From University Lecturer to Chief Academician

Chapter 118 Meeting Master and Apprentice

From June last year until now, I only had time to complete three top mathematics journal papers in half a year, which is already very, very amazing...


What speed is this?

Those are the top four international mathematics journals, not ordinary SCI mathematics journals. Even for very good mathematicians, it would be great to have an article published in two or three years.

What's more, several papers touch on partial differential equations, number theory, function theory, and now this one obviously complexity theory issues.

This is simply unbelievable!

Generally, only older professors can be involved in so many fields. Even old professors are specialized in one field, and it is difficult to achieve outstanding results in multiple fields.

in addition……

Wang Hao can be said to be a genius, even if he is very powerful, where did this guy named Luo Dayong come from?

They all noticed that the first author of the paper is Luo Dayong.

He was the only author of several top journal papers published by Wang Hao before, which shows that he did the research alone.

Now it is cooperating with Luo Dayong. Luo Dayong is the first author and must be the main character of the research, and Xihai University is marked in the introduction.

The graph isomorphism problem is a "routine problem" in the field of mathematical computers, which means that everyone knows this problem, but there has been no good solution.

A few years ago, a mathematics and computer scientist at the University of Chicago named Laszlo Baubowie announced that he had discovered a mathematical method that could determine whether two networks were It is not exactly the same, that is, it is announced that the problem of graph isomorphism has been solved to a certain extent.

However, Laszlo-Baubowie's research only uses 'less and more steps' instead of really converting the NP problem into a P problem.

The difference between the two is that the method mentioned by Laszlo-Baubowie only simplifies the steps to determine the comparison of complex networks, rather than saying how many steps will be used to "determine".

This is a different concept, the difference lies in whether the calculation steps are determined.

If the calculation steps are determined, it becomes a P problem, but if the calculation of the steps cannot be determined, a problem will arise-maybe the answer can be obtained by taking one step, or it may not even be calculated by taking exponential steps.

Laszlo-Baubowie made three consecutive achievement reports, but there were still some points in the research content that were questioned, and in the end even the achievement papers were not published.

Now Luo Dayong and Wang Hao's research together does not know how far it has progressed, but it is obvious that the results must be amazing if it can be published in "New Advances in Mathematics", one of the four major mathematics journals.

Many people can't wait to study it.

The following topics are all centered on the research of Wang Hao and Luo Dayong, and then a brief introduction, indicating that they have transformed the graph isomorphism problem from an NP problem to a P problem.

It also surprised others.

However, Wang Hao repeatedly emphasized, "This research is mainly done by Luo Dayong, and I just provided some reference opinions."

Qiu Chengwen is also interested in Luo Dayong, because this achievement is really outstanding.

Wang Hao also gave a brief introduction, "He is the kind of very focused genius who only does one research in a few years."


This statement actually made Qiu Chengwen laugh, "It's really interesting that you, a person who published four top magazine articles in more than half a year, said that other people are geniuses."

"It seems that this Luo Dayong is really a genius!"

Of course Qiu Chengwen is also a genius.

Every Fields winner can be said to be a top genius. Among the Fields winners, they started to learn to write at the age of three, read books by themselves at the age of five, went to university in their early teens, and graduated with a doctorate before the age of 20... You can find a lot of similar resumes.

For example, Pete Schultz normally went to college at the age of 20, a little later than most ordinary people, but graduated with a doctorate at the age of 22.

This kind of experience can be described as 'fairy'.

Qiu Chengwen's resume is also quite astonishing. He graduated from university at the age of 20, and received a Ph.D. in mathematics from the University of California, Berkeley at the age of 22.

When he was only 25 years old, he had already become a famous holy land of mathematics and a professor of the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton.

At the age of 32, he won the Fields Medal.

Even Qiu Chengwen, who is such a genius, was quite surprised to see that Wang Hao was able to complete so many top mathematics results in just over half a year.

But Qiu Chengwen doesn't look at Wang Hao like a "fairy" like other people. He can understand it, because when he was young, he was regarded as a "fairy" by others just like Wang Hao.

no doubt.

A very special genius like Wang Hao already exudes the aura of winning an international mathematics award. He also thinks that it is only a matter of time before Wang Hao gets Fields.

However, what Qiu Chengwen and Wang Hao talked about next was not the mathematics paper he published in the top journal, but a less well-known paper——

"Solutions of Thirteen Classes of Partial Differential Equations".

This paper was almost forgotten by Wang Hao, but Qiu Chengwen specifically mentioned it, and said in admiration, "This paper is simply excellent. Many people in our center have read it, and I also recommended it to other people."

"You also had two papers on partial differential equations before, both of which are very classic."

Seeing Wang Hao's puzzled expression, a professor next to him explained, "The wonderful thing about this paper is that it covers many types of partial differential equations."

"Solving partial differential equations has always been a difficult problem. Your paper listed 13 solving methods, but you may not have noticed it. This paper has been cited over a thousand overseas. We specially downloaded it, but it's a pity that we didn't Chinese Version."

Others followed suit and nodded.

"Is that so?" Wang Hao felt a little puzzled when he heard it, but it's normal to think about it carefully.

The solution of partial differential equations is definitely not enough for top-level mathematics research, but its application is very extensive. Many research and development fields need to use the problem of solving partial differential equations. The same is true in some fields of mathematics. Solving partial differential equations is a difficult problem. Every It is not easy to solve complex partial differential equations.

Now there is a paper covering the solution of many types of partial differential equations, which will naturally be welcomed by many people.

If you can find the partial differential equation problem you need to solve in the paper, you can follow the above method to solve the answer step by step.

Qiu Chengwen suggested, "That paper is very practical, and your other two papers are also very practical. I think you can summarize and write a book on solving equations based on these papers."

"It's sure to be a bestseller in the mathematics community, and if it was available, I'd definitely buy it."

"Me too."

"Definitely buy it, this is of great use to me."

"Professor Wang Hao, hurry up and publish the book, I can't wait."

Wang Hao nodded and said with a smile, "I'll study it when I get back."

He thinks that Qiu Chengwen's suggestion is very good. It is indeed like what Qiu Chengwen said. His papers are all in English, and domestic indexes can also find papers, but downloading still needs to go to foreign websites, and there is no Chinese version, which may be difficult for some people. , it is difficult to understand.

If a Chinese version of the book can be published, it may help many domestic scholars.


A group of people talked and chatted, and also visited the Mathematical Science Center together.

The interior of the Mathematical Science Center is very gorgeous, and the environment can be said to be very comfortable, such as teaching and research rooms, conference rooms, computer rooms, and a discussion center. Wang Hao feels a little envious when he turns around. Compared with some old complex buildings, The laboratory building of the Faculty of Science is really too strong, and it seems to exist in a different dimension.

The people next to him have been helping to introduce, and Wang Hao can tell that they probably want him to work in the mathematics center.

This is a disguised way of digging corners.

But Wang Hao still didn't consider coming to the mathematics center. The environment of Xihai University is definitely not as good as here, but the mathematics center belongs to Qiu Chengwen.

Xihai University's plan to establish Mason's Mathematical Science Laboratory is tantamount to building a mathematics and computer center around him, and he is still looking forward to it.

Later, Qiu Chengwen couldn't help but asked, "Professor Wang Hao, have you considered working in the capital? You should have been at Donggang University before, right? The capital is developing very well, and we attach great importance to talents."

"If you can come to work in the mathematics center, you can directly serve as an associate professor at Shuimu University."

The associate professor of Mizuki University is definitely not as good as the professor of Xihai University in terms of rank, but in fact, whether it is salary, treatment, or in the eyes of most people, it is better than the professor of Xihai University.

Wang Hao still directly refused, "I'm sorry, Academician Qiu, I have no plans to leave Xihai University for the time being, maybe I will consider it in the future."

He also talked to others, "I think the environment in Xihai City is also very good. It's not as busy as the capital here, and there are almost no traffic jams."

"And the remuneration is also very good. For example, in our university, an ordinary doctor in your Mathematical Science Center can directly sign an associate professor at our university, and the school will also provide more than one million yuan in settling allowances."

"Do you know the housing price in Xihai City? The city center is only more than 10,000 yuan, and more than one million yuan can buy a large square meter in full."

"Moreover, the university is preparing to build a Mason number science laboratory. The total funding from the state and Northern Xinjiang Province should exceed 50 million. I estimate that it can be increased. It can only be more, not less. Moreover, I have obtained funding from the Penguin Group. Ten million can help improve the equipment environment."

"I still want to have a small computing center. I also have some research in computers, and a lot of research in mathematics needs to be applied to computers, like finding Mersenne primes..."

Wang Hao said a lot in a row.

Qiu Chengwen and other professors, the more they listened, the more quickly something went wrong, especially when they found that there were a few young doctors who seemed to be listening very seriously.

This... won't be poached in reverse, right?

think about it.

If you work at Mizuki University, you can only start as an assistant researcher or an ordinary contract lecturer, but if you go to Xihai University, you can directly sign an associate professor, and you can also get a settling allowance of more than one million yuan. The housing prices in small cities are relatively low and you can buy it directly. Large square meters, it feels like a wage earner who has been running around for rent from the bottom, and suddenly mixes up with a rich and handsome man with a car and a house.

And the level of colleagues is also very high, such as Wang Hao, Luo Dayong...

Well, I can't think of the third one.

A professor saw something wrong with the topic, so he quickly turned around, "Professor Wang Hao, let's talk about the report on Mersenne prime numbers!"


The report was made the next morning.

Wang Hao came a day early just to make the time less rushed.

Shuimu University released the news very early, and some scholars who wanted to listen to the report came after 8 o'clock in the morning.

The Mathematical Sciences Center has become very lively.

This is not a meeting, it is just Wang Hao giving a report alone. The scholars who came here are all here to listen to the report. There are only more than a hundred of them, and they are all professors from various universities. Some of them are university scholars from the capital.

Wang Hao also arrived at the Mathematical Science Center very early. He met the scholars who were listening to the report, shook hands and greeted them respectively.

When he walked in front of an old professor in his fifties, Wang Hao raised his hand and froze in place. The old professor stared at Wang Hao obviously a little excited.

"Teacher Pan?" Wang Hao quickly responded.

He has met several faculty members of Donggang University, but Pan Weiguo is definitely a special one, because Pan Weiguo is his doctoral supervisor.

The relationship between tutors and students, some close, some not close.

Pan Weiguo and him belonged to the very close type, but after leaving Donggang University, he never contacted Donggang again.

Wang Hao was also very surprised to see Pan Weiguo now.

"Wang Hao!"

Pan Weiguo held Wang Hao's hand, patted his arm heavily, and said with emotion, "I haven't seen you for a while, you have made so many achievements during your time at Xihai University , really gave me a long face."

He even shed two tears as he spoke.

Wang Hao also felt very kind when he saw Pan Weiguo.

Pan Weiguo is the mentor of his predecessor, but he inherited the memory of his predecessor, so naturally he also has certain emotions. He also said a little excitedly, "Teacher Pan, I am really happy to see you again. How are you doing?"

"Okay, of course!"

Pan Weiguo smiled all over his face, "Your reputation has been cleared. It's really..." He was so excited that he didn't know what to say, and said bluntly, "I only have the face to listen to your report."

The two were talking.

People nearby knew that Pan Weiguo was Wang Hao's mentor, and what they were talking about was obviously the Donggang experiment incident.

Pan Weiguo continued, "Unfortunately, that guy Huang Yichun has only been demoted by half a level, but it can be regarded as relief. Before I came, I met him on the road and scolded him. He didn't even dare to reply."

"Let me tell you, as long as Huang Yichun is in Donggang University, he will never be able to lift his head up for the rest of his life!"

Pan Weiguo's voice was a little harsh, and what he said seemed a little serious, but it was actually the truth.

In fact, the reason lies with Pan Weiguo and Wang Hao. Huang Yichun decided to fire Wang Hao. As a result, after Wang Hao left Donggang University, he completed a series of international-level achievements.

Donggang University investigated the Donggang experiment incident and found that it had nothing to do with Wang Hao.

This made Huang Yichun very embarrassed, which meant that he decided to dismiss a genius from the school for the wrong reason.

The words of Pan Weiguo calling Huang Yichun a "Donggang sinner" spread, and many teachers and staff in the school talked about Huang Yichun, thinking that he was a sinner in Donggang.

The greater Wang Hao's achievements, the greater Huang Yichun's crime, because those achievements have nothing to do with Donggang University, and whenever people talk about Wang Hao, they will mention this matter.

What is this but a sinner?

Pan Weiguo must have relieved his anger. When he knew that Wang Hao was going to give a report at the Mathematical Science Center of Shuimu University, he decided to come over.

When master and apprentice meet, naturally they have a lot to say.

But now is not the occasion for talking. After the two exchanged pleasantries for a while, Wang Hao went to prepare the report.

ten o'clock.

The report was held in the conference hall of the Mathematical Sciences Center, and there were probably less than two hundred people listening to the report.

Among them are the faces of several foreigners, but also faculty members of the Center for Mathematical Sciences.

Therefore, Wang Hao didn’t need to speak English anymore, and he simply gave the report in Chinese. He also specifically mentioned, “Most of the people present are more proficient in Chinese, so I will give the report in Chinese. If anyone can’t understand , you can go to the report record, there should be a translator, right?"

Wang Hao said the last sentence and looked at the professor on the left. He is in charge of the entire reporting process and other things.

The professor nodded.

Qiu Chengwen also said, "It is enough to make a Chinese report."

Wang Hao stood on the podium, and he used the teaching currency, the effect was on the step-by-step research of prime numbers in "Task 3".

Then, the report officially started.

"You all have my thesis in your hands, so I will mainly talk about the relationship between these two functions and Mersenne prime numbers."

"One of them is a function for calculation, and the other is a function for judgment."

"Both functions are flat, but the structure is a bit complicated. I will mainly talk about the function..."

Wang Hao began to explain seriously, and everyone in the audience listened carefully.

Some of them already understand the function, while others don't. After Wang Hao's detailed explanation, they quickly understood it thoroughly.

These two functions are the results of Wang Hao's research on Mersenne prime numbers. He just showed the results to let everyone understand the functions of the functions.

As for the proof, it is unnecessary, because it is just a 'guess', and there is no way to prove that the function coverage is all Mersenne primes.

The whole explanation process only took about half an hour, and the report was all over.

Then it's time for questions.

Qiu Chengwen, who was the first to speak, said directly, "Professor Wang Hao, can you tell us about the shaping methods of these two functions? I think everyone present is more interested in this."

"Shaping method?"

Qiu Chengwen said, "That is, the process of shaping your function, how do you think about it? Can you make such two functions?"

Wang Hao suddenly understood that he didn't pay much attention to it during the research process, but just made judgments based on the ideas in his mind, and slowly deduced the function.

This derivation process is very irregular, using a lot of vague mathematical theorems, and some even rely on guesswork for the next step.

Because of this, the function-shaping process is not the fruit, what matters is that the function can help find Mersenne primes.

Now many people are concerned about the process of function shaping, so Wang Hao started to talk about it, "Actually, at the beginning, I did mathematical analysis based on known Mersenne prime numbers."

"Actually, I found the Mersenne prime first, and then made the function."

It was the first time for the people in the audience to know this, and they were a little surprised.

Wang Hao continued, "I have a computer algorithm achievement called effective and irrelevant carry screening."

"This algorithm can be used to judge the relationship between numbers, but this judgment is vague and not completely accurate, and it is an incomplete proof in mathematics."

"Of course, my purpose is to find Mersenne prime numbers. Here I will briefly introduce the connection..."

When it comes to effective and irrelevant screening methods, the explanation is much more complicated.

Wang Hao only briefly explained the screening process. Starting with the screening process, he created two simple columns.

Then, according to the step-by-step derivation of the column formula, it finally becomes a calculation function and a decision function.

The whole explanation process took more than an hour.

Wang Hao paused for a break, and soon continued to devote himself to the explanation. The more he devoted himself to the explanation, the more energetic he seemed, and it could even be described as 'vigorous'.

Because he found that in the process of explaining "function shaping", there is a constant influx of knowledge and inspiration in his mind.

When he stopped explaining, he immediately checked the mission system.

【Task 3】

【R\u0026D project name: Research on the probability of prime number distribution (difficulty: S). 】

[Inspiration value: 91. 】

"91! It will be finished soon!" Wang Hao couldn't help getting excited, and even wanted to continue talking.

Unfortunately, there is really no content.

Many old professors in the audience who had been listening for more than two hours felt very tired. Looking at the energetic young people on the stage, they couldn't help sighing, "I'm old!"

"It's really old, and I can't keep up after listening to the explanation for two hours."

"He is still so energetic in explaining, but we..."


Everything turned into a long sigh.

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