From university academician to chief academician

Chapter 326 The ultimate problem in physics, nuclear fuel co-chain

Beili Country, Department of Science and Technology!

The director, deputy director and Edward Witten were sitting on the sofa.

The two directors were very excited. Their country finally had another top scientist.

In the past few years, the top scientist has been Chen Ning Yang.

They thought that after Chen Ning Yang got old, they could feel at ease.

But I didn't expect that Ye Fei would appear again later.

Regardless of talent, potential, or ability, Ye Fei is much more terrifying than Yang Zhenning.

They were all breathless under Ye Fei's pressure. They tried to deal with Ye Fei, but there was nothing they could do.

Well now, Edward Witten appears.

Edward Witten's M theory made him a scientist comparable to Einstein in one fell swoop.

The director smiled in his heart: "With Ye Fei's current abilities, he is still unable to compete with Einstein."

"Even if he develops a quantum computer, it can't compare with the Metaverse."

"Because these are applied studies and were developed based on previous theories."

"His status in the scientific community cannot yet reach Einstein's achievements."

"Ye Fei's status in the scientific community can only be regarded as the third echelon."

"And Edward Witten is now considered the first echelon."

"So, in terms of ability, Edward Witten is much stronger than Ye Fei."

In physics, theoretical physicists have a stronger status than applied physicists.

For example, Einstein and Newton were both theoretical physicists.

Because the theories proposed by theoretical physicists can develop many technologies.

Without theory there is no application.

Theory is the core and foundation of science.

The director looked at Edward Witten and said with a smile: "Mr. Witten, what effects will M theory have if it is proven successful?"

Edward Witten said: "It has many functions, the most important ones are two."

"One." Edward Witten raised his right index finger and said, "It can simulate the development of the universe, thereby helping the development of astrophysics."

"Two." Edward Witten raised his right middle finger and said, "It can help prove the ultimate theory of physics, thereby promoting the development of theoretical physics."

"Whether it is the development of astrophysics or theoretical physics, it is of great help to physics."

When the two division chiefs heard this, their breathing became rapid.

They understood the meaning of Edward Witten's words.

Much theoretical knowledge in physics is discovered from the universe.

Especially in recent years, many physicists have discovered many physical theories based on natural phenomena in the universe.

Therefore, helping the development of astrophysics is of great help to theoretical physics.

Only with theory can there be application.

Not to mention the ultimate theory of physics.

If anyone can prove the ultimate theory of physics, it will help to seek the deepest explanation for understanding the nature of the universe, unify various physical theories, promote the progress of technology and science, and enhance human culture and philosophy.

The director asked eagerly: "Will it help controllable nuclear fusion?"

Edward Witten smiled lightly and said, "Of course it will help."

"The research on controllable nuclear fusion mainly studies particles."

"And the ultimate theory of physics is very helpful to particles."

"If the ultimate theory of physics proves successful, particles will no longer be a problem and controllable nuclear fusion will be developed in a very short time."

When the director heard this, his heart surged.

The role of controllable nuclear fusion is greater than that of the metaverse and quantum computers.

Whoever controls energy controls the world.

And controllable nuclear fusion is energy, and it is a steady stream of energy.

The director and the deputy director looked at each other, and the deputy director nodded slightly.

The director looked at Edward Witten expectantly and said, "Mr. Edward Witten, what is your next research plan?"

Edward Witten said: "In the past, research has been centered around M theory, and there has been no research in other research directions."

"But now that M theory has been proven, a lot of research can be done."

"Some of these studies are derived from M theory, some are continuations of M theory, and some M theory can help with research."

The director asked: "Have you considered the ultimate theory of physics?"

"Natural!" Edward Witten glanced at the director and said, "This is the most difficult research among all the research I want to do."

The director's heart was beating like a drum. He looked at Edward Witten with bright eyes and asked, "Mr. Edward Witten, if you were asked to lead the research on the ultimate theory of physics, how long would it take you to develop it?"

Edward Witten frowned slightly, his eyes twinkling.

The director and deputy director saw Edward Witten thinking, but they did not say anything to disturb Edward Witten.

After a long while, Edward Witten said: "If there are enough funds and talents, I will need ten years."

The director clapped his hands excitedly and said: "Okay, Mr. Edward Witten, I will apply to the higher authorities, and you will be responsible for researching the ultimate problem of physics. You don't need to worry about funds and talents."

"As long as the higher-ups agree to this plan, I will do my best to get the maximum amount of funds and talents for you."

"And, I think the higher authorities will pass this plan soon."

"After all, with your achievements today, the higher-ups are happy to let you study the ultimate problem of physics."

The director knew that the ultimate problem in physics was very difficult. Only Edward Witten could prove the ultimate problem in physics in ten years, but no one else could.

The director was excited and said: "It will take ten years to prove the ultimate problem of physics. This can greatly help the research on controllable nuclear fusion."

"As long as controllable nuclear fusion is developed..."

The director's blood boiled when he thought of that scene.

"What about the metaverse and quantum computers? After the advent of controllable nuclear fusion, these technologies have all been pushed aside."

"And don't even think about catching up."

"We have the ultimate theory of physics, but you don't."

"Even if you develop controllable nuclear fusion, it will be thirty or forty years later."

"At that time, we relied on controllable nuclear fusion and had already laid out the prerequisites in the energy field. It was impossible for you to get involved."

Xia Kingdom, in the northwest, in no man's land!

There were no plants on the loess.

On this piece of yellow land, there is a building complex covering an area of ​​tens of thousands of square meters. All the buildings in the building complex are one-story bungalows without any floors.

The building complex is surrounded by a tall stone wall with only a three-meter-wide exit.

Standing at the exit were two rows of young men wearing camouflage uniforms and steel helmets, looking around warily.

A hundred meters away, there were three wild wolves staring at these young men with squinting eyes, sharp teeth shining with cold light at the corners of their mouths.

Looking into the distance, there are snow-capped mountains, eagles flying over the snow-capped mountains, and deer and bison on the mountainside.

The uninhabited area is not suitable for human habitation due to the harsh environment, but it is very suitable for wild animals to live.

No man's land is a forbidden area for humans and a paradise for wild animals.

You can see many extinct animals here.

Two oil tankers and three small trucks drove quickly in the distance and stopped at the entrance of the building complex. Then two young men stepped forward to check.

The driver gave the ID to the two young men. The two young men looked at the driver's appearance against the ID, and then they got in the car to check.

After a while, the two young men gave their IDs to the driver and waved to let him go.

After the driver put away his ID, he started the car and drove into the building complex.

These were two water trucks and three trucks carrying food.

There is no water or vegetation in the uninhabited area, so all water and food must be brought in from the outside world.

Beep! Beep! Beep!

Suddenly, a piercing siren sounded in the building complex.

The young man sitting in the passenger seat of one of the oil tankers heard the sound and looked around in panic.

The middle-aged man sitting in the driver's seat and driving the car said calmly: "Don't panic, this is normal. This siren will sound once or twice a month."

The young man spoke Qinghai dialect and asked: "Master, what is this alarm sound for?"

The middle-aged man asked: "Does Academician Ye Fei know?"

The young man shook his head blankly and said, "I don't know."

The young man's family is in a very poor remote area. The family members are so poor that they have no food to eat. He and his brother share a pair of pants. Whoever goes out wears pants. When they don't go out, they stay at home with bare legs.

Naturally, he does not have a mobile phone or a computer, so he has no communication with the outside world and has no understanding of the outside world.

In his opinion, the fastest means of transportation is a car, the most delicious food is white fat meat, and the most beautiful woman is the beauty of their village.

The happiest thing is to drive during the day, go home and eat fat meat, and sleep with the village beauty at night.

Therefore, this was the first time he heard of Ye Fei's name.

The middle-aged man glanced at the young man and said, "You melon, even Academician Ye Fei doesn't know about you."

"Master, Academician Ye Fei? Is this a name? Why does his name have four characters?"

The middle-aged man said: "His name is not just four words, his name is Ye Fei, and academician is his title."

"Master, what is a title?"

Middle-aged man: "..."

After a while, the middle-aged man said: "This alarm sounds because Academician Ye Fei is doing an experiment. The alarm sounds every time before they do an experiment."

"I heard that this experiment is very dangerous, and the sirens are to make everyone more vigilant."

In the middle of the building complex, there is a tall factory building covering an area of ​​thousands of square meters, where an experiment is being conducted.

In the middle of the factory, there is a tall machine with many wires connected to it.

Around the machine, there are many machines that look like spider legs, pouring cans of fuel into the machine.

Around the machine, there are many people wearing protective clothing busy.

Ye Fei was also wearing protective clothing, looking at the machine and the researchers around him with his hands behind his back.

At this time, a researcher walked up to Ye Fei and said, "Dean, the fuel filling is complete."

"The data has been entered!"

"Yes!" Ye Fei nodded slightly and asked, "How many times have you checked?"

Because this experiment is very dangerous, if you are not careful, all living creatures within a radius of hundreds of thousands of meters will be blown up to nothing.

Therefore, every time everything is ready for an experiment, Ye Fei will ask them to check it at least three times to prevent any omissions.

"Four times!"

Ye Fei nodded slightly, then took a deep breath, clenched his left fist behind his back, and said, "Let's start!"

At the beginning of each experiment, everyone seemed to be gambling with their lives.

As the person in charge, Ye Fei needs to be responsible for everyone and let them finish the research alive.

Therefore, his psychological pressure was the greatest among everyone present.

This experiment was also a gamble with his life. Ye Fei didn't know what the future would be, so he could only gamble, bet that they could succeed, bet that they could survive.

"Yes!" said the researcher.

Immediately, the researcher left to direct the experiment to begin.

Ye Fei looked at the machine and thought to himself: "In the past six months, we have conducted a total of more than a dozen experiments."

"These dozen experiments allowed us to overcome seven technical difficulties."

"Today's experiment is one of the most difficult techniques of all experiments, and also one of the most dangerous."

"Nuclear fuel co-chain."

Nuclear fuel is formed when multiple fuels are poured together.

The fuel filling sequence is also explained.

The sequence and metering of different fuel injections are specified based on theoretical studies.

All the fuels collide together, causing a chain reaction and releasing different energies. This is the nuclear fuel co-chain.

If there is a slight mistake in the middle, the experiment will fail at least, and the nuclear fuel will explode at worst.

Ye Feixin said: "The nuclear fuel co-chain is the first dangerous technical difficulty, and there are five more dangerous technical difficulties next."

"As long as all these technical difficulties are cleared, there will be no dangerous experiments."

"We can study the rest of the experiments with confidence and no longer be worried like this."

Ye Fei shook his head in his mind: "Gambling feels really bad..."

As Ye Fei gave the order, the experiment began, and many researchers were controlling the experiment at their respective positions.

As the experiment began, some researchers passed on some commands.

"The first level fuel tank is activated!"

"Secondary fuel tank activated!"


"Level 6 fuel tank activated!"

"The fuel tank is activated!"

Ye Fei nodded slightly: "Very good, the first step was successful."

Ye Feidao: "Check the order of the fuel bunker!"

"Yes, Dean!"

After a while, a researcher said: "Check completed, no problem!"

Ye Feidao: "Light the fuel tank!"

"The first-level fuel tank is ignited!"

"The secondary fuel tank is ignited!"


"The six-level fuel tank is ignited!"

"The fuel tank is lit!"

Ye Feixin said: "The following is the last step, and it is also the most dangerous step. Success or failure depends on this!"

Ye Fei took a deep breath, suppressed his anxiety, opened his eyes angrily, and said, "Co-link!"

"Yes, Dean!"

"Co-chaining begins!"

"The primary fuel bunker and the secondary fuel bunker are linked together!"

"The first, second and third level fuel bunkers are jointly linked!"

"The first, second, third and fourth level fuel bunkers are linked together!"

"Level 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 fuel bunkers are linked together."

"Level 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 fuel bunkers are linked together."

"All linked together!"

When everyone saw the end of the shared chain, they let out a breath and smiled on their faces.

Sharing the chain is the most dangerous step. The end of the chain means there is no more danger.

When the co-chaining was going on, their hearts were in their throats and they were afraid that something might happen in the middle. But after the co-chaining was completed, they felt relieved.

Ye Fei also had a smile on his face, exhaled a breath, and thought to himself: "It's finally over."

"The next step is to recycle the common chain. This step is not dangerous."

Ye Feidao: "Co-chain recycling!"

"Yes, Dean!"

"Six-level fuel bunker common chain recovery!"

"Five-level fuel bunker common chain recycling!"


"First-level fuel bunker common chain recovery!"

"The common chain recycling is completed!"

Ye Fei smiled and said: "The experiment is over, turn off the instrument and recover the nuclear fuel."

Nuclear fuel is highly radioactive and cannot be touched by the human body.

Therefore, all nuclear fuel must be recycled for special treatment.

Everyone had smiles on their faces when they heard this, and it was finally over.


Before the researchers could recover the nuclear fuel, a harsh sound suddenly came from the machine.

"Huh?" Everyone was stunned and looked at the machine in surprise. Ye Fei also looked at the machine.

clang! clang! clang!

The clanging sound became more intensive and the sound became more rapid.

Everyone stared at the machine with wide eyes in horror.

Some people turned pale with fear and had cold sweat on their foreheads.

This is a nuclear fuel experiment. If the nuclear fuel explodes, everyone present will be finished.

Ye Fei was also very nervous, but he knew that it was useless to be nervous at this time.

Ye Fei asked: "Check and see what's going on?"

Hearing Ye Fei's voice, the researchers present seemed to have found the backbone and followed Ye Fei's orders.

Soon, a researcher looked at the computer screen in front of him in horror and shouted loudly: "Dean, some of the nuclear fuel is still in the chain, and not all of it has been recovered."

"What!" Everyone was shocked.

If the recycling of the nuclear fuel co-chain is not completed, it will burn.

As long as some of the fuel burns, all the rest will soon follow.

Moreover, this part of the fuel is not within the control range and can easily explode.

Ye Fei walked quickly to the researcher who spoke and looked at the computer screen.

The nuclear fuel on the screen is like a furnace, and its energy is increasing rapidly.

When the energy reaches a certain value, it will explode.

According to the speed of energy increase, there is only one minute before the fuel explodes.

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