From University Lecturer to Chief Academician

Chapter 240 Shocked! Xihai University actually engaged in insider trading!

International public opinion also quickly spread to China.

In fact, the domestic news was received earlier, but because the results have not yet been released, some media released 'gossip' and no one paid attention.

Now that the research has been published, even in the form of a newsletter, it still attracts a lot of attention, mainly because the results are so shocking.

This is the mystery of superconductivity!

The previous "superconducting law" research has been very shocking, and the relationship between the single element and the superconducting critical temperature has been deciphered. Many scholars believe that the next step of research will definitely take a long time, not to mention months, several years. Years, decades, or even centuries are possible.

At that time, scholars who understood the content carried out science popularization, and the law of superconductivity was expanded in the next step, and the complexity was increased exponentially.

Few people dare to think that after such a short period of time, Wang Hao will be able to complete the research.

This speed is really shocking.

At the same time, many people were also shocked by the results. Domestic public opinion has been discussing non-stop, mainly focusing on the research field of superconductivity, and China is already far ahead of the world.

Wang Hao and his team naturally belong to domestic research.

There are many voices of admiration in the domestic public opinion, "Superconductivity represents the foundation for technological advancement in the next few decades, and this field has already taken the lead in China!"

"The follow-up application will definitely lead. Wang Hao has already researched the theory, and the follow-up will involve application!"

"There will be new breakthroughs in high-temperature superconducting materials soon?"

"According to Wang Hao's latest achievements, you need to sit in the office to calculate what kind of material you can know. The superconducting critical temperature is higher, and superconducting technology may usher in a take-off!"

Compared with public opinion, academic circles are more concerned with the content of specific papers.

The "Science" magazine only released the news of the results, and there is no specific content of the paper. More scholars want to know how to calculate it.

If calculations are done like the laws of superconductivity, it will definitely lead the research of high-temperature superconducting materials and achieve leapfrog development.

Not to mention scholars in the physics field, scholars in other fields are also very concerned about the results.

Because the achievement itself is related to superconducting technology, and superconducting technology is considered to be equivalent to nuclear fusion technology, which can lead to earth-shaking changes in human technology.

So to what extent has the research reached?

Is it possible to know what kind of material has the characteristics of high-temperature superconductivity through direct calculation?

These are all uncertain until you see the official paper.

Mizuki University.

Sitting in the office of the Mathematical Center, Qiu Chengwen felt an unbelievable feeling in his heart when he read the news report in the "Science" magazine.

When Birkar left before, he told him that there would definitely be a big result, but he never thought it would be such a big result.

"It's no wonder that Kachel has been staying at Xihai University. It is worthwhile to have such an achievement even if he stays for a lifetime..."

Qiu Chengwen thought a little depressed.

If the results are really as published in the "Science" magazine, the names of each of the researchers will leave a strong mark in the history of superconducting technology development.

Qiu Chengwen was even a little envious of Bill Carr. He is indeed a very famous mathematician and has won the top Fields Medal, but this achievement is so shocking that it has gone far beyond the level of the Nobel Prize in Physics.

When a research can lead to earth-shaking changes in human technology, it can no longer be measured by awards.

"It seems that it is right for Lin Bohan to go to Xihai University, and it is also right for Kachel and Wang Hao to do research together."


Qiu Chengwen sighed as he thought about it.

After Lin Bohan went to Xihai University, he immediately had a series of achievements.

Although most of them are just supporting research and just putting a name on the paper, it is also great to be able to participate in such a major research.

This will definitely affect other people's senses.

For example, people who know Lin Bohan.

Many people in the Mathematical Sciences Center know Lin Bohan, and they will definitely envy Lin Bohan now, so will they consider going to Xihai University?

Qiu Chengwen's worry is not unreasonable.

Many scholars in the Center for Mathematical Sciences are very envious of Lin Bohan, and those who do topology research are even more envious. They think that if they went to Xihai University, they must be as good as Lin Bohan.

The same goes for Bill Carr.

After Bill Carr joined Shuimu University, he did not have any major research results.

This is actually quite normal.

The research in the field of algebraic geometry is very complicated. Some people only want to achieve something in their whole life. Even as a Fields winner, it is very difficult to achieve results. However, Bill Carr and Wang Hao can achieve such a significant result by doing research together. As a result, even if it's just a second work, it's amazing.

For a while, the Center for Mathematical Sciences was a little restless.

at the same time.

Baker-Campbell was sitting in his office, checking the latest issue of "Science" magazine. He was surprised to see Wang Hao's research results, and the introduction of the results took up five pages.

It is the first time that the main issue of "Science" has occupied so many pages in recent decades.

Of course, that wasn't Campbell's concern.

What Campbell is concerned about is why Wang Hao's research results will appear on the page of the main journal "Science".

Before, he wondered why he hadn't received Wang Hao's submission for a long time, but now he knows that Wang Hao has submitted the paper to the competitor "Science".



How could "Science" magazine be published so quickly? Doesn't it need to be reviewed?

Campbell realized that he seemed to be tricked?

He wrote an email to Donald Conedy angrily, but his tone was relatively good because Donald Conedy was a woman.

just asking...

Then he got a reply email from Donald Conedy, "Did you say the question you asked last time?"

"I still have the same point of view. Of course, the journal Science needs to review manuscripts. Even the manuscripts of Fields and Nobel laureates will be peer-reviewed."

"However, you didn't mention Wang Hao's name before."

"Wang Hao is different."

"He is also a Fields winner, but he is unique in the field of superconducting mechanisms. He pioneered this field, and his peers cannot be found in the world."

"Should we also review the submissions sent by Einstein?"

Campbell was left speechless.

He looked at the email for a long time, but he didn't know how to continue questioning, because what the other party said was right, and if it was Einstein's submission, of course he would not need to review it.

In the current physics circle, who can be compared with Einstein?

And Wang Hao...

Wang Hao's research on superconductivity has created a brand new system. He is the founder of the system, and he really has no peers to speak of. Therefore, Wang Hao's research on superconductivity does not need to be reviewed at all.

However, Campbell still felt very depressed. He felt that he was being played by a woman.

Wang Hao obviously submitted the manuscript to Nature first, but finally submitted it to Science because of his refusal. Such a major study, "Nature" was missed in vain.

Campbell felt blood dripping from his heart, and before he could feel the pain, the door of the office was pushed open.

Magdalena Skipper walked in quickly, and she threw the magazine on Campbell's desk, and the magazine collided with the table and made a 'bang' sound.

Magdalena said angrily, "Baker! Mr. Campbell! Please explain why Wang Hao's research was published in the journal Science?"

"Our work emails are all recorded. As far as I know, he sent you the email first!"

"Please explain!"

"Otherwise, I have reason to doubt, are you a spy of "Science"? Or, you have already considered working in American?"

At the door, a group of people were watching.

Campbell glanced at the door and was extremely embarrassed. He hurriedly said, "Magdalena, listen to my explanation."

"Please call me Ms. Skipper!"

"Well, Ms. Skipper, I just thought about judging..."

"Review? Does Wang Hao's research still need review? Your mind is as stupid as a pig!" Magdalena said angrily, "Mr. Campbell, I officially inform you that you have been demoted."

"If you want to keep your job, start over as a review editor!"

"If you are not satisfied, you can go to the trade union. I have the evidence of the e-mail exchange between you and Conedy. This decision should be made after you have worked for more than ten years, otherwise you will be fired directly!"

"It's really hard to imagine..."

"You will be fascinated by that old woman who is almost sixty, I really doubt if you have some disgusting special hobbies..."

"Or do you mean that you have long lost your basic functions and are just looking for a comfort similar to that of a mother?"



a week later.

"Science-Physics" published Wang Hao's latest research paper.

In a short period of time after the latest issue of "Science-Physics" was released, they received a large number of new order information, the traffic of the official website increased greatly, and the research paper "Semi-Topological Analysis of Microscopic Forms in Conductors" even more so in a short period of time. Received a large number of downloads.

For a while, the mathematicians and physicists all over the world seemed to be quiet.

There are still vigorous reports in the media and public opinion, but no experts are standing up to explain it. Many top scholars are studying the content of "Semitopological Analysis of Microscopic Morphology in Conductors".

The content of "Semi-Topological Analysis of Microscopic Forms in Conductors" is very complicated. To understand all the content, knowledge of function theory, geometry, algebraic geometry, topology, complexity theory, etc. is required.

It is difficult for ordinary scholars to have knowledge in so many fields at the same time.

Therefore, the choice of most scholars is not to understand the whole content, but to study what the content of the paper is, how extensive the expansion of the law of superconductivity is, and how complex the calculations are.

Soon they were shocked.

The specific content of the paper is the same as the newsletter of the "Science" magazine, which is to extend the law of superconductivity to all materials.

According to the statement of the paper, any material can calculate and analyze the superconducting critical temperature, but the calculation is simpler for materials with fewer elements.

Two-element, definitely the easiest,

So some teams began to study the content of double elements, but they found that the calculation is still very complicated.

Of course, as long as you can do calculations, it doesn't matter if it is more complicated.

Previously, Stanford University formed a special team to study and expand the coverage of the law of superconductivity, but they had only just formed the team, and Wang Hao had already completed the research before even raising funds.

Now their team happens to be working together on Wang Hao's results, and their research speed is also the fastest. It only took four days to verify a metal oxide material.

They tested the critical temperature of superconductivity and proved that the calculation results and test results are very similar, and the difference is only in the range of 0.1K.

This result can already explain the problem.

The head of the Stanford University team, Professor Brooks, was interviewed about the verification results, "We did a verification and proved that the error is very small, even negligible, because the error is not necessarily in the calculation, but may also be in the experiment."

"Whether this research is correct or not, we are not yet 100% sure, but it is basically accurate on two elements, so it may also be accurate to expand to three elements, four elements, or more elements."

"Because the research is very complicated, we have no way to make a direct judgment."

"But no matter what, this achievement is infinitely close to cracking the superconducting mechanism. Our entire team is very surprised. It seems to have cracked the mysteries of the universe and the mysteries of the gods."

"Unfortunately, the calculation method is very complicated. It is only the calculation of two elements, and our entire team spent four days."

"As the number of elements increases, the computational complexity increases explosively. The explosion I'm talking about is not a square, but maybe a cubic, 4th or even more times."

"Our preliminary judgment is that the simplest three-element combination will take several months to complete."

"Unless the future calculation method can carry out large-scale I simplification, the combination of four elements is almost impossible to calculate."

Brooks said with regret written all over his face.

Because only the superconducting critical temperature of dual elements can be calculated, and the superconducting critical temperature of dual elements is very low, it is basically impossible to achieve high-temperature superconductivity, that is, it is unlikely to exceed 30K.


Schindler-James, an expert from Oxford University in the Eagle Country, was also interviewed by reporters, and they also judged the correctness of a binary combination.

Schindler-James affirmed the research results, and he also marveled a few words like Brooks, and then talked about the calculation problem, "The calculation of the superconducting critical temperature of the element combination mainly uses the methods of algebraic geometry and mathematical analysis. .”

"For this research, I believe that a certain degree of simplification can be carried out in the future, but mathematicians who are proficient in algebraic geometry are still required to complete it."

"In fact, it's like solving an equation. You only need to use the numerical method to calculate it, but the calculation process is very complicated."

"I think there are two most important points in this research. In terms of application, he has solved the mystery of the superconducting critical temperature to a certain extent."

"And academically, he connected algebraic geometry, topology, and physics."

"Especially algebraic geometry."

"It is generally recognized in the mathematical community that algebraic geometry is pure mathematics, and has little to do with applications."

"After this research, algebraic geometry may become applied mathematics, which greatly enhances the status of algebraic geometry. Future research on superconducting materials will definitely require a large number of algebraic geometry experts."


Domestic reactions are slightly different from those abroad.

The country has absolute trust in Wang Hao, and Wang Hao's paper has been submitted before it is published, and it has been verified by experiments, so there is no need to do verification at all.

Domestic public opinion is still dominated by amazement and excitement. At the same time, the reactions of various colleges and universities are a bit strange.

They don't feel right anymore.

Many domestic scholars have studied Wang Hao's latest achievements, especially the calculation of the superconducting critical temperature of two elements, and found that talents in the field of algebraic geometry are necessary.

Because the research involves a lot of content in the field of algebraic geometry, even if the research content is simplified in the future, it will definitely require experts in the field of algebraic geometry to complete it.

Many colleges and universities suddenly thought of Xihai University.

Before Xihai University recruited a large number of algebraic geometry talents, they thought it was to create a scientific research environment for algebraic geometry and pave the way for Bill Carr to go to Xihai University.

Now they find that what they think is too simple!

Where is Xihai University laying the groundwork? They immediately recruited a large number of talents in the field of algebraic geometry purely because they had first-hand information.

Algebraic geometry is a very niche field, and talents are concentrated in a few leading universities.

Such as Capital University, Shuimu University, Donggang University and so on.

Almost all of these colleges and universities have their talents in the field of algebraic geometry poached.

Now seeing Wang Hao's published results, they all have the urge to scold their mothers.

For example, Gao Zhenming.

Before, he was worried that his excellent student Zhang He might give up the research of algebraic geometry in the future because he could not stay and work in Capital University, so he suggested that Zhang He go to Xihai University.

Xihai University signed Zhang He very quickly, and the speed is really shocking.

Gao Zhenming was still happy for Zhang He, but now he only had the urge to scold his mother, and he had the idea of ​​reporting Xihai University.

If it is placed in securities trading, what Xihai University did is absolutely illegal insider trading.

When Gao Zhenming thought of Zhang He going to Xihai University, he felt blood dripping from his heart. Even in the whole country, or even in the world, Zhang He is also an excellent talent, just because of his algebraic geometry. , it is difficult to find a stable job in colleges and universities.

There are many people who have similar senses to Gao Zhenming.

Shuimu University was also poached, and Qiu Chengwen personally recommended it. He established the Mathematical Science Center and hoped that the scholars there would have a good future.

After learning about the latest policies of Xihai University, he recommended a postdoctoral fellow to Xihai University.

Now that the agreement has been signed, it is impossible to come back!

Introducing young scholars to colleges and universities is like buying stocks. Scholars in algebraic geometry before are the kind of stocks that are difficult to rise, and recruiting one can only continue to lose money.

Generally, colleges and universities only sign two young scholars in the field of algebraic geometry for the purpose of diversifying their talents.

Some very ordinary colleges and universities don't even care about scholars in the field of algebraic geometry, they pay more attention to the fields that can produce results.

For example, partial differential equations.

For example, function theory.

For example, computational mathematics.


Now because of a research result, the stock of algebraic geometry has been super favorable, and the follow-up may have a continuous daily limit many times.

It is very difficult to buy this kind of stock again!

Talents in algebraic geometry are now in high demand, and even some material companies have signaled that they want to recruit talents in related fields of algebraic geometry.

My own talent has been poached away, and I can't buy it back' in the future.

what to do?

Thinking of Xihai University again, they all gritted their teeth.

(seeking a monthly ticket)

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