From University Lecturer to Chief Academician

Chapter 181 The news spread, press conference, Wang Hao: Chen Jianlin is really not a mortal!

"Is Wang Hao's proof in "New Advances in Mathematics" correct?"

"Did Wang Hao use the second method to prove Goldbach's conjecture? It was also published on the "Acta Mathematica Sinica"?"

These two issues have become hot debates among scholars.

at the same time.

Domestic public opinion has also gradually emerged to discuss the issue.

The proof of Goldbach's conjecture is definitely a big event, a big event in the mathematics world, and a big event in the academic circle, and its influence spread rapidly beyond the academic circle.

This is mainly because of popularity.

In fact, Wang Hao's mathematical method for proving Kakutani's conjecture is not less successful than proving Goldbach's conjecture in the field of mathematics, but ordinary people don't care about it, because they don't understand what it means, so it is difficult to cause What an impact.

After reading the news, many people flipped through it indifferently. The only impression was that Wang Hao had completed a mathematical research.

It's great, that's all.

As for what might be used to obtain Fields, let's discuss it after obtaining Fields. After all, they don't have much interest in the content.

Goldbach's conjecture is different.

This is the content in elementary school textbooks. Chen Jingrun's '1+2' proof has been widely publicized, and his research is at the forefront of Goldbach's conjecture research.

Now that this conjecture is proved, or it is proved by domestic scholars, it will naturally cause a lot of discussion.

Many people had noticed that night, and it was still time to go to work, and the topic had become a hot topic in public opinion.

Seven twenty-nine in the morning.

Yang Haiyan arrived at the Publicity Office of the Government Affairs Building on time. The official working time is eight o'clock. She came half an hour earlier. After arriving, she put down her things and was going to have breakfast in the school cafeteria.

At this time, the office phone rang.

Because it was not time to go to work, Yang Haiyan hesitated for a moment, but she still answered the phone, and heard the person on the other side say, "This is Capital TV Station, and I am Zhang Hui, a journalist. Can I make an appointment for an exclusive interview with Professor Wang Hao?"

"Professor Wang Hao?"

When Yang Haiyan heard that it was a reporter from Capital TV Station, she hesitated and said, "Okay, I'll write it down and ask for you."

Just as she put down the phone, the ring rang again, "Professor Meng from the Institute of Mathematics, Academy of Sciences? Do you want the contact information of Professor Wang Hao?"

"This... I still have to ask him personally, don't worry, I will tell him."

Yang Haiyan let out a soft breath, and just as she put down the phone, it rang again.

She reluctantly picked up the phone.

"What, doctoral student of Donggang University, you said that you are Wang Hao's female fan."

"Sorry, this...classmate? I can't help you with this matter. If you want Wang Hao's contact information, you can find it yourself..."

Yang Haiyan rubbed her forehead vigorously. A little girl has already received a Ph. D., why is she still chasing stars?

Moreover, chasing stars is chasing stars, and even chasing Wang Hao?

Speaking of which, Wang Hao is not bad looking, but he is not at the level of a star, right?

"Ring ring ring..."

The phone rang again.

Yang Haiyan picked up the phone helplessly, and he heard that it was a reporter from the Central Education Channel who also wanted to make an appointment for an exclusive interview with Wang Hao. She asked a little puzzled, "Why did you all catch up and call today?"

The other person asked in surprise, "This teacher, don't you know?"

"Professor Wang Hao proved Goldbach's conjecture."


Yang Haiyan was stunned, she shouted at the top of her voice, "What did you say?"

"Wang Hao proved Goldbach's conjecture. I really don't know how you work. You don't even know about such a big thing. It's your school..."

Yang Haiyan took a deep breath, and was ridiculed by the other party a few words, but she didn't take it to heart.

With deep doubts, she walked out the door and heard two students saying, "Have you read the news? Professor Wang Hao proved Goldbach's conjecture!"

"Not only proved, but also in two ways!"

"This is awesome!"

"I was shocked when I saw it this's amazing!"


Yang Haiyan came to her senses immediately, rushed to the fifth floor of the teaching hall, and ran directly into the Science and Technology Department, panting and asked Zhu Jianhua, "Zhu Jianrong, do you know about Wang Hao?"


"Goldbach's conjecture!?"

Zhu Jianrong was also taken aback.

Yang Haiyan simply turned on the phone, found the latest report, and handed it to Zhu Jianrong.

Zhu Jianrong looked at the screen of the mobile phone, and saw a line of headlines on it——

"A major achievement in the international mathematics community, Wang Hao completed the proof of Goldbach's conjecture".


The school has become very lively.

Some journalists have already arrived. When they go to work in the morning, the first job they are told is to come to Xihai University for an interview.

Now all the reporters who can come here are reporters from Xihai City, and they are all near the surrounding area. There are only a dozen or so sparsely, and they are not conspicuous when they walk in the school.

As time passed, more and more journalists came.

Wang Hao also came to the school.

He went to bed late the day before, so he got up at 7:30, went to the restaurant to buy breakfast, and met several students.

"Look! It's Professor Wang Hao!"

"It's Teacher Wang!"

"Congratulations, Mr. Wang! You proved Goldbach's conjecture, isn't it true?"

Wang Hao smiled and nodded for confirmation.

He came to the restaurant late, and there were not many students in it. After a simple breakfast, he went to the Mason Number Laboratory.

After entering the director's office, I made a cup of coffee and sat down before remembering to turn on my phone.

The phone rang immediately.

"Congratulations, Wang Hao, I really didn't expect you to complete such a major research so quickly!" It was Qiu Chengwen who called.

Qiu Chengwen is getting old, he got up early to work, and then saw the news.

He was lucky, and he got connected after two phone calls, "To be honest, I was really surprised. At this time last year, you proved Kadotani's conjecture, and now you have proved Goldbach's conjecture."

"In the field of analytic number theory, from now on, no one can compare with you."

After Qiu Chengwen sighed, he asked again, "I also heard a news that you proved it in two ways, and another article was submitted to the "Acta Mathematica Sinica"?"

"Yes, it should be released in two days."

Qiu Chengwen was silent for a long time before he said, "...Congratulations."

It is surprising that Wang Hao completed the proof of Goldbach's conjecture, but considering Wang Hao's talent and past achievements in analytic number theory.

In fact, to some extent, it is still acceptable.

But hearing that the proof was completed by two methods, even Qiu Chengwen, the first Chinese Fields winner and one of the most influential mathematicians in the world, was very shocked.

It is unimaginable.

He has always felt that he is very talented and has achieved high enough achievements in mathematics. Few of the achievements in mathematics can surprise him.

Now something happened that he couldn't understand.

Goldbach's conjecture, publish two proofs together?

How did you do it?

After Wang Hao put down the phone, he received several calls in a row, all from the school.

Including Zhu Jianrong, Luan Haiping, Zhou Qingyuan, etc.

They called to confirm the news, and then said congratulations with surprise. It seems that many people have complicated emotions?

Wang Hao didn't understand this emotion, and could only attribute it to surprise.

At this time, the door was suddenly pushed open.

Zhang Zhiqiang walked in without even knocking on the door and asked, "Wang Hao, did you prove Goldbach's conjecture? Did you use two methods?"

"That's right, didn't you already know?" Wang Hao looked over strangely.

"I knew?"

"I told you already?"

Zhang Zhiqiang thought about it carefully, and it seemed that there was such a thing. At that time, he thought that Wang Hao's research had encountered a problem, and he never thought that he really used two methods to prove it.

He froze in place for a long time, and then went to the student's workshop.

The laboratory is discussing this matter, and several graduate students and doctoral students are also talking together.

Zhang Zhiqiang walked to the door and asked, "When did you all know about it? Did anyone know about it a long time ago?"

The others were a little puzzled.

Helen walked in with a book in her arms and asked, "Mr. Zhang, it's very early. What time do you mean?"

"Ten days in advance? Half a month, or earlier?"

Helen nodded, "If you mean fifteen days ago, I know, Teacher Wang told me that day."

A group of people suddenly saw Helen.

Zhang Zhiqiang was very surprised when he heard it, and he asked incomprehension, "Then why didn't you tell others?"

Helen's face was immediately bewildered, and she also asked in puzzlement, "The others didn't come to ask me, did they?"

The others looked strange after hearing this, and thought carefully about the logical relationship.

Got it, if no one asks, why don’t you say it?

But, other people don't know you know it?


Wang Hao didn't stay in the office for too long.

At ten o'clock in the morning, Luan Haiping and Yang Haiyan came over and talked to him about the school's publicity and reporters' interviews.

This thing came too hastily.

The school didn't make any preparations, and they only found out the news in the morning.

However, it can't be blamed that Wang Hao didn't say anything. After thinking about it carefully, it seems that Wang Hao didn't hide the news. He even went to the Science and Technology Department to ask Zhu Jianrong, but the content was so shocking that Zhu Jianrong didn't believe it.

Others didn't believe it either.

So blame everyone for not believing it.

It is meaningless to discuss this now. The school quickly released a major achievement announcement, and more and more reporters came, so they came to discuss with Wang Hao.

Wang Hao agreed.

The press conference was scheduled for two o'clock in the afternoon, and more reporters would come to attend by then.

As for the reporters who came later, I can only say sorry.

It is impossible for them to meet the interview requirements of all reporters, and the news media around Beijiang Province must be given priority.

In fact, in the follow-up, there is no need for special interviews. In terms of news, I mainly want to know specific news.

This needs to be confirmed by Wang Hao himself.


It's two o'clock in the afternoon.

In the large conference room of the government affairs building, the press conference officially began.

Wang Hao sat in the most central position.

There are some deans, vice-principals and the like sitting next to them, but they can't attract a single shot at all.

All the shots point to Wang Hao.

Yang Haiyan, Director of the Propaganda Office, first confirmed the news of Wang Hao's proof of Goldbach's conjecture, and then went directly to the interview and question time.

A reporter immediately asked, "Excuse me, Professor Wang Hao, when did you complete your research?"

Wang Haodao, "The proof published in "New Advances in Mathematics" was completed 20 days ago; there is another one, submitted to "Acta Mathematics", which was completed half a month ago."

The reporter asked, "Can you give a brief introduction to the two proof methods?"

Wang Haodao, "Then let me just say something briefly. You can also see the title of this article published in "New Advances in Mathematics", which is a proof made by the covering method."

"This method is to prove that the combination of prime numbers can cover all even numbers. Compared with the other method, I think this method is more difficult..."

"The other method is the analysis method. It is simple and straightforward. It is to divide an even number into two prime numbers for analysis. One of them is a prime number. If you analyze the other, there will definitely be a prime number..."

"If you want to understand in depth, you can read my original paper, which should be available in a few days."

Wang Hao did not say too in-depth content.

The reporters in the audience are also listening patiently. Even if they don't understand some content, they must write it down, because every sentence may become news.

The reporter continued to ask, "Generally speaking, for such a major proof, the review speed is very slow. Why did you complete the review of your paper in only half a month?"

Wang Hao said with a smile, "I think you can interview the editorial department of "New Advances in Mathematics" or "Journal of Mathematics" for this question."

"But I think it's normal, because the difficulty of the thesis is not high."

"The slow review speed you mentioned may be compared with those major studies, for example, in 1994, Wiles' proof of Fermat's conjecture."

"But my thesis is only about 30 pages, and the other one is only about 20 pages. The difficulty is not as high as imagined. As long as there is enough knowledge base, it can still be understood..."

Wang Hao accepted the interview calmly and answered questions calmly.

However, journalists are very uncomfortable listening, because they can always hear modifiers such as 'easy' and 'not difficult'.

Goldbach Conjecture?


That is a super mathematical problem that no one can prove for 280 years!

But thinking about it from another angle, Wang Hao used two methods to prove it, it seems that it is really easy for him?

at the same time.

At the gate of Xihai University, several middle-aged and elderly people were standing there.

The north wind is howling.

They are experts from the Superconductivity Office, including Wu Hui, Deng Binghe and others. They feel very bad. Today they woke up very early and caught a plane to Xihai University.

Talking all the way, it was not until we reached the school gate that something was wrong.

More than a dozen security guards stood at the door, clearly stating that non-school personnel are not allowed to enter.

After arriving here, they realized that Wang Hao had proved Goldbach's conjecture, and their mood suddenly became complicated.

On the way here, they were all talking about possible problems in the physics laboratory, why they couldn't come to investigate at the beginning of the month, and analyzed various possibilities. As a result, they heard such shocking news when they arrived.

"Wang Hao completed the proof of Goldbach's conjecture?"

"Today's news release!"

"That's why they say the beginning of the month is busy?"

A group of people looked at Deng Binghe, with a meaning in their eyes - this is what you said 'there must be a problem'?

Deng Binghe was a little ashamed, but also felt aggrieved.

Who would have thought of such a thing?

That was Goldbach's conjecture, and it was proved by Wang Hao? They are still catching up with the day when the paper is published. One day earlier or one day later is fine!

He simply went over to negotiate with the security guards, but was finally let through.

It would have been a surprise attack.

Their initial idea was to go straight to the physics laboratory when they entered the school, and take a sudden action, and any problems would be discovered naturally.

But in the end, he stopped at the school gate for a while, and the physics experimenters had known about it for a long time. He Yi waited at the gate with a few people from the laboratory.

At this time, the expert group was very embarrassed.

They could only avoid talking about the 'raid' and directly asked questions about the experimental results.

He Yi explained patiently, and also mentioned some problems in the report.

He really participated in the whole process of the experiment. Even if it is not like Wang Hao understands some theoretical content, there is definitely no problem with the experiment.

Because Wang Hao could not be seen in person, the only thing the expert group can be sure of is that there is basically no problem with the experiment.

What next?

They came over once and wanted to talk to Wang Hao about the research direction of the project, but they couldn't see Wang Hao at all.

Even if you meet in person, it is impossible to spend a lot of time discussing it.

Was this trip in vain?

"At least, we have confirmed that there is no problem with the experiment." Wu Hui was also a little depressed. At the same time, he felt very shocked in his heart. He still comforted the others, "There is no problem with the experiment, which is the biggest gain. Let's talk about the rest after the follow-up discussion." !"

This is the end of the journey of the expert group.

They didn't have time to wait for Wang Hao specifically, and they didn't know how long they would have to wait, but just thinking about it, they were still very depressed if they didn't see Wang Hao when they came here.

On the other hand, Wang Hao is indeed very busy. He does not have any work to do, but accepts various interviews and congratulations.

Now the Internet public opinion has become hot.

When walking on the road to the school, it will cause a lot of onlookers.

So Wang Hao simply hid in the director's office, and finally got clean after being bored in it.

The phone rang.

Wang Hao looked at the phone a little depressed, and found that it was Peng Hui who pressed the answer button.

Peng Hui also said congratulations when he called, "I was so surprised to hear the news today, but it's normal to think it's you!"

His voice is still loud, and his tone of voice is very open.

"Thank you, how is your project over there?"

Wang Hao refers to the latest project that the metal laboratory is striving for, which is a horizontal project announced by Wuhan Iron and Steel Group.

From the second half of last year to the present, the Metal Lab has been striving for this project. The scale of the horizontal project of Wuhan Iron and Steel Group is still relatively large. It is conservatively estimated that the sponsorship amount exceeds 50 million.

A project of this level can be said to be the largest project that a university laboratory can strive for.

Peng Hui sighed, and said, "Failed? Maybe, I guess the chance is not great." His tone was obviously a bit lonely.

"Failed?" Wang Hao was suddenly surprised.

When he was at the Science Foundation, Peng Hui said confidently that there was no problem in winning projects.

Because their biggest competitor, the alloy laboratory of Donggang University, has a problem, it means that there is no competitor.

Peng Hui said with a sigh, "I still lost! Chen Jianlin, that's amazing! The level of research and development is amazing, and the means are also amazing."

Wang Hao frowned and asked, "In the end, the project was given to the Alloy Laboratory?"

"It's not confirmed yet, but what I know is that the chances are greater there." Peng Hui said, "The application report they submitted is very good. I know a little bit, and I feel ashamed!"

"Just a report?"

"There is also basic research!" Peng Hui said, "The project they cooperated with Wuhan Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. last year was also very good, but it was suddenly stopped midway, and they have other cards, including some previous research..."

"In short, our chances are not great."

"Well, don't be too sad, without this, you can still fight for other projects."

Wang Hao comforted Peng Hui. He was still surprised by the result. He thought Peng Hui's team would definitely win it, but Chen Jianlin took the project away?

Chen Jianlin is really not an ordinary person!

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