From University Lecturer to Chief Academician

Chapter 177 Knowledge is priceless, and knowledge has no borders

Big classroom.

Standing on the podium, Wang Hao explained his ideas and methods for proving Goldbach's conjecture.

"I started with group theory. Group theory is a good analysis method, and the follow-up involves covering analysis."

"This idea is to use analysis to cover Goldbach's conjecture. As long as it can be proved that the combination of prime numbers can cover all even numbers, it will naturally prove that any even number can be decomposed into the sum of two prime numbers..."

"1 plus 1 is equal to 2, which is not unique. There are many, even most even numbers, which can be divided into more combinations of prime numbers."

"The covering method does not need to prove all combinations, it only needs to cover all even numbers..."

Wang Hao began to explain seriously.

Everyone in the audience listened very seriously, even more seriously than just now, because they heard a brand new idea, an idea that they had never heard before.

Especially those who have studied number theory, including some mathematics professors, feel that this idea is likely to work.

There were also people who were anxious for Wang Hao, for example, Zhou Qingyuan.

He felt that such a good idea should be done by himself instead of telling everyone publicly.

However, he couldn't convince Wang Hao, and Wang Hao had already started explaining, so it was impossible to stop him on stage.

He could only listen patiently and try to understand.

Wang Hao not only explained his own thinking, but also explained it very carefully. He explained from the overall thinking, and then refined some related calculations.

After explaining for almost half an hour, Wang Hao stopped and said, "This is just a way of proving."

"This line of thinking, everyone can think about it along the way. I think it is possible to complete the proof of Goldbach's conjecture."

"Of course, whether you can prove it or not depends on your personal judgment. If someone can use this method to complete the proof of the conjecture faster than me..."

"I won't ask for his copyright, I will congratulate him."

The last sentence is a bit of a joke, but it also makes everyone feel the open and generous temperament.

Like this kind of research, most people will hold back, unless it is found that it cannot be proved at the end of the research.

Some mathematicians will publish some unfinished proofs, because they will find that they can't complete the research at the end of their research, and it would be a pity not to publish the research.

So it will be made public.

What Wang Hao said now is obviously only a part of the proof, and he is sure that he can complete the proof of Goldbach's conjecture. At the same time, the proof idea is still very innovative, and many people can't help but think deeply about it.

Wang Hao publicly stated his unfinished research, which is likely to prove the method of Goldbach's conjecture, and also mentioned that other people can prove it. Will he congratulate the other party?

What kind of spirit is this?

Science is open, but credit for research results is personal.

Many people feel ashamed when they think about it carefully.

They can't understand.

At the same time, many people have carefully recorded the content. They feel that Wang Hao's idea is very reasonable, and if they think about it, they may really be able to complete the proof.

Suddenly, my heart beat.

This is the proof of Goldbach's conjecture!

Even after the proof is completed, it is said that the proof was completed following the ideas given by Wang Hao, but the honor of the proof must belong to the individual.

Wang Hao stepped off the stage with a smile on his face.

He waved his hands with a few people in the front row, nodded and said a few words, and left the classroom on the pretext of being tired.

A group of people talked, "Wang Hao really deserves to be Wang Hao, this kind of research can be published!"


"I really don't want to describe him as great, but I don't think I can do this kind of thing."

"If I can finish research like this, even if it's just the beginning, I won't tell anyone."

"I can't do it either..."

A lot of PhDs in mathematics and professors are frank that they can't do it, and they don't feel ashamed.

At the same time, for Wang Hao, who can do it, he feels that the mountain has stopped.

Zhou Qingyuan was still struggling with Wang Hao's disclosure of his research content. He sighed and thought for a long time, and said to Wang Huanxin next to him, "Wang Hao, I feel that I can no longer understand him. Maybe, this is a genius. His ideas are different from ordinary people's. Same."

He kept shaking his head as he spoke.

Wang Huanxin said, "I have never understood it, and I have nothing to say."

"But even if he said it, it has nothing to do with us. We are already old, Lao Zhou, you have to admit, like this kind of research, give you a beginning, tell you that this can prove Goldbach's conjecture At the beginning, can you prove it?"


Zhou Qingyuan shook his head with a wry smile.

To put it bluntly, what Wang Hao said was just an idea, not to mention whether Goldbach's conjecture can be proved, even if it can be proved, how many people will continue to study and have the ability to really prove it?

Now even Wang Hao himself has not proved it, how many mathematicians more genius than him can be found in the whole world?

It's just that none of them noticed that there were a few words in Wang Hao's speech——

faster than me.


Wang Hao thought that no one could be faster than him.

He went back to the director's office.

When focusing on research, the director's office is a good place. One reason is that there is no one to disturb you, and you can ask students or colleagues to help deliver a meal.

The supporting facilities here are also very complete, there is also a rest room inside, and you can live in it 24 hours a day.

He entered the office, sat down and made a cup of coffee before turning on the system to check.

【Task 2】

【R\u0026D Project Name: Proof of Goldbach's Conjecture (Difficulty: S.)】

[Inspiration value: 147. 】

(Hint: You can use 100 inspiration points to assist in obtaining R\u0026D-related inspiration and knowledge.)

Inspiration burst!

Wang Hao was very satisfied with the effect of the open class, especially when he explained his thoughts at the end, which directly increased the inspiration value by 64 points.

This was completely unexpected.

"Probably because the correlation is so strong, even directly."

Wang Hao thought, "If you publish your own research ideas, other people will follow suit. If you gather everyone's ideas and inspirations, you will naturally get a lot of inspiration points."

He immediately consumed 100 inspiration points.

"Use inspiration points!"

[Task 2, inspiration value -100. 】


The knowledge and inspiration about Goldbach's conjecture in my mind immediately formed a direct path.

The direction is clear, and the path to proof is also clear.

What is missing now is to write out the content and sort it out.

Wang Hao still frowned, "It's not easy to write, it takes a long time to write so much content."

"It involves some complicated things, and it needs to be carefully considered. It is estimated that it will take a week."

"The difficulty is really high!"



If you don't complete the proof of Goldbach's conjecture, you will never leave the level!


Wang Hao gave an open class to explain Goldbach's conjecture. Only those who participated in Xihai University knew about it. However, because he publicly stated his thoughts and clearly stated this idea, he can prove Goldbach's conjecture.

It is hard to say exactly how many people believe it, but the ideas and ideas he said are indeed very attractive.

Some mathematics doctors, lecturers, and professors began to think carefully when they went back the same day.

Of course, more than ninety-nine percent of people can't make any progress even if they think about it.

Some people found that they couldn't figure it out at all, so they simply posted the content on the Internet, and at the same time praised the proof ideas shared by Wang Hao.

This is a gimmick to attract more likes and comments, let others know that they know Wang Hao, and listen to Wang Hao's entire public class.

By the way, I can say proudly, "Did you see it? At Xihai University, not only can you hear Wang Hao's public lectures, but he will also share some good ideas in mathematics."

"This time I shared the proof of Goldbach's conjecture, which I have never heard of before. It is his own research."

"Wang Hao is such a person. He doesn't care if others know about his research. Maybe it's his self-confidence, or maybe it's because he believes that knowledge belongs to everyone?"

In fact, the person who shared the news didn't know why Wang Hao's ideas and thinking were so powerful, and it was impossible to confirm his thinking and thinking to prove Goldbach's conjecture.

Of course, no one can be sure of the latter.

He just thinks that Wang Hao is very powerful, and he wants to use this gimmick to attract some likes and comments on the Internet to achieve some psychological self-satisfaction.

In fact, publishing similar content excludes Wang Hao's factor, and it is impossible for anyone to watch it.

If you search on the Internet, you can find a lot of "ideas to prove Goldbach's conjecture", and you can also find some rough proofs of Goldbach's conjecture, and even some articles are directly proofs of Goldbach's conjecture.

These proofs are not read at all.

Professionals disdain to read; non-professionals do not understand.

However, adding Wang Hao's name is different. After the news was released on the Internet, it still attracted some likes and comments for a short time, but no one paid attention to it afterward.

One is because the news does not know whether it is true or false.

Two, more than ninety-nine percent of people can't understand it at all, and they don't have any interest after just a glance.

In addition, even Wang Hao himself has not completed the proof of Goldbach's conjecture, so how can he be sure that this idea can be proved?

But there are also professionals among them.

In the mathematics circle, many people knew about the news, found related posts, and carefully checked the contents.

They couldn't help but think about it following the content, and at the same time, they were sure that it was probably Wang Hao's research idea, because the content was very professional, and the idea provided was a new way of proof.

As long as I think about it, I feel that if I work hard in this direction, it is possible to make progress.

This is a very nice content.

At the same time, some people also feel the difficulty.

Wang Hao's thinking is not purely about analyzing the content of number theory. Some PhD students with good grades in mathematics can barely understand it, but if they continue to think deeply, they need a very rich knowledge reserve.

To be precise, one needs to be proficient in analytic number theory, function theory, and mathematical analysis.

This is the most basic.

This foundation immediately ruled out most scholars in the field of mathematics.

For most scholars who study basic mathematics, mathematical analysis is the most difficult to master, because most theoretical research does not require advanced mathematical analysis methods, and mathematical analysis includes many subjects.

Probability theory, functional analysis, complex analysis, real analysis, etc. Many subjects are related to mathematical analysis. It is very difficult to be proficient in mathematical analysis.

Those scholars who specialize in applied mathematics research are proficient in mathematical analysis. At the same time, it is difficult for them to be proficient in analytic number theory. In the view of many scholars, analytic number theory and mathematical analysis are two fields that do not have a cross relationship.

Therefore, just the basic requirements exclude more than 95% of mathematicians. They just think that the idea is very good, but after thinking about it, they find that their ability is limited and they can't figure it out at all.

Of course, there are also some scholars who meet the requirements, and they start to think deeply.

For example, Xu Qiliang from the Mathematical Science Center of Shuimu University.

Xu Qiliang specializes in the research of analytic number theory. Last year, he applied for prime number research related projects, but failed due to the number of approvals. Youqing's application was rejected.

This year, I applied for the national surface mathematics program.

He knew whether the news was told to him in the afternoon of the next day or by other colleagues, and then he thought about the research seriously, and even carried out deeper thinking and derivation on the basis of the original one.

If I use numbers as an example, what Wang Hao explained is 15% of the proof of Goldbach's conjecture.

It took Xu Qiliang an afternoon to advance to 18%.

Then, the research stuck.

Xu Qiliang felt that he could continue to think deeply, so he found Qiu Chengwen with his research and asked, "Mr. Qiu, do you think Wang Hao's idea can complete the proof of Goldbach's conjecture?"

Qiu Chengwen shook his head and said, "It's hard. No one can be sure which method is effective. It's unexpected for Wang Hao to announce it. I also read it. I think there is a chance, and it's hard to say..."

He is old.

In your seventies, it's hard to come up with new ideas.

Even if I do research, I feel powerless, so I can only think about it as a whole, and cannot make an accurate judgment.

He continued, "You should judge for yourself. This method is very novel, but it is impossible to use one method to complete the proof of such an important conjecture."

"You can continue to think about it along the way, even if you don't prove it, you may be able to gain something."

"The most important thing in the proof of Goldbach's conjecture is not the result, but the process. Some scholars have developed new mathematical methods relying on the proof of Goldbach's conjecture."

"So, some say, hopefully this conjecture will never be proven."

Qiu Chengwen shook his head and said with a smile, "But in my understanding, it's mainly because they didn't prove it."

Xu Qiliang also laughed.

"Keep thinking about it."

"Wang Hao was able to publish the method, it may be that he encountered difficulties and did not complete the research."

"Since it has been announced, let's think about it, and the follow-up research results are not considered plagiarism."


Xu Qiliang nodded reassuringly.


Wang Hao's idea was only a flash in the pan on the Internet, and few people paid attention to it at all, but it spread in the top mathematics circles.

This is mainly because only scholars in the top mathematics circle can understand the content and are qualified to conduct research along the lines of thought.

Two days later, the news spread internationally.

It was an international exchange conference on number theory.

Although it is only a small meeting held by Austria, it will also focus on conjectures in number theory.

Participating scholars will come up with the content.

Everyone looked at it and discussed it together, and they all thought it was a good idea, but most people just listened to it.

No one can determine what kind of method can prove Goldbach's conjecture, even if the method comes from the famous young mathematician Wang Hao, so what?

He said he can prove it, can he prove it?

Mathematics professor Simonsen from New Zealand also participated in the meeting. His main field is partial differential equations, and he also conducts research on analytic number theory, but there are no decent results.

After Simerson attended the meeting, after careful consideration, he felt that Wang Hao's way of thinking was very novel, and he couldn't help admiring in his heart, "Wang Hao, you are really a genius!"

Mathematics is the subject of genius.

Simerson would not be jealous, he thought of his Chinese student Tang Kai.

Some time ago, Tang Kai let him earn three thousand dollars, all he did was solve a partial differential equation.

Later, he contacted Tang Kai several times, and knew that Tang Kai had become an Internet blogger, and his popularity was very popular.

"Millions of fans, post a Weibo, when it is popular, hundreds or tens of millions of readers, countless comments!"

What kind of number is this?

New Zealand's population is only five million.

If you can send a message, 5 million people will read it, which means everyone in New Zealand has read it, and it will be the hottest topic.

Simerson couldn't imagine what kind of concept it would be to post a very ordinary piece of content, and there would be a reading volume calculated in units of 'ten thousand'.

In his concept, Tang Kai became a super Internet celebrity.



Must be rich too...

So he talked to Tang Kai frequently, and exchanged feelings between teachers and students, hoping to earn the next three thousand dollars and earn some extra money, which would definitely put him in a good mood.

Of course, it is also indispensable to show your knowledge.

That's it for now.

Simerson sent a sentence to Tang Kai, "I was studying number theory recently and found a very good idea. Thinking along it may prove Goldbach's conjecture."

Tang Kai is a professional blogger. He stared at the computer for a long time, and when he saw the message, he immediately replied, "What do you think?"

"You are interested in?"

"Of course." Tang Kai said, "I'm a tech blogger, and I've always paid close attention to the research of mathematics."

"Tang Kai, you are the best student I ever had, but you should know that knowledge is priceless..."

Tang Kai understood Simerson too well.

They chatted for a few days, and Simerson always mentioned "remuneration" frequently. He said simply, "Mr. Simerson, if your idea is good, I am willing to pay for it."

He does.

The equation solution provided by Simerson last time allowed him to stabilize his "student personality design", and because of the topic flow at that time, he also added 500,000 fans in one breath.

With a stable personality and growing fans, the income will naturally increase a lot.

Simerson thought about his choice of words, and then sent another sentence, "This is a very good idea. Tang Kai, I believe in your character, but you have to give me a deposit first. If you think it's good, you can do it again if you want." Pay part of the fee, it's up to you to think about it."

He didn't say how much it was, because even if it was a hundred dollars, it was earned if he could get it.

"Alright alright!"

Tang Kai felt that it was still necessary to make friends with Simerson. In case there were complicated problems to be solved in the future, having a mathematics professor like Simerson was equivalent to having a backing.

He turned over two thousand dollars.

After Simerson received the money, his tone changed, "Tang Kai, you have always been my best student."

"Knowledge knows no borders, and I would like to share this idea with you."

"This idea has been well received by many top mathematicians and is considered to be very likely to prove Goldbach's conjecture..."

After finishing speaking, Simerson added, "Wait, I'll sort it out and send it to you."

He does sort it out.

It's just that some changes have been made to the content, symbols, columns, etc., so that people can't see the same content as the previous meeting.

This is enough.

He knew that with Tang Kai's level, even if he put the two copies together, he couldn't tell the difference at all.

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