From University Lecturer to Chief Academician

Chapter 101 Super Compression Alloy Material?

Public opinion is still slowly fermenting.

In the age of the Internet, when an event attracts the attention of public opinion, more people will join in the discussion, and the public opinion will continue to ferment.

The participation of the media and the participation of Internet media people will bring more analysis and reports, which will attract more people's attention and make public opinion more heated.

As the center of public opinion, Donggang University is also under tremendous pressure.

Donggang University is one of the top universities in China. It has a certain influence in the world. The school itself is very topical. When the public opinion slowly fermented, many faculty members and students in the school participated and joined To the ranks of 'question'.

One important reason is that Wang Hao's achievements are too great.

If it were an ordinary faculty member who was dismissed by the university, most people would ignore it even if they knew it. Donggang University has more than 5,000 faculty members. An ordinary faculty member is really "insignificant". Being dismissed by the university because of something is really It's just a little thing.

Wang Hao is different.

Several achievements he completed after he came to Xihai University have a great impact. The research on "Artin's constant" is considered to be the top mathematical achievement, and he himself is also considered to be a "mathematical star" in China, "the predetermined future" Fields Winner', and the Mersenne prime number research that has just been completed, several Mersenne prime numbers were found in a row, which was continuously reported by the international media, and the influence was greater than the research of the 'Artin constant'.

The domestic and foreign media began to use "Wang's conjecture" to describe his research results on Mersenne prime numbers, and the International Mathematical Society is waiting for the official announcement of the results.

This made Donggang University, which dismissed Wang Hao, seem to be a laughing stock in the university circle. They actually dismissed a promising mathematician because of an experimental data error that had not been investigated in detail.

Regardless of whether the data error is the cause of Wang Hao, it will have a negative impact on Donggang University.

What's more, public opinion generally believes that there must be a problem, otherwise why would the problem be attributed to an assistant researcher who has just entered the laboratory for three months without a detailed investigation?

Assistant researcher, to put it bluntly, is an intern. If a problem occurs in a project, it should be blamed on the intern?

There must be a problem!

Under the huge pressure of public opinion, the leadership of Donggang University organized an internal meeting in the Academic Affairs Building the next morning.

Among them, Dong Jin, the vice president of Donggang University, has the highest position. He is the vice president with the highest real power in the university. He also serves as a committee member in the city. He is usually very busy at work, but when such a big incident happened in the school, he still took time to come and solve it. question.

As the powerful vice president of Donggang University, Dong Jin doesn't understand the matter itself. The problems in the material laboratory can be said to be internal research and development problems, and have nothing to do with others. It is not at all important that a small lecturer in the school is dismissed. Might get his attention.

It's different now.

This small lecturer has achieved various achievements, gained a great academic reputation, has a certain influence in the world, and has also brought huge public opinion pressure to Donggang University.

Dong Jin knew that he had to come forward, otherwise the reputation of the school would be greatly affected.

This is a meeting related to laboratory events. The main directors of the materials laboratory, Chen Jianlin and Ma Wenjun, were called over. Only Zhou Xiaolong did not attend because he was absent on leave.

Because it is an internal event-oriented meeting, there are not so many tedious beginnings.

When people were almost here, Dong Jin asked Chen Jianlin directly, "Professor Chen, tell me, what is the specific situation of this matter? Up to now, I only know what is said on the Internet."

Everyone else looked at Chen Jianlin.

Chen Jianlin stood up solemnly, and said seriously, "We have also noticed the public opinion outside. But there is no problem with the matter itself. I led the research, and later found that the initial experimental data was wrong."

"There are mainly two people responsible for the data work on this project, one is Professor Ma Wenjun, and the other is Wang Hao."

"It's Professor Wang Hao." The director of the publicity department reminded him.

What is being held now is an internal meeting, but if it is reported that Donggang University does not respect Wang Hao, it may cause new public opinion issues.

"Sorry, it's Professor Wang Hao."

Chen Jianlin also corrected his title, and continued, "For this project, Wang Hao is responsible for the calculation work, and Professor Ma Wenjun is responsible for the data analysis. Our internal investigation and comprehensive initial experimental data found that there was an error in the data submitted for analysis, and It's not a single mistake, it's a series of miscalculations, and that's why things get to the media and get reported."

"I remember that at that time, the school also dismissed Professor Wang Hao under pressure."

Huang Yichun, the dean of academic affairs, followed suit and nodded, "It happened. The data error was serious, and it was reported in the media. That's why we decided to fire Professor Wang Hao at the meeting."

Dong Jin looked at Ma Wenjun, "Professor Ma, tell me."

Ma Wenjun stood up and said, "It's like this. I'm in the materials laboratory and I'm mainly responsible for data analysis. Specifically, data mining draws conclusions to guide the experiment to continue. I need to work based on the submitted data."

"If there is a problem with the submitted data, then my work will be meaningless at all."

"Three months, I put a lot of energy into it. At that time, when it was said that the data was wrong, I was also very sad..."

Ma Wenjun made a simple statement.

After Chen Jianlin's explanation, the matter has nothing to do with him, and he needs to express a "normal experiment participant"'s depression about the error in the experimental data.

Next, several people who participated in the meeting to decide to dismiss Wang Hao talked about the situation at that time.

Dong Jin comprehensively considered all the contents and made a decision, "Since this is the case, let's investigate."

"We are looking for funding, and then inviting experts from other schools to set up an investigation team for the incident. You must fully cooperate with the laboratory, and other people must also cooperate with the investigation. This way, we can also have an account of public opinion."

"There's nothing wrong with the lab."

"There is no problem with the academic affairs. We all make decisions based on the situation."

Others expressed their opinions one after another.

After the meeting, a group of people left the academic building, and happened to meet Pan Weiguo by the flower bed.

Pan Weiguo glanced at the crowd, and immediately noticed Huang Yichun, subconsciously said, "Huang Yichun?"

"I bother!"

He pointed at Huang Yichun's nose and cursed, "Sinners from Donggang, you are a villain like a dog!"

This sentence of cursing by pointing at the nose shocked the few people nearby. How much hatred and hatred does a professor in a university have to point at the nose of a dean and scold?

Pan Weiguo noticed Dong Jin walking in front after scolding, and he was a little flustered, and immediately explained, "Principal Dong, I just don't like him, and he decided to expel Wang Hao."

Dong Jin has a good temper, he won't argue with a professor, not to mention that the other party scolded someone else, he comforted, "We have discussed this matter just now, and we will give other faculty members of the school and the society a lesson. Confession."

"Okay, President Dong, I believe in you!" Pan Weiguo gave Huang Yichun another look with hatred, and then walked away quickly with his bag on his shoulders.

Huang Yichun's face turned black when he was scolded, feeling like he was humiliated.

Dong Jin asked, "Who was that person just now?"

A director of the publicity department said, "I know Professor Pan Weiguo, who studies mathematics and has a bad temper. He was Professor Wang Hao's tutor during his PhD."

Dong Jin nodded clearly, turned to Huang Yichun, and asked, "Why did he scold you?"

Huang Yichun pursed his lips for a long time before saying, "At that time... I was the one who announced Wang Hao's dismissal."

After hearing this, Dong Jin didn't say anything, but turned around and muttered, "Sinners from Donggang? Sinners..."

He shook his head as he spoke, feeling that the description was very appropriate.

If it is a decision to expel an ordinary faculty member, it is simply a trivial matter, but the expelled faculty member has quickly achieved results in the research field and has attracted worldwide attention. The future can be said to be limitless, and the situation is different.

If Fields can be obtained in the future, he will become the number one Fields person in China, and he will definitely gain great prestige and influence.

Donggang University obviously could have a future Fields winner, but was expelled by the school's management.

When the other party achieves other achievements in the future and wins a heavyweight award, Donggang University will definitely be revealed, so continue to laugh at it?

This will become a stain on Donggang University and the laughing stock of being ridiculed!

The sinner in Donggang?

This description is not an exaggeration!

Huang Yichun noticed Dong Jin's reaction, and knew that he must have left a very bad impression on the vice principal. His political future is really hard to say.

However, he was more worried about another thing.

It's good that there is no problem with the materials laboratory. If it is found that it has nothing to do with Wang Hao, he will definitely be implicated.

Just like a point of view said on the Internet, the leadership of a department made a wrong decision, which brought losses to the department or the country, and should also bear certain responsibilities.

Under the pressure of boiling public opinion, he is likely to be punished, suspended, or even demoted?

Or, retire early?

Now I can only pray that the material laboratory can't find any problems.



Donggang University issued an official announcement, announcing the formation of an expert team to investigate the project of "super compression alloy material" in response to Wang Hao's response to the telephone interview.

The investigation team is composed of three external experts and personnel sent by the funding department, and the results of the investigation will be announced as soon as possible.

As soon as this announcement came out, public opinion calmed down a little.

Many people are waiting for the results of the investigation.

Wang Hao also noticed Donggang University's announcement, which was related to his own reputation, and he also had some expectations for the conclusions of the investigation, but thinking of the old and cunning Ma Wenjun, he still felt that it was impossible to really investigate anything.

It has been nearly ten months, and it has been a year since the so-called 'data error' time.

Over such a long period of time, problems will become no problems.

He simply didn't think too much about it, and focused on his own affairs——


Specifically, he watched Su Yingxue negotiating with Penguin's representative from a distance, while he sat with Penguin's manager Zhu Zhen, drinking coffee, chatting a few words and waiting for the result.

Su Yingxue was arguing with the Penguin representative, "You also know the meaning of this number. It can calculate the largest prime number in human history, a prime number exceeding 100 million digits. You should be very clear about what this represents."

"At that time, the media all over the world will report on it. How much value is this kind of publicity?"

"Moreover, this is an honor that will be recorded in history. If you are not sincere, we can cooperate with Abayun. I believe they will definitely be interested."

"Everyone knows that the Penguin Group needs it more than Abayun..."

Zhu Zhen and Wang Hao were sitting in the hall more than 20 meters away, and they could clearly hear Su Yingxue's sonorous and forceful voice.

Zhu Zhen smiled bitterly, "I thought he was a little girl at first, but I didn't expect it. Professor Wang Hao, you really found a good negotiator."

"I'm fighting for my legitimate interests." Wang Hao smiled, "Cooperation is a win-win situation. You can't always take advantage of me and let me suffer, right?"

"That's for sure. We hope to cooperate more in the future." Zhu Zhen nodded.

Soon the negotiations were over.

In fact, it was just selling a number. Su Yingxue and the representative of the other party argued hard, presented the facts and reasoned, and finally finalized a total of 18 million cooperation fees.

Wang Hao handed the numbers to the Penguin Group, and the Penguin Computing Center will verify the largest Mersenne prime number in human history and the first prime number exceeding 100 million digits based on the numbers. After the calculation is completed, a news announcement will be issued, announcing the cooperation with Wang Hao to find The largest prime number in history.

The Penguin Group paid 8 million for this and Wang Hao personally owned it.

In addition, an additional 10 million will be added to the Mason Number Science Laboratory in one year.

The Penguin Group is definitely more inclined to sponsor laboratories, because sponsoring laboratories has the name of sponsorship, which can also be regarded as investment in scientific research, and it is worthwhile to spend more money.

If the money is given to Wang Hao personally, it is purely out of pocket.

So for the latter one, they agreed without thinking much at all. Being able to continue to sponsor the Mason Number Science Laboratory also means that they can continue to cooperate with Wang Hao in research and development in the future.

They have already tasted the sweetness of cooperation. Each of the scientific and technological achievements is related to the Penguin Group. Together, they can feel that they have invested a lot in scientific research support.

This 'reputation' is very important for large companies.

After everything was discussed, Zhu Zhen didn't stay for dinner, so he walked away with a USB flash drive.

There is only one encrypted number in the USB flash drive, even if it is lost, it doesn’t matter, Wang Hao can directly dictate it.

U disk is just a symbol of cooperation.


Negotiating a ten million-level cooperation is definitely something worth celebrating.

That night, Wang Hao and Su Yingxue had a big meal to celebrate. They went to the most luxurious hotel in Xihai, ordered a few expensive dishes, and opened a bottle of red wine worth several thousand yuan.

Wang Hao picked up the wine glass, pointed at Su Yingxue and said, "Manager Su, thank you so much for today. If it were me, it would be normal to ask for at least two or three million."

"At that time, I was thinking of discussing cooperation with Penguin, and you were the first to think of me. Thank you very much. I would like to offer you a toast!"

Su Yingxue blinked her big eyes, and smiled, "Mr. Wang Hao, you are too polite. We have known each other for a long time, so we can always be called 'friends', right? In the future, I may still ask you for help. "

Wang Hao smiled and said, "Don't call me teacher, just call me by my name, it sounds weird."

"You're welcome. When you call me by my name, right?"

Su Yingxue raised her wine glass as she spoke, "Cheers to our friendship!"


The young men and women went to the hotel to have a big meal together, chatting with joy and laughter, it was a bit like a date, but another person appeared at the door, quickly ruining the atmosphere completely.

It's Xia Guobin.

When Xia Guobin walked in, he found only Wang Hao and Su Yingxue, who were talking and drinking red wine, almost turned their heads and walked away.

When he was invited in, he couldn't help but smiled wryly, "You two young people eat together, why do you call me a bad old man?"

Su Yingxue glanced at Wang Hao, her face flushed a little, but she quickly returned to normal, and she put on a generous demeanor again.

Wang Hao was very indifferent, he said, "It doesn't matter to me, it's Su Jing...Su Yingxue wants to call you."

Su Yingxue nodded and said, "I was thinking, last time in the laboratory, didn't you say that you had something to ask Wang Hao, and you were too embarrassed to ask? Taking this opportunity, I will be cheeky as a middleman."

Wang Hao also felt puzzled after hearing this.

Xia Guobin and him are considered to be familiar with each other. If there is something to do, just ask him directly. Why are you embarrassed to speak?

Could it be... Borrowing money?

Wang Hao clenched his fists subconsciously thinking about it, thinking that the other party would borrow tens of thousands of yuan, and he would borrow it if he borrowed it. If he asked for tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands, what reason should he refuse?

"Manager Su, thank you so much."

Xia Guobin nodded towards Su Yingxue, hesitated for a while when he sat down, then sighed and said, "Wang Hao, that's right. I have an old friend who is doing research on metal materials. He has a big project in his hand. There has been no progress for a long time, and the main problem is the data."

"You all know that material science research, to put it bluntly, is often based on luck. Maybe a certain element ratio or adding a process may produce results."

"But in many cases, no matter how scientific it is, it is difficult to produce results. The main problem is the limitation of manufacturing technology, and the other is the problem of experimental data."

"Most of the time, the experimental data is meaningless. Even if it fails this time, it is difficult to accumulate failure experience, because this failure and the next failure may not even have anything in common."

"He asked me about the microsphere project, and then I mentioned you. He also wanted to ask you to help with data analysis. The fee is easy to say."

Xia Guobin finished the matter in one breath.

Wang Hao was a little puzzled, "Just tell me about this kind of thing?"

Xia Guobin shook his head with a wry smile. He took out his mobile phone to find a picture, handed it to Wang Hao and said, "Look for yourself, and you will understand why I can't speak."

Wang Hao took the phone in doubt, and saw that the picture showed a screenshot of the project introduction, and the name of the project at the top was simply written with seven typos——

Ultra-compressive alloy material.

(seeking a monthly ticket)

I have thought about the plot for a long time, sorry for the late update.

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