can only find Philip Rohrer's experimental group to verify.

It would have been good news when it was trusted by a large number of top physicists, but Philippe Rohrer felt a little like crying.

In his opinion, to verify Wang Hao's achievements is not worth the candle.

One is costly.

Second, it needs the cooperation of other teams. Isn't it possible that the fraudulent results will be exposed? The point is, they can't use high-temperature superconducting materials to create 50% of the anti-gravity field!

Even if it is to verify the conclusion, the final verification is correct, isn't it tantamount to making a wedding dress for a competitor?

As for not verifying...

Then his experimental group will definitely be suspected, because they released news that they can use high-temperature superconducting materials to create more than 50% of the anti-gravity field.

In this case, creating a 50% anti-gravity field does not need to cost too much money, and the verification conclusion is only a small problem.

Lorel suddenly felt a dilemma.

He can only hope that Wang Hao's research is wrong, and spending a lot of money to verify the opponent's mistakes seems to be good news.

However, harming others and benefiting oneself is still meaningless to them!


When Philip Rohrer was still struggling with whether to verify Wang Hao's conclusion, the Newton Research Institute released a message confirming Wang Hao's research group's research on weakening Hodge's conjecture.

The academic community has been waiting for this news for a long time.

After Wang Hao's research team released the results of weakening Hodge's conjecture, because the content was very profound and complicated, no top scientific research institution confirmed it for a long time.

Now the news of the confirmed results released by the Newton Research Institute has also made the academic community breathe a sigh of relief, and they finally have a clear answer.


The Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton also confirmed the results of weakening Hodge's conjecture.

The external spokesperson also accepted an interview and said, "We organized thirteen mathematicians to conduct research on the published content together."

"We deduced and demonstrated each part in detail, and finally confirmed that the conclusion is correct."

"In the case of conforming to the 'formula', the corresponding semi-topological structure can be expressed by algebraic geometry, otherwise it cannot be expressed, or can only be expressed approximately."

At this point, the dust has settled.

The confirmation of the weakening of Hodge's conjecture by two top scientific research institutions has also made the results truly recognized internationally.

Wang Hao's research team was naturally very happy to hear the news. The Mason Number Laboratory held a special celebration party, and the protagonists were several members of the research team, including Bill Carr, Lin Bohan, and Luo Dayong.

The three received various congratulatory voices.

The confirmation of the results by the top international scientific research institutions is actually just an addition to Wang Hao's major achievements, which is of little significance to him.

But not everyone is Wang Hao. Confirmation by international organizations is still very important to others.

This achievement will be associated with them in the future, and it can also be used to win some international awards.

Good Media also reported on this, "The study of weakening Hodge's conjecture has promoted a further simplification of the superconducting mechanism."

"This has enormous outcome value, not just in mathematics, but in physics as well."

"The mathematics of weakening Hodge's conjecture is of great significance. From semi-topological connection topology, it is possible to solve Hodge's conjecture..."

The latter is critical.

Just like the research that Gao Zhenming is going to conduct, some top algebraic geometry and topology experts are also very interested in further research on Hodge's conjecture.

It's just that there are too few mathematicians qualified to conduct research on Hodge's conjecture.

This is mainly because the Hodge conjecture is related to topology and algebraic geometry, and there are very few mathematicians who can conduct in-depth research in both fields, and it is also very difficult for mathematicians in different fields to conduct research together.

Most of the top-level mathematical results are done by a mathematician.

Mathematics, unlike other fields, especially theoretical mathematics, is one of the least collaborative research fields.

This is mainly because the span of different mathematics disciplines is too large, and it is difficult to understand each other. Even Wang Hao's research group can cooperate only because of Wang Hao's coordination.

Bill Carr, Lin Bohan, and Luo Dayong simply couldn't fully understand the content of other people's research.

But in any case, weakening the study of Hodge's conjecture also provides the mathematical community with a way to solve Hodge's conjecture.

This is the most important.


Of course, for Wang Hao, whether the weakened Hodge conjecture is confirmed or whether the latest photon structure research can be experimentally confirmed is not important.

It is enough for him to know the correctness of the research.

The biggest role of the research on the photon structure is to have a further understanding of the annihilation force, and the 2.5-dimensional topological structure is the most valuable.

One thing Wang Hao can confirm is that the semi-topological microscopic structure inside the conductor has a strong correlation with the two-and-a-half-dimensional topological structure.

It can be understood in this way that a certain 2.5-dimensional topological structure is the link between particles.

Just because of the bond, the particles form the semi-topological microcosmic form.

This also gave Wang Hao a better understanding of the structure of CA005.

The question he thought about became how to use the microstructure of CA005 to analyze the valuable content for the research and application of superconducting materials.

In fact, Wang Hao has a direction, but collecting data requires a large number of experiments, which can be completed by more than one research group.

That would be a systematic scientific project.

"It is only the superconducting material experimental group, and it is impossible to complete all the research."

"Even if the manpower is doubled, it is impossible..."

"This requires many laboratories to complete together, and it will take a long time."

The microstructure of CA005 is a treasure, but it is very difficult to dig out its contents. It requires a lot of systematic experiments, and also requires a lot of manpower and funds.

This problem troubled Wang Hao. He could indeed apply for a lot of funding, but it was impossible to quickly form an experimental group with thousands or even ten thousand people.

"How to do it?"

Wang Hao frowned while thinking. After opening the mailbox, he suddenly saw a meeting invitation email.

It was a large material conference held in China, and one of the main topics was superconducting materials.

Wang Hao is a leader in the research of superconducting materials, so he is naturally among those invited, and he is also going to attend the meeting.

He didn't pay attention to it before, but after thinking about the meeting carefully, he immediately became interested.

An experimental group really cannot complete a super-large research of systematic engineering.

What if there are many experimental groups conducting research together?

This is an opportunity!

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