From university academician to chief academician

Chapter 155: Jump to level 3 and become full professor at level 4

meeting room!

Ye Fei called everyone in the research room to the conference room for a meeting, and he was going to explain the next research ideas.

At this moment, Ye Fei was sitting on the stage, and behind him on the right was a display screen.

Ye Feidao: "Everyone, please watch the big screen and pass Goldbach's conjecture..."

"So, p and q are the new prime numbers generated. Multiply p and q to get n, and use the Euler function..."

"That's what we're going to do next."

"You can ask any questions!"

A crowd of people below raised their hands, and Ye Fei answered the question for everyone.

This is not a press conference. At the press conference, Ye Fei will randomly select some people to answer.

But these people are the ones studying with Ye Fei, and Ye Fei wants to answer everyone's questions.

After more than an hour, Ye Fei saw that no one asked any more questions and said, "Okay, let's break up the meeting!"

After saying that, Ye Fei picked up the empty water glass on the table, stood up and walked out of the conference room.

Ye Fei returned to the office, filled a glass with water, and drank it in big gulps.

He talked too much in the meeting and drank a glass of water long ago.

His mouth went dry soon after drinking it.

But there was no water dispenser in the conference room, so he had no choice but to drink water after returning to the office.

Ye Fei drank a whole bottle of water. After drinking it, he burped and sat down on the office chair, ready to continue working.

At this time, Ye Fei's cell phone rang in his pocket.

He took out his cell phone and took a look. It was a WeChat voice message from the dean.

Ye Fei clicked on WeChat voice.

[Ye Fei, come to the principal’s office, come quickly! 】

"Go to the principal's office?" Ye Fei was confused: "What to do?"

"I haven't published a paper recently!"

"Although I have just proved the elementary proof of prime numbers, I haven't even started writing the paper on this proof. The principal and others probably don't know that I have proved the elementary proof of prime numbers!"

Ye Fei plans to write the paper on the elementary proof of prime numbers later.

Recently he has been busy researching asymmetric encryption algorithms.

Ye Fei thought about it for a long time, but he didn't even think about what the principal and the others wanted to do with him.

Immediately, Ye Fei stood up and walked outside.

Ten minutes later, he knocked on the door and entered the principal's office.

After entering, he found that in addition to the dean and the principal, there was a stranger in the principal's office.

Ye Fei thought for a moment and said, "You are Director Huang, right?"

Ye Fei remembered that this person was Director Huang from the Department of Education.

A year ago, it was also in this office that Ye Fei was promoted to associate professor.

It was Director Huang who came to handle this matter.

Director Huang stood up and laughed loudly and said, "Professor Ye, I haven't seen you for more than a year. I have often heard about your deeds in the Department of Education."

"No one expected that in just over a year, you would achieve so much."

"And you are only 25 years old this year. You are young and promising!"

Ye Fei chuckled and said: "Not worth mentioning, not worth mentioning!"

He asked expectantly again: "I don't know, Director Huang, why are you here this time..."

Although Ye Fei had already guessed it, he still couldn't help but want to ask.

Director Huang said with a smile: "I don't usually come to Zhonghu University. I have nothing else to do when I come here. I think you can guess the purpose of my coming!"

The dean smiled and said: "Ye Fei, congratulations, you will be a full professor from now on."

"Haha... you don't know that there was a huge quarrel over your title. Later, I consulted some academicians and got their approval, so you were promoted to a fourth-level full professor."

"You have made history at Zhonghu University. Not only has your professional title tripled in one year, but you are also the youngest fourth-level full professor at Zhonghu University."

Ye Fei was surprised, but quickly calmed down.

Based on his performance, it is reasonable and reasonable to be promoted to full professor.

If he couldn't be promoted to full professor even with his grades, then it would be too difficult to be promoted to full professor.

"Congratulations, Ye Fei!" the principal smiled.

The principal and dean were very happy.

It is a blessing for Zhonghu University and the School of Mathematics of Zhonghu University to have a figure like Ye Fei.

The principal said excitedly: "With Ye Fei's achievements today, it is only a matter of time before he becomes an academician."

Zhonghu University has a total of seven academicians, all of whom are academicians of the Academy of Engineering, and five of them are academicians of both the Academy of Sciences and the Academy of Engineering.

The difference between academicians of the Academy of Sciences and academicians of the Academy of Engineering is equivalent to the difference between theory and application.

Because theory is more difficult than application, it is more difficult to become an academician of the Academy of Sciences than of the Academy of Engineering.

Therefore, the number of academicians of the Academy of Sciences is smaller than that of the Academy of Engineering.

Whatever the principal thought of, the dean naturally thought of it too.

The dean was excited: "Ye Fei is from the School of Mathematics. Our School of Mathematics will finally have a mathematics academician."

"As long as there are academicians in mathematics, our school of mathematics will immediately become a key subject in the school."

The dean has been waiting for this moment for many years. The status of the School of Mathematics in Zhonghu University is too low.

Because there are no academicians in the School of Mathematics, and as long as there are academicians in other majors in the school, they will become key subjects of the school.

An academician is so important to a school and a college.

"And, looking at Ye Fei's current research, he will become an academician of both academies."

"If you can go one step further and become a senior academician, then I will give it to the School of Mathematics."

In addition to academicians of the Academy of Sciences and academicians of the Academy of Engineering, academicians are also divided into non-senior academicians and senior academicians.

Senior academicians are naturally much better than non-senior academicians.

There is only one senior academician in the entire Zhonghu University.

Shuimu University, for example, has 74 academicians and only 31 senior academicians.

This is because of the very good conditions of Shuimu University.

Some universities do not even have a senior academician.

Thinking of this, the dean's heart surged and he wished Ye Fei could become an academician immediately.

Director Huang smiled and said: "Professor Ye, please sign it!"


Immediately, Ye Fei walked to the coffee table, picked up the pen on the coffee table, and signed the document.

After Ye Fei finished signing, Director Huang stretched out his hand and said, "Professor Ye, congratulations. I look forward to the day when you become an academician."

"Haha..." Ye Fei laughed, shook hands with Director Huang, and said, "I'm still far from an academician!"

It is difficult for Xia State to become an academician. It can even be said that it is the most difficult country to become an academician among all countries in the world.

There used to be many outstanding people in the scientific community who failed to apply to become academicians several times.

But he became a foreign academician abroad.

The conditions for Xia Guo to become an academician are very demanding, not only the recognition of ability, but also the recommendation of multiple academicians and the age limit.

Of course, given Ye Fei's age.

Even after thirty years, he has not reached the age limit.

As for the recommendations from multiple academicians, Ye Fei already knows five academicians.

Of course, knowing him does not mean he can recommend Ye Fei to become an academician.

This requires Ye Fei to have a good relationship with them.

As for abilities, Ye Fei still has a long time to develop.

In addition to the above, unless you win the most important international award, you can ignore the rules and be directly promoted to academician.

For example, the Nobel Prize, the Fields Medal and the Turing Award.

Director Huang patted Ye Fei on the shoulder and said with a smile: "You are only 25 this year. With your current ability, it will be a matter of time before you become an academician."

Immediately, Director Huang looked at the principal and said, "Principal He, when the matter is done, I will leave."

"Director Huang, it's almost noon, why don't you stay and have a meal before leaving?"

"I won't eat anymore." Director Huang shook his head: "I still have to catch a flight back to Kyoto. I still have a lot of things to do in Kyoto."

"Okay!" The principal hesitated for a moment and then nodded: "Director Huang, I'll see you off."


The principal and others sent Director Huang out of the school gate and left in a car arranged by the school.

Looking at the car driving away, the principal turned to look at Ye Fei and said with a smile: "Ye Fei, have you encountered any difficulties in your recent research? If you have any difficulties, please tell the school as much as possible, and the school will definitely find a way to help you solve it."

There are not many academicians at Zhonghu University, so every academician is worth cherishing.

Although Ye Fei is not yet an academician, in the eyes of the principal, he is a preparatory academician.

And there is great hope to become a preparatory academician of both academicians and senior academicians.

Then, Ye Fei is also very precious in the eyes of the principal.

Ye Fei shook his head and said, "Principal, I don't have any difficulties."

The principal smiled and said: "Ye Fei, you're welcome. You are a teacher at Zhonghu University. If you have any difficulties, the school should be obliged to help you solve them."

Ye Fei said helplessly: "Principal, I really don't have any difficulties. If I had any difficulties, I would have told you."

Ye Fei cursed in his heart: "You can't solve any difficulties!"

Ye Fei has many difficulties in research, but the school cannot solve the difficulties in research!

For example, can the school solve the problems encountered in research?

Definitely not!

The principal said: "Okay, Ye Fei, if you have any difficulties, you must speak up."

Ye Feidao: "I will."

Afterwards, Ye Fei chatted with the principal and dean for a few words, then returned to the research room to continue working.

That afternoon, the news that Ye Fei became a fourth-level full professor spread throughout Zhonghu University.

Everyone who heard the news was shocked.

Jumping from a seventh-level associate professor to a fourth-level full professor?

This started the history of Zhonghu University. No one at Zhonghu University has ever been able to triple jump in one year, and no one has been directly promoted from a seventh-level associate professor to a fourth-level full professor.

But when they thought about Ye Fei's history, it seemed that becoming a full professor was a thing of the past.

Who told Ye Fei to do so many things this year? It was so awesome.

First, it proved the ABC conjecture, and then developed the world's only A2-level safety system.

Then he pointed out the future development of blockchain. I heard that asymmetric encryption algorithms are currently being studied.

These proofs and researches are not something that an associate professor can do, only full professors can do it.

Lu Yishan's office!

Liu Yisheng walked into Lu Yishan's office and said excitedly: "Lao Lu, let me tell you a surprise."

Lu Yishan was immersed in research at the moment. He said without raising his head: "Didn't you see that I am busy? If you have anything to do, wait until I finish my work."

"You really don't listen?" Liu Yisheng smiled and said, "If you don't listen, you will definitely regret it."

"Huh?" Lu Yishan looked up at Liu Yisheng in confusion, and then said disdainfully: "Is there anything else that I can regret?"

"You will definitely regret it." Liu Yisheng affirmed.

"Then tell me, and I'll see what exactly makes me regret it."

"Ye Fei has become a fourth-level full professor."

"Fourth-level full professor?" Lu Yishan laughed and said, "Wouldn't he become a fourth-level full professor?"

"What?" Lu Yishan was suddenly stunned, and then said in disbelief: "Tell me again, who has become a fourth-level full professor?"

"Ye Fei has become a fourth-level full professor."

"Wait a minute, let me calm down." Lu Yishan slapped his face with his hand to wake himself up.

He felt that he might have been studying for too long, his mind was confused, and he was hearing hallucinations.

"Are you sure Ye Fei will become a fourth-level full professor?" Lu Yishan asked: "He is a seventh-level associate professor!"

"Yes!" Liu Yisheng said, "So he has become a fourth-level full professor now!"

"What are you talking about? There are three levels between a seventh-level associate professor and a fourth-level full professor. Will the superiors agree to let Ye Fei jump three levels and be promoted to a fourth-level full professor?"

"The higher-ups have agreed." Liu Yisheng said, "Someone from the Education Department came this morning to promote Ye Fei to a fourth-level full professor."

"Has he really become a fourth-level full professor?" Lu Yishan said with wide eyes and surprise.

"Can I still lie to you?" Liu Yisheng said, "If you don't believe it, ask other teachers. There should be no one in the whole school who doesn't know about this!"

"Everyone from the deans of major colleges to the security guards at the door may know about this."

"It's just you. You shut yourself up in your office every day to do research and don't hear what's going on outside the window. If I didn't come and tell you, you might not know about it."

"I believe you." Lu Yishan nodded.

Then, he grabbed his hair with both hands and said in surprise: "Oh my God, Ye Fei is in the same grade as me now. He has only graduated a little more than two years ago!"

"Yes!" Liu Yisheng nodded with emotion on his face: "It took more than two years to go from a lecturer to a fourth-level full professor."

"This speed of promotion is also the first of its kind in Zhonghu University. No one in Zhonghu University can be promoted faster than him."

"I have heard many people say that Ye Fei will become an academician in the future."

"We only have a few academicians at Zhonghu University, and now Ye Fei is going to become an academician."

"Still a mathematician!"

Mathematics is the most difficult of all subjects, so becoming a mathematics academician is also the most difficult and has the highest status.

More than two years ago, Academician Liu, who came to check out supercomputing algorithm research at the Supercomputing Center of Zhonghu University, is an academician of the Academy of Engineering in the field of applied mathematics.

His status is very high among many academicians.

Therefore, although they were obviously here to check out research in the computer field, Academician Liu was the leader.

This is the position of a mathematical academician among academicians.

Of course, mathematics is also divided into theoretical mathematics and applied mathematics.

If you become an academician through theoretical mathematics, you will be the most powerful of all academicians and the object of worship for academicians in all other disciplines.

Liu Yisheng glanced at Lu Yishan, who was as happy as a fool, with an envious look on his face, and said, "I don't know what kind of shitty luck you have."

"Obviously his ability is not very good. When Ye Fei was your student, you didn't do much to teach him."

“But you produced an academician student.”

"This kind of luck..." Liu Yisheng shook his head: "If you spend two yuan to buy lottery tickets, and you don't win tens of millions, I will suspect that there is something shady."

Lu Yishan looked at Liu Yisheng and smiled: "Haha... just be envious!"

"It's useless no matter how much you envy me. You just don't have a student like Ye Fei. I'm so jealous of you."


Liu Yisheng gritted his teeth and said, "Be careful of smiling crookedly."

"My student has become a fourth-level full professor and will become a mathematics academician in the future." Lu Yishan said with a smile: "Even if I die laughing, I will be happy."

Central South University, doctoral student dormitory!

Zhuang Nan and the three people gathered together, and the three of them looked dull at the moment.

Because they had just heard that Ye Fei had become a fourth-level full professor.

The three of them, Zhuang Nan, graduated from master's degree in June this year, and then went to Central South University to study for a Ph.D.

The reason why I was admitted to Central South University was, firstly, that it was another 985 university besides Zhonghu University.

The second reason is that Ye Fei is so outstanding that they are forced to study for a Ph.D., otherwise they will be embarrassed to meet Ye Fei in the future.

Third, they often meet Ye Fei at Zhonghu University, and they even call him Teacher Ye Fei.

It was really embarrassing to suddenly become a teacher despite being classmates.

I thought that after coming to Central South University, I would not hear about Ye Fei’s deeds.

But I didn't expect that less than half a year after arriving at Central South University, I suddenly heard about Ye Fei's deeds while walking on the road today.

Half an hour ago, they were walking on the school road and heard several professors talking about Ye Fei, saying that Ye Fei had become a fourth-level full professor and would become a mathematician in the future.

The three of them listened for a long time and finally determined that these professors were talking about Ye Fei, Professor Ye from the School of Mathematics at Zhonghu University.

There seems to be only one professor named Ye Fei in the entire School of Mathematics at Zhonghu University.

This person was their classmate and roommate when they were graduate students.

"Day..." Zhuang Nan said: "This news is too exciting. He was promoted from a seventh-level associate professor to a fourth-level full professor at once. This promotion speed is too fast!"

"Not to mention Zhonghu University, even at Central South University, there are no professors who are promoted so quickly."

"I even wonder if Ye Fei is cheating."

Zhou Lin glanced at Zhuang Nan and said, "Ye Fei was cheating back then, but now it's even more exaggerated."

"You can't even drink Red Bull as hard as he does."

Xu Tian covered his face and said in pain: "Do you think we still have the nerve to meet Ye Fei in the future?"

"After we graduate with a doctorate, it is very likely that we will not be able to enter a university and become a teacher."

"Even if we are lucky enough to be able to become teachers in universities, we will start as teaching assistants."

“Probably, after years of struggle, becoming an associate professor.”

"With the talents of the three of us in mathematics, becoming full professors is just a fantasy."

"As for academicians, they don't even dare to dream about it."

"Hey..." The three of them sighed feebly.

Ye Fei is not only their classmate and roommate, but also their friend.

They are happy when their friends are prosperous.

But the friends are so advanced that they cannot be happy.

They both graduated from Zhonghu University and studied under the same teacher.

Unexpectedly, a few years later, they would not even be able to see Ye Fei's back.

Ye Fei's office!

Ye Fei put down his cell phone and shook his head: "This news must have spread too quickly. It doesn't matter if the entire Zhonghu University knows about it, teachers from other schools also know about it."

Many people came to congratulate Ye Fei just now, and Ye Fei's cell phone was almost exploded.

Now, his cell phone is on the table, ringing constantly.

They were all WeChat voices or text messages sent to him by many people.

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