From University Lecturer to Chief Academician

Chapter 222 Public information, the world is boiling again! Wang Hao: I want to invite the Fields wi


This value made all the personnel involved in the experiment breathe a sigh of relief.

The strength of the AC gravity field exceeded 50%, which is of course a very important achievement. After finishing the sorting of the experimental data, the data was immediately sent to Wang Hao.

At the same time, the experimental results were also reported to the superiors.

The direct superior of the experimental team, Zhou Minhua, deputy director of the Bureau of Science and Industry, had just completed the discussion with the American team, and was immediately shocked when he received the news.

The technology provided by American can produce 25% of the gravity strength of communication. The new technology will definitely bring improvement to the research, but I did not expect it to bring such a big improvement.

"Could it be because, in the process of communicating with the other party, Professor Wang Hao learned the key technology of the other party from the few words of the other party?"

Zhou Minhua thought about it, "Or, is there any breakthrough research by Professor Wang Hao?"

She couldn't figure it out.

On the other hand, Wang Hao also got the experimental results and detailed data, and he was also a little excited that the strength of the exchange gravity field could be increased to more than 50%.

This value was higher than expected, and it also gave him a better understanding of the AC gravity experiment, or in other words, the microscopic morphology in the studied single-substance conductor.

If the microscopic shape is likened to a three-dimensional figure, the microscopic shape inside some materials is a symmetrical figure in all directions, and the microscopic shape of some materials is not symmetrical, such as a protrusion in one direction.

When the temperature drops to a certain level, the microscopic shape in the conductor will be broken, and a certain field force will be emitted to the surroundings, and the field force emitted by the symmetrical figure is very balanced.

For example, if a field force of 100 is emitted to the left, it will also emit a field force of 100 to the right.

This cancels out.

Some materials have asymmetrical microscopic forms, and emit 100 field force toward the left side, only 20% toward the right side, and a special field force that can be detected will appear on the right side.

This is the principle of exchange gravity formation.

Now their experiment is to amplify this imbalance.

If it is on a complex material, because the elemental composition of the material is different, the microscopic form formed must be very different. Each material needs to study the corresponding material layout, so as to continuously strengthen the special field force.

Therefore, they are only targeting single metal materials. There is only one kind of atom inside the material, and the internal microscopic forms are likely to be similar. Finding a way to maximize the superimposed field force in one direction can continuously increase the strength of the exchange gravity field.

"The value of fifty points is probably approaching the limit of elemental metal?"

"If it is replaced by a complex material, it may be higher. The microscopic shape of a single metal is relatively simple, and it is impossible to form a large convex layer. It is quite remarkable to be able to reach this value..."

This is the place to be sorry.

Although the research has indeed made great breakthroughs, the improvement is only theoretical, and technically speaking, it has reached a bottleneck.

"So next, we must find a general geometric topology method to cover the semi-topological expression of all microscopic forms, otherwise it will be impossible to shape the microscopic form when it involves compounds or more complex molecules..."

Next, Wang Hao paid more attention to the study of semi-topology.

He is still doing research with Lin Bohan, and he will consult Birkar by email when he encounters some problems, because some problems cannot be solved by one email, and they start to discuss continuously.

Sometimes, they even have a phone call to discuss.

Because mathematics is very complicated.

Sometimes, there will be problems in the discussion, and both Birkar and Wang Hao feel very inconvenient.

Wang Hao invited Bill Carr to Xihai University to discuss the problem face to face, and invited him to join his own research, "Kaucher, you must be very interested in this research, we can do this research and this project together. "

He especially emphasized, "This is very important research, and it will become very attractive, and it will immediately attract the attention of the world."

Bill Carr was a little confused.

Of course he knew that Wang Hao's geometry shaping work seemed to be related to the topological mechanism of superconductivity.

The law of superconductivity also caused an international uproar.

However, the study of semi-topological systems with algebraic geometry does not seem to be directly related to Wang's geometry, and it is only a study of mathematical nature. Why has it attracted the attention of the world?


Birkar soon found out.

In mid-December, a major piece of physics research news appeared internationally.

China's Superconducting Condensed Matter Physics Research Center and American Los Alamos Laboratory also announced a news that they will publish research information on the "Communication Gravity Experiment".

At the same time, the theoretical content related to the "AC gravity experiment" and the study of the superconducting mechanism will also be disclosed.

As soon as this news came out, it immediately aroused international heated discussions. The focus of the initial heated discussion was that the Alamos Laboratory and the Superconducting Condensed Matter Physics Research Center would announce the same news. Naturally, the two parties had communicated. .

In addition, both research centers must have done AC gravity experiments.

The Alamos Laboratory is classified as a confidential laboratory. It once participated in the Manhattan Project and was engaged in the research of high-tech weapons.

Some of their research content has nothing to do with high-precision weapons, but they are all confidential research.

The Superconducting Condensed Matter Physics Research Center is a new scientific research institution that has been established for more than ten years. It has always been very low-key, and it seems that there are no major projects.

Now they come out and say that they want to publish a confidential research?

This is a bit confusing.

After many media reports, the focus of public opinion has become the communication gravity experiment. There is still some public information in the world, and it is easy to know what the communication gravity experiment is.

Three words, anti-gravity!

This is definitely a very high-end research, and judging from the posture of the two laboratories, it must have made some progress in research.

They released information on anti-gravity research at the same time, and there must have been some communication.

Many people began to look forward to it, "The communication gravity experiment is the research of anti-gravity. Will we be able to take anti-gravity vehicles in the future?"

"This technology is too high-end. I didn't expect that there are already laboratories conducting confidential research."

"It's made public now?"

In the midst of a lot of discussions, in just one day, the official websites of the two laboratories released the same information, and they each provided a link through which they could download relevant materials.

These include the content of publicly communicated gravity experiments, as well as the content of experiments related to the study of superconducting mechanisms.

The AC gravity experiment is the basic theory and the basic experimental structure, and it can produce 15% of the intensity of the AC gravity field.

The research on superconducting mechanism combined with experiment is the content of combining experiment and analysis of microscopic morphology, including some deduced theoretical explanations, basic analysis methods, and so on.

The information related to these theories can be regarded as a paper, and the author has only one name-Wang Hao.

When some other institutions obtained the data for analysis, they were amazed at the results of the exchange gravity experiment, and at the same time they were surprised at the combination of the experiment and the research on superconductivity.

Wang Hao published the results of the law of superconductivity in the paper published in the journal "Nature" before. Many physicists have studied the results carefully, but they feel that a part is missing.

They thought it was just that they didn't introduce the experiment in detail, but they didn't think it was because it involved the research of communication gravity.

The research is now published.

Although I don't know how much content has been announced specifically, at least the theoretical content is perfect.

that's enough.

Immediately, many institutions in the world are preparing to join the ranks of research on the mechanism of superconductivity based on the AC gravity experiment.

Many physicists have expressed their opinions, "This will be the most interesting research!"

"Based on the research of anti-gravity, trying to understand the mechanism of superconductivity, this is the first time I have discovered that physical experiments can be so cool!"

"I can not wait any more!"

"We need to form a team first, and the number of my team is still not enough. I think the main direction of this research is the expansion of Wang's geometry..."

"The theory was put forward by Wang Hao, but everyone needs to work together to perfect it."

"It's inevitable."

A large number of related reports appeared internationally, and domestic reports were even more enthusiastic, because the theory was proposed by Wang Hao, which means that China led the research direction, and many people felt a sense of pride when they thought about it.

But in fact, research has nothing to do with ordinary people, and they can only discuss and look forward to it.

The direct response to domestic scientific research is that all major institutions that control scientific research funding have begun to discuss investing funds in research in new fields.

This is the core.

Because the relevant information has been made public, it is certain that not only the physics laboratory conducts research, but other superconductivity and condensed matter physics laboratories will definitely apply for related projects.

In the more 'hot' direction, it will definitely be easier to apply.

Many teams related to condensed matter physics have begun to carefully study public information and prepare for new project applications.

New fields and new directions are definitely easier to produce results.

Some older scholars couldn't help recalling the scene in the late 1980s.

At that time, the superconductivity research competition was going on all over the world, and there were nearly 300 participating research teams. The domestic economic strength was weaker, but several teams joined it.

It was a crazy era, and there were reports on the progress of superconductivity everywhere, as if the problem of room temperature superconductivity could be solved in the next moment.

Now a large number of institutions are preparing to invest in the research of superconducting mechanism based on AC gravity experiments, so will there be more outstanding research results?

For example, combining mechanisms and applications to develop superconducting materials close to room temperature?

That's when technology takes off!


The whole world is reporting on the research of gravity exchange and discussing the research on the superconducting mechanism. Many research teams are sharpening their swords and preparing to join the research in new fields.

As the proponent of the new theory, Wang Hao did not continue related research.

He mainly studies theories, rather than joining the "superconducting craze" to improve the mechanism, or to fight the odds in the hope of new discoveries.

It's just too inefficient to do research like that.

Some other small research work can be handed over to the physics laboratory, and Liu Yunli's team can also cooperate to continue the research.

Wang Hao continued to work on semi-topological structures.

Because he was only engaged in the research of pure mathematics, his work was a little more leisurely, and he still had time to participate in the meetings held within the school.

This time is a school development meeting.

Xihai University hopes to expand the scale of the Faculty of Science. Simply put, it is to develop the Faculty of Science.

Wang Hao's influence is too great.

Just relying on his personal influence, the Faculty of Science can slowly develop, and the school will also allocate resources. They plan to establish a mathematics research center, which will be directly named "Wang Hao Mathematics Center".

Afterwards, the discussion centered on the mathematics center, and the topic also involved the introduction of talents.

If a college wants to develop, the first thing is the faculty, so it must attract more talents.

How to attract talents?

"Projects, remuneration and future!" As the dean of the Faculty of Science, Luan Haiping stated the three most important points in his report.

Project, that is, funding and research content.

If it can be supported by large projects, it can attract more talents to join it.

The treatment, of course, needless to say.

The future is the hardest thing to say. Having a big project to participate in does not mean that there is a future, because many people join the project, just doing marginal work, and some projects are like working for a company, which cannot bring to improve directly.

They must have the kind of big projects with research and development goals, and the people involved can pursue the results, so that they can become more attractive.

Wang Hao also participated in the topic discussion, he just talked about the project in cooperation with the space agency.

This project could attract some talent.

I didn't participate anymore after that.

The development of a college is not something he is willing to use his brain to think about. He is only interested in the mathematics center. If he can build a mathematics center around himself and attract many talents to join, there will be no big projects that cannot find people. Case.

After all the meetings were over, when Wang Hao walked out, he asked Luan Haiping specifically, "Dean Luan, I want to invite a mathematics professor over, will the school provide corresponding treatment?"

This is a must ask in advance.

Xiang Qiansheng, Lin Bohan and others also came to Xihai University before, but they only received normal treatment, similar to other professors in the Faculty of Science.

If Birkar...

Wang Hao still needs to ask clearly in advance, because Bill Carr is a Fields winner, and his personal treatment will not be the same as that of ordinary professors, at least not much lower than Mizuki's standard.

Otherwise, he wouldn't even be able to say the word of inviting Birkar.

How to say?

Let the other party come and give the other party a substantial reduction in treatment?

Scientists are people too, and they have to live!

Luan Haiping thought that Wang Hao was talking about 'Tian Hong'. He already knew the news that Tian Hong, an excellent professor of mathematics at Capital University, might come to Xihai University in the next year.

He said nonchalantly, "That's no problem. Our college just wants to develop and attract more talents. The school will naturally give us better treatment."

"That's good!"

Now Wang Hao felt relieved.


two days later.

Bill Carr came to Xihai City by plane.

Wang Hao attached great importance to Birkar's arrival. He asked Lin Bohan to pick him up from the airport, while he waited at the school gate.


Bill Carr was taken to Xihai University, and he saw Wang Hao after he got off the car.

The two had a warm hug.

"I've been looking forward to it for a long time, and I hope to discuss semi-topological issues with you." Wang Hao smiled enthusiastically, and then walked into the school with Birkar.

When walking past the teaching affairs building, Zhu Jianrong happened to come out from the door of the building. He greeted Wang Hao, and then looked at Birkar next to Wang Hao.


Zhu Jianrong took a closer look, and suddenly felt a little familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere.

"Where did you see it?" He couldn't remember for a while, and when Wang Hao and Birkar disappeared around the corner together, he suddenly thought of a name.


Fields winner?

He suddenly opened his mouth wide, his face full of surprise, "This big guy, why did you come to school suddenly!"

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