From university academician to chief academician

Chapter 235: Others laugh at me for being too crazy, but others can’t see through my laughter!

ps: Before 11 o'clock last night, I changed the end of the previous chapter. If you read it before 11 o'clock last night, you can go back and read it.

Xia Xin International moved very quickly. While it was acquiring stocks, it also had factories producing photolithography machine parts.

Once a batch of parts is produced, a batch is shipped to Factory No. 1 in Shanghai for assembly.

At the same time, in Factory No. 1, there is 24-hour supervision.

All senior executives of the factory and the company have signed confidentiality agreements and are not allowed to leak any information, otherwise they will face huge compensation.

Factory No. 1, in a workshop!

Hou Xuelin is a young man of about thirty years old. He is the squad leader of a workshop in Factory No. 1 and manages No. 30 people under him.

Hou Xuelin saw that the director was supervising everyone's work.

He walked up to the director, licked his face and said with a smile: "Director, why is the factory so busy recently? I saw a large number of trucks delivering goods every day. The factory was not so busy in the past!"

"Also, the machines we assemble are a little different from the ones before!"

The photolithography machine assembly in Factory No. 1 is 90% operated by machines and 10% by humans.

Although these workers know that they are assembling photolithography machines, they do not know the performance of these photolithography machines.

After all, if they could know the performance of the lithography machine just by looking at its configuration, they wouldn't be workers here.

The director glanced at him and reprimanded: "Don't ask what you shouldn't ask. This is not what you should know."

The director also doesn’t know the performance of these lithography machines.

However, there have been repeated orders from above to supervise all workers, work quickly, and not leak any lithography machine information.

This was not the case in the past. The director knew that this batch of goods must be very important.

Hou Xuelin scratched the back of his head and smiled, not paying attention to the director's reprimand.

The director asked: "How long will it take for your group's photolithography machine to be produced?"

Hou Xuelin said: "It's coming soon. It will be produced by the end of this month."

Factory No. 1 has tens of thousands of people, with thirty or fifty people working in a shift.

Each shift has a different division of labor. Hou Xuelin's shift is responsible for the final steps of assembly of the photolithography machine.

Twenty factories across the country produce photolithography machine parts.

Tens of thousands of people assemble it in Factory No. 1.

But even so, only three photolithography machines can be produced a month.

There are two main reasons.

1. Time is tight and there are few production lines.

2. The photolithography machine for manufacturing 12nm carbon-based chips is very difficult to manufacture and assemble.

However, Xia State is the number one manufacturing country in the world.

You can always trust Xia Guo in manufacturing.

Even with such a small production line, three photolithography machines can be produced in a month.

It can manufacture 36 photolithography machines in a year.

Although Xia Xin International manufactures only nearly half of the lithography machines produced by ASML in a year.

However, ASML, as the world's largest lithography machine manufacturing company, has developed its production capacity for decades before it has today's production capacity.

Xia Xin International’s 12nm carbon-based chip lithography machine is only a few months old.

It will be difficult to catch up with ASML in production capacity in a short time.

Xia Xin International, Chairman’s Office!

The assistant is reporting the status of the lithography machine to Qu Guangfu.

"Director Qu, all the stocks have been purchased."

"Nine lithography machines have been produced, and all produced lithography machines have been shipped to Chip Factory No. 1 to start manufacturing chips. So far, 216 million chips have been manufactured."

"In the past three months, the company has acquired ten more factories and added one more production line. It can produce one more photolithography machine every month."

Qu Guangfu nodded slightly and said, "Okay, I understand."

After the assistant left, Qu Guangfu stood up, walked to the floor-to-ceiling window, put his hands behind his back, and looked down at the scenery outside slightly.

Qu Guangfu thought: "Although for the 12nm chips that Xia needs, 216 million are far from enough."

Xia State consumes one trillion chips of all types in a year.

12nm chips consume 500 billion pieces.

"But as long as you give me five years, I can expand the production capacity tenfold. Give me ten years, and the production capacity can be expanded thirty times. By then, Xia Guo Chip will no longer rely on foreign countries."

"Go crazy, the chip market around the world will go crazy because of Xiaxin International."

Qu Guangfu's heart was filled with emotion at this moment, as if there was a long-suppressed energy in his heart that was quickly erupting.

He wanted this energy to spread throughout the country and the world.

The next day, the official website of Xia Xin International released the news.

[Xiaxin International will sell 300 billion chips on April 20.

The models are 14nm, 22nm, 28nm, 40nm, 65nm and 90nm chips.

Moreover, the prices of these chips have been reduced by 20%, 25%, 30%, 35%, 40%, and 45% respectively. 】

The 300 billion chips were Xiaxin International’s entire inventory in the past.

Moreover, most of the chips are sold at a loss.

The profit of chips is generally between 20% and 30%.

The higher the high-end chip, the higher the profit, and the lower the profit of the low-end chip.

The price of high-end chips is about 29 yuan, and the price of low-end chips is about 4 yuan.

For example, a 14nm chip is about 29 yuan, and a 90nm chip is about 5 yuan.

The 14nm chip costs 29 yuan, the profit is generally 2.165 yuan, and the cost is 21.75 yuan.

Now the price is reduced by 20%, so the cost is inconvenient and the profit is 1.45 yuan.

For 90nm chips, the profit is 1 yuan and the cost is 4 yuan.

Now the price is reduced by 45%, the cost remains unchanged, and the negative profit is 1.25 yuan.

Xiaxin International does this to collect cash flow and invest in expanding the carbon-based chip industry.

At the same time, all silicon-based chips were sold.

From now on, Xia Xin International will no longer sell and manufacture silicon-based chips, but will sell and manufacture carbon-based chips.

Moreover, carbon-based chips have low manufacturing costs, strong performance, and much higher profits than silicon-based chips.

Global chip manufacturing companies were all dumbfounded when they saw Xia Xin International's magical operation.

ASML Company, Chairman's Office!

Chairman Sean looked at the information on Xiaxin International’s official website.

He frowned and said in confusion: "Could it be that we pushed too hard and made Xia Xin International behave irrationally?"

"It shouldn't be!"

"As a listed company, even if the chairman is irrational, the directors should be rational!"

"However, all the operations of Xia Xin International in the past few months are really hard to understand."

"First, we purchased a large number of factories, then purchased properties around the world, recruited employees, and expanded the company's scale."

"Now we have to sell another 300 billion chips at a reduced price."

"What exactly does Xia Xin International want to do?"

After thinking about it for a long time, Sean didn't understand what Xia Xin International wanted to do.

He shook his head and said helplessly: "It's just that Xia Xin International did this, which made Xia Guo Chip Manufacturing Company, which our company invested in, feel a little uncomfortable."

"Even if the price is reduced, there should be a standard!"

"But Xiaxin International's price reduction is too harsh. Which chip manufacturing company dares to reduce prices like this!"

"Xia Xin International is killing the goose that lays the goose to lay eggs. If we do this, the company will only be doomed."

Reason told Sean that Xiaxin International should not do this.

Even though their company forced Xia Xin International to feel uncomfortable.

But Xiaxin International should not do this either.

However, Sean really couldn't find a reason why Xia Xin International did this.

TSMC, Chairman’s Office!

The chairman said angrily: "Is Xia Xin International really crazy to do such irrational behavior?"

The chairman gritted his teeth and said: "The price of chips has been greatly reduced, and most of the chips are sold at a loss."

"How could they do such a thing? Doing so will not only disrupt Xia Guo's chip market, but also cause Xia Xin International to go bankrupt."

Xia State is the world's largest chip market.

TSMC is the world's largest chip manufacturing company.

Xia Guo’s chip market is in chaos, which has a great impact on TSMC.

The chairman asked again in confusion: "Could it be that our company and ASML joined forces to force Xiaxin International to jump over the wall and do such irrational behavior?"

"It shouldn't be. No normal person would do such crazy behavior."

"Are the directors of Xia Xin International just freeloaders?"

"There's no way most people agree with this madness."

"Why exactly?"

The chairman thought for a long time but couldn't think of a reason.

He said: "Go crazy, you are just destroying yourself by doing this."

Although the chairman has always felt that Xia Xin International must have a backup plan.

But the chairman thought about it for several months and still couldn't figure out what it was.

However, there are many rumors that Xia Xin International has developed a photolithography machine that can produce 12nm carbon-based chips.

The chairman naturally didn't believe the news.

Is it so easy to develop a 12nm chip lithography machine?

If it were so easy to develop, ASML would not be the only one in the world with such a photolithography machine.

The key is still a photolithography machine that can produce 12nm carbon-based chips.

Even if Ye Fei was involved in research and development, there would be no results within a few years.

The chairman thought: "You guys are selling 300 billion chips at a reduced price, which will temporarily disrupt the Xiaguo market."

"But what's the point of doing that?"

"It will only hasten your demise."

"If you want to destroy it, you must make it crazy!"

The chairman shook his head slightly: "Xia Guo is not suitable for developing the chip industry. There was Unisplendour Group in the past and Xiaxin International is now there."

"Since you are selling chips at a reduced price, except for 12nm and 7nm chips, our company will not sell other chips in Xia Country for the time being!"

"We will sell them again when your chips are sold out."

"With Xia's market, 300 billion chips can be swallowed up in less than two months."

Beili country!

When Boyi saw Xiaxin International's behavior, he shook his head slightly and said: "It's so irrational. Just because of the oppression of ASML and TSMC, you do such irrational behavior?"

"It would be great if all companies in Xia State operated in this way, so that we would not have to think of countermeasures to deal with you every day."

Boyi gloated: "What a pity. Ye Fei helped develop the chip. In the end, before the chip was developed, Xia Xin International was about to be finished, and Ye Fei no longer had to develop the chip." "

"Xia Xin International is over. When will Xia Guo produce another company like Xia Xin International?"

"Xia's country's chip field may be cursed."

"As long as it is a chip company in Xia State, it will inevitably perish for no reason in the end."


Not only people from ASML, TSMC and Beili cannot understand Xiaxin International’s behavior.

Many people also don’t understand Xiaxin International’s behavior.

Many people abroad laugh at Xia Xin International and say that Xia Xin International is finished.

Many people in China denounced Xiaxin International, saying that Xiaxin International had ruined Xiaxin's chip market.

Many people also begged Xiaxin International not to sell chips at lower prices and to resist the pressure from ASML and TSMC.

Many people go to Xia Xin International’s official website to leave messages and call Xia Xin International’s phone number.

[What the hell is Xia Xin International doing? This is suicidal, killing the goose to get the eggs, fishing with all the water, losing the big for the small! 】

[Chairman and directors of Xia Xin International, are their brains wet? They behaved so irrationally. 】

[Please, Xia Xin International, don’t sell chips at a lower price. We Xia Guo have money. 】

[Xia Xin International, by doing this you are destroying Xia Guo’s chip field. You are sinners through the ages. 】

[Damn, I originally thought that Xia Xin International could lead Xia Guo’s chip field to take off one day, but now there is no hope. 】

[Are you acting so irrationally just because of the pressure from ASML and TSMC? If so, what kind of chips are you working on? Damn it...]


At this moment, Xia Guo's entire chip manufacturing company was harmed by Xia Xin International's actions.

Xiaxin International sells chips at reduced prices, causing chaos in the entire chip market in Xiaguo.

It is impossible for these chip manufacturing companies to follow Xiaxin International in lowering prices.

Many company bosses called Qu Guangfu and cursed him angrily.

Xia Xin International, Chairman’s Office!

"Qu Guangfu, have your fucking brains been kicked by a donkey? What on earth do you want to do if you do such a thing that is harmful to others and not beneficial to yourself?"

"Dong Qu, please let me know if you are in trouble. My brother doesn't have a lot of money, but a little money can still help."

"Qu Guangfu, if you do this, you are disrupting the entire Xiaguo chip market, and it will not do any good to your company. What are you trying to do!"

"Director Qu, I know your company is having a hard time recently, but if you are in trouble, you can't drag us along to support you!"

"Qu Guangfu, you were hit by a car when you went out. Damn... If you do this, even if you don't think about your own company, you have to think about other companies. You will destroy us by doing this."

"Director Qu, let's discuss it carefully. If you don't sell at a lower price, we won't make 14nm chips. What do you think?"

"Qu Guangfu, I curse you to death from choking when you eat, and death from coldness when you drink water..."


Qu Guangfu hung up the phone with a smile on his face.

These people scolded him, but he was not angry at all. Instead, he smiled as they listened to them scold him.

Qu Guangfu said with a smile in his heart: "It doesn't matter if you scold me, it won't matter even if you hit me, what's wrong with me!"

"It's not that I'm crazy, but I'm doing all this just to prepare you for the next craziness."

"Others laugh at me for being too crazy, but others can't see through my laughter!"

Two months later!

Xia Xin International, Chairman’s Office!

The assistant said: "Chairman, all the company's silicon-based chips have been sold, with sales of 1.5 trillion and a profit of 9 billion."

"In these two months, nine lithography machines were manufactured and 396 million chips were manufactured."

"We acquired ten factories and added one production line. Now we can manufacture five photolithography machines every month."

"Now the company has 22 photolithography machines and 612 million chips."

Qu Guangfu nodded with satisfaction.

612 million 12nm carbon-based chips are still far from enough for the entire Xia Kingdom.

But take your time, this is just the beginning.

With future development, Xiaxin International will have more photolithography machines and produce more chips every year.

Qu Guangfu thought: "6.12 12nm carbon-based chips are enough to last for a period of time."

Qu Guangfu looked up at his assistant and said, "Start contacting Academician Ye Fei and people above Xia State.

"Everything is ready, I'm going to hold a product launch conference to announce the arrival of the carbon-based chip era!"

The assistant said excitedly: "Okay, Chairman!"

The entire company, everyone who knows about carbon-based chips, is looking forward to this day.

After the assistant left, Qu Guangfu smiled: "The whole world, let's start welcoming the arrival of carbon-based chips. From now on, the king of the chip field will be Xia Guo."

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