From University Lecturer to Chief Academician

Chapter 248 132K! Great result! Yan Shiqing: Looks like we can't wait until next week!

Xihai City.

Temporary experimental group of Superconducting Materials Research Center.

Everyone who participated in the experiment was very active, and they continued to discuss the research results during the work. The material with a superconducting transition temperature of 119k is really amazing, which made them all feel incredible.

"There are 119k, can this material be directly applied in industry?"

"Support the manufacture of a superconducting maglev train, no problem!"

"And mainly, the manufacturing process is not complicated, and it will definitely be able to achieve large-scale production. We have researched a material technology that changes the world!"

When talking about this topic, everyone became more energetic, because they had just finished the experimental research, they had less work to do, but they still felt energetic.

The same is true for Deng Huanshan.

He too understands the concept of 119k superconducting materials that can be used in industry.

Now he is completely convinced by Wang Hao, and he can't help laughing when he thinks of the materials he has researched. When talking about work with other people, his face is not even a little serious.

On the contrary, Deng Huanshan began to worry about that old Academician Yan who came over by airborne.

Academician Yan Shiqing was appointed by the Department of Science and Technology to serve as the research director. It doesn't matter if he is the research director. A top academician in the field of superconducting materials is indeed enough.

However, Academician Yan seems to be very powerful, and he hasn't come to Xihai for such a long time.

Now that they have achieved results, and they have achieved great results, Deng Huanshan is a little worried that Academician Yan will suddenly come to claim credit.

However, thinking that Wang Hao was the one who mainly controlled the experiment, Deng Huanshan felt that he was thinking a little too much.

Taking credit for Wang Hao?


Although Wang Hao is only the deputy director of the research center, everyone knows that he is much more important than the director, and even said that as long as Wang Hao speaks, the director may go down immediately.

This is powerful personal influence.

After the research was fruitful, Wang Hao would come to the experimental group every day. The first job he gave was to make more new materials.

Wang Hao explained to Deng Huanshan, "New materials need to be tested in detail, not only the superconducting temperature and element composition, but also used in AC gravity experiments to detect the specific topological properties of materials."

The latter is very important.

The research is based on the theory of semi-topology. Any valuable material research must be done with experiments related to AC gravity to detect the "topological behavior" of the material.

This is important for perfecting the theory of semitopology, and also for subsequent research.

Through the communication gravity experiment, the topological structure of a part of the material can be completed, which can be used as a breakthrough to continue the follow-up research.

Wang Hao is also a little worried, "Although the current progress is very fast, we still need to proceed step by step when we wait for the research. Our computing team can no longer keep up with the progress."

This is the main problem that limits research.

Although materials with a transition temperature of 119k have been produced, practically speaking, they have been unable to shape the topological behavior of new materials.

To put it simply, it is impossible to complete the work of shaping the microscopic shape and geometry inside the new material, and the subsequent research will lose its theoretical support.

In the algebraic geometry working group, calculations simply cannot keep up with the research progress.

In this regard, Fu Xiangdong made a work report.

"We have now analyzed the superconducting transition temperatures for the eight dual-element combinations."

"Each group is a combination directly related to experimental research, but the analysis and calculation of the two-element combination is still far from enough."

"We need more data bases to be able to analyze the relationship between element combinations more finely."

In this experiment summary meeting, not only Fu Xiangdong participated, but also He Yi and Liu Yunli, who represented the exchange gravity experiment group.

The AC gravity experiment group mainly cooperates with the AC gravity-related detection to provide data support for the algebraic geometry group and theoretical analysis.

Wang Hao called all the core personnel together to discuss the support that the theory can give to the application, but the final result was not very good.

The current theory has obviously failed to keep up with the progress of research.

As American said, they need to complete the database of the superconducting transition temperature corresponding to the combination of two elements before they can carry out the next step of application research.

Now they have completed material research beyond theoretical support.

As a result, theory has been unable to provide much help.

Wang Hao felt a little disappointed. He hoped that the research could proceed step by step instead of stagnating for some reason.

Of course, progress can still be made in material research. Even without theoretical knowledge, they can improve the process, that is, adjust and improve the material preparation process.

Therefore, Wang Hao continued to stay in the experimental group and participated in the research of material preparation.


Wang Hao organized a second experimental demonstration.

The experimental demonstration this time is different from the last time. Everyone who participated in the meeting actively spoke and expressed their own opinions. It can be seen that their mental outlook will be different from last time.

On the second day, Wang Hao made a summary again, wrote some adjustment strategies on the process, and handed it over to Deng Huanshan to be in charge of the experiment.

Then, just wait.


five days later.

When Wang Hao was sitting in the office, patiently guiding Qiu Huian to sort out the content of the proof, Deng Huanshan sent a message saying that new materials had been researched and prepared.

"Both materials, both look good."

"One color was a bit heavier than last time, but I felt better than last time; the other was a little bit worse, but it was worth it."

Deng Huanshan made a simple evaluation of the newly prepared materials.

Wang Hao patiently instructed Qiu Hui'an, telling him how to organize the proof process, and also talked about the format of the thesis.

After that, he went to the superconducting material experiment group and met the two materials Deng Huanshan mentioned.

These two newly prepared materials are still film materials, and there is only a thin layer in the container. There is a silver material, which is brighter than last time, and the other color is a little darker.

"I think the one with poorer color is better." Deng Huanshan said, "According to my experience, the brighter color indicates higher metal content, but relatively, the superconducting critical temperature may be lower."

Wang Hao nodded slightly.

Because the material has just been prepared and its properties are still very unstable, there is no way to directly test it.

He still found the preparation process and looked at it naturally, and made an estimate in his heart. Just like what Deng Huanshan said, the superconducting critical temperature of a shiny silver material may be relatively low.

This does not mean that the application value of the material is small, on the contrary, the application value may be higher.

When the metal content of the material is higher, the upper limit of the current intensity generally carried will be much higher.

The current in a superconductor is not infinite.

According to Ohm's law, in the absence of resistance, the current is infinite, but the superconducting state will be limited by the power. In addition, each superconducting material has an upper limit of the carrying current.

Therefore, most organic superconductors and gas element superconductors generally cannot be used in industry.

This time it took a long time to wait for the new material to stabilize. It was not until the afternoon of the next day that the staff reported that it was ready for testing.

Wang Hao immediately went to the experimental group, and then stood with Deng Huanshan to observe the testing work.

The detection of the superconducting transition temperature of new materials is a very simple process, especially when the transition temperature is above 100k, only cooling with liquid nitrogen is enough.

When the test officially started, many people have been paying attention to the value on the test instrument. When the superconducting transition occurs, the value on the test instrument will stop.

They all have expectations in their hearts.

Most of the research done before, the detection of the superconducting transition temperature, did not bring surprises, and now they are all looking forward to this moment.

The same goes for Deng Huanshan and Wang Hao.

The expressions of the two are different.

Deng Huanshan was full of nervousness and anticipation, and he kept saying, "It doesn't need to be too high, it just needs to be higher than last time."

His voice trembled a little.

The last transition temperature was 119K, and if it is higher than 119K, it will naturally reach or exceed 120K.

The original transition temperature of 120k has no special meaning, but after the news report of American’s investment in superconducting materials, the whole world has focused on this transition temperature, and 120k has a special meaning, which means Can be put into industrial use.

In fact, a transition temperature exceeding 100k can actually be used in many fields.

American has set a goal of 120k, which gives a special meaning to the transition temperature of 120k, which represents the goal that American's large research team has worked hard to achieve in three years.

Now they seem to be on the verge of making it happen!

Deng Huanshan was very excited just thinking about it, and so were the others.

Everyone's eyes are fixed on the value on the testing instrument.




The value drops little by little.

When it was lowered to 132k, the pointer of the instrument slowly stopped, but the others did not shout out, and continued to watch for changes in the pointer.

One second, two seconds, three seconds...

At the fifth second, someone finally couldn't help shouting, "132K!"

"Stop it! 132k!"

"It's more than 130k...132k! This is awesome!"

Everyone involved in the testing was discussing excitedly.

Everyone was talking excitedly.

The same is true for Deng Huanshan, "132k! We not only achieved the goal of preparing 120k materials, but also far surpassed..."


Wang Hao also took a deep breath and added a comment with a smile.

This data is about the same as what he estimated. There is no surprise of "exceeding expectations" last time, but it is indeed exciting to be able to reach more than 130k.


Another shiny material was also tested, and it was similar to the judgment made by Deng Huanshan, and the transition temperature was worse than that of the dim one.

The final result was 121k, just barely over 120k.

However, whether it is Deng Huanshan, Wang Hao, or other people in the experimental group, they all agree that shiny new materials are more valuable than dim ones.

Of course, it still depends on the test results.


Regarding the research results of the newly prepared materials, the superconducting material experimental group made a confidential report.

The Science and Technology Department quickly received the news.

The superconducting material experiment group is a research team directly under the Science and Technology Department, and the confidential report of the research results was directly handed over to Zhao Enshun's desk.

Zhao Enshun was surprised when he received the news, and he confirmed with his secretary, "Superconducting material experiment group? From Xihai? Yan Shiqing?"

The secretary nodded to confirm the news.

"Didn't Yan Shiqing just take office? How come there are results?" Zhao Enshun was a little confused, so he opened the file and checked it carefully.

I was shocked when I saw this.

Two new iron-based superconducting new materials, one with a higher metal content and a transition temperature of 121k, and the other with a lower metal content and a transition temperature of 132k?

Are you kidding me?

Zhao Enshun rubbed his eyes vigorously, read it carefully several times before confirming the content, he suddenly felt his mind went blank, it took him a long time to turn around, and quickly called several responsible persons.

Among them are Zhu Bin, the deputy director of the Science and Technology Department, Duan Xingguo, the head of the Materials Department, and Xu Baogong and Zhou Minhua from the Science and Technology Bureau.

A group of people gathered together.

Zhao Enshun talked about the new news in a shocked tone, and then the others were also shocked, "Minister Zhao, are you joking?"

"Yan Shiqing has just passed at most, right? He has achieved results now? And, 132k superconducting material?"

"Could it be someone else? I know Deng Huanshan, he has passed away long ago."

"Should it be related to Wang Hao?"

"The submitted document only mentioned the results, but did not mention the specific personnel involved, but the results must have been there. It is impossible for them to engage in such an oolong."

"This achievement is too important and too sudden..."

Many people feel the same way.

Although the research direction of superconducting materials has been determined and a large amount of funds is ready to be invested, it is still in the process of "preparation".

Even if the funds have been prepared, the funds must be reviewed step by step according to the content of each project. The superconducting material research center in Xihai is the first major project. Even the research center is still in the construction process. The director of the research center It was only finalized last month.

At this time, suddenly saying that such a major achievement has been achieved, it really makes people feel caught off guard.

Some time ago, American announced a major investment in the research of superconducting materials. The largest experimental research center announced that it will strive to manufacture superconducting materials with a transition temperature of more than 120k that can be used in industry within three years.

However, the research over there has only just begun, and it is even said that it is still in the planning, and has not really started.

Turns out, they've made it?

"I think we need to go and see this result with our own eyes before we can confirm it." Zhou Minhua suggested, "Go and see how it was done, and talk to Professor Wang Hao and Academician Yan Shiqing..."


"Such a major achievement is amazing!"

"It's just a report document, and I don't know the specific situation at all. I still have to go and have a look, and then discuss what to make."

Zhao Enshun asked, "Don't wait for other news?" He was referring to the content of the subsequent report.

When the research has significant results, the results will be reported first, and then the summary will be made, and the detailed research process will be written, including reporting on the participants and contributions of the research.

Subsequent content reporting will definitely take a while.

"Can't wait!"

Xu Baogong supported Zhou Minhua's idea, "Such a major achievement can be said to change the world, and there are too many fields that can be applied. Let's go directly and have a look, and we will know the specific situation."

"If you are waiting to submit the documents, when will you wait? This kind of research is very complicated. What if something goes wrong in the middle?"

Others also felt that it made sense. They were shocked to hear the news and felt that they should go and see for themselves.

Zhao Enshun listened to everyone's opinions, and decided to immediately organize people to go to the experimental group in Xihai.

The impact of this result is too great.

As long as you have some research on superconductivity, you can know the concept of superconducting materials above 120k that can be used in industry.

That's really world-changing technology.

To give a simple example - electricity storage technology,

Superconducting electromagnetic energy storage technology has been demonstrated by professional institutions all over the world. The technology simply uses superconducting coils to store electrical energy.

The most notable of these is American Ebaco Services and Bechtel National, a new electrical energy storage technology developed by American-DOD Strategic Defense Projects Agency and Defense Nuclear Weapons Agency.

The manufacturing plan they gave is to input power into a superconducting coil the size of a football field when the power consumption is not much.

The coil is made of niobium-titanium alloy and is immersed in a deep pit filled with liquid helium.

When current circulates in the superconducting coil, a magnetic field is formed around the coil, thereby storing electrical energy in the form of magnetic energy.

The superconducting material used in this scheme is niobium-titanium alloy, and the superconducting transition temperature of niobium-titanium alloy is only about 8k to 10k.

Such a low temperature must be in a liquid helium environment, and there is no doubt that the cost is very huge.

If a new material is used as a superconducting material, then it is enough to immerse the superconducting coil in a liquid nitrogen environment. Liquid nitrogen is relatively cheap, and the cost and maintenance fee of the manufactured superconducting power storage device will be extremely reduced, and there must be a possibility of implementation.

The 21st century is dominated by energy, and it is very difficult to store a large amount of electric energy.

Most of the electric energy is used when it is produced, and the unused part is wasted, which leads to sufficient electric energy function in some seasons, and insufficient electric energy supply in some seasons, and it will also be affected by other facilities.

If there is a device for large-scale storage of electric energy, the excess electricity produced can be stored, and the problem will be perfectly solved.


Academy of Sciences, Institute of Mathematics.

Recently, Yan Shiqing often visits the Institute of Mathematics, hoping to persuade more algebraic geometry experts to work in Xihai.

The results of his work are also remarkable, having convinced five scholars in the field of algebraic geometry.

Yan Shiqing was talking to Meng Guosheng, "Guosheng, if you go to work in Xihai, you can not only participate in cutting-edge research, but also earn more money!"

"Think about it, what can you do in mathematics? With such a small salary for a year, we do research and say we are scientists, but we really can't keep people in the institute."

"Going there, participating in big projects, there are a lot of subsidies, and it's not a job change, and I'm still hanging in the mathematics institute. I can apply to my superiors. It's a temporary transfer of work."

Meng Guosheng is forty-five years old. He is a researcher at the Institute of Mathematics, and he is also one of the best figures in the field of algebraic geometry in the Institute of Mathematics.

Because of this, Yan Shiqing focused on "tackling" Meng Guosheng.

Meng Guosheng was already very moved.

If he was younger and ten years old, he would go to Xihai with him without hesitation, but now he has a family and no job in Feicheng, so it is definitely inconvenient to go to Xihai to work.

But considering the salary issue, he is still very excited.

As an ordinary researcher at the Institute of Mathematics, he only earns hundreds of thousands of yuan a year, while his doctoral classmates go to work in companies, and some of them have an annual salary of one million yuan.

The difference is huge.

"If you go to Xihai, how much more can you get?" Meng Guosheng was concerned about this issue.

Yan Shiqing grinned suddenly. He knew that Meng Guosheng was moved, so he continued, "At least, take an extra 50,000 or 100,000. There is no problem. Not to mention doubling the salary, it will definitely increase significantly."

In fact, he doesn't know exactly how much more he can get, but there must be subsidies for big projects.

Meng Guosheng hesitated and said, "I'll discuss it with my family when I go back."

Yan Shiqing was still happy to convince Meng Guosheng. He always felt alone when he went there by himself. Going with a few algebraic geometers gave him more confidence.

When he was walking back, he received a call from Wu Hui.

Yan Shiqing frowned, still answered the phone, and asked, "Old Wu, what's the matter?"

"Have you gone to Xihai?" Wu Hui on the other end of the phone was a little anxious.

"No ah?"

"Why haven't you passed yet?"

"It's coming soon." Yan Shiqing frowned, "I'm looking at the time, next week will pass. It will only be the 15th until next Monday."

He said shaking his head.

It was originally planned to go at the end of the month, but Wu Hui kept urging and urging, so he decided to move forward a little bit.

Wu Hui's reaction was a bit unexpected, he seemed to sigh, and then said, "I think, you can seriously consider whether to go to the West Sea or not."



Wu Hui didn't say it directly, but said, "Anyway, you are thinking about it. You are already 63 years old, and it would be good to wait for retirement at the Academy of Sciences."

"……what do you mean?"

"For your own good!"

"For my own good? Don't let me go? Such an important research?"

Yan Shiqing spoke in a bad tone.

You've been urging him to go there before, but now it's advising him to quit his job and stay in the Academy of Sciences until he retires?

After Yan Shiqing put down the phone, he felt very angry even thinking about it. He thought about it carefully, and suddenly felt a sense of urgency, "When I get back, I will make a report and submit the names of Meng Guosheng and others!"

"It seems that we can't wait until next week, Thursday and Friday will pass!"

He thought, "Someone must have taken a fancy to the position of director of the research center, otherwise Wu Hui wouldn't have said that!"

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