From University Lecturer to Chief Academician

Chapter 211 Excited? of course not! Work report, Wang Hao: I use it to explain electromagnetic force

The atmosphere in the office of the government affairs building became a little complicated for a while.

After Wang Hao finished his acceptance speech, the others looked at each other, not knowing what to say.


What is there to applaud for such a false acceptance speech?


Even the winners are not excited, who are they excited to show?


At the opening ceremony of the International Congress of Mathematicians, the atmosphere was even more complicated than that of the office in the Government Affairs Building.

Claudio Prochesi was sitting in the first row. Seeing Wang Hao's expression on the screen, coupled with that flat tone, he couldn't help but twitched his mouth, regretting the live communication.

This idea is indeed good, but Wang Hao's acceptance speech is too fake, so fake that it can be seen at a glance.

In his eyes, there was a kind of complete indifference that was almost written on his face, which also made the atmosphere of the scene a little depressing.

The mathematicians at the scene were more complicated than the people in the government affairs building.

They just feel devastated.

have a look!

O Fields!

This award represents the highest achievement in the field of mathematics. It is impossible for most of them to win the award, but the winners framed on the screen obviously don't care at all.

Claudio Prochesi also had the same complicated mood, but as one of the executive committee leaders of the International Mathematical Society, he didn't have time to experience the complicated mood. He noticed Wang Hao's movement of looking to the side, and hurried back to the stage for a while. start.

The signal was quickly cut off.

At this time, the host had already reacted. Facing the scene that was so calm that there was no applause at all, he quickly mobilized the atmosphere and shouted, "Congratulations to Dr. Wang Hao for getting Fields, then let's move on to the next session."

"Gauss Award!"

He yelled hard, then let out a soft breath.

This paragraph is finally over!


For many domestic media, after Wang Hao received the Fields Medal, the Mathematicians Conference was almost over.

The reason why they pay attention to the International Conference of Mathematicians is mainly because Wang Hao will win the Fields. After it is confirmed that Wang Hao won the award, there are many reports in the public opinion.

This is quite a big deal.

Wang Hao became the first domestic scholar to win Fields, and also became the youngest Fields winner in history. He set two records by himself.

A lot of reports were followed by a lot of discussion, but the focus of the discussion was not the award, but Wang Hao's indifference. "Professor Wang Hao has known about the award for a long time, but he doesn't seem excited."

"Maybe it's because they weren't there?"

"That part of the acceptance speech was too fake. I laughed out loud when I heard it. He had Fields' medal hanging around his neck, but he actually said that he just found out he won the award?"

"Could it be that Fields' staff passed through the magic circle and arrived in Xihai City in an instant to present him with the award?"

"This is too funny!"

"He said he was very excited, but I didn't see it at all, it was probably just a scene."

This is the common feeling of everyone.

At the same time, many media reporters also went to Xihai University to conduct interviews.

Most of the media interviews are rejected, but the exclusive interviews of CCTV reporters must still be accepted, because relevant interviews will be reported on prime-time TV news.

Wang Hao also took time out to accept interviews. As a positively promoted figure, he also cares about his image.

The CCTV reporter's interview was very professional, and it came directly from a column team.

A sweet-looking female reporter sat face to face with Wang Hao, as if chatting, "Professor Wang, you obtained Fields through your research in the fields of number theory and partial differential equations. It’s big, and you have a lot of results in both fields, so can you tell me, what do you think your best research is?”

"NS equation." Wang Hao said the answer without hesitation.

"Why? In the field of number theory, is the proof of Goldbach's conjecture not comparable to the NS equation?"


Wang Hao explained, "Goldbach's conjecture is just a mathematical problem and has no practical significance. The NS equation is of great significance in application. It is not only a mathematical problem, but also has many related fields."

Of course, he thinks that the best research is the NS equation, because the research of the NS equation is not one achievement, to be precise, it is five achievements.

In the end, two of the results were used to solve the problem, and the result of finding an approximate solution was published in the top journal, and the other two results with the highest application value were archived and entered the ranks of confidentiality.

These cannot be said to the outside world.

The reporter continued to ask, "How do you feel about winning the Fields Medal?"

"Very excited." Wang Hao said.

The reporter pursed his lips, blinked playfully, and said with a smile at the corner of his mouth, "Professor Wang, can you ask me a question that may be difficult to answer?"

"go ahead?"

Wang Hao felt that apart from the confidential research, there was nothing to talk about, and it was impossible for the reporter to ask about the confidential research.

The reporter asked, "Looking at the public opinion on the Internet now, many people think that you were not excited or nervous when you gave your acceptance speech, it can be said that you were very calm, making people feel as if you couldn't wait to finish your speech and leave. .”

"Excuse me, did you feel like this at the time?"


Wang Hao didn't expect the reporter to ask such a straightforward question. Because he was too involved in the research, he didn't pay much attention to the award ceremony.

He thought about it, shook his head, and said, "To be honest, I'm really not very excited. It feels very flat. Maybe it's because I knew it very early?"

The reporter nodded in confusion and asked, "That's the Fields Medal, the highest award in mathematics. We don't quite understand your calmness, can you explain it?"

After hearing this, Wang Hao was silent for a while. He thought for a while and asked, "You know Einstein, right?"


While the reporter nodded affirmatively, there was a feeling that his IQ was being despised. How could he be a top student in journalism? How could he not know about Einstein?

Wang Hao continued to ask, "Then do you know that Einstein won the Nobel Prize in Physics?"

"This... I know." The reporter hesitated for a moment and continued to nod.

"Can you tell me what research he won the Nobel Prize in Physics for?"


This time the reporter couldn't tell.

She thought about it carefully, and felt that her IQ was despised for a certain reason.

Einstein is one of the most famous physicists in human history, why don't I even know why he won the Nobel Prize in Physics?

Wang Hao said, "It's not surprising that you don't know, because many, many people don't know. Let me popularize science here. Einstein won the Nobel Prize in Physics for his research on the photon hypothesis. He used the photon hypothesis to successfully explain photoelectricity. effect."

"Of course, it doesn't matter."

"Einstein has made many achievements, including the theory of relativity, including the mass-energy equation. Every one of his research can be said to be of great significance to the development of human science and technology and to human cognition of the universe."

"However, if you think about it carefully, if Einstein was still alive and the Nobel committee decided to award him a second Nobel physicist, do you think he would be very excited?"


The reporter thought about it carefully, and there is really nothing to be excited about. They have already reached that level. Do you still care about a Nobel Prize in Physics?

She looked at Wang Hao again, and suddenly understood.

Several achievements of Wang Hao are enough to get Fields, and it is only natural for him to get Fields.

Even if Fields is not awarded, no one can deny his achievements, and he does not need an international award to affirm his research.

Wang Hao continued, "I'm not comparing myself to Einstein, but just explaining why I feel calm, because even if I don't win an award, my research is there, and I don't need to rely on awards to confirm it."

"Sometimes, I get emotional too."

"For example, if I go to participate in a marathon, even if it is a city marathon or a college marathon, if I can win the championship, I will be very excited."

"That kind of award is the recognition for me."

The reporter was silent for a while, and asked curiously, "Are you going to participate in the marathon?"


Wang Hao pursed his lips hard.


The Fields award was over, but the International Congress of Mathematicians was not.

Wang Hao had agreed to make a report in advance, but he didn't know what report to make because he was too busy with work and didn't make any preparations. In addition, he didn't have any new research results recently.

If it is the original results report, it is meaningless to him.

He communicated with Claudio Prochesi, and Prochesi felt a little incomprehensible. With so many big achievements in Wang Hao's hands, it would be excellent to present some corners and corners.

"You can choose partial differential equations or number theory, both fields, and you can even give a work report. I believe that many people are very interested in what you are working on," Prochesi said.

The last sentence reminded Wang Hao.

Because the report is made through a video link, many people will definitely watch it at that time, and they may be able to gain a lot of inspiration.

He couldn't wait to think about it.

On the same day, he explained the content of the report to be made, "research on new geometry."

New geometry?

Prochesi was a little surprised when he saw the title of the report, but because Wang Hao didn't submit specific content, he didn't know what the new geometry was talking about.

Wang Hao and Lin Bohan have been doing research on new types of geometry.

The new geometry is aimed at the micro-morphology of the atomic structure of a single-medium metal conductor, and uses geometric means to solve the problem of micro-morphology.

This research is the core of 'superconducting annihilation topology', or can be understood as the 'first step' to solve the problem.

For metal conductors, the essence of current is the movement of electrons, and the essence of temperature is the vibration of atoms, but the reality is much more complicated.

Even if it is a single-dielectric metal conductor, in the energized state, there are not only electrons and atoms inside, but the microscopic movement is very complicated.

Wang Hao's latest research believes that a microscopic shape will be formed inside the metal in the conductive state.

This microscopic form is directly related to the generation of electromagnetic force. At the same time, there is a "force field" that resists the annihilation force inside. When the temperature drops to a certain level, it means that the vibration of atoms decreases to a certain level, and the microscopic form can no longer be maintained. , it will be squeezed and broken by the annihilation force, thus forming a special superconducting state, and stimulating the generation of an alternating gravitational field.

The exchange of gravitational field is just a manifestation of the broken microcosmic form.

But regardless of the specific principles, they are now using geometric means to study microscopic forms.

The single-dielectric metal conductor has only one kind of atoms inside, and the microscopic form formed is naturally the simplest.


When the time came the next morning, Wang Hao's report was scheduled for the second session in the morning.

This time period is the best.

After the "warm-up" for the first session, the scholars in the lecture hall have already entered the state, and there will be many people listening carefully for the second session.

Others also knew that Wang Hao was going to give a report, and the second lecture hall was already full of people.

Now Wang Hao's appeal is too great.

He is the number one mathematician among international mathematicians, because he has top achievements in both the fields of number theory and partial differential equations. In addition, he is only 26 years old and has not yet reached the peak of recognized scientific research (30 to 40 years old ), there may be many more results in the future.

When they knew that Wang Hao was going to make a work report, many people immediately became more interested. They all hoped to know what kind of research Wang Hao was doing.

This time it was still in the office of the government affairs building, but the background was changed to a whiteboard.

Because of the video connection, it is difficult for the mathematicians in the lecture hall to read some content on it. Fortunately, Wang Hao is not doing a research report, he is just doing a work report, but occasionally he needs the help of the whiteboard .

Wang Hao appeared in front of the camera, and he smiled towards the camera.

At this time, it was obvious that his mental state was completely different from yesterday when he received the award, and his eyes even showed anticipation and excitement.

He said, "Thank you for Mr. Prochesi's invitation. I will give a short work report. It only takes 20 minutes, so it won't delay everyone for too long."

The meeting hall was quiet.

Everyone looked at Wang Hao in the screen shot, wondering what kind of report he was going to make.

Is it a partial differential equation?

Or number theory?

At the same time, many scholars who did not participate in the International Congress of Mathematicians are also following Wang Hao's report through the webcast.

Under the attention of everyone, Wang Hao said, "I am doing research on geometry, and my colleague Lin Bohan and I have studied a new type of geometry."

"We've got some results, but we haven't given it a name yet, so I'll call it New Geometry."

"This new type of geometry must first satisfy the following axioms, one is that all straight lines on the graph intersect."

"Secondly, in its topological phase transition form, all straight lines do not intersect."

"Let's make an agreement first..."

Wang Hao spoke carefully.

Everyone is listening very carefully, and everyone is very surprised at the same time.

Wang Hao's report was very unexpected. He has made many achievements in the fields of number theory and partial differential equations. Others took it for granted that he would do research in these two directions.


geometry? New geometry?

This has little to do with number theory and partial differential equations, which can be said to be completely different fields.

However, the new geometry mentioned by Wang Hao is indeed attractive. It is very difficult to create a new type of geometry. Just imagining the shape of geometry feels that the brain cells have been overdrawn.

Geometry, especially the complex geometric problems involved, can become very difficult to understand.

Riemannian geometry is like this, Euclidean geometry is like this, and Rochester geometry is like this.

One problem is that all new geometry research is purposeful, rather than relying on imagination to make a new definition of geometry.

There's no point in working like that.

After Wang Hao talked for more than ten minutes, he roughly finished his work results. The people in the meeting listened patiently. They found that Wang Hao's results were very good, and he was able to research a new type of geometry to such an extent. .

If we can continue to improve, add more propositions, and form a strict system of axioms, it is possible to satisfy the harmony, completeness, and independence of each axiom.

This process is very long.

As long as the research can be completed, it will be great, which is equivalent to adding a new subject to geometry, just like Riemannian geometry and Euclidean geometry.

But what good is it?

When the report was all over, a scholar in the front row asked through the moderator, "Dr. Wang Hao, can you tell me what problem your new geometry research is aimed at?"

Wang Hao smiled lightly and replied, "I'm going to use it to explain electromagnetic force."


One sentence made the scene boil immediately.

(seeking a monthly ticket)

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