From University Lecturer to Chief Academician

Chapter 208 Shocking experimental results, it seems that we are ready to move!

Physics laboratory, a small conference room on the first floor.

This meeting is different from the past, only a few people from the core of the laboratory participated.

Apart from Wang Hao and Ruan Weiping, there were only He Yi, Xiang Qiansheng, Xiao Xinyu, Yan Jing and Zhao Chuanxin.

There are researchers in the front and associate researchers in the back.

Both Yan Jing and Zhao Chuanxin belong to the kind of "creatable talents". They have made great contributions to previous experiments, and they are also young people who are mainly cultivated by the laboratory.

The reason why only the core personnel of the laboratory are allowed to participate is because the experimental design is related to confidentiality, and the layout of the internal superconducting materials can only be built by core members or personnel from Factory 244.

The content of the meeting is also different from the past.

This time it cannot be called a meeting, it can only be said to be an account of work.

Wang Hao has already designed the layout of the experimental superconducting material, which adopts a complex structure that spirals inwards, and divides into eight nodes, which looks like an inverted cone.

Eight nodes are distributed in the middle, just like the irregular support of an inverted cone.

He took out the drawn structure diagram and showed it to everyone, without explaining in detail, and then directly assigned the work.

Xiao Xinyu and Zhao Chuanxin are the researchers who are mainly in charge of the experiment, and their tasks in the experiment are relatively heavy.

Xiang Qiansheng and He Yi are responsible for power supply, equipment, overall arrangement and data collection. They are the core researchers of the laboratory.

Yan Jing is only responsible for the data.

After all the work has been assigned, the meeting is over.

Xiao Xinyu, Zhao Chuanxin, and Yan Jing immediately went to tell others to prepare for the experiment together.

Ruan Weiping only left early after listening halfway through. He would not directly intervene in the experiment. After knowing the content of the experiment, he could report the results based on the experiment.

In fact, Ruan Weiping is still interested in participating in the experiment. He feels that he is "experienced". The research at Factory 244 has increased the intensity of the AC gravity field to 10%.

This is a very high number, which means that their research direction is correct.

However, he kindly put forward an opinion, but it was not accepted at all. He knew that Wang Hao had his own ideas, so naturally he would not ask for trouble.

Xiang Qiansheng and He Yi were left in the conference room.

Asked the experimental question to Qiansheng, "Professor Wang, what principle is your design based on? Is it an analysis of the previous experiments?"

"I have established a mathematical model, and this is the result of my analysis." Wang Hao said bluntly, "Now this experiment is for verification."

"Is it a verification of the strength of the AC gravitational field?" Xiang Qiansheng already had a guess, because the only thing that changed was the layout of the superconducting material, but he still wanted to confirm the content with Wang Hao.

Wang Hao nodded in agreement with his question.

Xiang Qiansheng suddenly asked curiously, "About this adjustment, do you have expectations for the results?" In fact, he didn't want to ask so many questions, but because he found that he was mainly involved in the experimental work during the experiment, not the core The analysis and demonstration of the experiment is still at a loss for the research method of the experiment.

He listened to Wang Hao's explanation of the theory, but because it involved very complicated mathematical problems, it was not easy to understand it in a short time.

Wang Hao nodded and said, "Let me tell you in advance that the final value of this experiment is expected to exceed 15%."

"Fifteen percent?"

Xiang Qiansheng and He Yi opened their mouths in surprise.

This value far exceeded expectations.

In the seven experiments they did before, the highest organization was only 6.4%. How did it suddenly become 15%? It is simply incomprehensible!

Wang Hao smiled and continued, "However, it's not good to say. It's just my own expectation. I won't know the result until the experiment is over."

Xiang Qiansheng was very excited when he heard the expectation, "I'm already looking forward to it. Even if it's only 10%, it's quite amazing."

Although he did not participate in the core analysis, he is still an important participant in the experiment. If he can achieve significant results, it can be regarded as a success.

However, he still holds a conservative attitude towards the results, because he doesn't understand the underlying theory, and everything is said by Wang Hao, not based on the judgment of the experiment.

He Yi didn't think too much about it. He made a special report to Wang Hao, "We have been burning too much money recently. We spent another 4.3 million in two weeks. From the allocation to now, we have already spent Twenty-seven million."

"Fortunately, there are materials purchased in advance, otherwise the follow-up experiments may cost more."

"That's not counting labor costs."

The labor cost is also the bonus for the laboratory. As long as the personnel involved in the experiment will definitely get the bonus, it can also be understood as a subsidy for participating in the experiment.

In fact, when the project funding came down, they had already issued a bonus, which was almost a warm-up for the project.

This is normal operation.

When the funds for each project come down, the project participants will get a certain bonus, which can be regarded as the payment of scientific research labor costs in advance, which is the additional income of scientific researchers.

It was the first time for He Yi to participate in such a large project, and he felt very distressed when he spent every sum of money. Thinking about spending 27 million in just a few months, he was really heartbroken.

Xiang Gansheng didn't feel much about it. Instead, he twitched the corners of his mouth and said, "We've already saved a lot. I've only received a bonus of 20,000 so far."

This money can't even keep up with his monthly basic income. After he arrived at Xihai University, the deepest impression he had on He Yi was that he was stingy.

Very stingy!

Wang Hao said indifferently, "Professor He, you don't have to worry too much about the funds. You can spend where you need to spend money, especially labor costs. Our scientific researchers work very hard, and participating in experiments is dangerous."

"Sometimes the work intensity is very high, not to mention 996, there is no holiday at all to actually start the experiment."

"And in terms of funding, you don't have to worry. After this experiment, even if you open your mouth to apply for double the funding, I believe someone will be willing to pay for it."

He was very sure.

He Yi was a little expectant after hearing this, and it took him a long time to decide, "Well, if this experiment achieves the expected results, I will pay the lab up and down and give another bonus."

Wang Hao doesn't care about bonuses. He is the person in charge of the project, but a bonus of tens of thousands of yuan is nothing to him.

He has always advocated that he can get whatever salary he has.

For a scientific research institution, better treatment can attract more talents, especially if there is no shortage of funds, more bonuses are also a means of attracting talents.

However, Wang Hao will not directly intervene in the financial issues of the project. It is impossible for him to do everything himself. It is a good thing to a certain extent that a 'thrifty' person like He Yi is in charge.

the other side.

After Ruan Weiping left the meeting room, he walked towards his residence. On the way, he thought of the question Wang Hao said before the meeting just now, and felt a little funny.

The experimental AC gravity field strength exceeds 244 factories?

How can this be!

If he didn't do the experiment with him, he might still believe what Wang Hao said. After all, the other party is a top mathematician, and the other party has successfully reproduced the communication gravity experiment, and has achieved certain results in increasing the strength of the field force.

However, he followed the experiment all the way.

In the most successful previous experiment, the strength of the AC gravity field was only 6.4%.

This data is too different.

It is impossible to summarize the previous experiments, and then design the experiments, it will really improve a lot, right?

The road is to be taken step by step; similarly, technological breakthroughs cannot be achieved overnight.

The phone rang suddenly.

Ruan Weiping picked up the phone and found that Liu Yunli was calling, and immediately pressed the answer button, and Liu Yunli asked, "Old Ruan, how is your side? I heard from Wang Qiang that the basic science center has constructed mathematics. The model is very good, it seems to have given direct data support for the communication gravity experiment."

"Really? I don't know."

Ruan Weiping thought about it, "The basic science center is indeed more professional, and I heard that they have hired several mathematics professors. They also have more experience in the research of condensed matter physics."

Liu Yunli asked, "How is your side?"

"Here... I don't know either." Ruan Weiping hesitated for a moment, but didn't say why, but after thinking about it, he said, "I don't think there's any progress. I followed up with a few experiments, and the highest intensity was at six o'clock. Four, there is no higher one."

"However, just now, Professor Wang Hao said that their next experiment may achieve more results than ours? I don't understand."

"There is such a thing?" Liu Yunli was also surprised.

Ruan Weiping said bluntly, "Yeah, anyway, I don't believe it. We have done so many experiments, so many people have demonstrated together, and they have just started for two weeks. Do we expect those mathematical analyzes to pass through complicated theories that we don't understand?" , can you surpass us with one experiment?"

After he finished speaking, he added, "That's really unreasonable!"

"So, I said at the time, if you can surpass us, we will come here to do experiments and give you a project."

Liu Yunli was also a little funny, and said, "If they can surpass us in two weeks, what research do we need? Just like what you said, just cooperate with them in the experiment."

"Alright, I was planning to take over from you, so let's go earlier."


He was suddenly looking forward to what he said, and it sounds very interesting to be able to catch up with a so-called experiment that "beyond the results of the 244 factory".


Factory 244 is also in the Northwest region.

Liu Yunli did what he said, and he arrived at Xihai University the next morning. He didn't come by himself, and he brought a professor named Xue Chang with him.

At this time, the experiment has not yet started.

When Wang Hao heard that other people were coming, he also went out to receive them.

After Liu Yunli came in, he said, "Professor Wang, I finally saw you. Your name is really impressive."

"This year, everyone in our institute is saying that you are Goldbach's conjecture and the NS equation. In mathematics, no one can compare."

"It's ridiculous."

Wang Hao was polite, because he had been praised by too many people, and he was already immune to regular compliments.

After a few words of politeness, Liu Yunli said, "This time I came here for your experiment. I took the car at four o'clock in the morning, and I'm only here now."

"I heard from Ruan Weiping that you are very confident in the experiment? So let's come and have a look and learn together."

"No matter what the result is, it will be helpful to our research."

Liu Yunli came to replace Ruan Weiping normally, but when he heard about the experiment, he came to watch the fun ahead of time. Watching the fun must not be called watching the fun, and he must speak more tactfully.

Wang Hao didn't care what Liu Yunli said. After introducing him, he knew that the other party was a researcher from Factory 244, and he also directly participated in the communication gravity experiment.

He immediately asked, "Professor Liu, yesterday Professor Ruan said that if our experiment results surpass yours, your research will be our sub-project. Does this count?"

Liu Yunli didn't expect Wang Hao to ask such a question, so he said with certainty, "Of course it counts."

"Don't worry, Ruan Weiping and I are the main person in charge of the project, and this one, Xue Chang, the three of us can make a decision."

Xue Chang has not spoken, and his personality seems to be a little taciturn.

He hesitated for a while when he heard Liu Yunli's statement, thought for a while, and finally nodded and said, "We can decide."

Wang Hao smiled, "That's good."

He is still looking forward to the sub-project. There is a project team dedicated to cooperating with experiments, and some complicated experiments can be handed over. They only need core experiments.

In this way, a lot of workload can be reduced, and the experimental cycle will be greatly shortened.

In fact, to a certain extent, it is equivalent to expanding the laboratory, expanding the funding, and at the same time increasing the number of people involved in the experiment.

Because the experiment was about to start, Liu Yunli and Xue Chang went directly to the experiment center.

Now the experimental center is not in the hall, but in an open space behind the laboratory, which has been transformed into an experimental site, and the environment can meet the needs of the experiment.

After Wang Hao arrived at the experiment site, the final preparations for the experiment began.

A group of people are busy around the central device.

Several researchers from Factory 244 stood aside and watched. They had conducted more than 20 experiments, and they were familiar with everything. They even felt that the physics laboratory was a bit unprofessional.

However, there is no problem overall, because the core is the structure of the internal superconducting material, which cannot be seen on the surface.

"Comparatively speaking, the professionalism of the physics laboratory is still relatively low." Liu Yunli said, "I am more optimistic about the research of the Basic Science Center. They did not apply for funding, but I heard from Wang Qiang that they are very professional."

Ruan Weiping said, "It is a large professional institution, and the physics laboratory is only a small institution. It is already surprising that it can reach this level."

He added, "Professor Xiang's level is still good."

Xue Chang suddenly asked, "Liu Yunli, what you just said is so sure, if their results really surpass ours, are we really here to cooperate with the experiment?"

"That's impossible."


Liu Yunli and Ruan Weiping said together.

Liu Yunli continued, "We have done dozens of experiments, and so many people participated in the demonstration. If this can be surpassed, our research will be meaningless."


Ruan Weiping said, "I think so too."

"However, have you ever thought about a problem?" Xue Chang said, "Many mathematicians all over the world have studied Goldbach's conjecture, and it was finally proved by Wang Hao."

Liu Yunli and Ruan Weiping were silent for a while.

Liu Yunli still insisted, "Mathematics is mathematics, physics is physics, it is not related at all."

Xue Chang still shook his head.

Ruan Weiping said, "Xue Chang, you are always worried about this and that. What is there to worry about? We have been doing research all our lives, don't we even have this confidence?"

As they spoke, the final preparations for the experiment were over.

Wearing a lab coat, Wang Hao stood beside him and waved his hands, "Let's get started!"

Power is on.

Several personnel involved in the experiment immediately began to transport liquid nitrogen for cooling to the equipment, and the temperature index inside dropped rapidly.

When it reaches a critical temperature, you can see that the indicator above continues to rise, which means that the AC gravity field has been formed.

Because many experiments have been done, this situation is no longer exciting.

Everyone is staring at the detection pointer of the instrument at the top. The pointer is a summary of the data of several instruments. After computer calculation, the steering is controlled, and it is specially used to measure the strength of the AC gravity field.

The value displayed by the pointer is not accurate, the deviation is around 1%, and the highest can even reach 2%.

The final accurate data still needs to be counted through data aggregation.

But the data of the pointer is also representative. Xiang Qiansheng, He Yi and others are constantly staring at the data of the pointer.

Wang Hao said that it is expected to exceed 15%.

That's a big number.

If the experiment can be successful, the strength displayed by the pointer must exceed ten percent.

At this time, the pointer deflected a little.

Passed 3%...


continue to rise.



"Exceeded! Exceeded!" He Yi shouted in surprise.

Ruan Weiping, Liu Yunli, and Xue Chang watched from a distance at first, but as the pointer continued to deflect, they couldn't help but look closer.

The expressions on their faces were full of disbelief.

The pointer still continues to deflect.



"It's still going on! It's still going on!" He Yi shouted and reminded, "Don't be dazed, keep cooling down! Keep cooling down!"

The others reacted, quickly held back their excitement, and continued with the work at hand.

The pointer struggled for a while at the value of 15%, then continued to rise, and finally crossed 17%, and there was no higher value.


When the experiment stopped, the others couldn't help exclaiming, "Seventeen percent!"

"Seventeen points really? My God! It's more than ten points higher than last time!"

"I thought it was seven points at most!"

"This is too high!"

Amid the exclamation of the crowd, Ruan Weiping and Liu Yunli looked at each other in shock, unable to say a word for a long time.

Xue Chang turned to look at the two of them, and said lightly, "We can move now thanks to you."



(seeking a monthly ticket)

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