From university academician to chief academician

Chapter 179 The paper was released, causing an international sensation

Kyoto Graphene Research Institute!

The president of the Kyoto Graphene Research Institute is the founder of the field of materials science in Xia Guo, the first person in the field of graphene, and Academician Fang Shan.

Academician Fang Shan mainly studies graphene. He is also a student of Academician Shi Changxu, the father of Xia Guo's materials science.

Academician Fangshan’s family has been practicing medicine for generations, and his ancestor was an imperial physician in the Qing Dynasty.

Because of his family background, Academician Fangshan’s research on graphene focuses on medicine, and he wants to use graphene to solve the problem of cancer.

In the laboratory!

Fang Shan is discussing research with his researchers.

Fang Shandao: “According to our joint research with Jinling Medical University, we found that far-infrared waves emitted by graphene-based devices have a stronger ability to induce tumor cell apoptosis and can significantly inhibit the growth of breast cancer cells, prostate cells, and red bowel cancer cells in the nude. Malignant proliferation and metastasis in mice..."

"Our current problem is that the current graphene material cannot completely cause tumor cells to undergo apoptosis. It can only partially apoptosis and inhibit the growth of tumor cells."

"But as long as the tumor cells have not completely apoptotic, the patient is not fully recovered."

"You can only live with cancer."

Everyone nodded, this is also the current main treatment method for cancer patients.

Cancer is a global medical problem. Current medical methods cannot completely eliminate cancer.

Of course, with the development of science and technology, it is now possible to suppress the spread of cancer cells, and one day in the future, it will be possible to completely kill cancer cells, making cancer no longer a decision and becoming a curable disease.

When graphene appeared that year, it was quickly discovered that graphene has a very good ability to kill cancer cells.

And it doesn't damage other cells.

As a result, many scientists began to use graphene to attack cancer cells.

Graphene is the king of contemporary materials and an all-round material.

The reason why graphene is a versatile material is that it can be used in all industries.

Sectors such as aviation, agriculture, food, automotive, biomedicine, communications, information technology, security, steel, sustainability and mobile phones.

Of course, this is only theoretical.

Because human research on graphene is very shallow and has not even been developed.

There are many areas of research into graphene.

Someone asked: "Dean, last time we adjusted the angle of the double-layer graphene to 2.3 degrees, didn't it kill more cancer cells? I think we can continue to adjust the angle, and maybe we can kill more cancer cells." cancer cell."

Graphene is extracted from graphite.

A pencil draws a line at random, which is several layers of graphene.

Graphene is also divided into many layers, single layer, double layer, three layer, four layer, five layer, six layer...

In 2021, Cao Yuan, a talented young man from Xia State, proposed magic angle double-layer graphene in Nature magazine.

When the angle of double-layer graphene is 1.1 degrees, superconductivity will occur, which shocked the entire physics world.

Since then, people have also tried to study graphene by adjusting the angle of multi-layer graphene to see if there can be any changes.

Fang Shan said: "Of course it is possible."

At this time, the assistant walked in with a mobile phone.

Fang Shan frowned at the assistant who walked in, and said dissatisfied: "Didn't you see that I was in a meeting?"

The assistant said excitedly: "Dean, I just received news that Dean Gao has made a major breakthrough and discovered a fullerene that is more stable than C60 fullerene."

"What?" Fang Shan couldn't believe his ears.

The assistant repeated again: "Dean Gao made a major breakthrough and discovered a fullerene that is more stable than C60 fullerene."

As soon as the assistant finished speaking, Fang Shan passed over the assistant and rushed out quickly.

"Dean..." The assistant looked at Fang Shan's running back and shouted: "Telephone..."

But Fang Shan had already rushed out of the laboratory. The assistant put the phone to his ear helplessly and said, "Hey, the dean should be going to Dean Gao's place. You guys should meet at Dean Gao's place!"

After saying that, the assistant left the research room and went to Dean Gao.

After the assistant left, the others started talking about it.

"Dean Gao actually discovered a fullerene that is more stable than C60 fullerene. Oh my god, how did they do it?"

"Don't worry about how you did it. I believe that many deans and directors in the entire institute have gone to Dean Gao now."

"Yes, something big is going to happen. The global physics, chemistry and materials communities will be in an uproar because of this. Dean Gao and the others will be busy in the coming time."

"When you encounter something like this, you are very happy even if you are busy!"


Fullerene Institute!

At this moment, many people gathered here.

"Lao Gao, have you really found fullerenes that are more stable than C60?"

Fang Shan pushed away the crowd. Before anyone could reach Professor Gao, the voice had already reached him.

Professor Gao was standing with Ye Fei, facing everyone's inquiries with a smile on his face.

Seeing Fang Shan squeezed in from the crowd, Professor Gao smiled and said: "Old Fang, you are here."

"Tell me, have you really discovered a fullerene that is more stable than C60?" Fang Shan stared at Professor Gao closely.

Professor Gao nodded and smiled: "Yes, but I didn't discover it, it was Ye Fei who discovered it."

Fang Shan turned his gaze to Ye Fei and said in surprise: "Did you discover it?"

"Hello, Academician Fang!" Ye Fei smiled.

Ye Fei met Fang Shan only a handful of times at the Graphene Research Institute.

Ye Feilai has been here for more than half a year and has met Fang Shan no more than five times in total.

Fang Shandao: "Tell me, how did you discover fullerenes that are more stable than C60?"

Ye Fei smiled and said: "I used mathematics to determine the interval for finding fullerene, and then used experimental methods to find it based on the mathematically calculated interval, and that's how I found it."

Everyone looked at Ye Fei in surprise when they heard this.

Can mathematics still do this?

Fang Shan said in shock: "Is it just that simple?"

"Of course!" Ye Fei nodded: "It's that simple."

Fang Shan frowned and asked: "How does mathematics determine the range of fullerene?"

Ye Fei was stunned for a moment and said hesitantly: "Uh... it's a long story. I can't explain it clearly in a sentence or two. How about I start a class and tell you!"

Fang Shan smiled and said, "That's great. When are you going to start classes?"

Ye Feidao: "You can do it at any time."

Fang Shan turned to look at the people behind him and said, "Listen up, everyone, go and summon all the researchers from the entire institute to listen to Ye Fei's class."

"Okay!" everyone said in unison.

They are very interested in how Ye Fei used mathematical methods to find fullerenes that are more stable than C60 fullerenes.

If you learn it, can it be applied to other fields of graphene?

Maybe more graphene technologies can be discovered.

Fang Shan said: "Come, let me see what kind of fullerene it is."

Professor Gao said: "Old Fang, come and take a look!"

Professor Gao said, pointing to the electron microscope not far away.

At this time, someone had just finished watching and was leaving his seat.

The man sighed: "It's so beautiful. I didn't expect there to be such beautiful fullerenes."

The others were very curious when they heard what he said.

Someone asked: "What is the most beautiful method?"

The man said: "It can't be described in words. Only when you really see it can you feel the beauty."

This made everyone even more curious, and they all wanted to see the newly discovered fullerene as soon as possible and feel the beauty this person said.

After a while, Fang Shan sat down and watched.

When Fang Shan saw it under an electron microscope, the internal structure was snowflake-like fullerene.

He was surprised: "It turns out to be in the shape of snowflakes. Nature is really magical."

The next day, in the auditorium.

There are about five hundred people sitting here, and Ye Feizheng is giving them lessons.

After listening to Ye Fei's class, they realized that this was how they were found.

After finishing the class, Professor Gao and others began to write papers.

Ten days later, Professor Gao’s office!

Ye Fei and Professor Gao were sitting on the sofa drinking tea.

Professor Gao put the written paper in front of Ye Fei and said, "The paper has been written, please take a look."

Ye Fei picked up the paper and read it for a while, then put it down and said, "I don't know much about materials science, so you just need to think it's good."

Professor Gao said: "I came to you to ask you, what sequence do you think the newly discovered fullerene should be named after?"

Ye Feidao: "Since it was found in the area from C80 to C82, let's use C72!"

The reason why C72 is used is to prevent outsiders from finding the scope of the search for newly discovered fullerenes.

"C72?" Professor Gao thought for a moment and nodded: "Okay!"

A sequence is just a name, there is no requirement that it must be named within the range found.

Professor Gao said: "But there should be a name. I think it's called Black Snowflake. What do you think?"

Ye Fei shook his head and said: "This name is not beautiful, I think it is called Black Snow Velvet!"

"Edelweiss, also called snowflake, likes the sun and represents hope."

"I hope C72 fullerene can bring hope to the world, because C72 fullerene brings scientific and technological progress."

"Okay!" Professor Gao smiled and said, "Just call it this name."

"Do you want to vote for nature or science?"

In terms of classification, fullerene belongs to the field of physical chemistry. There is no clear distinction between physics and chemistry.

Fullerene and graphene are very similar in internal structure, and it is not an exaggeration to say that they are relatives.

But the person who discovered graphene won the Nobel Prize in Physics, and the person who discovered fullerene won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry.

It is correct to say that fullerene belongs to the field of physics or chemistry.

Therefore, papers like this are not suitable for submission to top physics journals or top chemistry journals, but can only be submitted to top comprehensive journals.

The top comprehensive journals are Nature and Science.

You can vote for either one, but in terms of influence, it is naturally a little higher than science.

Ye Feidao: "Vote to nature!"

Speaking of nature, Ye Fei remembered that he was also the review editor of a nature journal.

It’s just that he rarely reviews papers, and only one comes out every few months.

Professor Gao nodded: "Okay!"

In the afternoon, Professor Gao uploaded the paper to Arxiv and then submitted it to a Nature journal.

In just one day, a sensation broke out in the international materials, physics, and chemistry communities.

Many scientists were shocked from ear to ear by this news.

Beiliguo National Institute of Nanotechnology!

The person who discovered fullerene was Richard Smalley, the father of nanotechnology and later established the National Institute of Nanotechnology.

There was once an astrophysicist who discovered its absorption spectrum while studying cosmic nebulae. He collaborated with chemists to simulate the environment of cosmic nebulae on Earth and synthesized fullerene.

Fullerene has also become the greatest discovery of the twentieth century, and the person who discovered fullerene won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry.

Science is so wonderful. We are obviously studying celestial bodies, but we discovered fullerenes.

Richard Smalley passed away in 2005, and the institute is now run by his student Pabra Hari.

Director's office!

After Harry listened to the assistant's report, he was surprised and said: "Someone in Xia Country discovered fullerene that is more stable than C60?"

"Oh My God!"

C60 fullerene is the most stable fullerene among fullerenes and was discovered by Harry's teacher.

Afterwards, the institute kept the manufacturing method of C60 fullerene secret until it was discovered by outsiders a few years later.

After the discovery of C60 fullerene, the institute conducted research on C60 fullerene, making Beili's fullerene technology the first in the world.

Now Xia Guo has discovered a C72 fullerene that is more stable than C60 fullerene.

Harry shook his head and said: "Xia Guo must have kept the discovery and manufacturing methods of C72 fullerene secret. Even if the manufacturing method is developed by outsiders a few years later, it will still lag behind Xia Guo in the field of fullerenes."

"God, this is a disaster!"

"Call Gor!"

Gore is the institute's principal investigator.

"Okay, boss!" the assistant said.

A moment later, Gor arrived. He just opened the door and walked in. Before he could sit down, he said, "Boss, I was just looking for you. Over there in Xia Country..."

Harry interrupted him and said, "Are you talking about the C72 fullerene discovered by Xia Guo?"

Gore sat on the chair opposite Harry's desk and said, "You know, we must get C72 from Xia Guo as soon as possible, and then study the manufacturing method."

"This is what I want to say." Harry said: "We must not lose our position as the number one in fullerene technology. You know the status of fullerene in the field of materials. It is more valuable than graphene."

"Graphene has such an important role, let alone fullerene."

"If we lose our position as the number one in fullerene technology and are surpassed by Xia Guo, it will be difficult for us to surpass Xia Guo in the field of fullerenes in the future."

"This will trigger ripple effects in many areas."

"For example, new energy, medicine, aerospace... and other fields."

"We may import fullerene research and development from Xia in the future."

"This will cost Beili Country a lot of money. Obviously we are an exporting country in this area, and we will soon become an importing country."

"So, you know the seriousness of the situation now!"

"I know!" Gor nodded, frowned and said solemnly: "I think so too. Now, we should figure out how to get C72 fullerene from Xia State. Without C72 fullerene, even if we want to study it, There’s nothing we can do.”

"Yeah!" Harry said, "I will use all resources to get C72 fullerene."

Of course, Harry also knew that it was too difficult to obtain C72 fullerene.

Xia Guo will definitely preserve C72 fullerene, and no outsiders will be allowed to approach it, nor will it be sold to the outside world.

It was not until many years later that Xia Guo sold C72 fullerene to the outside world, and then he had the opportunity to study C72 fullerene.

It was just that at that time, Xia Guo had already made great progress in the field of C72 fullerene, leaving far behind all countries in the world.

After Gore left, Harry received a call from above.

Harry said: "The difficulty now is that we do not have C72 fullerene materials. If we have C72 fullerene materials, we can develop a method for making C72 fullerenes."

The person above said: "I will find a way to get the C72 fullerene material from Xia Guo."

England, University of Manchester!

Andre Geim is Professor of Physics at the University of Manchester.

At the same time, he and Konstantin Novoselov jointly discovered graphene. In 2010, they won the Nobel Prize in Physics for graphene.

Heim's office!

Heim sat on the chair behind his desk and said in surprise: "Xia Guo actually discovered a fullerene that is more stable than C60 fullerene, C72 fullerene."

Heim shook his head and said: "It seems that Beili's position as the number one in fullerene technology can no longer be maintained."

Heim will not be anxious, although England's fullerene technology is better than Xia Guo's.

But as long as it is not first, then the status of second, third, and fourth is the same.

What is really anxious now is number one. Beili’s position as the number one in fullerene technology cannot be maintained.

This will cause Beiliguo to suffer huge losses in future fullerene transactions, as the products manufactured by fullerene lag behind Xiaguo.

Even some of Xia Guo's products are not sold to the outside world. Seeing Xia Guo surpass Beili Guo step by step, Beili Guo can only be anxious.

Heim said: "There should be a fullerene press conference then, be sure to go and listen to it."

At this moment, it’s not just Northern Ryeo and England, but also Japan, Korea, India, and various European countries.

The news spread very quickly. In one day, many people in the physics, chemistry and materials communities in almost all countries on the planet knew that Xia Guo had discovered a fullerene that is more stable than C60 fullerene, C72 fullerene. .

Everyone who heard the news was shocked!

They also know that big changes will take place in the field of fullerenes in the future.

Many people shook their heads: "Xia Guo has copied Beili Guo's record and discovered the most stable fullerene in the world."

"You know, the most stable fullerene in the past was C60 fullerene, which was also the first discovered by Beiliguo scientists."

"Beili Country must be very anxious now!"

Xia Guo, Kyoto Graphene Research Institute!

Someone above heard that after the Kyoto Graphene Research Institute discovered C72 fullerene, Geng Ye, director of the Department of Science and Technology, personally came down to visit.

Geng Ye knew that it was Ye Fei who discovered C72 fullerene. He laughed loudly and patted Ye Fei on the shoulder and said, "You are really good at it. You can do anything. If I gave you a spaceship, wouldn't you do it?" Can fly out of the solar system."

Ye Fei smiled and said: "Mr. Geng, if you really give me a spaceship, I can really fly out of the solar system."

"Then I won't give it to you." Geng Ye shook his head and said, "I don't want you to leave the earth, otherwise I won't be able to find you. I feel so sorry for you. It's better for a talent like you to stay in Xia Country."

"Haha..." Everyone around laughed.

"Okay, let's get down to business!" Geng Ye said: "Dean Gao, C72 fullerene must be kept highly confidential and outsiders are not allowed to access it. Furthermore, C72 fullerene will not be sold to the outside world for at least five years."

Dean Gao nodded and said: "I think so too. I have locked all the C72 fullerenes I have produced in the vault, and only I can enter."

"And the security level around it is very high. Not even a fly can fly in."

"Every time I take C72 fullerene from the vault for experiments, I take it myself."

"After the experiment, I recorded the materials used and residual materials of C72 fullerene in a book, and the residual materials were destroyed by myself."

"Yes!" Geng Ye nodded with satisfaction and said, "Dean Gao, should you hold a fullerene press conference?"

Professor Gao nodded and said: "Yes, this is necessary. For a big discovery like this, it is impossible to fool it with just one paper. A fullerene press conference must be held."

The discovery of C72 fullerene, which is more stable than C60 fullerene, and the holding of a fullerene press conference are not just about announcing their discovery.

It is also publicized that Xia Guo has the most stable fullerene in the world.

This can expand Xia Guo’s influence in the field of fullerenes and enhance the country’s international influence and comprehensive national strength.

Geng Ye said: "Who will host the fullerene press conference?"

Everyone looks at each other, who will host the fullerene press conference? There is a lot of knowledge involved.

Everyone wants to get in, as long as you get in, your resume will be significant.

But they also knew that the only people who could go up to talk were Professor Gao and Ye Fei, and no one else was qualified to go up.

Professor Gao said: "Let Dean Ye come, he was the one who discovered fullerene."

Ye Fei quickly declined: "No, no, no, I think it's better to let Professor Gao do it!"

Ye Fei also wanted to go up, but this was Dean Gao's territory, and he shouldn't go up there taking over the honors.

"That's it." Geng Ye said, "Ye Fei, come on!"

Geng Ye liked Ye Fei more and more and wanted to push Ye Fei up.

A capable person should step forward and let him shine.

Professor Gao said: "Okay!"

Everyone nodded in agreement.

Geng Ye said that Ye Fei should go up. No matter how ignorant they were, they had to agree to it.

"Mr. Geng, I..." Ye Fei wanted to say something else.

Geng Ye waved his hand and interrupted: "That's it. You don't need to say anything more."

Ye Fei glanced at Professor Gao, who nodded with a smile.

Ye Feidao: "Okay, then I'll go up!"

The next day!

Xia Guo Kyoto Graphene Research Institute extends invitations to many scientists from the international physics, chemistry and materials communities.

We sincerely invite you to gather at the Kyoto International Convention Center on October 1, 2028 to attend the fullerene launch conference of C72 fullerene!

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