From university academician to chief academician

Chapter 289: Untainted resume, ungrounded

After Ye Fei concluded the Metaverse Academic Conference, many scholars in Xia State began to use the Metaverse to discuss academic issues.

In the past, they would spend a long time together talking about academics.

But now they don't need to get together, they can talk about academics through the metaverse.

Moreover, talking about academics in the metaverse is countless times more convenient than in reality.

There are many things that cannot be done in reality and can only be done in the metaverse.

For example, when you point your fingers in the air, as if by magic, many formulas, numbers and experimental images appear in front of you.

And these cannot be done in reality.

Therefore, many scholars in Xia State now gather together to talk about academics when they have nothing to do.

Sometimes it’s an hour or two in the morning, or a few hours in the evening.

This has almost no impact on their work and life, but it is of great help to their academic studies.

Some experts predicted that under such conditions, Xia's scientific development would be able to catch up with Beili's in fifty years at most.

This shocked countless people, and all of this was due to the Yuan Universe.

The Yuan Universe was developed by Ye Fei.

Therefore, all this is due to Ye Fei.

Many people thought: "With just this technology, Ye Fei can walk sideways in Xia Kingdom."

"As long as he doesn't do anything outrageous, no one can touch him."

Many people are jealous. With such honor, they can do anything in Xia Kingdom, and their scientific research path will be smooth without any obstacles.

Even if Ye Fei said that he wanted to build an FCC particle accelerator, the country would provide financial support.

The FCC particle accelerator is a new generation of particle accelerator.

It is much larger and more expensive than the Large Hadron Collider built by Ye Fei before.

The Large Hadron Collider costs more than 160 billion, and the price of the FCC particle accelerator is 3.5 times the price of the Large Hadron Collider.

It is ten times more powerful than the Large Hadron Collider.

It can simulate the moment of the Big Bang as closely as possible, discover new particles and new laws of the universe, and help humans understand the world more deeply.

By the way, the Large Hadron Collider bought by Ye Fei will be built in another year.

Space Research Institute, laboratory!

Everyone in the laboratory sits in front of machines doing experiments or writing things.

Ye Fei sat in front of a computer and entered some of his ideas into the computer.

[Einstein once pointed out: The concepts of Euclidean geometry and non-Euclidean geometry, as well as the concept of seeing the space we are in as a three-dimensional continuous domain, are also inventions.

In geometry, space is Euclidean geometry composed of infinite points, whether it is Euclidean geometry...


After a long time, Ye Fei stopped what he was doing. He looked at what he had just written on the computer seriously, and then deleted, deleted, modified, and modified it.

After a moment, he nodded slightly, very satisfied with what he had written.

"Now the theoretical part is basically completed, and the new gravity theory has been constructed."

"Now let's start to prove Einstein's series of equations. Once this problem is proved, we can know whether an accelerator can be developed so that dark matter detectors can navigate in black holes."

The so-called Einstein series of equations is not a single equation.

Einstein created many equations and many unsolved problems.

The Einstein equation is a combination of many of these problems.

A few days later, the lounge!

Ye Fei and some researchers were sitting in the lounge, drinking tea and chatting.

These researchers are not great experts, they are just ordinary researchers. There are thousands of such researchers in the institute.

These people are newly recruited researchers at the institute. Some are only one or two years younger than Ye Fei, and some are two or three years older than Ye Fei.

Ye Fei smiled and said, "If you want to improve academically, you should study from the most basic level."

"Although the basics are very simple, in fact, only by thoroughly studying the basics can you study more advanced ones."

"If you encounter difficulties in more advanced research, it means that you have not thoroughly studied the basic part."

"By analogy, you should study the basics thoroughly, then study the more advanced ones, then study the more advanced ones thoroughly, and then go on to study the more advanced ones."

"If you encounter difficulties in advanced research and prove that the basics are not thoroughly studied, then go and study the basics."

"If you encounter difficulties in more advanced research and prove that you haven't thoroughly studied something more advanced, then continue to go back and study more advanced things."

Several people listened very carefully to Ye Fei's teaching experience.

Ye Fei is the world's top scientist, and his experience is definitely correct.

After Ye Fei finished speaking, several people said: "Okay, Dean, I understand."

Ye Fei picked up the tea in front of him, took a sip, put it down, and said with a smile: "Don't be so serious, we are having a rest now, we are just chatting."

"We are both of the same age, so you can just treat me as an ordinary friend."

"Okay, Dean!" Several people said.

Seeing the still respectful expressions on their faces, Ye Fei shook his head in his heart and said, "Hey... as my status improves, I can no longer chat with my peers. Every time I talk to them, they always do this."

"I asked them to treat me as a normal friend, but they couldn't."

Ye Fei felt bitter in his heart, knowing that this was an unsolvable problem.

As everyone's status increases, they will gradually become alienated from their friends.

This is not to look down on the friends around you, but to think differently and have different opinions.

There is a saying on the Internet that the butt determines the head.

It means that the location determines the idea.

For example, when you were just an ordinary employee, you thought about how to exploit your boss.

But when you are the boss, what you think about is how to exploit your employees.

At this time, the assistant came over, holding the mobile phone, and said: "Dean, Geng Si's phone number."

Ye Fei frowned slightly and said impatiently: "Why does he call me every two days?"

"He usually has nothing to do, but I still have something to do!"

When the assistant heard this, he laughed silently.

Ye Fei can talk about Geng Si because Ye Fei's current status allows him not to care about Geng Si.

But he is just a small assistant, a small figure in the academic world, and he does not dare to offend Geng Si.

Ye Fei asked: "Did he say anything to do with me?"

"No!" The assistant shook his head slightly.

Ye Fei took the call, then looked at the researchers beside him and said with a smile: "You guys chat, we will continue chatting after I finish the call."

"The money you spent on eating and drinking today will be charged to my account."

"Thank you, Dean!" several people laughed.

After Ye Fei left with his cell phone, several people chatted very lively.

When Ye Fei was there, they seemed very reserved and didn't want to talk much. After Ye Fei left, they breathed a sigh of relief and chatted enthusiastically.

"The dean is so kind to others!"

"Yeah, I thought the dean would be very serious, but I didn't expect him to be so kind to ordinary researchers like us."

"You don't know this, right? I heard from the old people in the research institute that the dean is very low-key and very kind to others. Many researchers have difficulties. As long as it's not something excessive, the dean will help appropriately. .”

"Isn't it possible? There are thousands of people in the institute? How can the dean help?"

"Do you think thousands of people are asking the dean for help? Not everyone is qualified to ask the dean for help. Only those who have conducted research with the dean will ask for help, and the rest are too embarrassed to ask."

"Then how many people in our institute have done research with the dean?"

"A few hundred people, I don't know the exact number."

Ye Fei took his cell phone to a corner where no one was, and then called Geng Ye.

"Hey, Geng Si!" Ye Fei smiled and said, "Do you have anything to do with me?"

"What?" Geng Ye complained: "I can't come to you if I have nothing to do!"

"No!" Ye Fei said quickly: "As long as you look for me, you can look for me at any time."

No matter what you say behind your back, you must be very enthusiastic in front of others.

Life is like a play, it all depends on acting!

"Forget it!" Geng Ye said, "I can come back to you at any time. What is your current status, Ye Fei? I treat you as my ancestor."

In other words, Geng Ye and Ye Fei have a relatively good relationship, so Geng Ye can talk openly to Ye Fei.

If it were anyone else, Geng Ye would not speak like this.

Ye Fei laughed silently and said to himself: "You know it, so don't bother me when you have nothing to do!"

Geng Ye said: "Okay, let me tell you something serious. Three days ago, Yuanverse Technology Company started operating the Yuanverse business overseas."

Ye Fei nodded and said, "I know this."

After Ye Fei finished speaking, he looked around, then walked to the bench by the window and sat down.

There was no one near the bench, and the lounge was a large area, more than 500 square meters.

It was afternoon time, and there were not many people coming to the lounge. In the evening and noon, there were the most people.

In the evening and after lunch, everyone would gather in the lounge and chat lively.

They talked about everything, but the most talked about academics.

Even at eleven o'clock in the evening, there were many people in the lounge, which was a strange thing about Ye Fei's research institute.

Geng Ye smiled and said: "If you make it impossible to activate the education and scientific research simulation and scientific research gathering functions of the Yuanverse, there will be huge complaints from overseas markets!"

Ye Fei said at the time that it was okay to allow Metaverse to operate in overseas markets, but two functions would not be enabled.

That is education and scientific research.

These two items are the most important things in the metaverse and the most important things for the development of every country.

Ye Fei's research and development of the Metaverse at that time was not essentially for the country's economic development, but for scientific research.

Economic development just happens along the way.

Whether it is quantum computers or the metaverse, Ye Fei is doing it for scientific research, and they are the basis for all Ye Fei's future research.

Ye Fei leaned back slightly, leaning tightly against the back of the chair, sitting in a more comfortable posture.

A fireball hung on the horizon outside the window, emitting endless red light, like a huge fireball.

Red light shone in through the window and spread over Ye Fei's body.

There was air conditioning in the lounge, and Ye Fei didn't feel hot at all.

Ye Feidao: "Then what should I do? Can I still be allowed to activate the education and scientific research functions?"

Geng Ye quickly said: "Of course this is not allowed."

Geng Ye strongly agreed with Ye Fei's opening up of the two functions of education and scientific research in the metaverse.

If it were him, he would do the same.

He even believed that any country would do this.

People are selfish. Such good technology developed by our country cannot be used by your country in vain.

Two such powerful functions as education and scientific research can only be used by our own country, and it is impossible for other countries to use them.

And letting you use other functions is already a great gift to you.

As for education and scientific research, forget about it.

Ye Fei felt a little sleepy due to the sun's rays, and it was easy to get sleepy in the afternoon.

Ye Fei leaned forward, supported his chin with his left hand, faced the window, turned on the speaker on his mobile phone, and held the mobile phone in front of his mouth with his right hand.

Ye Feidao: "Then why are you making this call?"

Geng Ye said: "I just came to let you know that if there is a commotion in the overseas market, you should be mentally prepared."

"Hey!" Ye Fei smiled disdainfully: "Do you think I will care?"

"I'm buried in the research institute doing experiments every day. I don't care about the outside world unless it's the end of the world. I don't care about anything else."

Geng Ye smiled and said: "I know you don't care, I just want to let you know!"

"If there is trouble in overseas markets, the country will definitely help you."

"I know this." Ye Feidao: "After all, the opening of education and scientific research in the Yuan Universe will not be good for the country!"

The world is like a big cake, and those who share the cake are countries. Those with strong national power will get more, and those with weak national power will get less.

What reflects national strength is not money or agriculture, but force.

Although force is said to be the courage of a reckless man, now everyone talks about money.

But for the country, it is useless to talk about money. Those are all waste paper. Only talking about force is useful.

The most powerful force is technology.

Therefore, only when technology is strong can force be strong.

The foundation for strong science and technology is strong education.

Therefore, if other countries have strong education and technology, it will not bring any benefit to Xia State, but only harm.

"Of course!" Geng Ye said, "Okay, that's all I have to say, hang up."

After hanging up the phone, Ye Fei looked out the window, his eyes twinkling.

After a long while, he called the office of the president of Yuanverse Technology Company.

Ye Fei said: "Hey, I'm Ye Fei!"

"Dean?" Shi Junjie was surprised when he heard Ye Fei's voice.

This was the first time Ye Fei called him, but he had never called him before.

Shi Junjie couldn't believe it was Ye Fei. He took a look at the number on the phone and saw that it was indeed Ye Fei's phone number.

Shi Junjie asked: "Dean, do you have anything to do with me?"

Ye Fei asked: "How is Yuanverse's business in overseas markets? I heard that some people have complained that we have not activated the two major functions of education and scientific research. Is that true?"

"Dean, you heard." Shi Junjie was shocked and said, "Dean, I will handle this matter."

At that time, it was he who recommended starting overseas market business as soon as possible.

Then, he will be responsible for any problems in overseas markets.

As the CEO of Yuanverse Technology Company, he also has the obligation to deal with this matter.

Ye Feidao: "Tell me the specific situation."

"Okay, Dean!"

So, Shi Junjie told Ye Fei about the matter in detail.

The biggest conflict in the overseas market this time is Beili Country. Scientists from Beili Country sternly said on the Internet that Ye Feigong was seeking personal revenge and would not activate the two major functions of education and scientific research in the Metaverse.

This must be Ye Fei's revenge!

Shi Junjie said: "Dean, this is the process."

After Ye Fei listened calmly, he sneered and said, "They really have the nerve to say it!"

"You post a message on the company's Facebook page."

"Just write it like this, Ye Fei, colon, so what if I am just avenging my personal revenge, question mark, this is my company, comma, I developed the metaverse, comma, I can deal with it how I want, comma, anyone can No right to interfere, period.”

"have you understood?"

"Yeah!" Shi Junjie said hesitantly: "But, Dean, if you write like this, it will have some impact on your reputation!"

Ye Feihun smiled nonchalantly and said, "My resume is so perfect, I think it has some stains."

"A flawless, perfect resume is not grounded at all."

"This..." Shi Junjie still couldn't decide. He really didn't understand why Ye Fei did this.

As mentioned before, he is not Ye Fei and does not have Ye Fei's experience.

Ye Fei's current state of mind is like that of an eminent monk who doesn't care or care about many worldly things.

He doesn't care whether the world slanders him, bullies him, insults him, laughs at him, belittles him, despises him, hates him, or deceives him.

There are very few things that he cares about now, except his parents and scientific research.

Ye Feidao: "Let's do it like this!"

"Then..." Seeing that Ye Fei had made up his mind, Shi Junjie gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, let's do it then!"

Half a day later, Yuanverse Technology Company released news on Facebook.

[Ye Fei: So what if I just avenge my private revenge? This is my company. I developed the Metaverse. I can deal with it how I want. No one has the right to interfere. 】

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