From University Lecturer to Chief Academician

Chapter 200 Donggang University restarts dismissal investigation, Wang Hao's reason for rejecti

Huang Yichun's thinking was a bit too simple.

He still only regards Wang Hao as a "very fruitful" scholar, and subconsciously thinks that Wang Hao is still very young, just a college professor, not a top academician after all, and has not yet reached the top level in terms of personal influence.

Therefore, he believes that Wang Hao will still hope to return to Donggang University and return to the top academic research platform of his alma mater.

But in fact, Wang Hao is no longer what it used to be, and his influence is also very amazing.

He chose to return to Donggang University to give a report, which is expected by some people, such as his teachers, classmates, friends, or other unrelated people.

But for those related to the 'dismissal incident', it is definitely not good news.

The same is true of public opinion.

When the news spread that Wang Hao was about to give a NS equation proof report at Donggang University, the reaction of public opinion was not anticipation, but a rediscussion of the 'dismissal incident'.

The entanglement between Wang Hao and Donggang University is known to many people, and it has been a hot topic in public opinion.

Someone specially made the incident clear so that others could understand it too.

Now that Wang Hao's name is once again associated with Donggang University, it naturally makes people think of related things. At the same time, another problem arises.

"Why did Donggang University dismiss Wang Hao quickly without a detailed investigation?"

When this question was raised, it immediately aroused a lot of discussion.

On this issue, Donggang University did not give a clear response, but it was said that an academic official was suspended, and there was no other news after that.

After the public opinion slowly fermented, some new news was also dug out.

For example, Huang Yichun, who was suspended at the time, still serves as the deputy director of academic affairs.

For example, the alloy laboratory of Donggang University is being investigated by the Commission for Discipline Inspection, and several people have been quarantined for inspection.

As the information was dug out one by one, the doubts of public opinion became more and more.

The alloy laboratory has been able to confirm that there must be a series of problems inside.

However, Donggang University had issued an announcement before, confirming that the experimental problems in the laboratory had nothing to do with Wang Hao, so the focus of the question became, "Why did Donggang University directly decide to fire Wang Hao without a detailed investigation?"

"Who made the decision?"

"Is this dismissal legal and compliant? How many people are involved? Are any of them connected to the Alloy Laboratory?"

Similar discussions are fermenting explosively on the Internet.

Some official media have made comments related to the incident, and "Xinhua Youth Daily" published a comment saying, "We must not chill the hearts of scientific researchers! Regarding the dismissal incident, the relevant universities must give a definite reply."

The attitude of the official media represented the attitude of the higher authorities, and the public opinion became more heated all at once, and more people participated in it.

Public opinion can no longer be suppressed.

The administrative department of Donggang University was at a loss for a while. In the past, when facing the focus of public opinion, the general method was to calm the public opinion first.

No matter what method is used, suppress public opinion, and then slowly solve the problem.

Now they have no way to do this, because the official media has already expressed their attitude, in other words, the higher authorities are watching this matter.

In fact, it is normal to think about it.

The problem of the alloy laboratory is not a small problem. Such a big problem broke out in a scientific research institution of a university, and of course it does not have a good image in the eyes of the superiors.

In addition, Wang Hao must also be considered.

To suppress public opinion now is tantamount to suppressing Wang Hao, but can Wang Hao suppress it?

Wang Hao is no longer the little doctor. He is already one of the top mathematicians recognized internationally. If he can complete the demonstration of the NS equation, he will become the number one mathematician in the world.

How can mathematicians of this level be suppressed?

It would be fine if it has nothing to do with the school, but Wang Hao agreed to give a report at Donggang University, and the matter has been publicized. They also invited many famous international scholars to participate.

Embarrassing now.

What if the public opinion is suppressed forcibly, and Wang Hao gets angry and suddenly changes his mind and decides not to come? He has many choices, and he can go to other colleges and universities, and other colleges and universities are also eager for Wang Hao to come.

At that time, Donggang University will become the laughing stock of the whole world. They did a lot of publicity, but in the end the protagonist who gave the report went to another university.

However, it is not enough to allow the spread of public opinion, and the reputation of Donggang University will become very bad.

The leadership of the university knows that something must be done. Donggang University is a century-old university, and the reputation of the school is still very important.


Academician Lin Yuliang, president of Donggang University, returned to the university from the Academy of Sciences. He personally presided over the meeting and decided to restart the investigation of the dismissal incident.

"We need to conduct self-examination, find out our own problems, and give an explanation to the public. At the same time, we should also give a satisfactory explanation to Professor Wang Hao and the faculty and staff in the school."

"The principle this time is that all relevant personnel, as long as they participated in the meeting at that time, must be investigated. And during the dismissal process, all related people."

"I believe that none of them are innocent."

"Even if nothing is said and nothing is done, but the process is clearly non-compliant, why don't you raise objections?"

Lin Yuliang said very seriously, "I have already learned about this matter in detail. At that time, only a few mathematics professors really stood up to object, and they only learned about it later."

"Among them, Professor Pan Weiguo objected the most, but no one cares about his opinion at all. Is there such a thing?"

Lin Yuliang questioned several times in annoyance.

Several people lowered their heads.

After the meeting, Donggang University quickly issued a new announcement, announcing that it would restart the investigation into the dismissal incident.

The first to be dealt with was Huang Yichun, who received the news almost immediately.

He was fired.

Dismissal, not suspension.

No matter how the investigation went, his job would be gone, and Donggang University would have no place for him in the future.


Public opinion is still fermenting.

Wang Hao dominated several hot topics by himself, and many reporters came to interview him. He was too public opinion.

One is to discuss the Heat's NS equation, and the other is for the dismissal of Donggang University.

Xihai University organized an official press conference, and Wang Hao sat in the center and publicly accepted the interview.

The first thing to talk about is the ns equation, which is the focus of international mathematics.

"I am sure the proof of the ns equation has been completed."

Wang Hao said seriously, "This proof is based on the previous proof."

"I demonstrated the smoothness of the solution set of the ns equation under the normal range of values ​​before, but now I go a step further and expand the range to infinite values."

"Proofs revolve around computational logic..."

Then Wang Hao said a lot of professional things.

The difference from the past is that the interviewing reporters are listening carefully, even if they don't understand, they have to record it.

These are report materials.

After talking about a lot of professional questions, the reporter's question also turned to public opinion, "Professor Wang, why did you choose to give a report at Donggang University?"

Wang Hao said frankly, "In terms of domestic mathematical theory research, Donggang University is very authoritative in the field of partial differential equations."

"For research related to this aspect, it is normal to choose Donggang University to give a report."

The reporter continued to ask, "What do you think of public opinion on the Internet?"


"For example, the dismissal incident, there are many related discussions now."

Wang Haodao, "On this matter, I don't know more than others. At that time, I was just a little doctor."

"However, there is no distinction between high and low. I am very angry about this incident. Even now, I still can't let go."

"I believe you should understand this feeling. If you have experienced what happened to me, no one will be able to let it go."

The reporter continued to ask, "Now Donggang University restarts the investigation. If all relevant personnel are dealt with, would you consider returning to Donggang University?"

Wang Hao laughed when he heard this, "This question is very interesting, but no one will go back."

"I'm here to clarify that I am me, and Donggang University is Donggang University. Just because I have studied at Donggang University, I can't think that I will want to work there."

"There is no direct causal relationship between the two."

He said seriously, "Donggang University is a famous school. If I say that Donggang University is better than Xihai University, I believe no one will object."

"However, I don't need the platform of Donggang University."

"I work at Xihai University. I like the environment here very much, and my goal now is to hope that Xihai University can also become a famous school in the future."

Wang Hao's voice was sonorous and powerful, which also attracted applause from the scene.

Everyone from Xihai University was applauding, and the applause was very enthusiastic. Some reporters were applauding, because they thought Wang Hao's words were very good.

Although Donggang University is indeed a famous school, as a member of Xihai University, I naturally hope that my university can develop better, instead of changing jobs to choose other better universities.

In the past two years, the development momentum of Xihai University has been really good, and several laboratories of the school have won large projects.

Because of Wang Hao's personal influence, the school has also attracted more attention.

Beijiang Province has a steady stream of support for Xihai University. Many excellent doctors come to work in the west, and Xihai University is the first choice.

This has also allowed the school's faculty and student resources to continue to improve, and the ranking of universities in China has also continued to improve.

What Wang Hao said was from the bottom of his heart. There is a saying that is good, if he doesn't turn his head back, it is impossible for him to return to Donggang University.

Now he was only invited to give an academic report, just like giving a report to other institutions. He hoped that after this time, someone would mention him again in the future and stop contacting Donggang University.

So did he himself.

Donggang University's report meeting is scheduled for one month later, Wang Hao does not need to prepare anything for the report, all his arguments have been written in the paper.

He lived an easy life, giving lectures to students every day and spending the rest of his time at his leisure.

When the time became more, he looked at the new mathematical content-topology with interest.

In the field of topology, Wang Hao has at most a basic understanding and has not conducted in-depth research.

He hopes to expand his field of knowledge.

There is good news today.

The award committee of the International Congress of Mathematicians sent him an email, notifying him in advance that he had won the Phil Award, and invited him to give a report at the International Congress of Mathematicians.

Seeing the above news, Wang Hao is not surprised. It is expected that he will get Fields this year.

However, he refused.

He did not refuse the Fields Medal, but he refused to participate in the International Congress of Mathematicians, because the Congress of Mathematicians was held in Australia.

Wang Hao still wrote a reply. He thought about it and found a reason, "I am studying a major topic connecting algebraic geometry and topology, and every day's time is very precious."

The major topic of connecting algebraic geometry and topology, the Hodge conjecture can be immediately thought of.

Hodge's conjecture is considered as a bridge connecting algebraic geometry and topology. As long as relevant research can be completed, algebraic geometry and topology, two seemingly completely unrelated subjects, can be connected.

Because of this, the Hodge conjecture ranks among the seven mathematical problems of the millennium.

Of course, Wang Hao didn't study Hodge's conjecture, he just didn't want to go.

He's not the first Fields Medalist to not want to attend a convention.

In the history of Fields, there are several mathematicians who did not attend the Congress of Mathematicians in the year they won the prize.

The most famous of them is Grigory Perelman who completed the Poincaré conjecture. His reply to the Fields Medal Committee was "no travel expenses".

This incident became a hot topic at the time.

As a top mathematician in the world, he has definitely proved the Poincaré conjecture, and won the top Fields Medal in mathematics.

As a result, no travel expenses?

This reason is too unreliable.

Someone from the Fields Selection Committee proposed to subsidize travel expenses for Perelman, even including the cost of staying in the hotel. After sending the news, there was no reply in the end.

After Wang Hao sent a message to the Fields Award Committee, he saw another invitation email. It was Qiu Chengwen who invited him to participate in this year's Chinese Mathematicians Conference.

The Chinese Mathematicians Conference was organized by Qiu Chengwen, and this year's Chinese Mathematicians Conference was held in Jinling City, and Wang Hao had already agreed to it.

This time it was just a formal invitation, and he gave a definite reply.

After writing the reply, Wang Hao's cell phone rang again. He glanced at the caller ID, and pressed the answer button with some annoyance, when he heard Wang Jiming ask, "Wang Hao, congratulations on completing the NS equation proof. A new top result!"


Wang Jiming praised a few more words, and then asked about the business, "By the way, Wang Hao, how is the analysis of our experimental data going?"

"What project?"

Wang Hao was stunned.

He was so busy during this period that he even forgot about that project. Wang Jiming called to talk about it, and he realized that he still had a data analysis project with a budget of 8 million.

Hearing Wang Hao's question, Wang Jiming's face turned black, and he didn't know what to say for a while.

Wang Hao laughed and said, "I'm really sorry, Academician Wang, I've been really busy recently."

"Well, I'll take a look for you in the next few days and let you know if there's any progress."

Wang Jiming took a deep breath and choked out, "Okay."

He has given up hope for the completion of the project.

In the last chapter, many people objected, but the author did not expect it. Because most of the enemies in the main line have already been arrested, and their reputation has been clarified, thinking that this time they will be rich and honored to return to their hometowns. While establishing their academic status, they will also completely eliminate their opponents~~~

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