From university academician to chief academician

Chapter 159 Position transfer, Zhou La’s conjecture

The School of Mathematics of Zhonghu University will establish the Dimension Blockchain Research Institute with the Latitude Blockchain Research Institute of Zhonghu University as the core.

Together with the Tree Map Blockchain Research Institute in Shanghai, it forms an east-west blockchain research center.

Use blockchain to in-depth cooperation with all walks of life to drive the development of the east and west.

When such news spread, everyone at Zhonghu University was shocked, and people at the School of Mathematics were full of surprises.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the School of Mathematics is about to take off and become the best school at Zhonghu University.

Become the most developed blockchain academy in the entire western region.

And then accelerate the development of the School of Mathematics.

They have earned the opportunity to teach and study in such a college.

At this moment, it is time to finish lunch.

After Ye Fei left the cafeteria, he was surrounded by a group of students.

"Professor Ye, please sign your name for me." Some students took out the notebooks and pens they had prepared.

Ye Fei smiled and said: "Okay!"

As he spoke, he took the pen and paper from the student's hand and quickly signed his name in the notebook.

At this moment, Ye Fei was like a star, surrounded by a group of fans.

After Ye Fei signed his name, he handed the pen and paper to the students.

The student took Ye Fei's signature, held it in his arms very dearly, and said happily: "Thank you, Professor Ye."

Based on Ye Fei's current development, Ye Fei will definitely be a big boss in the mathematics world in the future. This is everyone's consensus.

Such people are much more precious than celebrities and belong to the top class in the world.

You can still get Ye Fei's autograph now, but when Ye Fei's status becomes higher and higher in the future, it will be difficult to get it.

Moreover, when Ye Fei's status becomes higher and higher, his autograph will be very precious, with a price but no market.

After a long time, Ye Feicai finished signing all the students' signatures and saw that many students were coming around.

Ye Fei quickly smiled and said: "Everyone, don't come around here. I still have things to do. I'll sign it again next time I have a chance!"

When many students heard this, they stopped and watched Ye Fei walking further and further away.

Ye Fei shook his head in his mind: "I never thought that one day I would be surrounded by people asking for autographs."

Ye Fei had never seen a scholar being surrounded for his autograph.

This kind of scene can only be enjoyed by stars in the entertainment industry.

While talking, Ye Fei entered the office and saw several teachers in the office chatting animatedly with Tan Lingling and others.

Seeing Ye Fei, they quickly smiled and said, "Professor Ye is here."

Ye Fei nodded and said with a smile: "Everyone, what are you talking about?"

Tan Lingling smiled and said: "We are talking about when the blockchain research institute will be built."

Ye Feidao: "It should be soon. The Department of Education has already started contacting the construction company to start building the research institute. It is said that the first phase of the project will be completed in April this year. After formaldehyde is removed, the machine will be installed and it can be put into use."

"It is expected to be put into use in late May this year."

Someone asked: "Professor Ye, are you going to conduct application research on asymmetric encryption algorithms next?"

"Yes!" Ye Fei nodded: "Yes, my plan is to research the application part of the asymmetric encryption algorithm, and then create a blockchain system with the asymmetric encryption algorithm as the core."

The theoretical part has been released, and the applied part will be completed naturally.

After the application part of the asymmetric encryption algorithm comes out, it will be easier to create a blockchain system.

"How long will it take to complete?"

Ye Fei thought for a while and then said: "Almost early next year!"

Everyone's faces showed joy. As long as the Blockchain Research Institute is put into use, the entire School of Mathematics at Zhonghu University will operate around the Blockchain Research Institute.

And as the Blockchain Research Institute develops better and better, the School of Mathematics will also get better and better.

"Professor Ye, does the school have any plans for you?"

With Ye Fei's achievements, the school will definitely improve Ye Fei's position.

Ye Fei shook his head and said, "No, but I will become the dean of the Blockchain Research Institute."

"Professor Ye!" At this time, a young male teacher appeared at the door and said, "The principal asked you to go to his office."

"Oh, okay!" Ye Fei said, "I'll go right away."

Ye Fei smiled at the people present and said, "Everyone, I'm going to go first, and we'll talk later."

After saying that, Ye Fei turned around and walked outside.

Ten minutes later, Ye Fei entered the principal's office.

I saw the president and deputy dean of the School of Mathematics and Lu Yishan sitting inside.

The principal saw Ye Fei walking in and said with a smile: "Ye Fei, here you go, sit down."

After Ye Fei sat down, the principal said: "Okay, everyone is here."

"Let me tell you one thing. Your positions are going to be changed."

Except for Ye Fei and Lu Yishan, everyone else's faces showed joy, knowing that their positions were about to be promoted.

The principal said: "First of all, Xiao Guoqing!"

Dean Xiao immediately straightened up, his face serious, but his heart was pounding.

"Promoted to Vice Principal."

"Luo Yuan is promoted to dean of the School of Mathematics."

Luo Yuan turned out to be the deputy dean of the School of Mathematics.

"Lu Yishan, promoted to deputy dean of the School of Mathematics."

Lu Yishan looked surprised after hearing that his position had been promoted.

You know, he was just an ordinary director before, but now he has surpassed the fifth level and become the deputy dean.

The management of the university starts with the deputy director, followed by the director, deputy section chief, section chief, deputy secretary, chief secretary, deputy dean and dean.

But Lu Yishan thought that he was Ye Fei's mentor, and thought to himself: "Although the speed is fast, it is also very reasonable. After all, I trained Ye Fei. Without me, would the college have a talent like Ye Fei?"

"It's very reasonable even if I become the dean."

If Lu Yishan's inner thoughts were known to others, he would have to say something shameless.

Ye Fei was not trained by him, it was entirely due to Ye Fei's personal efforts.

The principal said: "Ye Fei was promoted to full secretary."

Lu Yishan was promoted to vice principal because of Ye Fei's credit, and it made sense for Ye Fei to become the secretary.

The principal continued: "Lu Yishan removed his position as leader of the mathematics team and was replaced by Ye Fei."

"Professor Lu, do you have any objection?"

"No objection." Lu Yishan smiled.

The principal said: "You don't have any objections to your position transfer, right?"

Ye Feidao: "I have an opinion."

"Huh?" The principal asked doubtfully, "Ye Fei, what do you think?"

Ye Feidao: "Principal, I'd better not be the secretary. I'm usually very busy and have no time to participate in the management of the school."

The principal smiled and said: "I have thought of this a long time ago. You usually do not participate in the management of the school and only enjoy your rights."

Ye Feidao: "That's okay."

The principal said: "Everyone, you have no objections. If you don't have any objections, let's leave it at that!"

Everyone shook their heads.

After a while, Ye Fei and others left the principal's office.

It was now the end of the semester, and Ye Fei did not start any new subjects. Instead, he took advantage of this period to take a rest and prepare to start new subjects after the new year.

Before I know it, the semester is over, and winter vacation begins tomorrow.

Ye Fei's office!

Ye Fei called his two students to the office.

Ye Fei read the paper they wrote recently, nodded and said, "Okay."

When the two of them heard this, their faces showed a hint of joy.

Recently, many people know that they are Ye Fei's students, and they all look enviously.

Ye Fei can become a big boss in the mathematics circle in the future. If he can become Ye Fei's student, his future development will be very good.

Even if their abilities are not good, Ye Fei can lead them casually and make them develop well.

They also know how precious it is to be Ye Fei's students, so they work very hard in their studies to live up to their status as Ye Fei's students.

Wang Yuan thought to himself: "Fortunately, I chose Professor Ye at that time, otherwise I would regret it to death now."

Lin Yixin said: "Hey, I was smart enough to choose Professor Ye, and none of the other professors were chosen. I have long seen that with Professor Ye, the future is bright."

"In the future, Professor Ye will become a big boss in the field of mathematics. If a little bit slips through his fingers, it will be enough for me."

"If you go out of your way to support me, you can push me to death."

"Also, if I join academia in the future and others know that I am Ye Fei's student, they will give Professor Ye three thumbs up."

"It's easier for me to mix."

Ye Feidao: "You will continue to learn basic knowledge next semester. By the end of next semester, I will let others take you to do projects."

Wang Yuan said in surprise: "Others will take care of you? What about you, teacher?"

Ye Feidao: "I will be very busy next semester. Don't worry, this teacher is very capable. If he guides you, you won't suffer."

Wang Yuan and Wang Yuan looked at each other, then nodded and said: "Okay."

Ye Fei stood up and said, "Let's go, it's noon, I'll treat you to dinner."

The two said in surprise: "Okay, mentor!"

This was the first time for the two of them to have dinner with Ye Fei. They usually didn't see Ye Fei.

Only when Ye Fei summons them can they see Ye Fei.

After saying that, the three of them walked outside, and Ye Fei drove them to a unique restaurant in the sand dune for dinner.

At the dinner table, the three of them were chatting happily.

In fact, Ye Fei is only three years older than the two of them. Apart from the status difference between the three of them, there is not much of a generation gap in language.

This made the relationship between the three people even closer.

After eating, Ye Fei sent them back to school.

The next day, the winter vacation began, and Ye Fei flew back to Jinling.

Ye Fei didn't go home last year because he was too busy with experiments.

This year Ye Fei plans to stay at home throughout the winter vacation to spend time with his parents.

At around six o'clock in the evening, Ye Fei appeared at the door of his noodle shop with his luggage.

When Ye Fei entered the noodle shop, he was quickly discovered.

"Ah, Xiao Fei is back!"

Ye Fei smiled and said, "Hello, Mother Wang!"

"Xiao Fei, we saw you on Xinwen Network some time ago. I heard you were working on blockchain. You're awesome."

"Xiao Fei, are the people you are in contact with now all from above?"

"Xiao Fei, since you were a kid, I've always wanted you to be successful. Look at your achievements now. No one in our area can compare to you."


People in the noodle shop praised Ye Fei so much that they wanted to compare Ye Fei to Wenquxing in the sky.

Ye Fei just smiled shyly and said hello to everyone.

Mother Ye came out of the kitchen and saw Ye Fei smiling and said, "Son, you're back. You must be hungry. Sit down quickly."

"Lao Ye, let's have some pork ribs noodles."

"Okay!" Father Ye's voice came from the kitchen.

Ye Fei's favorite is the pork ribs noodles made by Ye Fei.

"Come, let mom take a look. We haven't seen each other for two years. Look, you've lost weight. You must be very busy at work!"

"Don't be too busy with work. We work in droughts and floods to ensure harvests. It doesn't matter if we do more or less. Give yourself appropriate rest."


Ye Fei felt warm in his heart and felt comfortable at home.

With the care and care of relatives, there is food to eat.

The Spring Festival is on February 6th and the winter vacation ends on February 14th.

Ye Fei stayed at home until February 15th before returning to school that afternoon.

After returning to Zhonghu University, Ye Fei immediately called several group leaders of the mathematics group for a meeting.

Now Ye Fei is the leader of the mathematics group and part-time leader of the number theory group.

Han Dong was very excited when he learned that Ye Fei had become the leader of the mathematics group.

My spring has finally arrived, and I can finally become the leader of the number theory group.

But unexpectedly, Ye Fei also served as the leader of the number theory group.

In an instant, Han Dong was like an eggplant beaten by frost.

Ye Fei mainly listened to the research progress of each group, and then announced the adjournment of the meeting.

Then Ye Fei convened a meeting with people from the number theory team.

Ye Feidao: "Next, we will conduct the last part of the research on the Gaussian conjecture in the quadratic domain, the Gaussian class conjecture in the real quadratic domain."

The Gaussian conjecture in the quadratic domain is divided into three parts, namely the Gaussian class conjecture, the Gaussian class conjecture in the imaginary quadratic domain and the Gaussian class conjecture in the real quadratic domain.

Ye Feidao: "Regarding the Gaussian class conjecture of real quadratic fields, the research steps are the general discussion of the Gaussian class conjecture of real quadratic fields, the criterion for judging the class number of real quadratic fields to 1, and the use of continued fractions to represent real quadratic fields. Category numbers of subfields and Zhou La’s conjecture.”

"Zhou La's conjecture?" everyone exclaimed.

Ye Fei nodded and said: "Yes, Zhou La's conjecture is the most difficult part of the Gaussian conjecture in the real quadratic field, and it is also the most difficult part of the Gaussian conjecture in the quadratic field."

The full name of Zhoula's conjecture is S. Zhoula's conjecture.

To describe its difficulty in a simple sentence, it goes beyond the problems of number theory.

It has existed for nearly a hundred years and has not yet been proven.

Moreover, many mathematicians have tried to prove it, but with little success.

Zhou La's conjecture was different from all the conjectures Ye Fei had come across in the past.

Other conjectures have at least been partially researched.

But Zhou La guessed that because previous research results were very few, Ye Fei and the others had to start from scratch and fumble across the river.

This difficulty is very high, surpassing the difficulty of all Ye Fei's past theoretical research.

Ye Fei himself was not confident that he could prove Zhou La's conjecture.

"Although Zhou La's conjecture is difficult, we still have to overcome it, and everyone must have confidence in themselves."

Everyone looked at each other, and someone said: "Team leader, it's not that we don't have confidence, but Zhou La guessed that even Mr. Zhou Hai tried to prove it, but with little success, let alone us."

Zhou Hai is the one who proposed Zhou's conjecture. He is very famous in the international mathematics community.

Ye Feidao: "Of course I know this, but we still have to try it. You are right, you have to have confidence in yourself and in me. We will definitely solve Zhou La's conjecture."

Everyone looked at each other, then nodded and said, "Yes, we must have confidence in ourselves and the team leader."

They have experienced too many difficulties in the past, and they still came through it all the way.

The main reason is that their team leader is Ye Fei. All the problems in the past can be solved by Ye Fei.

I believe it will be possible this time too.

Ye Fei smiled and said, "Isn't this right!"

"Mathematicians can't back down just because of a little difficulty. If so, no problem will be solved."

"If you want to be a good mathematician, you should face difficulties head-on. The more difficult the problem, the more interested we should be."

Everyone nodded, yes, we can't back down just because of a little difficulty.

Ye Feidao: "Okay, let me talk about the research steps for the general discussion of the first problem, the Gaussian class conjecture in the real quadratic field."

"When it comes to the real quadratic domain, we have to talk about the upper and lower bounds of the real quadratic domain..."

"A general discussion of the Gaussian class conjecture in real quadratic fields. The main research is divided into upper bound proof, lower bound proof and proof of combining upper and lower bounds."

After a long time, Ye Fei finished his explanation and said: "This is the main research. Starting tomorrow, we will start research."

"Okay!" everyone said.

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