From University Lecturer to Chief Academician

Chapter 112 Your project is really big!

Wang Hao felt very uncomfortable being questioned by Ding Zongquan in the experimental meeting just now. He thought about it carefully and felt that he was still being polite.

There is a saying, 'There are specializations in the art industry'.

In a R\u0026D team, everyone performs their own duties. He is responsible for data analysis and mining of experimental data. Because the experiment is about to start, the process adjustment is also made according to his analysis results. Naturally, there is no need to continue Go to the argument, directly state the result, and correct the process.

He didn't expect that an expert would come to pick a problem.

If all the people present are experts in the field of mathematics and computers, he doesn't mind explaining briefly, but for a large number of experts in materials science, it is very difficult to explain.

He didn't take out the report at first, because he knew that when he took out the report, there were not two or three people present who could understand it.

Two or three is too much.

It is very likely that only Wan Yiming can understand something. Shi Guifang is also a Ph.D. in the field of material calculation, but his level is relatively inferior. As for others, it is impossible.

'Crossing fields is like a mountain', especially in the academic field.

It is not easy to understand the different research directions in a single subject area. It is simply impossible for experts who study materials to understand advanced mathematical and computer problems.

If the other party is a member of the metal laboratory, Wang Hao will be more polite, after all, the other party is really thinking about the experiment.

However, the other party is just an evaluation expert from the material department, not a participant in the project. There is a high probability that he will not really consider the project. It is very likely that he just wants to say a few words at the meeting to show his ability.

That's all.

It’s okay for such experts to point fingers, but no one will say anything more about Peng Hui’s work, and they will listen patiently. They are all experts in the field of material research and development, and they are also project leaders. The field can be said to be repeated, so you can talk about it.

But to talk to him about data analysis is to point fingers in the wrong place.

They are not in the same direction at all.

Wang Hao felt that his temper was still very good. He did not turn his face on the spot, but stated one thing implicitly - it would take at least a week for the other party to understand the content of the report.

This is not true.

Because it is impossible for the other party to study the report and understand it in a week, and even because they don’t understand some basics, they have to supplement the relevant content, which is not something that can be done in a short time.

The data analysis he did involved many professional methods, and the final calculation content also involved advanced mathematical problems, such as functional analysis, discrete mathematics, and probability research content.

It is very difficult for non-mathematicians to understand these contents.

Materials experts are indeed very powerful, but they are only research in the applied field, which is completely different from mathematical research.

To make an impolite analogy, it is like an undergraduate majoring in chemical theory. After graduation, he has been engaged in junior high school chemistry education for more than 20 years. Suddenly, he has a whim and wants to understand a difficult professional mathematics topic at the graduate level. .

Isn't this funny?

Even if the most famous mathematician in the world is invited to speak, it is impossible to understand!


On the other hand, Ding Zongquan felt very angry.

After the meeting, instead of leaving the metal lab, he found a vacant office, the report still in hand, obviously trying to figure it out.

He was just pouting.

As an expert in the field of alloys, he is regarded as a guest of honor wherever he goes. As for the field of alloy manufacturing involved, he believes that no matter what kind of content it is, it belongs to his own field of knowledge.

For projects related to alloy manufacturing, what questions do you have?

He was obviously kind, but in the end he was bullied back, and he couldn't get off the stage after being bullied by a young man. Thinking about it, he felt very depressed.

Ding Zongquan still knew the difficulty of the content of the report. After a few glances, he knew that there were some things he didn't understand, so he called another expert, Lu Daxiang.

The relationship between Lu Daxiang and Ding Zongquan has always been very good, and they are old friends who have known each other for decades.

Lu Daxiang followed into the office, and persuaded, "Old Ding, tell me, why are you competing with a young man?"

Ding Zongquan said angrily, "This kind of young man thinks it's great to have some achievements, and even said on the spot that I don't understand."

"I don't understand? I, Ding Zongquan, have lived for more than 50 years and have published several papers on material calculations. Is there anything I don't understand?"

"Yes, yes~~"

Lu Daxiang hurriedly said a few words along the way. He was also very curious about the content of the report, so he simply studied it with Ding Zongquan.

Half an hour later, Lu Daxiang gave up. He sighed and said, "I'm right, it's too difficult. There are a lot of professional mathematics in it, but I don't understand it anyway."

He decided not to waste time, so he left the office calmly.

Ding Zongquan still stayed inside, but he found that it was impossible to make any progress in his research.

After another half an hour, he came out with a dark face, and immediately decided to go back to the hotel and stay in the laboratory, feeling ashamed when he met anyone.

He still remembered to hand over the report to Li Jiping for him to pass it to the laboratory.

Cao Dongming is staying with Li Jiping.

After Ding Zongquan left, Cao Dongming couldn't help laughing, "Academician Li, you said that this Ding Gong also insisted on competing with a researcher in mathematics theory in mathematics... This is beyond thinking!"

"He and Lu Daxiang went in just now, and I saw it. How difficult is mathematics research? Wang Hao can achieve results in this area, and he is the smartest group of people in the world."

"This kind of genius, if he says that you don't understand certain math problems, then you must not understand."

"Ding Gong has done material research for more than 20 years, doesn't he think that he has turned himself into a mathematics expert?"

Li Jiping didn't feel right, he thought about it carefully and then laughed, pointing to Cao Dongming and said, "Your mouth, it hurts people, it's really ugly, and you still practice it? Use yourself as a elixir."

He shook his head, changed the subject, and asked, "What do you think of tomorrow's experiment?"

Cao Dongming hesitated and said, "Wang Hao is indeed very good, you can tell from his report. But, alloy research, this's hard to say."

He's not sure.

In terms of personal judgment, he feels that Wang Hao is credible. If the process is improved according to the method Wang Hao said, the finished product may continue to increase in strength. On the other hand, past research and development experience tells him that a process that relies on analyzing data Improvements are unlikely to improve the finished product.

His R\u0026D team also has professional data mining talents, and they are all PhDs in material computing or mathematical computing from top domestic universities and overseas prestigious universities.

However, the conclusions given by their analysis of experimental data can only be used as a reference, and they will not directly improve the manufacturing process based on their conclusions.

Li Jiping also nodded and said, "Peng Hui admires Wang Hao very much in terms of material experiment data analysis. I hope they can achieve results, and it is worth staying here for two more days."

"Let's see tomorrow."

Cao Dongming also nodded. They are all experts in the field of alloy material research and development, and their judgments are basically the same.

Their research and development experience shows that there is no shortcut in the research and development of alloy materials.

As long as the experimental data is analyzed, can the process be improved and the correct manufacturing method found?

It sounds outrageous!


The start time of the experiment was set at nine o'clock in the morning.

The preparations for the material laboratory did not start at nine o'clock. They were already busy the day before. In order to make the experiment go smoothly without any problems, some people even slept in the laboratory and the operation room.

Peng Hui also fell asleep in the experiment.

He didn't go to bed until after the early morning inspection, and got up at 5:00 in the morning, and called someone to test the raw materials again, the most important thing was the titanium powder test.

Titanium powder is the ground powder of titanium metal.

This is the most important material of titanium alloy, and the impurity content in it will directly affect the performance of the manufactured alloy. The impurity content must be low enough to ensure that it will not affect the experiment.

At eight o'clock, all kinds of equipment in the laboratory operation room started to operate, and some preliminary work also started.

The members of the expert review team came to the laboratory at nine o'clock.

Wang Hao came a little earlier, only ten minutes earlier, because he knew that he would not be of much help if he came, and he would not be able to get some inspiration points after watching the experiment process again, so there was no need to come early.

When the experimental manufacturing was in progress, Wang Hao simply went to the data analysis office and told Wan Yiming about the content of the analysis report and the field of data mining.

"Data mining, this field is really very difficult. I feel that every analysis is a new research."

Wan Yiming nodded in sympathy.

Wang Hao said, "There are many ways to do data analysis. I think about every known method to see if it is applicable."

"If all methods fail to solve the problem, we must think of new methods."

"Your project is like this. In the end, I used the method of functional analysis to study the volatility of the data. I also used the content of probability and statistics to set a set of values ​​to analyze the probability."

"Both methods contribute to the final conclusion."

Wan Yiming hurriedly took notes while listening. His attitude was very serious. With the successful experience last time, in his eyes, Wang Hao is a super expert in data mining. Analyzing the experimental data can help the research to realize For a qualitative breakthrough, a few words of advice to myself will definitely benefit a lot.

When someone exudes a very trusting, even adoring look, everyone is in the mood to say a few more words.

Wang Hao is very patient and talks to Wan Yiming when he has free time, "For projects like alloy materials, the most important thing to study is the process. We have no way to study new processes through data, but we can filter out those processes that work, and study the role of each one."

"These are all things that can be reflected in the data, such as..."


Wang Hao was discussing with Wan Yiming, when he heard the sound of slaps coming from the side.

It's Cao Dongming.

Cao Dongming clapped his hands twice and said with a smile, "Professor Wang Hao, it's wonderful!"

"I'm really sorry. I just listened to it for a while. I didn't pay much attention to data analysis before. Now after listening to your explanation, I realize that this aspect really has great potential and is very important to research."

Wang Hao nodded.

Cao Dongming asked, "Professor Wang Hao, you are very interested in the research and development of titanium alloys, aren't you? I have been doing research and development in this area, and I have five projects under my management. I am really busy."

He sighed and shook his head, "May I ask, do you have time to analyze other titanium alloy research?"


Wang Hao shook his head, "Not interested."

"Huh?" Cao Dongming didn't understand.

Wang Hao shook his head and said, "I mean the sentence just now, I am not interested in the research and development of titanium alloys." He explained, "I did data analysis for Professor Peng Hui because of Professor Xia Guobin's introduction. I don’t understand manufacturing at all, and I don’t have much interest, I mainly do research on mathematical theory.”

Cao Dongming didn't care about Wang Hao's rejection. He asked with interest, "What research are you doing recently? I know your Mersenne prime numbers and Artin's constant."

"It's also related."

Wang Haodao, "I am going to concentrate on researching a new mathematical method recently to solve interesting numerical problems in mathematics."

He said patiently, "For example, the Kratz problem, you should know this, related to the 3x+3 problem, 3x+1 problem, these sound simple number problems, it seems like a game, but dozens It has not been effectively proven for many years."

"A lot of mathematicians have done research and come to the conclusion that 'don't try to solve these problems', or simply 'mathematics is not mature enough to solve these problems'."

"These conclusions can also illustrate that existing mathematical methods are unlikely to solve such simple numerical problems, so I hope to find a new method."


Cao Dongming nodded slowly while listening, his face was full of 'a bit profound', then he was silent for a while, then patted Wang Hao on the shoulder, and said two words, "Come on!"


The new experiment was carried out until noon and only one-third of it was completed, but there was no rest for any personnel involved in the project, and they insisted on finishing the experiment.

Slowly advance step by step and finish slowly.

Peng Hui and other researchers watched the progress of the manufacturing process all the time, and continued to direct, and sometimes even went up to operate it in person.

It's much easier for others.

It doesn't make sense for them to stay in the operating room, so they just wait in the laboratory.

At noon, Wang Hao leisurely went to the canteen of Xijing Jiaotong University to feel the difference between the canteen here and Xihai University.

Later, I found that there was not much difference, and the taste of the food was very average, so I could only give a "Barely Passed" evaluation.

Of course, it's hard to expect that the big pot of rice in the school will be delicious.

At 3:30 in the afternoon, the finished product had already been made, and the experiment took much longer than the last time, mainly because of the addition of a melting and cooling step.

After the finished product comes out, it waits for natural cooling, and then it is tested.

Everyone in the laboratory was very apprehensive and a little bit looking forward to it. Many people simply waited at the door of the testing room.

Wang Hao continued to stay in the data analysis office.

He explained the analysis method to Wan Yiming so that Wan Yiming could understand it better.

After two or three hours of explanation, Wan Yiming has almost understood everything, but there are some very difficult points, so I still have to come and ask.

When the time was almost up, Wang Hao and Wan Yiming came out together, and saw Peng Hui, several other researchers, and three expert judges standing there waiting.

He asked a question and found out that there is an expert named Yue Zhiquan who has a lot of research on material testing, so he went in to help with the testing.

Peng Hui waved his hand to greet Wang Hao, his face obviously a little nervous, and he kept looking at the door of the testing room.

"Professor Peng, don't worry, the result will always come out." Wang Hao said comfortingly.

Peng Hui was indeed a little nervous.

Nervous because of anticipation.

When the final product was manufactured, Peng Hui, relying on his own experience, saw that it was very unusual at a glance. He said, "I have a hunch that this time the strength will exceed 1600 MPa."

This is the first time he has directly 'predicted' the result.

The others looked over immediately.

The people in the laboratory were full of expectations immediately, and they still trusted Peng Hui's judgment.

Several expert judges also discussed, "It would be great if it can exceed 1600."

"Yue Zhiquan seems to be quite optimistic. When he saw the finished product, he clamored to go in for a test."

"I saw it too. It feels very ordinary. It's not as good as the finished product last time."

"It's unlikely." Li Jiping said to Cao Dongming in a low voice, "I haven't seen the finished product, but this kind of research, even if it increases by another ten megapascals, is still a great improvement."

"1570 MPa, 1580 MPa, I believe, no matter how high..."

Li Jiping said and shook his head.

Cao Dongming didn't speak, he felt that it was not easy to make a judgment.

At this time, the door of the testing room opened, and Yue Zhiquan came out with a calm expression on his face. Peng Hui immediately asked in a high voice, "Professor Yue, how are you?"

"How many?"

"Is there any result?" Several people followed suit.

Yue Zhiquan took a deep breath, and seemed to be holding back a number, "1790."


Others thought they had heard it wrong.


Yue Zhiquan said it again, and then became excited, "I mean, 1790! Do you believe it? I just saw the data, and I didn't believe it."

His voice was higher than that of Peng Hui, with an unbelievable smile on his face, "1790! I've never seen this value on titanium alloys, not even in documents or news."

"Peng Hui!"

He called out to Peng Hui, and sighed, "Your really great."

Peng Hui was stunned for a long time, then he raised his fist and hit the wall heavily as if venting, and cursed angrily, "Damn, it really hurts! It's okay if it hurts! 1790, 1790!"



Others also discussed excitedly, and the whole lab was filled with excitement.

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