From University Lecturer to Chief Academician

Chapter 197 Five years? three years? The final research, the completion of the NS equation argument

"The furthest thrown paper airplane in the world?"

"is that true?"

"Teacher Wang, go try it, hurry up and try it, I can't wait!"

After Wang Hao finished his last sentence, many people in the office immediately changed their views, especially several male students.

Who hasn't played with paper airplanes in childhood?

Who hasn't imagined that their paper airplane can fly farther?

Now is the opportunity.

Under the instigation of several students, Wang Hao also felt a little moved. The paper airplane in his hand could fly the farthest in theory, but how would he know if he didn’t try it?

Moreover, it seems to be very interesting to be able to throw it farther!

A group of people hula-la went to the playground.

There were a lot of students on the playground, and after asking around, they knew that Wang Hao was preparing to experiment with a newly folded paper airplane. They immediately became interested and voluntarily vacated the venue.

It felt like a big game, and there were a group of people cheering for it.

Wang Hao looked at the paper airplane in his hand and was a little bit reluctant. He had to fold it for half an hour, would it break if he just threw it out?

It's a pity!

The arrow is on the string and has to be fired.

As soon as Wang Hao gritted his teeth, he made a move, threw the plane forward, and the paper plane flew straight forward in the air.

Theoretically, it means that the forward momentum drives the wings and the air to form an upward and gravity-balanced force.

The paper airplane flew very far, causing a crowd of exclamations.

"It's so far!"

"As expected of Mr. Wang's plane, it can fly so far."

"It's estimated to be more than thirty meters?"

"Not only! Look at the line of the court, it is estimated to be fifty meters!"

A physical education teacher surnamed Cao even actively ran to the equipment room to find a ruler. After unfolding it, he measured it and shouted the result, "54 meters!"

This result is not unexpected.

Because the distance was already there, many students were discussing in surprise. Fifty-four meters does not sound like much, but it is the horizontal distance of a football field. It is very far away.

Wang Hao smiled with satisfaction.

Teacher Cao helped pick up the plane.

Zhang Zhiqiang couldn't help itching and asked, "Wang Hao, give me a try? I'll throw it too."


Wang Hao hesitated for a moment. His main consideration was his own elaborate production. What if it breaks if it is handed over to others?

never mind!

Anyway, it's already flown once.

Zhang Zhiqiang still got a chance, he jumped a few times on the spot, and threw the paper airplane forward with anticipation.

Obviously, his movement is not standard, and the throw is much closer.

"34 meters!"

Teacher Cao reported the number and picked up the plane again.

The scene seems to have become a plane throwing contest.

Xu Chao couldn't help but said, "Mr. Zhang, you can't do it. Just now, Mr. Wang threw more than 50 meters, and you are only more than 30 meters."

Zhang Zhiqiang replied with a dark face, "It doesn't feel good in the hand, mainly because I don't know much about this plane. If I do it again, I will definitely be able to throw it farther!"

"Xu Chao, try it."

Wang Hao still handed the plane to Xu Chao. A paper plane would definitely break after being thrown a few times. He felt that if Zhang Zhiqiang threw it once, there would be no next time.

Xu Chao was also very excited to take over the plane. He felt that he had become the protagonist of the audience, with so many juniors watching him.

At this time, you must perform well.

He also jumped a few times on the spot, as if he was going to warm up for an international competition, and then made several moves before throwing the paper airplane out.

"52 meters!"

Teacher Cao ran over again, picked up the plane and came back panting.

Wang Hao gave Xu Chao a thumbs up, "That's right, catch up with me soon."

Xu Chao still felt a little regretful, but thinking that he could be a little lower than Wang Hao, it seemed to be in line with social sentiments, and it would be fine to be higher than Zhang Zhiqiang.

He suddenly smiled.

At this time, a very strong student suddenly asked from a distance, "Mr. Wang, can I try? I have great strength and can throw it far!"

Wang Hao was taken aback for a moment, looked left and right at the students at the scene, and could only sacrifice his plane with tears in his eyes.

He showed a friendly smile and said, "Come and try."


The strong student ran over, picked up the plane and swayed it several times in a row, then threw it out vigorously on the spot.

The plane is flying almost straight forward in the air, and the trajectory is very standard at first glance.

Keep flying, keep flying.

Looking at it from a distance, it even rushed across the playground before slowly falling to the ground.

Even when it reached the grass, it still rushed forward a little distance.

Physical education teacher Cao waited at the position of 50 meters in advance, and then ran tens of meters in the direction of the plane.

Several students followed, and he said in surprise, "Is this 80 meters? Breaking the world record?"

"What is the world record?"

"I remember... less than 80 meters anyway!" Teacher Cao was obviously very surprised. It is really unbelievable that a paper airplane can fly more than 80 meters.

And the students who threw the plane were just strong.

If you find someone who is very good at throwing paper airplanes, wouldn't it be possible to throw the airplane over 100 meters?

The distance is astonishing!

Many students were also discussing, "Teacher Cao said that it has exceeded 80 meters, breaking the world record!"

"Wouldn't it be possible to break the Guinness World Record with the plane folded by Mr. Wang?"

"Is it true? How did this plane fold? I want to learn it too!"

"Isn't that awesome?"

Amidst the discussion among the students, Teacher Cao was shocked and handed over the plane to Wang Hao.

Wang Hao looked down at the plane, and found that some places had been folded, and there was still a small piece of water on the bottom, which was obviously 'imperfect'.

He suddenly felt distressed.

It took half an hour to fold the plane, but it ended after throwing it a few times.

"What a pity!"

In the midst of a large group of students discussing, Wang Hao left with the 'corpse' of the plane. The creased and water-stained paper plane has lost its perfection and is no longer valuable at all.

Others who went back with them were also discussing enthusiastically.

This is a paper airplane that can break the Guinness World Record. Many people want to learn how to fold it from Wang Hao.

Zhang Zhiqiang seemed to be aware of the "academic value" of the aircraft, and he asked, "Your paper airplane is very technical, can you use the technology inside to make a real airplane?"

"Of course not."

Wang Haodao, "This paper airplane is a perfect airplane, every part of it conforms to the dynamic characteristics."

"For the whole aircraft, the weight, shape, and other parts of each part are coordinated and perfectly matched."

"If it is a real aircraft, various equipment must be installed, and the weight will be different. Other parts must also be adjusted according to the weight, so it is impossible to achieve perfection."

"For example, some fighter jets still hang bombs, so how can it be perfect?"

"The power system is a perfect destruction. Whether it is a propeller or a jet, it will make the entire shape uncoordinated, and no matter how you do the calculations, it can't be more perfect."

Wang Hao explained seriously.

Zhang Zhiqiang asked suspiciously, "Doesn't it mean that your paper airplane just flies farther? Is that the only advantage?"

Wang Hao looked at Zhang Zhiqiang full of doubts, and asked, "Isn't the folded paper airplane just to fly far?"


Zhang Zhiqiang was right when he thought about it, what else could he do with a paper airplane?

Throw far away!

Wang Hao naturally understood what Zhang Zhiqiang meant, but the paper airplane really had no other value.

The technology contained in it is also difficult to apply, because coordination and perfection are the advantages, but when applied to real aircraft, it is impossible to be absolutely coordinated and perfect. For mathematical calculations related to the shape, approximate solutions are a good choice .

It sounds like the more accurate the calculation, the better, but it's not actually the case, because there are many influences on the application.

For example, pilots.

The weight of each pilot is different, and even a small difference will affect the overall aircraft.

Even drones are the same, because of the influence of the power system, the perfect design in appearance will be realized, and the reality will be affected by power and other equipment, and the perfect shape design will lose its meaning.

It is precisely because of this that Wang Hao feels that his "big achievement" is a tasteless one. It is definitely not possible to publish it, but it seems that there is no prospect for practical application in computing.

After returning to the laboratory, he still made a summary of the relevant research and prepared to report the content confidentially.

As for the application value, let others think about it.


In the Internet age, news travels very fast.

The video of Wang Hao experimenting with paper airplanes on the playground was uploaded on the Internet that day, and the process of several people throwing paper airplanes was all filmed.

Netizens don't care about complicated mathematics, and throwing paper airplanes is relatively more attractive, especially the content is very attractive.

Wang Hao folded a paper airplane, and some students threw it 80 meters at once.

The distance is astonishing.

Discussions are everywhere on the Internet, "Can you throw it 80 meters at once? Even Professor Wang Hao threw it more than 50 meters!"

"This paper airplane is too good!"

"The plane I folded since I was a child has never exceeded 30 meters."

"I tried it just now, and the folded plane was only thrown ten meters away..."

"What kind of plane is this? Where can I buy it?"

Most ordinary people know the news, just watch it for fun, and discuss it along the way.

At most, I think it is very scientific to design a paper airplane to fly far.

That's all.

Professionals see more.

Many professionals are discussing the technical content contained in the paper airplane, "This requires very delicate calculations."

"It involves aerodynamics, NS equations, and mechanics knowledge, a lot of content."

"The calculations are simply unimaginable."

The more professional you are, the more you can see.

For example, some scholars engaged in research in the field of partial differential equations.

Donggang University, Mathematics Teaching and Research Office.

Several mathematics professors were discussing Wang Hao's paper airplane. There was a group of people discussing it on the Internet, and they naturally saw the news.

Pan Weiguo saw in it, the fine solution of partial differential equations.

He couldn't do that kind of analysis.

He also took the video and asked Academician Wei Fuquan, a master of Applied Mathematics at Donggang University.

Wei Fuquan is a well-known expert in the field of partial differential equations in China. He has been engaged in research in related fields all his life, and has published several papers in top journals. After seeing the video, he used four words to describe it, "Unbelievable!"

Then he said another sentence, "It seems that Wang Hao is very close to completing the demonstration of the NS equation."

Pan Weiguo was really puzzled, "Didn't Wang Hao already demonstrate the NS equation?"

Wei Fuquan said, "He is just demonstrating within a bounded range of values. This paper airplane can be made, which involves very complicated calculation logic. You know the difficulty of solving partial differential equations. This kind of complex calculation logic is It will involve the unbounded argument, understand?"

"You mean." Pan Weiguo opened his mouth in surprise as he thought about it, "He is going to perfect the proof of the NS equation soon? Prove the smoothness of the NS equation in all value ranges?"


Wei Fuquan nodded affirmatively, "At this point, we are very close to a perfect proof. Although my research on NS equations is not in-depth, I understand the whole direction."

"I predict that within five years, he will be able to complete the proof!"

After Wei Fuquan finished speaking, Pan Weiguo, including the other mathematics professors beside him, fell silent.

That is the NS equation problem, one of the seven mathematical problems of the millennium.

Although Wang Hao has proved the smoothness of the solution set of the NS equation under normal values, it seems that it is still far away from infinite values.

To prove the smoothness of the solution set of NS equations under infinite values ​​is to really solve the problem of NS equations.

"By then, Wang Hao will be the number one mathematician in the world."

"No one can compare!"

"He has proved Goldbach's conjecture, at least in analytic number theory and partial differential equations, and has become the world's number one in both fields."

"It's a pity, he originally belonged to Donggang University..."

Several people couldn't help thinking of the alloy laboratory.

Recently, Donggang University's biggest incident came from the alloy laboratory, and the news has even spread outside, because Chen Jianlin, the chief researcher of the alloy laboratory, was investigated by the discipline inspection.

This investigation is still ongoing.

At first, everyone thought that it was a problem involving falsification of application project data, but later found that the matter was getting bigger and bigger, because the investigation has not ended until now.

This is certainly not a single problem.

What they knew was that the investigation seemed to involve other projects, and even Ma Wenjun, who was about to be tried, was affected, and the trial time was directly postponed.

Several people from the alloy laboratory were taken away for investigation, including another researcher, two associate researchers, and a doctoral student.

When such a big incident happened, everyone in the school and the alloy laboratory were worried and scared.

Now that the matter has spread to the outside world, there is no official confirmation, but there are many gossips, which seem to say that Chen Jianlin is involved in fraudulent major projects. The specific problem has not yet been determined, but it is certain that it is not a single problem.

Considering that Wang Hao was dismissed because of the data problem of the alloy laboratory, it can be said that it is directly related to the school's inaction.

The professors suddenly thought of Huang Yichun again, and the more they discussed, the more angry they became, "That guy has the face to stay in school!"

"You're really thick-skinned, so please resign!"

"No, I'll go find him!"

"I'm going to scold him. If I don't scold him a few words, I feel uncomfortable."

"Let's go together!"

"go together!"


In the design of paper airplanes, it is not only Wei Fuquan of Donggang University who can see the progress of Wang Hao's research on NS equations.

Other colleges and universities also have top mathematicians.

The Mathematical Science Center of Shuimu University also discussed this, and Qiu Chengwen also talked about his own judgment, "I think that Wang Hao will be able to complete the demonstration of the NS equation in about two years."

In fact, judging normally, Qiu Chengwen thought it would be three to five years, but Wang Hao was always unexpected, so he simply said it was two years.

For a very important mathematical theoretical research, even if there is only the last step left in the research, two years is still a short time to complete the demonstration.

The NS equation is one of the most important problems in mathematics.

This kind of argument is very complicated. Even if there is only a small problem in the middle, the solution is calculated in months and years.

In two years, it can be said that the demonstration was successfully completed.


Wang Hao really did not expect that just experimenting with the paper airplane he designed would have such a major impact.

Even some top scholars in the field of partial differential equations will use this to analyze their own research progress on NS equations.

They were right in their analysis.

Wang Hao has indeed found the direction to complete the demonstration of the NS equation, and he has already started to do the final research on the NS equation.

【Task 1】

[R\u0026D project name: Navier-Stokes equation research (difficulty: S+). 】

[Inspiration value: 93. 】

Finished, so close!

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