From university academician to chief academician

Chapter 194 International Congress of Mathematicians

The next day!

Early in the morning, all the mathematicians attending the International Congress of Mathematicians walked to the International Conference Center.

At the entrance of the International Conference Center, reporters from various countries were surrounded, and Internet celebrities were broadcasting live.

I saw many internationally renowned mathematicians taking pictures with the camera cards in their hands.

Although the scene is not comparable to the performance of celebrities participating in the event, mathematics is the most high-end talent in the world and has attracted attention from all countries.

A small amount of research by mathematicians can change the world.

Therefore, the lively scene is not as good as the celebrity's appearance show, but the attention is only higher than that of the celebrity.

Ye Fei and others got off the car. Ye Fei laughed and said, "It's quite lively!"

The International Congress of Mathematicians is the top event in mathematics, and Ye Fei participated in it for the first time.

In terms of excitement, it is not inferior to the international blockchain academic conferences that Ye Fei attended in the past.

"Yes!" Mochizuki Shinichi said with a smile: "Every time the International Congress of Mathematicians is held, it will be so lively."

The International Congress of Mathematicians is held every four years, and this year is the 31st. The venue is different each time.

The International Congress of Mathematicians is equivalent to the Olympic Games in the international mathematics community.

Many reporters saw Ye Fei and Mochizuki Shinichi appearing together and took pictures of them.

No one was surprised that Ye Fei and Mochizuki Shinichi arrived together.

As we all know, Ye Fei and Mochizuki Shinichi are very good friends.

The two not only collaborate academically, but are also business partners.

Mochizuki Shinichi: "Let's go!"

"Yeah!" Ye Fei nodded.

After that, he walked towards the International Conference Center.

After entering the International Convention Center, sit in your respective seats.

Ye Fei and Mochizuki Shinichi are not sitting in adjacent seats. Mochizuki Shinichi is sitting in the left seat of the twelfth row, and Ye Fei is sitting in the right seat of the twelfth row.

The three people following Ye Feilai could only sit in the seats at the end.

In terms of seats, the International Mathematical Society felt that Ye Fei's abilities were equal to Mochizuki Shinichi's.

Moreover, the seats in the twelfth row belong to internationally renowned mathematicians.

There are fifty rows of seats in total.

The first three rows are for the leaders of the Fields Medal, Nobel Prize, Abel Prize, Wolf Prize and the International Mathematical Society.

The fourth to ninth rows are for top international mathematicians, and the 10th to 20th rows are for internationally renowned mathematicians.

The seats at the back are all internationally renowned mathematicians and their friends, students, subordinates, and relatives brought by mathematicians.

After Ye Fei sat down, the people next to him saw Ye Fei and said with a smile: "Hello, Professor Ye, I am Victor Vladimir Yurivanka Diander from Moscow University in Northern Russia."

"Uh..." Ye Fei looked at Victor and hesitated. The name was too long. Ye Fei almost didn't remember it after hearing it once.

Victor smiled: "You can call me Victor."

Ye Fei smiled and said, "Hello, Mr. Victor."

Victor said: "I once read your paper, the one about the ABC conjecture, it is indeed a very exciting way to solve problems."

"I also heard that you have great research on materials and computers."

Ye Fei nodded and said, "Yes."

The two talked about many issues.

Victor studies algebra, and recently he focuses on Lichtenbaum's conjecture, which is one of the popular issues in algebraic K-theory research.

The most important research in algebraic K theory is the study of the generalized Riemann-Roch theorem.

Rohe's full name is Gusta Rohe, and he was a student of mathematician Riemann who died young.

The generalized Riemann-Roche theorem studies the space dimension of meromorphic functions at zero and pole points.

In studying Lichtenbaum's conjecture, we need to study Abelian expansion, Riemann's inequalities, Riemann surfaces, complex analysis and algebraic geometry.

Ye Fei studied Abel's expansion.

Therefore, part of their research overlaps.

This resulted in the two having many topics in common.

At eight o'clock sharp, the International Congress of Mathematicians was held, and the host took the stage.

Introducing all the Fields Medals, Nobel Prizes, Wolf Prizes, Abel Prizes and leaders of the International Mathematical Society who are here today.

Afterwards, Dizzy Kevin, the President of the International Mathematical Society, Miwe Marco, the Vice President, and the winners of the previous Fields Medal, the Chen Shengshen Medal, the Gauss Medal, and the Nevinlin Medal took the stage to give speeches.

This is the practice of every International Congress of Mathematicians. The International Congress of Mathematicians is also the award ceremony for the Fields Medal, the Chern Medal, the Gauss Medal and the Nevinlin Medal.

Prizes will be awarded on the last day of the International Congress of Mathematicians.

After their speeches, Dizzy Kevin, President of the International Mathematical Society, announced that the International Congress of Mathematicians was officially convened.

The academic report of the International Congress of Mathematicians is divided into a one-hour academic report at the academic conference and a 45-minute academic report at the group meeting of the subject group.

Moreover, any mathematician attending the conference can apply to give a 10-minute academic report at the group meeting.

The so-called mathematical grouping, mathematics is divided into number theory, algebra, mathematical analysis, non-standard analysis, function theory...

Each subject of mathematics is assigned to a lecture hall and reports are given at the same time.

This is called a group meeting of the subject group.

The first day of the International Congress of Mathematicians is the opening ceremony, after which all mathematicians go to listen to the group sessions.

There is no limit to which group you can listen to, you can listen as you like.

The International Congress of Mathematicians takes a long time to hold, with each meeting lasting approximately ten days.

Many mathematicians will listen in one lecture hall for a few days, and then go to another lecture hall to listen for a few days.

In the last three days of the International Congress of Mathematicians, we have to gather together to listen to the academic conference.

At this time, I gave a one-hour academic report.

More than 2,000 mathematicians came to participate in the International Congress of Mathematicians.

However, no more than twenty people applied to give a one-hour academic report.

After all, the one-hour academic report has very high requirements for the quality of the report. It is not an academic report that has a great impact on mathematics, and mathematicians will not apply to give an academic report.

The opening ceremony of the International Congress of Mathematicians was held in the morning, and academic reports began in the afternoon.

When leaving the table at noon, Ye Fei smiled at Victor beside him and said, "Professor Victor, can we have lunch together at noon?"

Ye Fei and Victor chatted a lot throughout the morning, and they had a great time chatting.

Therefore, Ye Fei wanted to introduce Victor to Mochizuki Shinichi and Zhang Yitang at noon.

"Of course!" Victor smiled: "Can I bring some people with me?"

Victor also had a feeling of regret for meeting Ye Fei late.

Although Ye Fei was very young and had just debuted, Victor admired Ye Fei's talent in mathematics very much.


So, during the lunch dinner, Ye Fei, Mochizuki Shinichi, Zhang Yitang and Victor, as well as the students and subordinates brought by these people.

There were 12 people in total, and they were sitting at a big round table.

Everyone is a celebrity in mathematics and knows each other.

Moreover, their researches have more or less overlap.

Ye Fei studied Abelian expansion, Mochizuki Shinichi and Zhang Yitang studied the Landau-Siegel zero-point conjecture, and Victor studied the Lichtenbaum conjecture.

Abelian expansion and Lichtenbaum's conjecture are both for studying the Riemann conjecture.

The Landau-Siegel zero-point conjecture is opposite to the Riemann hypothesis.

Therefore, to study the Landau-Siegel zero-point conjecture, we must study the Riemann hypothesis.

Ye Fei said amusingly: "I think if we, the people at this table, work together to study the Riemann Hypothesis, we might be able to take the research on the Riemann Hypothesis a big step forward."

Zhang Yitang smiled and said: "That's not possible. If the research on the Riemann Hypothesis takes a big step forward, won't my Landau-Siegel zero-point conjecture be overturned?"

"Aren't all my years of hard work in vain?"

Of course, Zhang Yitang was joking.

There are only right and wrong in mathematics, there is no life-and-death competition for survival.

The Riemann Hypothesis has been proved, indicating that the Landau-Siegel Zero Point Hypothesis does not exist.

The Landau-Siegel zero-point conjecture has been proved, indicating that the Riemann hypothesis is wrong.

There is no competition among them to survive, only to prove their existence.

Their opponent is not each other, but themselves.

Mochizuki Shinichi smiled and said: "I think it is okay. We can cooperate if we have the opportunity, but it cannot be limited to the Riemann Hypothesis. We can also prove the Landau-Siegel zero-point conjecture."

Everyone nodded, and Victor said: "I think it's okay too."

After that, they ended the topic and continued talking about math problems while eating.

A corner of the restaurant!

Dizzy Kevin, President of the International Mathematical Society, and Miwe Marco, Vice President, sat together.

Looking at Ye Fei who was talking and laughing not far away.

There was a hint of coldness in the eyes of the two people. Not only these two people, but also many Beili country mathematicians present were very unhappy with Ye Fei.

Ye Fei has caused chaos in many industries in Beili Country in the past two years. Bankruptcies, bankruptcies, layoffs, stock drops, and career changes abound.

Especially in the field of lithium batteries, Ye Fei suffered heavy losses.

Several giant companies in the solar energy field in Beili are joining forces with many international solar giants to fight with Xia Guo's LONGi Green Energy Company through public opinion and price in the world.

Of course, LONGi Green Energy is not a vegetarian either.

The giant companies in Beili can unite with international solar giants, and LONGi can also unite with several giant solar companies in Xia to confront each other.

Xia State is the world's largest consumer market, and one country can compete in the world.

But compared to lithium battery companies, Beiliguo Solar Energy Company is in a much better situation.

This is mainly due to Xia Guo's request to reduce the price of lithium batteries, while solar energy has not reduced its price.

It is precisely because of this that the current situation has emerged.

It is normal for the mathematician from Beili Country to be unhappy with Ye Fei.

Science has no borders, but scientists have borders!

Kevin sneered: "Let him laugh now. The happier he laughs, the more embarrassing it will be when he gives an academic report."

Marco nodded and said: "Yes, in a few days, Ye Fei will become a joke in the global academic circle. I wonder if he will still have the face to hang around in the mathematics community."

Kevin said: "If it weren't for the fact that the one-hour academic report is held on the last three days of the International Congress of Mathematicians according to the rules, I would really want to hold the one-hour academic report in advance."

Marco shook his head and said: "It's not necessary. A few days in advance or a few days in delay, the result will be the same."

"Yeah!" Kevin nodded.

After eating, take a rest for one hour, around two o'clock in the afternoon.

Everyone enters the group lecture hall to give a report and listen to the report.

Ye Fei spent the next few days listening to the lectures.

Ye Fei mainly listened to academic reports on number theory and algebra.

I spent three and a half days in the number theory lecture hall and three days in the algebra lecture hall.

On the eighth day, all mathematicians gathered together to hold an academic conference.

The president and vice-president of the International Mathematical Society are in great moods. They have been waiting for this day for a long time.

Chairman Dizzy Kevin smiled at the Vice Chairman Miwe Marco next to him: "Today is the day when Ye Fei will make a fool of himself. Then we will quietly buy some news and let this matter ferment. Let Ye Fei not only become a joke in the academic world, but also a joke in the world."

Marco said: "Actually, we don't need to take action. As long as this happens, those companies that were embarrassed by Ye Fei will take action automatically."

"That's right!" A sneer appeared on Kevin's face: "Who made him so arrogant? If you are capable in academia, you should keep a low profile. He is actually very high-profile. Not only that, he also messes with our country and has many companies in our country. , many industries have been greatly affected.”

"Those companies that were manipulated by Ye Fei will definitely take action when they see what Ye Fei is doing."

A proud smile appeared on Marco's face: "I think today's incident will make him remember and know to keep a low profile in the future."

If they really succeed, Ye Fei will be disgraced in front of the entire academic community and people around the world.

A person has a face, and a tree has a bark.

Dignity is very important to anyone, especially in academia.

If a scholar doesn't even have dignity, others will look down on him.

Even if Ye Fei achieves high results in the future, many people will use today's dark history to humiliate Ye Fei.

This is a move that is not very powerful, but it is very harmful, and it is also long-lasting and may stay with a person for his entire life.

Kevin said: "The first one is Ye Fei!"

"Yes!" Kalko nodded: "I personally adjusted the order, putting Ye Fei first."

Kevin nodded with satisfaction.

While Ye Fei was listening to the academic report, he was always confused.

He heard Zhang Yitang say that the International Mathematical Society was dealing with him, but Ye Fei never found out how the International Mathematical Society was going to deal with him.

Ye Feixin said: "The International Congress of Mathematicians is almost over, how will the International Mathematical Society deal with me?"

"If you don't come back, I'm leaving."

Ye Fei's mentality at the moment was as if he was not afraid of thieves stealing, but was afraid that the thieves would miss him.

After stealing, the thief leaves, but if he doesn't start, the thief will always be thinking about you.

This feeling is very uncomfortable.

"Hi, Professor Ye!"

At this time, Victor sat next to Ye Fei and said with a smile: "How have you been listening to the academic lectures in the past few days?"

Ye Fei smiled and said: "Not bad, it helped me a lot."

Isn't it big? Ye Fei has already found the idea to prove Hilbert's 12th question.

Just waiting to go back and verify it!

But Ye Fei estimates that there is a 90% chance of success.

Ye Fei asked: "What about you?"

Victor said: "It helped me a lot. My Lichtenbaum conjecture also gave me a lot more inspiration."

Ye Fei nodded.

Academic reports are very important to any scholar.

Listening to other people's academic reports can absorb a lot of inspiration and help prove academic problems.

Ye Fei asked: "Do you know how many people gave one-hour academic reports in the past three days?"

Victor thought for a moment and then said: "There seem to be fifteen people."

Ye Feidao: "Do you know anyone? I remember that every time the International Congress of Mathematicians is held, can't you go to the official website of the International Mathematical Society to find the specific list of academic lectures?"

"Why can't we check it this year?"

Victor said: "I have also asked about this, and it was said that it was a system maintenance issue, so there is no list of academic seminars on the official website."

"But it doesn't matter. Anyway, the list for the report meeting is dispensable."

"That's right!" Ye Fei nodded: "Then do you know who will give a one-hour academic report?"

“I don’t know the specific list, I only know the number and a few people who gave one-hour academic lectures.”

"Zhang Yitang, Gregory Margulies, Guangzhong Pingyou, Martin Haier, Tao Zhexuan, Qiu Chengtong..."

Except for Zhang Yitang, everyone else is a Fields Medal winner.

In the one-hour academic report of every International Congress of Mathematicians, most of the people who take the stage to give academic reports are Fields Medal winners, Wolf Medal, Abel Prize, Gauss Medal, Chen Shengshen Medal and Nevin Linner Medal winners. Go on stage to give an academic report.

Almost no one who has ever won a top international award comes on stage to give an academic report.

Ye Fei nodded, looking forward to these top scholars coming to the stage to give academic reports.

Ye Feixin said: "This allows me to absorb a lot of inspiration."

Now for Hilbert's 12th question, Ye Fei has found a way to prove it.

And he is participating in the selection of mathematics academicians, and he has already thought about the next research problems in mathematics.

Ye Feixin said: "The next research question in mathematics is the quantum layer conjecture."

The quantum layer conjecture is the study of manifold spectrum, which is one of the basic problems of Riemannian geometry.

This is also a problem derived from the Riemann Hypothesis.

Ye Feixin said: "In terms of difficulty, it is incomparable to the Landau-Siegel zero-point conjecture, but it is also a worldwide problem."

"The quantum layer conjecture is not only a difficult problem derived from Riemannian geometry, but also a difficult problem in the quantum theory conjecture."

When talking about quantum science, we must talk about quantum mechanics, which is one of the ultimate problems in physics.

Quantum mechanics is very difficult, and many people cannot understand quantum mechanics.

Some people say that quantum mechanics belongs to metaphysics and cannot be explained by science.

Because quantum mechanics studies multiple universes, or parallel universes.

Parallel universes only appear in novels. In the real world, no one knows whether parallel universes exist.

The conjecture of quantum theory is exactly what scientists imagine about the existence of parallel universes.

If the quantum theory conjecture is proven successful, it means that parallel universes exist.

If the quantum theory conjecture cannot be proven successful, it means that parallel universes do not exist.

"The quantum layer conjecture and the quantum theory conjecture are both conjectures in quantum science."

"In quantum science, there are still many conjectures, such as the quantum space-time conjecture, quantum entanglement conjecture, and quantum PCP conjecture."

"Quantum science also has many important applications, such as quantum communications, quantum computers, quantum computing, quantum satellites, quantum networks, quantum navigation and positioning systems, quantum key distribution, quantum teleportation...etc., too many, too many ”

"If quantum science is proven, Earth's civilization will take a big step forward!"

"The quantum layer conjecture is also very helpful in proving quantum science."

Ye Fei thought about many quantum conjectures in his mind.

Ye Fei smiled and said: "They are all the top mathematicians in the world!"

"Who says it's not the case!" Victor said: "Only the world's top mathematicians have the courage to go on stage to give an one-hour academic report. Who else dares to go up!"

"If you don't have enough ability, it's just a joke if you go up there!"

At this time, the radio announced the person who came on stage to give an academic report.

[Professor Ye Fei of Xia Guozhonghu University gave a one-hour academic report]

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