From University Lecturer to Chief Academician

Chapter 194 The technology that makes any air defense system meaningless!

Ding Hui said "an opportunity to change the trajectory in an instant and avoid the interception of anti-missile missiles" is not an interceptor missile launched against the anti-missile system, but a trajectory change that was set before launch.

Even if there is no interceptor missile, because it has been preset in advance, there will definitely be a change of orbit.

The reason lies in the calculation method.

The three-dimensional function trajectory correction made by Wang Hao is aimed at the "1 to 1" situation, and "1 to 1" means changing the orbit of one fixed function to another fixed function.

No matter what method is used to change the trajectory, the trajectory of the missile after the trajectory must be on a fixed function, so that it can be slowly corrected to the original trajectory according to the calculation results.

This is where the limitations come in.

Including real-time speed, altitude, direction, etc. must be set in advance, in order to truly realize one-to-one track change.

The one-to-one orbit changing form is still very limited, but if you think about it carefully, you will know that the effect will still be quite amazing.

The vast majority of countries do not have a complete anti-missile system, or in other words, except for the top countries, no other country has a complete set of anti-missile systems.

The so-called perfect anti-missile system means that from the launch of the missile until it hits the target, anti-missile interception can be carried out throughout the process.

The missile launch is divided into three stages in total, one is the ascent stage, the other is the middle stage, and there is the final stage, that is, the propulsion acceleration stage, the midway stage, and the re-entry strike stage.

In the first stage, it is generally launched on its own territory, and the range of interception is not enough. In the second stage, the missile will be outside the atmosphere, which is a height that is difficult to reach.

Even with a complete anti-missile system, it is very difficult to intercept at these two stages.

In the third stage, the attack stage of re-entry, the flight speed of ballistic missiles is amazing, but it is also the main interception stage of ordinary air defense systems.

Most of the air defense systems are designed for fast-attacking missiles, mainly for interception in the atmosphere.

At the same time, the interception range is also limited.

For example, the well-known Patriot system is the "low-level missile defense system" in the American air defense system. On the contrary, its performance is still very strong, but the actual interception height is generally only within 30 kilometers.

If the incoming missile can suddenly change its trajectory at an altitude of 30 kilometers, all the previous calculations of the air defense system will be useless, and even if the air defense missile is launched, it will not be able to hit the target.

It is also very difficult for the air defense system to lock the route of the incoming missile.

One is that it takes time.

The other reason is because 'trajectory correction takes a certain amount of time'.

During the time of trajectory correction, the trajectory of the missile is always changing, so accurate calculation cannot be done at all.

After the trajectory of the missile is adjusted, it may be very close to the concentrated target, and the time and space for interception will be lost.

"If the trajectory is changed at an altitude of 30 to 40 kilometers, and the time for the trajectory change is extended, our conventional missiles can also break through most of the low-altitude anti-missile systems."

Ding Hui concluded excitedly, "Even if the opponent's anti-missile system can play a role, it may need to launch three, four, or even more anti-missile missiles to ensure effective interception."

After Ding Hui finished speaking, everyone in the office was very excited.

Zheng Guofeng was so excited that his face was flushed, this kind of technology is really amazing.

Conventional missiles only have conventional ballistics, which are easily calculated by the anti-missile system, and it is difficult to break through the air defense lock.

The cost of Qian Xuesen's ballistic is very high. Even if conventional missiles are used, it is difficult to achieve continuous coverage until hitting the target, and it cannot achieve universal coverage.

Today's technology is different.

If this technology can be developed to maturity, many series of missiles can be modified and equipped with this technical equipment to achieve a strong penetration capability.

The most important of these are medium and short-range missiles, because larger intercontinental missiles, or missiles that can achieve a speed of nearly Mach 20, do not need to change orbits to hit the target, as long as they are launched, they cannot be intercepted.

However, the above two missiles are not commonly used, and the cost is very high.

A technology that can achieve universal coverage on conventional missiles will become very valuable.

End of the meeting.

Everyone is discussing excitedly.

They are full of expectations for new technologies. Whenever they think that future conventional missiles can directly break through the enemy's advanced anti-missile system, they feel very excited, and even can't wait to see this technology.

The only one who was not excited was Pang Sibo. He didn't know what was going on, but he heard such advanced technology.

"Is this imagining?"

Pang Sibo was still a little confused, so he simply asked Zheng Guofeng, "Where did this high-end technology come from? So powerful? It directly allows our conventional missiles to have the ability to change orbits?"

Zheng Guofeng looked at Pang Sibo with a smile, "It's the impossibility you said two days ago."


Pang Sibo froze for a moment, and mouthed two words, "Wang Hao?"

Zheng Guofeng nodded with a smile.

Pang Sibo was immediately surprised. He had discussed it with Zheng Guofeng before, and he just wanted to ask Wang Hao for an opinion. How did it come up with a solution?

And this solution, or directly realize the orbit change of conventional missiles?

It took half a month for the other party to come up with a feasible method of orbital calculation?

This is too amazing!

"It's no wonder the institute has always attached great importance to Ding Hui, mathematicians are really amazing!"

Pang Sibo felt very shocked when he thought about it, and then he also became excited. Being able to change the orbit of conventional missiles can be said to have raised the domestic missile technology to a higher level.

If the technology can really mature and spread to some common types of missiles, it will be equivalent to updating all missiles.

How big of a development is this?

At least ten years, or even more than fifteen years!

He took a deep breath, and the more he thought about it, the more excited he became. It took him a long time to think about the business, "By the way, Professor Zheng, the date has been confirmed this time. Academician Zhao Xingli will come on the 3rd of next month."

"At that time, other leaders from the three districts will also come. They want to synthesize the existing high-end technology and demonstrate the direction of future research and development."

Zheng Guofeng didn't care about it and said, "What research direction are you talking about!"

"Isn't this the direction!"

"It doesn't matter what they argue, we have to study this technology, and we must complete and perfect it!"

He said and stood up, "Everyone be quiet! Be quiet!"

"Our next job is to focus on this material, to understand all the mathematical logic in it, and then demonstrate how to realize it together!"

"Wait next month, when people from the third district come, let them see the results of our 137 work!"


"Everyone continue to study!"

All have become very positive.

Zheng Guofeng nodded in satisfaction, and then he said to Pang Sibo, "By the way, also report Wang Hao's name, we can't be greedy for credit."

"That's for sure. People from the third district will come next month, just report to them."

Pang Sibo nodded and said.


What can mathematics do?

There is so much that mathematics can do.

Mathematics is inseparable from all fields of application, and breakthroughs in mathematics often lead to major breakthroughs in scientific foundations.

However, top mathematicians often don't pay much attention to the application field, or even don't care about the application at all. They care more about theoretical research.

That may not be called paying attention, but fascination with mathematical theory.

Wang Hao is like this.

So is Luo Dayong.

They demonstrated the logical issues of complexity theory together, and they continued to study for more than a week, just sorting out the logical issues of events, and they were able to enjoy it and indulge in it.

"N to 1 is still a P problem, and it has not reached the level of NP."

"Theoretically speaking, this type of problem will always be solved one day. All we do is find a simple solution."

"No matter how many events there are, there is an upper limit. Even if it takes 100 million times, counting from one to 100 million can be done."

"We start from the node to analyze. Event A is very complicated and contains many events of the same type, but event B is fixed."

"Starting with commonality is one way, but other methods can also be thought of, such as setting a non-commonality set and describing events in a set way."

"All A events correspond to B events, and the commonality of A events is also obvious. For example, they are all parameters of three-dimensional curve functions, and other functions cannot exist. The difficulty lies in the uncertainty of parameters."


The two kept discussing, sometimes it turned into an argument, or they just thought together in silence.

This has been going on for a week.

The daily working hours are more than ten hours. It is such a constant discussion, debate, and thinking. When I can't think of a result, I even start to do weird things.

For example, Luo Dayong simply lay down on the table. He felt that this action might make the cerebral cortex more active, so he almost fell asleep.

Wang Hao stood by the window for a long time, and he found it really interesting to think like this.

For example, he noticed that a small bird's droppings almost fell on a student's head.

This has nothing to do with research, but the occasional blank mind and distraction are also a short break for the brain.

"What if the event analysis is reversed?" Luo Dayong suddenly proposed such a method.

Wang Hao continued to think, but he was a little confused about the complicated logic.

Xu Chao came to deliver lunch to the two of them.

He put the lunch on the table, but it didn't disturb their thoughts. Wang Hao and Luo Dayong continued to discuss.

At this moment, Wang Hao suddenly said, "Xu Chao, don't move!"


Xu Chao didn't understand.

"You stand by the wall, that's it." Wang Hao directed Xu Chao, observed and continued, "Can you stand on your head?"



Xu Chao hesitated for a long time, put his hands on the ground, and asked, "Is that so?"

"Yes, can you get up?"


Xu Chao confidently pushed his hands hard, turned his body over and put his feet on the wall.

Wang Hao and Luo Dayong stood beside each other, pressing their chins and watching seriously.

Luo Dayong thought about it and said, "It's reversed like this, which is logically equal to the transformation of the end point and the origin point."

Wang Haodao, "Not necessarily, some logic will still follow the established law, because the external influence is very large, you can see that his clothes still hang down according to the law of gravity, but the pants did not hang down, and some events were affected. External influences are not directly reversed."

"Is such that."

Luo Dayong nodded in thought, then walked to the whiteboard, took a pen and began to write, "Look at our research yesterday, there are several factors that will not be affected by the reversal..."

They changed places and continued the discussion.

Xu Chao continued to put his hands on the ground, his face turned red from holding back, he didn't know if he should get up, but he saw Chen Mengmeng walking in from the door.

Chen Mengmeng walked in on her feet, she turned to look at Xu Chao feeling very puzzled.

Xu Chao didn't want to embarrass himself in front of the girls. He was about to put his legs down when he saw Chen Mengmeng crossed his arms and made a 'stop' motion.

Chen Mengmeng came over and whispered, "Wait."

"do what?"

Chen Mengmeng took out her mobile phone, quickly pressed the photo button on Xu Chao, and said in a low voice, "I'll take two photos as souvenirs, and send them to Moments by the way."

Xu Chao quickly got down from the wall, and when he looked at Chen Mengmeng, he gritted his teeth.

This girl is black-bellied and listless!

But because he was worried about disturbing Wang Hao and Luo Dayong's discussion, he still didn't make a fuss on the spot, so he could only hold back and go out. As a result, Chen Mengmeng had already shared interesting stories with others.



Until the end, Wang Hao and Luo Dayong still failed to solve the problem.

Wang Hao felt that there was only one last opportunity left to solve the calculation logic problem, but he couldn't catch the slightest inspiration.

After looking at the time, I simply decided to give lectures to the students.

"I tell the students the problem, maybe they can think of it."

He said so.

Luo Dayong couldn't figure it out at all.

The content of the small class that day became the event analysis problem of complexity theory. Not to mention graduate students, even doctoral students and professors were dizzy after listening to this problem.

Fortunately, Wang Hao explained very seriously and clarified the logic in the middle.

Everyone can barely understand it.

"This is a question of temporal logic analysis. We have come up with a good solution, which is to invert the cause and effect, but the inversion of the cause and effect will cause new problems. Some events will not be completely changed because of the inversion of the cause and effect."

"Because there are external influences."

"Many factors correspond to one factor. The logic of the event is a P×1 problem. In theory, this is still a P problem..."

Everyone is listening very carefully.

This is a new content for them. Even if they have an understanding of complexity theory, they have never heard such in-depth logical problems.

Wang Hao explained for about 30 minutes, and when he talked about the issue of causality reversal, he suddenly grasped the inspiration.

[Task 3, inspiration value +19. 】


He couldn't control the joy on his face, and immediately put down the things in his hand, walked out of the meeting room and rushed to the office.


The students in the conference room were a little confused, but some people still knew what Wang Hao must have thought of.

Luo Dayong hurriedly followed.

"I see!"

Wang Hao sat at his desk and began to take notes, "The key to the problem is to grasp the most important calculations, not to conduct all the analysis."

"These parameters are complex, and each of them will be included in it, but there are also important and unimportant."

"It is possible to classify parameters to set sets and analyze each set."

"Then the logic will be clear."

In a word, it is clear.

Luo Dayong thought and knew how to solve the problem.

He aimed at the N-to-one P problem of complexity theory, while Wang Hao aimed at the study of N-to-one random three-dimensional function transformation trajectory by using the computational logic of combing.

Because of the basic research support of one-to-one three-dimensional function transformation trajectory, as long as the calculation logic is sorted out, the calculation method of N-to-one random three-dimensional function transformation trajectory can be improved.

After obtaining the last sliver of inspiration and sorting out the complex calculation logic, the research idea is already very clear.

Wang Hao began to make a research summary.

Luo Dayong also made a summary. He summarized the solutions he gave for the N-to-one P problem.

This theoretical research is sufficient to support the writing of a top journal paper.

For this research on complexity theory, their assignment is still a first author and a corresponding author.

All research papers on complexity theory were left to Luo Dayong to write.

Luo Dayong was also a little excited.

In the research direction of complexity theory, it is very difficult to produce results, but now there are new results.

Even the results produced together with Wang Hao are remarkable.

Even if Wang Hao is the biggest contributor, but for such a major research, it is very important to cooperate with the research object. Academically speaking, most of the research is not done by one person.

Only the two of them completed the theoretical results of the top journal, and it is amazing to say the least.

For Wang Hao, it was just an ordinary achievement.

He is more concerned about the research of "random three-dimensional function curve correction", because he knows how valuable similar research is.

Taking the missile as an example, during the flight of the missile, the route can be changed randomly, and then it can be calculated and adjusted to slowly correct to the original route.

This kind of correction can only be carried out once, as long as there is basic support, it can be corrected countless times in theory.

If the technology can develop maturely, as long as the missile is launched, it can automatically "avoid obstacles". From launch to hitting the target, no matter how many interceptions it encounters, it can automatically change the trajectory to avoid it. At the same time, the route will also change. It's 'very weird' that the routine can't be calculated at all.

What's more, perhaps the launching party may not know exactly what trajectory it will be.

In short, it will be corrected to the original established route in the end.

In the face of such missiles, any air defense system will lose its meaning.

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