From University Lecturer to Chief Academician

Chapter 228 Wang Hao's Experimental Prediction... Actually Come True!

When the research and development direction is found, the research can begin.

Wang Hao was not in a hurry to do research, he still took good care of the students, because he wanted to do research with the students, at least let them understand the Yang-Mills theory, he specially set aside half a month's homework '.

The content of the homework is some difficult basic knowledge, and also includes a small paper on related research.

"You try to understand these data. Quantum mechanics covers a wide range, but we only study it from the perspective of mathematics, not physics."

"It's important."

"Mathematics is the foundation. You don't need to have a deep understanding of quantum mechanics, or the more complicated standard model of particles, but to understand the mathematical basis of it..."

Wang Hao patiently explained, and he also praised Ding Zhiqiang, "Inspiration is very important when doing research. Ding Zhiqiang is very good at this aspect. Many ideas are sudden, but they are very important."

"In the future, when you do research alone, you should also pay attention to every idea. Perhaps a random idea can make your research breakthrough."

"In this regard, you must have a discovery mindset, don't be limited by your knowledge, especially don't be limited by those 'correct knowledge', and dare to question."

Wang Hao talked about some of his own experience, and then ended the course.

The students took the materials and left.

Ding Zhiqiang walked at the back, feeling very depressed looking at the documents in his hand.

Years ago, he completed the learning content of algebraic geometry, and his life was just like other first-year students, studying in class normally.

Perhaps in the eyes of other students, it is not easy to understand the knowledge in class, and it takes up most of the day.

Ding Zhiqiang felt very relaxed.

This is the most relaxing period of time in the past three years.

Every night, he still has two or three hours of free time, and weekends are even more relaxed. Last weekend, he even slept until half past ten in the morning.

This is simply a dreamlike life.

He found the sense of relaxation he once had, but now the relaxation is over, just a lot of information in his hand is enough to occupy most of his free time.

"Life is so difficult!" Ding Zhiqiang thought depressingly.

Studying every day is not the most uncomfortable thing. The most uncomfortable thing is that other people always urge him to study.

When he came home during the winter vacation, the first thing he heard from his mother was, "Why are you back? Didn't you say you were very busy? I thought you wouldn't be back this year."

The next thing is, "Your dad and I both know that your mentor is Wang Hao, Xiaoqiang. With such a good opportunity, you must give our family credit and become a great scientist in the future!"

Ding Zhiqiang's heart was full of tears, he really didn't want to be a great scientist!


Wang Hao began to do research seriously.

The Yang-Mills equation is a nonlinear partial differential equation, but each type of nonlinear partial differential equation can be said to be a new research project, and the original research cannot be copied mechanically.

His research on the ns equation is very in-depth, but he can only use related methods to approximate the solution of the Yang-Mills equation.

"What's the point of approximate solution?" Wang Hao shook his head thoughtfully.

If it is an infinite approximation to a certain set of exact solutions, it is still meaningful to solve it, but because it is an approximate solution after all, it is very difficult to analyze the physical properties later.

"However, it is very difficult to analyze the physical properties of any set of solutions."

Wang Hao still feels that he is influenced by the content of quantum physics. What he wants to do is to study in a purely mathematical way, so he should not be influenced by the content of physics.

He kept thinking.

This time, I didn't stay in the office and do research like a retreat. Life is still normal.

Lin Bohan came over.

The new semester has begun, and the project funds have been allocated. Lin Bohan has also received a bonus, so he is naturally very active in research. He spent a lot of time thinking about the next step of research, so he came to Wang Hao to express his views.

Lin Bohan entered the office, sat on the sofa and said, "We can start with simple ones, for example, the simplest compound composed of two different atoms."

"The microscopic shape created in this way is definitely more complicated than a single atom, but it can also be gradually improved."

"The definition of semi-topology is also carried out on this basis, just like the new geometry we have studied."

"Let's discuss step by step..."

This is what Lin Bohan thought of.

The new geometric content published by Wang Hao is only aimed at single-element substances, such as aluminum, gold, copper, etc.

Because it is only for single-element substances, the new geometry is not suitable for more complex compounds.

Their research direction is to establish a semi-topological system to cover the microscopic morphological structure of complex materials, but the research has encountered problems, and they can't think of how to proceed next.

If you just expand the difficulty a little and only discuss the simplest compound composed of two different atoms, the complexity will definitely increase a lot, but it is not so unsolvable.

Lin Bohan's proposal is still very valuable.

Wang Hao shook his head and said, "If it is only extended to two different atomic compositions, it will indeed become easier, but the problems we are encountering now are not difficult or simple."

He continued, "The microscopic form can also be understood as the topological magnetic magnetic chain in condensed matter physics. The nodes of this topological form are not necessarily molecular units."

"That is to say, when forming a topological magnetic chain, the same molecule may also have different points of link with other molecules."

"That's the biggest reason for the complexity."

In fact, the explanation is also very simple. For example, the molecular ab composed of 'a' and 'b', the composition of the microscopic form is not necessarily ab-ab-ab-ab..., it may also be aba-bba-abb-baa... …

It is precisely because the individual molecules are probably not on a node of the microscopic form that the shaping of the microscopic form becomes very complicated.

Even a microscopic form composed of only two elements may have countless changes.

Wang Hao continued, "Whether it is two elements, three elements, or more elements, there is essentially no difference."

"Because of this, I said to do research only from the direction of mathematics."

"Now I'm more sure of that."

Wang Hao stood up and paced, "I have a student named Ding Zhiqiang, you should have met him?"

"He reminded me that sometimes math and physics have to be separated."

"If you combine mathematics and physics, then we should find a physicist to join the project, rather than a few of us doing research, and the problem will become very, very complicated."

"So for this research, we no longer consider physical issues, but only consider shaping new topological definitions, and only consider shaping a new topological system based on algebraic geometry."

"If it is a follow-up study that needs to be transferred to microscopic morphology, we will use the defined framework to conduct specific research on it."

"Mathematical theory is the most important thing."

"As long as we lay a good theoretical foundation, no matter how complicated the microscopic form is, it is just an application..."

Wang Hao explained his thoughts.

This statement will definitely be recognized by the mathematics community, and many mathematicians think so, especially mathematicians who do pure mathematics research.

Pure mathematics is the foundation of mathematics.

Only with a lot of research on pure mathematics can we lay a good foundation for applied mathematics, which can be closely related to real applications.

From pure mathematics to applied mathematics, and then to practical applications, there is also "applied mathematics" between pure mathematics and practical applications. Because of this, many people think that "pure mathematics" is meaningless, because it is seriously related to practical applications. decoupling.

Actually, not so.

If there is no research on pure mathematics, the development of applied mathematics will lack the foundation.

In fact, what Wang Hao said is not profound, but just the basis of mathematical understanding.

Many people can say the same thing.

Lin Bohan can also tell.

But being able to say it and being able to think about it when doing it is not the same concept at all.

Lin Bohan felt a sense of enlightenment. He has always understood this truth, but when he really puts himself into research, he still can't help being connected with superconductivity, and even superconducting materials.

He found that he really should expand his thinking, and it was Wang Hao who really achieved "applying theory to research".

After leaving Wang Hao's office, Lin Bohan happened to bump into Ding Zhiqiang. He couldn't help giving Ding Zhiqiang a thumbs up, and exclaimed, "Amazing!"


Ding Zhiqiang was suddenly confused.

He feels that he has done nothing, but he is always praised as 'great'.

"What's so great? I'll change it, can't I?" He looked at the information in his hand and wanted to cry.

the other side.

Wang Hao continued to study the equations, and talked with Lin Bohan about the research issues. He already felt the "complexity" that Qiu Chengwen said.

He was still talking about algebraic geometry and topology just now, but when he turned to the research, it became the Yang-Mills equation, which are completely different fields.

When he turned back again, he even felt a little uncomfortable, and couldn't help sighing, "You still have to concentrate!"

He decided to 'retreat'.

If he is constantly interrupted, it will be difficult for him to concentrate on his research.

Wang Hao hung a 'Do Not Disturb' sign at the door.

This is the first time.

It used to be in the director's office on the fourth floor of the computer laboratory building, but now it has become the director's office of the Mason Mathematical Sciences Laboratory.

When the Do Not Disturb sign is hung, the world seems to be quiet.

Wang Hao also began to concentrate on research.

He emptied his mind, stopped thinking about quantum physics, or even other subjects in mathematics, and just analyzed the nonlinear partial differential equations for the Yang-Mills equation.

When he really put himself into it, he found that everything seemed to be suddenly clear.

In the field of nonlinear partial differential equations, his research is very in-depth, and there are many methods that can be used. Of course, the methods may not be useful, but you can try them one by one instead of just sitting there without thinking.

In the continuous analysis and research, the inspiration value is also constantly increasing.

This shows that the research direction is correct.

After three days of research, Wang Hao was still stuck on a problem. After a long time without progress, he still walked out of the office.

He walked around the campus.

Walking around the campus is also a kind of relaxation for the body and mind. He passed by the laboratory building of the Faculty of Science, and suddenly remembered that he hadn't been here for a long time, so he simply walked in.

He entered the big office of the laboratory building, and saw Zhou Qingyuan who was busy.

Zhou Qingyuan was surprised to see Wang Hao, "Why are you here?"

"Come and walk around." Wang Hao asked with a smile, "Mr. Zhou, what are you doing?"

Zhou Qingyuan said with a smile, "It's not a project in your laboratory, just a few calculation problems."

Wang Hao glanced at it with interest, and found that it was the calculation and solution of several dynamic problems.

"You can help me to see if it's right." Zhou Qingyuan said.

Wang Hao picked up the manuscript paper on the table and carefully read the content on it.

When Zhou Qingyuan asked Wang Hao to take a look, he didn't feel anything. When Wang Hao actually picked it up to look at it, he suddenly felt nervous.

It's like a primary school student finishing a question and being checked by the teacher for right or wrong.

The atmosphere in the office has become very strange.

Zhou Qingyuan felt this kind of weirdness, maybe it was his own psychological effect, but after thinking about it carefully, he couldn't stop smiling bitterly. If it were a few years ago, he would never have such an idea.

The Wang Hao in front of him has been recognized as a top expert in the field of partial differential equations, and he can also add a sentence of "no one can compare".

His calculations were checked by Wang Hao, it was indeed like a teacher checking a student's homework.


Zhou Qingyuan couldn't help sighing. On the one hand, he was happy for Wang Hao's achievements, and on the other hand, he also lamented that he hadn't improved for many years.

Wang Hao took a closer look and found that there was no problem. There was an equation substituted into the result to solve it, and both sides of the equation were very similar.

In fact, some of the calculations related to the project do not need to be so detailed, and a certain range of deviation is allowed. Obviously, Zhou Qingyuan is very patient in doing it.

"You are much better than me." Wang Hao put down the things in his hand and praised.

Zhou Qingyuan laughed immediately, and quickly waved his hands, "How can I compare to you?"

"It is indeed very accurate."

Wang Haodao, "This kind of partial differential equation that cannot be solved can actually be substituted into the numerical method, and there is no need to do such a precise analysis."

He stopped suddenly while talking, and muttered several words in a row, "Precise..."

"Precise? Precise!"


Wang Hao suddenly felt enlightened, and he knew what to do.


The place where the previous research got stuck lies in the uncertainty of the analysis.

In fact, the key lies in accurate calculations, rather than complex analysis. The calculation of relevant parameters is more accurate, and subsequent analysis can be done relying on the results.

This improves the accuracy of the analysis.

Wang Hao immediately returned to the office to continue his research. He even forgot to eat lunch. When Xu Jie came to deliver the meal, he just raised his head and said, "Put it there."

Then get on with your work and forget about it too.

He worked until four o'clock in the afternoon, only to hear that he was stretched, looking at the results on the manuscript paper, his expression was a little uncertain.

He analyzed a range solution with a set of column formulas attached.

What's the point?

Wang Hao glanced at the system tasks again, and found that the inspiration value of "Task 1" had reached 18 points.

With the experience of the previous S+ level mission, he knew very well that '20' points is a stage, and if the inspiration value can reach 18 points, it means that his thinking is fine.

The columns he analyzed and the "somewhat unreliable" range solutions must have some kind of physical meaning.

But what is it?

Now the inspiration value has reached '18' points, but has not yet reached '20' points, which means that the remaining work is to analyze the physical meaning of the results.

But the problem is that the range solution is not reliable.

Among them, the parameter data has a range of '-0.38~0.38'.

'-0.38', the negative value is the key problem.

Although he did not analyze the physical properties, he is also very clear that this range parameter probably represents a certain force or a certain property.

How can any force or property that exists have negative ranges?

Is it a set of meaningless results?


"It must represent a certain meaning!" Wang Hao frowned and began to study carefully.

If you want to analyze the physics of the conclusions you draw, you must look carefully from the beginning to the end. Every parameter in the equation is meaningful at the beginning. In the process of continuous transformation and analysis, the meaning of the representation is constantly changing.

This is a complex logical analysis process, which also involves a lot of quantum physics.

Wang Hao slowly researched, going deeper bit by bit, and spent even more time than analyzing the equations.

For the next week, he was bored in the office doing research, and he piled up a thick stack of just the written content.

But the dull research did not yield any results.

Including the column formula and other parameters, the content can be analyzed, but the value of '-0.38~0.38' is still not clear what it represents.

The disappearance of power?

The disappearance of energy?


Wang Hao couldn't figure it out at all, so he simply stopped thinking about it and started working normally.

He opened the mailbox and checked the email.

The communication with Bill Carr also stopped for a week, and the communication still needs to be maintained. Even if there is no progress in the research, just accumulating ideas is also a kind of progress.

After opening the mailbox, he found an email from Didier Mayor, which said, "Wang Hao, my team and I have been thinking about how to verify your theory through experiments. , dedicated to doing a series of data analysis work, hoping to find evidence that the annihilation force works in terms of energy loss.

Unfortunately, nothing was found.

A new round of large-scale experiments is about to start today, and I really look forward to new discoveries! "

The new round of large-scale experiments refers to the restarted test experiments of the European Particle Collider.

The European particle collider has been greatly upgraded, and its performance has been greatly improved. It is said that the brightness of the experiment can be increased by more than seven times.

Now it is the first large-scale experimental test, and many participating countries have sent teams to participate.

Wang Hao didn't think about the particle collision experiment. He read the letter carefully and felt that Didier Mayor was really a good person, and he actually put in a lot of energy. He even sent himself a special letter to verify the annihilation theory. sent an email.

"Do experimental data analysis, hoping to find evidence of the existence of annihilation force in energy loss?"

"This thought..."

Wang Hao still shook his head, even he didn't know whether the mass-energy equation could still work when the annihilation force worked.

Is the unit of mass being annihilated directly, or being annihilated into energy?

This is a problem.

He emailed Mayor back with a few words of thanks and good luck with his work.

After sending the email, he suddenly froze, "Yes, the theory of annihilation!"

[Task 1, inspiration value +2. 】

[Inspiration value: 20. 】

"Twenty o'clock is enough!"

Wang Hao suppressed the excitement in his heart, knowing that he had found a certain direction of analysis.

The value of '-0.38~0.38' looks really weird, and it feels meaningless at all. It's different based on the premise of 'the existence of annihilation force'.

The analysis he did before all relied on existing theories, but the standard model of particles is not perfect, and the analysis that can be made is limited.

With the premise of 'the existence of annihilation force', there is an additional very important condition.

'-0.38~0.38' is very meaningful.

Negative or zero values ​​most likely represent missing mass or energy.

Then, new problems arose.

"Even if it represents a lack of mass or energy, so what?"

Wang Hao frowned and thought.

He immediately checked the latest particle physics research, including research reports related to the discovery of the Higgs boson and neutrinos, and based on the published particle collision experiment data, he immediately began to do similar calculations.

Another week passed.

Wang Hao was just bored in the office, doing calculations all the time. The only place he went was the central laboratory, where he did calculations and analysis with the server in the laboratory, and continued his research when he came back.

Others don't know what Wang Hao is doing, they just know that it is related to the research of Yang-Mills equation.

Equation study?

Why use a server?

And doing research related to equations, why does it seem to be very busy, and you have done a lot of calculations that you can't understand?

Wang Hao continued to immerse himself in his work until one day he finally came to a result——


Looking at the calculated value, he breathed a sigh of relief, a smile appeared on his face, but then he shook his head helplessly.

This is an energy value range calculated by combining the particle collision experiment data, reports, and own research results.

Now the conclusion he has come to is only 'when the data is large enough, there will be numerical anomalies in the range of 85GeV~260GeV'.

This abnormality represents a data gap.

The simple understanding is that during the particle collision experiment, some newly generated particles 'jumped' out of the '85GeV~260GeV energy range'.

If we do experimental statistics, there are very few data in the energy range of 85GeV~260GeV.

Wang Hao's understanding is only "an effect of annihilation force on particles", as if a force is used to push an object. In the energy range of 85GeV~260GeV, the effect of annihilation force is relatively large, and many particles are pushed away.

This conclusion seems to make little sense.

Because the premise is 'enough data', how big is enough data?

He himself has no definite concept.

Wang Hao was a little hesitant looking at the results, because the analysis based on the premise of the "existence of annihilation force" feels like a "false" type of research, and it is meaningless to submit a paper.

However, it seems a bit wasteful not to publish the research results that took nearly 20 days.

He briefly sorted out the content, then wrote a rough introduction, and published it on his personal blog with the title "85GeV~260GeV energy range problem".

"Take it as a small study. Although it is meaningless, it may be helpful for follow-up research."

Wang Hao thought.

After twenty days of continuous work, he still wanted to take a break, so he went out to exercise and go for a run.

at the same time.

Many people also noticed Wang Hao's latest blog content.

Some media also reprinted the report, but it did not cause waves at all, because the content of the blog is very illusory, the content is to do a research on the Yang-Mills equation, and then deduce the energy range of 85GeV~260GeV, which may detect some abnormal problems .

Is this exception a 'data gap'?

Many people on the Internet also started discussing, "What is the latest research of the Great God Wang Hao?"

"It seems to be related to the Yang-Mills equation, but why did it suddenly turn to the particle collision experiment, and directly said that there is an anomaly in the energy range?"

"Data void? What does that mean!"

"It seems difficult to understand..."

"I don't understand it at all, but Wang Hao doesn't seem to have posted all the research."


The domestic discussion ends here.

Some foreign academic media also reprinted Wang Hao's blog news, which is very similar to the domestic situation, but only a few people read it, and then they didn't care.

This is perhaps the least noticed content in Wang Hao's blog post.

Time makes people forget what happened.

Half a month later, everyone left things behind, as if there was no blog update at all.

The same is true for Wang Hao himself. He and Lin Bohan re-discussed the topic of topology definition, and kept exchanging emails with Bilkar, and made an appointment with him to come to Xihai University early next month.

Things seem to be completely over.

until this day.

The ATLCS independent research group at CERN has released news related to the latest experimental research.

In the latest experimental data analysis work, they found that there is a strange phenomenon suspected of 'data gap' in the energy range of 90GeV~270GeV.

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