From university academician to chief academician

Chapter 161 Global attention, top blockchain event

March 20, 2027!

The capital of Indonesia, Jakarta!

Ye Fei and others walked out of the airport and took a car to the hotel chartered by the International Computer Society.

Among the people who came with Ye Fei this time, in addition to Ye Fei's two students, there were also Han Dong and the other two people from the number theory group.

After arriving at the hotel, Ye Fei and others completed the check-in procedures, then returned to their respective rooms, put down their luggage, and then everyone went to the coffee shop downstairs to sit down and chat.

Lin Yi smiled and said: "Mentor, today there are many big names in the blockchain field. I just walked along and saw many people who could only be seen in journals and online before, such as Mochizuki Shinichi, Buterin, Anthony... Di Iorio…”

Han Dong mentioned several celebrities in the blockchain field.

All of these people are on top of the world in the blockchain field.

"Yes, mentor!" Wang Yuan said excitedly: "Not only are there blockchain tycoons, I also saw some mathematics tycoons, such as Zhang Yitang, Sarnak, Berndt, Keith Devlin... …”

Zhang Yitang needs no introduction. He is a world-renowned Chinese mathematician.

Sarnak is a tenured faculty member at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, where he studies analytical number theory.

He is most famous for his discovery of a field known as "arithmetic quantum chaos" and his solution to Hilbert's Eleventh Problem.

Berndt is one of the greatest analytic number theorists in the world today. He is best known for explaining Ramanujan's discovery.

Ramanujan was a prophet of mathematics who solved some of the world's most difficult mathematical problems without formal and extensive mathematical training.

Berndt received the Steele Prize for his research on Ramanujan's notebooks, and he also served as editor of Ramanujan's Journal.

Keith Devlin is a consulting professor of mathematics at Stanford University and co-founder and executive director of the Institute for Advanced Study in Human Sciences and Technology at Stanford University.

Ye Fei held tea in his hand and drank it slowly.

Ye Fei often drinks tea with others, and gradually he also likes drinking tea.

Ye Fei smiled and said: "This is normal. In the next few days, you will often see people you could only see in journals, TV and the Internet in the past."

Ye Fei asked: "Where did you see Mochizuki Shinichi?"

Without waiting for Lin Yi to answer, Mochizuki Shinichi walked up to Ye Fei and said with a smile: "Hi, Ye Fei!"

Ye Fei smiled and said: "Say Cao Cao, and Cao Cao will be there."

Ye Fei stood up, shook hands with Mochizuki Shinichi, and said with a smile, "Please sit down!"

"Who is Cao Cao?" Mochizuki Shinichi asked doubtfully.

Ye Fei laughed loudly and said: "This is a common saying in our Xia Kingdom. It means that as soon as you are mentioned, you will be here."

Mochizuki Shinichi shook his head and said with a smile: "What Xia Guo said is really interesting."

Ye Feidao: "I saw a paper you wrote on the Landau-Siegel zero-point conjecture a month ago. What, you want to start with it?"

"Yeah!" Mochizuki nodded and said: "Yes, in the past few years, I have been thinking of ways to explain my ABC conjecture paper in simple language. Later, you proved the ABC conjecture in my research. Out."

"I felt like I had nothing to do for a while, so I recently wanted to prove the Landau-Siegel zero-point conjecture."

Ye Fei nodded and smiled: "I heard that Zhang Yitang is here. He has been working on research in this area. You can have a good chat."

"I just heard that he was coming, so I followed him." Mochizuki said: "Have you had any contact with him?"

Zhang Yitang is of Chinese descent, and Ye Fei is of Xia nationality.

Essentially, both of them were from the Xia Kingdom and both were excellent mathematicians, so they might have had contact with each other.

Ye Fei shook his head and said: "No, I have only been in the mathematics world for a long time, and there is still a big gap between my status and Mr. Zhang Yitang."

Mochizuki said: "I will try to get in touch with Mr. Zhang Yitang recently, how about we do it together!"

Ye Fei said: "Okay, call me when the time comes and I will go with you to see him."

"Okay!" Mochizuki Shinichi said, "By the way, you have been very famous this year. In the blockchain circle, many people are discussing you!"

“Especially after the Global Blockchain Academic Conference held in Shanghai at the beginning of last year, you made many people in the blockchain circle know about you.”

Ye Fei shook his head and smiled: "It's all a false name. I didn't expect that I would become famous like this."

There was a big transition period for Ye Fei to become famous.

After proving the ABC conjecture, Ye Fei thought he would become famous.

But contrary to expectations, he just proved that being famous is not famous.

Many people still don't know Ye Fei, they only know that there is someone who proved the ABC conjecture.

Therefore, when others introduce Ye Fei, many people wonder who Ye Fei is.

But when it was revealed that Ye Fei proved the ABC conjecture, they knew who Ye Fei was.

What really made Ye Fei famous was blockchain. After the global blockchain academic conference, Ye Fei was first known to people in the blockchain circle, and then spread outward in the blockchain circle.

People in the computer and mathematics circles know Ye Fei.

After Ye Fei released his research on asymmetric encryption algorithms, many ordinary people around the world began to know about Ye Fei.

Of course, Ye Fei hasn't reached that point yet, and everyone knows him.

After all, he has not yet reached the status of Einstein, and not everyone on earth will know him or know him.

Mochizuki Shinichi said with a smile: "It is difficult to be famous in the academic circle, but as long as you produce a great research, becoming famous will only happen in a moment."

"Yeah!" Ye Fei nodded.

Mochizuki Shinichi: "You should win a prize this time!"

Ye Fei nodded and said: "I heard that I was nominated. I don't know if I can win the award."

"You will definitely win the award." Mochizuki Shinichi affirmed: "You have released the future development and research of blockchain. This year, many companies have created cross-chain and entire blockchains because of the research direction you proposed. The chain changes because of you.”

"In addition, I heard that you also developed the world's sixth asymmetric encryption algorithm."

"If you can't win the prize, no one is qualified to win the prize."

Ye Feidao: "Mochizuki Shinichi, my asymmetric encryption algorithm has not been announced to the public yet. This cannot be used as a basis for my award."

“As for the blockchain research direction I announced, that’s fine.”

"But everything still depends on the EDGE review committee. I can't make the decision."

"I believe you can do it." Mochizuki Shinichi said firmly.

Ye Fei smiled and said nothing.

Lin Yi and others looked at each other in surprise. Lin Yi said in shock: "Mentor, have you been nominated?"

"Yeah!" Ye Fei nodded.

"Is this your student?" Mochizuki Shinichi looked at Lin Yi.

Ye Fei smiled and said: "Let me introduce to you. This is Lin Yi and this is Wang Yuan. They are both my students."

Mochi Yuexin nodded and said, "Hello."

Lin Yi and Wang Yuan immediately said: "Hello, Mr. Wangyue."

Because EDGE is the top blockchain award established by the International Computer Society.

And because blockchain is the hottest cutting-edge research in the world today.

Any breakthrough in the blockchain will bring about breakthrough changes in human life.

Therefore, all countries are paying attention to EDGE.

The next day, reporters from various countries gathered early in the morning at the entrance of the hotel where the EDGE awards ceremony was held.

Xia Guo CCTV reporter Lin Xue stood at the door of the hotel, facing the camera and said: "Dear viewers, hello everyone, this is Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia."

"The EDGE awards ceremony is about to be held here. EDGE is..."

"Let us conduct interviews with the guests on site."

"Huh?" Suddenly, Lin Xue's eyes lit up and she saw a young man walking in the distance.

Many reporters nearby gathered towards the young man.

"That's Ye Fei?"

After saying that, she quickly stepped forward.

But at this moment, Ye Fei was surrounded by many reporters.

"Hello, Professor Ye, I am a reporter from Beiliguo..."

"Hello, Professor Ye, I am a journalist from England. At the beginning of last year, you pointed out the future development direction and research direction of blockchain at the global blockchain academic conference. Will you speak again this year?"

"Professor Ye, I am a Canadian reporter. I heard that you developed the theoretical part of the asymmetric encryption algorithm. Can you tell me what kind of asymmetric encryption algorithm your asymmetric encryption algorithm is?"

"Professor Ye, can you say a few words?"

"Professor Ye, I am a reporter from Xia Guo CCTV. What do you think of the future development of blockchain?"

Ye Fei didn't want to answer the reporters' questions. Hearing that it was a reporter from Xia Guo CCTV, Ye Fei stopped.

Ye Fei and CCTV are also old acquaintances, and they have communicated with each other several times.

Besides, when meeting people from his hometown in a foreign country, Ye Fei should support their work.

Ye Fei smiled and said: "I am very optimistic about the future of blockchain. I proposed cross-chain and digital wallets early last year."

“As far as I know, many companies have developed cross-chain.”

"Some companies have developed cross-chains and have applied them in daily life, which has made some changes to people's lives. This is a good phenomenon."

"I hope these companies will continue to work hard to apply blockchain more to reality and change people's lives."

Lin Xuedao: "Okay, thank you Professor Ye for your speech."

The questions Lin Xue asked were very routine and could be asked or not.

After all, Ye Fei is from Xia country.

She doesn't ask difficult questions.

So, just looking for some general questions.

After Ye Fei left the reporter, he continued to walk into the hotel with his companions.

After entering the venue, Ye Fei was placed in the fifth row.

Sitting in the first and second rows are important leaders of the International Computer Society, Turing Award winners, Fields Medal and Nobel Prize winners.

Sitting in the third and fourth rows are top tycoons in the blockchain field, such as Shinichi Mochizuki and Buterin.

And Ye Fei sat in the fifth row, which was already a very high salary.

Lin and Yi were amazed. Today they finally saw their mentor's status in the academic world.

Judging from the location at the scene, Ye Fei's status belongs to the upper class.

Looking at the people near Ye Fei, they were all over fifty years old.

Those who are more capable than Ye Fei are older than Ye Fei.

There's no one around Ye Fei's age who can fight.

Wang Yuan looked at Ye Feidao with admiration: "If I have half the results of my tutor in the future, I will burn incense."

Lin Yi curled her lips and said, "What are you thinking? You still have half the grades of your tutor. I think if you get the grades in ten minutes, you can burn the incense."

Wang Yuan said: "One-tenth is fine."

Wang Yuan shook his head and said: "This is the treatment of a great master. Do you think it is possible for a future mentor to win the Fields Medal?"

"Fields Medal?" A young white man on the side sneered and spoke in broken Chinese.

But after saying a few words, he said in English: "Can your Xia country produce Fields Medal winners? Stop bragging."

"Your mentor is Ye Fei, right?"

"Ye Fei has been very popular in the past year, but in the computer field, his performance is only average, but everyone makes him too popular."

"He invented digital algorithms, proposed the development direction of blockchain, and created new asymmetric encryption algorithms."

"His asymmetric encryption algorithm has not been made public yet, and I don't know what kind of rubbish asymmetric encryption algorithm it is!"

"In the field of mathematics, his results are pretty good, but there is still a long way to go before he can win the Fields Medal."

"Besides, Ye Fei never studied abroad!"

"Your Xia Kingdom has never produced a home-grown Fields Medal winner."

"Ye Fei has not studied abroad, but he is still a native of Xia."

"My uncle said that there will be Fields Medal winners born and raised in Xia in the future, but within fifty years, it is absolutely impossible."

“It won’t be possible in fifty years.”

"So, don't think that Ye Fei can win the Fields Medal."

Wang Yuan and the other two looked at the white young man angrily, clenching their fists tightly in their laps.

Lin Yi gritted his teeth and said, "Why do you say that Xia Guo cannot produce home-grown Fields Medal winners."

"Do people who study abroad have to be excellent? My mentor has never studied abroad. Even before today, he has never left the Xia Kingdom. This is his first time going abroad."

"But this still cannot conceal the excellence of my mentor."

"99.99% of international students are not as good as my tutor."

"Our Xia Kingdom will definitely produce home-grown Fields Medal winners. It won't take fifty years, but it will definitely appear within ten years."

The white young man looked at Lin Yi mockingly and said, "Ten years? Are you kidding me?"

"If you ask others, does anyone believe that Xia State will produce a home-grown Fields Medal winner within ten years?"

Wang Yuan patted Lin Yi on the shoulder, then looked at the white young man and said, "Sir, our country in Xia has not produced any native-born Fields Medal winners."

“But it didn’t happen in the past, which doesn’t mean it won’t happen in the future.”

"You said that within fifty years Xia Country will not produce a home-grown Fields Medal winner."

"But who can predict what will happen in the future!"

"The future is full of unknowns, and none of us can predict what will happen tomorrow."

“Maybe within ten years we’ll have a home-grown Fields Medalist.”

"Who can say for sure!"

"Mathematics is a world of geniuses. Geniuses can always create miracles, right?"

"Besides, my mentor is a miracle. Who can imagine his achievements today, and who can imagine his achievements in the future!"

"Don't say that my mentor is a miracle, my country, Xia, is also a miracle."

"Since the founding of our country in 1949, our country has transformed from a weak country into a strong country in just a few decades. This is something that no country can achieve."

"Our Xia country is a miracle, so it is possible to produce a home-grown Fields Medal winner within ten years."

The young white man curled his lips and said, "You two arrogant ghosts, just be your frogs in the well!"

Lin Yi said: "By the way, who is your uncle?"

The white young man said proudly: "Adam Baker!"

"Adam Baker?" Wang Yuan and the two were surprised.

Adam Baker is a cryptographer and one of the founders of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin.

He created the hash algorithm in 1997 and became an opinion leader in Bitcoin development.

And in 2014, he founded the blockchain technology company Blockflow.

Adam Baker’s reputation in the blockchain field is as famous as Mochizuki Shinichi and Vitalik V.

They are three people who stand in the position of supreme god in the blockchain field.

Wang Yuan curled his lips in his heart: "Don't you have a good uncle? Why are you so crazy? My mentor is no worse than your uncle."

Of course, intellectually speaking, in the field of blockchain, Ye Fei is not as good as Adam Baker.

Ye Fei just proposed the future development and research direction of blockchain.

Adam Baker is one of the founders of blockchain.

Lin Yi said: "Your uncle is here too?"

"Then, right there!" The white young man pointed to the third row.

Lin Yi looked over and saw that he was a middle-aged white man. Viewed from behind, he had broad shoulders and must have been tall.

Lin Yidao: "Has your uncle been nominated?"

"Of course!" said the white young man: "Who is my uncle? He is one of the founders of the blockchain. EDGE will naturally nominate him."

Lin Yi nodded and said no more.

As time passed, at around nine o'clock in the morning, the EDGE Awards Ceremony began soon.

The event is also being broadcast live around the world.

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