From university academician to chief academician

Chapter 149 Hot cakes in the venture capital circle

Hangzhou, Alibaba headquarters, chairman’s office!

"What?" Ma Dong said in surprise: "Ye Fei wants to engage in blockchain?"

The CIO (Chief Information Officer) nodded and said: "Yes, according to reliable information, Ye Fei has set up a blockchain laboratory at Zhonghu University. He has asked many people to bring people into his laboratory."

Chairman Ma asked: "How much allocation will be given to him from above?"

"Ten million!"

"Ten million?" Ma Dong said in surprise: "What can ten million do? Ten million may not even make a splash. Can't Ye Fei apply for more? At least one billion!"

One billion is too small in Chairman Ma’s opinion. Alibaba’s investment in blockchain has reached 13 billion, and it is increasing investment every year.

And Alibaba is just a private company, even though this private company is one of the leading domestic technology companies.

However, the research done by Ye Fei was on behalf of the country, and only 10 million was allocated. In the opinion of Chairman Ma, it was too little. To develop blockchain, at least 1 billion or more would be needed.

Director Ma said: "Ask Ye Fei if he needs investment. I can invest one billion for him."

Director Ma is very optimistic about Ye Fei. Judging from Ye Fei's ability, he can definitely make a profit without losing a billion investment.

The CIO said: "Okay, I'll ask later."

Director Ma said: "Since Ye Fei has established a laboratory at Zhonghu University and started researching blockchain, it means that Ye Fei will not leave Zhonghu University for the time being."

"That should be the case!" CIO said.

Chairman Ma asked: "What did Korn Ferry International say?"

The CIO said: "I have also asked HR, and they are also following up. During this period, people from Korn Ferry International contacted Ye Fei many times and tried to poach him, but they failed."

"On the contrary, at the global blockchain academic conference last time, people from Korn Ferry International communicated with Ye Fei for a long time. Ye Fei seemed to be interested in making a move, but then for some reason, there was no news from Ye Fei again."

"Yes!" Ma Dong nodded and said: "It is difficult to find talents like Ye Fei. This is normal."

"We have to calm down and not act too hastily, lest we make Ye Fei angry."

"Business cannot be done without righteousness. Even if Ye Fei doesn't come to Ali, we can't make him angry."

"Maybe there will be a place to cooperate with him in the future."

"You convey what I said to HR, and let HR convey this to Korn Ferry."

"Okay, Director Ma!" said the CIO.

After the CIO left, Director Ma's eyes flashed and he thought to himself: "Ye Fei wants to study blockchain. It seems that the international blockchain market is about to take off again."

Director Ma has watched Ye Fei’s speech at a global blockchain academic conference.

Since Ye Fei can give a very forward-looking speech on blockchain, Ye Fei must have done some research on blockchain.

Otherwise it would be impossible to deliver a speech like that.

Moreover, looking at Ye Fei’s growth history, Chairman Ma concluded that Ye Fei will definitely be able to make some achievements in the blockchain field.

"The company needs to make some arrangements in the blockchain field."

What Chairman Ma can see, many people around the world can also see.

Magic City, Sequoia Capital Xia Headquarters!

Sequoia Capital is one of the world's top investment companies. It is headquartered in the Silicon Valley of Beili, and has headquarters in Beili, Xia and India.

Most of the projects invested by Sequoia Capital are Internet companies.

For example, Apple, Google, Cisco, Yahoo, Alibaba,, Toutiao, Mobike, Are You Hungry...

Sequoia Capital has invested in most of the world's most famous Internet companies.

Technology Investment Department, conference room!

Three groups of people are meeting in the conference room!

There are five people in the conference room, one team leader and four team members.

A team member is using PPT to explain.

"Ye Fei, male, born in 2001, from Jinling, was admitted to Zhonghu University in 2018, will study for graduate school at Zhonghu University in 2022, will study for a doctoral degree at Zhonghu University in 2023, and will graduate with a doctorate in 2024."

"Prove the world's most difficult mathematical problem in 2024, Hilbert's first problem, the continuum hypothesis."

"In the same year, mathematical algorithms were created."

"In 2025, we will help Guoyu Technology Company and Honghui Medical Device Company develop two of the world's top medical devices."

“In 2026, the future development and research directions of blockchain will be proposed at the global blockchain academic conference.

“In the same year, the world’s highest level A2-level safety system was developed.”

Both the speaker and the listener were shocked.

Ye Fei's development speed was so fast that it was almost inhuman.

They have also come into contact with many outstanding scientific researchers, but none of them have developed as fast as Ye Fei.

"This person can't be a prophet, right? He is born with knowledge, and a lot of knowledge automatically appears in his mind." Many people thought: "Otherwise, why is the research speed so fast?"

A team member said: "Ye Fei was studying cryptography at the Information Resources Research Center of Chang'an University of Electronic Science and Technology, and that's when he came into contact with blockchain."

"Based on Ye Fei's research speed, we can see that he learns very quickly. Coupled with his performance at global blockchain academic conferences, he will definitely achieve results if he studies blockchain."

“So, investing in Ye Fei’s blockchain, the ROI is 35%.”

ROI means return on investment.

Before each investment, a calculation will be made based on the ability of the investee and the value of the investee.

Generally, as long as the ROI reaches 8%, the capital can be guaranteed, more than 20% is a high-quality investment, and 30% is a very high-quality investment.

Through ROI calculation, Ye Fei's blockchain is a very high-quality investment.

That is to say, as long as you invest, it is almost impossible to lose money, but you will definitely make money, and make a lot of money.

Unless there are some uncontrollable factors.

For example, due to policy changes, blockchain suddenly transformed from a sunrise industry to a sunset industry.

But with the current popularity of blockchain, this probability is only 0.001%.

In other words, it is almost impossible to appear.

The team member said: "My speech is over!"

The team leader said: "Okay, from the current point of view, investing in Ye Fei's blockchain is a stable and profitable project."

"If we invest in Ye Fei's project, we can collect the money after the project research is completed."

“It doesn’t even matter if you don’t open for a few years with the money you make.”

Blockchain is a product of the computer field, and computer products are highly profitable. This is something everyone knows.

In the computer field, blockchain is a huge profit among huge profits.

For example, cryptocurrencies are developed based on blockchain.

It is very common for many people around the world to be worth billions in a short period of time because of cryptocurrency.

The team leader said: “But the problem at this stage is that when we discover this project, other venture capital companies must also discover this project.”

"So, we need to win this project as soon as possible."

"The higher authorities only allocated 10 million to Ye Fei. He must be short of money, so he should be very happy if we invest in him."

Venture capital is divided into two types: the other party automatically comes to attract investment and the venture capital company automatically comes to provide investment.

Good projects don’t have to worry about investment.

And generally, most of the projects that come to solicit investment are not good projects.

Therefore, whenever they find a good project on the market, venture capital companies will automatically come to invest in it.

Ye Fei is a person that many venture capital companies have long paid attention to, and Sequoia Capital is one of them.

When they heard that Ye Fei was researching blockchain, many venture capital companies were like cats that smelled fishy and wanted to lick him.

With Ye Fei's ability, his research on blockchain will definitely produce results.

Moreover, as long as the blockchain has some results, it can make a lot of money.

Of course venture capital companies want to invest in such a good project.

A team member asked doubtfully: "But team leader, why did the higher-ups only give Ye Fei 10 million in scientific research funds?"

This is also where many people wonder, what can 10 million people do to research blockchain?

Such a small amount of money is not even enough to put it between the teeth.

Don't say that the country has no money, this is impossible.

If Xia Guo has no money, every country in the world will have no money.

Could it be that Ye Fei only applied for 10 million scientific research funds from above?

This is impossible!

Ye Fei is not a fool. He only applied for 10 million scientific research funds. How many days can he support it?

The team member continued: "Ye Fei may not be able to apply for one billion, but he should be able to apply for one to two hundred million, but the higher-up only gives ten million."

"Is it because there is something wrong with Ye Fei's research direction that makes the higher-ups see no hope of success, so the higher-ups only give him 10 million?"

The team leader shook his head and said: "It shouldn't be the case. With Ye Fei's ability, the success rate of researching blockchain should be quite high."

"Besides, based on Ye Fei alone, the scientific research fund he applied for is more than 10 million!"

Everyone nodded, agreeing with the team leader's statement.

Also, with Ye Fei's ability, it is more than 10 million, and 100 million is considered low.

But they would never have imagined that Ye Fei applied for the 10 million yuan on his own initiative and was not given by the higher-ups at a reduced price.

Ye Fei is only doing theoretical research, which costs much less than applied research.

Ye Fei plans to wait until the theoretical research yields results before doing applied research.

When it comes to research and application, Ye Fei will not only use so much money and so many people.

When the time comes, Ye Fei will bring in a few academicians.

After all, such important applied research cannot be completed by him alone.

And when the time comes, it will not be Ye Fei who applies for scientific research funds, but the state will send the money in.

One billion is not enough, just 10 billion.

As long as you have the ability, money is not an issue.

In Xia Kingdom, the most indispensable thing is money.

The team leader said: "Don't think about this problem. Our current problem is how to invest in Ye Fei's blockchain research."

"We need to get into this project before other companies do."

Next, they talked for a long time about how to invest in Ye Fei’s blockchain research.

Zhonghu University!

Ye Fei hung up the phone speechlessly. In the past two days, he felt as if he was being targeted by the venture capital circle, all of which wanted to invest in his projects and give him money.

Ye Fei thought it was a scam call at first.

There is no such thing as a pie in the sky, giving yourself money for no reason.

But later, Ye Fei received dozens of similar calls, and he was confused.

"Am I being targeted by a fraud gang?"

Then, a few hours ago, the principal came to him and said that Sequoia Capital wanted to invest in his project.

Only then did Ye Fei realize that he was not being targeted by a fraud group, but by a venture capital group.

But wherever Ye Fei wants to invest, if he wants to invest, he can get him hundreds of millions.

If he doesn't ask for money from the higher ups, will the company he helped previously get money from?

Besides, look at what kind of companies are investing in him!

Most are foreign-owned companies.

Ye Fei was so confused that he approached these companies for investment in his projects.

His projects must be sure to make money without losing money. Investing in these companies is not giving them money!

Ye Feixin said: "Although the employees of these venture capital companies are all Xia people, who told you that the founders of these companies are foreigners!"

"It can't be said that I hate foreigners, but I don't want to give money to foreigners."

"Everyone you do business with is business, why not choose someone from the Xia Kingdom!"

"Of course, I'm not short of money, and I definitely don't want to be invested."

"What a big deal if a good national project requires private investment!"

"Xia Guo is not short of money."

"Even if the superiors don't give me any money, I still have more than 100 million. If I go to the bank for a loan, I can borrow several hundred million!"

“I will invest in myself when the time comes.”

"I saw that I didn't make any money, so I made it for you. Am I not a fool?"

Ye Fei and three students walked towards a teaching building.

He is recruiting scientific researchers for the blockchain laboratory today.

The school arranged for Ye Fei to have twenty scientific researchers, but Ye Fei still had to recruit more than forty people, plus twelve people from the number theory team.

Ye Fei needs a total of more than 70 scientific researchers.

Therefore, he used two classrooms on the third floor of this teaching building as a recruitment venue.

As for the three students, Ye Fei gave each of them two hundred and called them to help him.

When they reached the third floor, before Ye Feiren arrived, he heard the bustling sound at the stairs, as noisy as a vegetable market.

Ye Fei was surprised: "There are so many people!"

With that said, as soon as Ye Fei walked out of the stairs, he saw people standing in the corridor.

Ye Fei walked to the classroom and looked inside through the window. The classroom was also full of people, and there were many people standing in the aisle.

Ye Feidao: "There must be more than two hundred people here!"

Ye Fei shook his head and said: "It's really too complicated. I only recruited more than forty people, but more than two hundred people came."

When Ye Fei released the news, he made it clear that the academic qualifications must be a PhD in mathematics or computer science, and must be proficient in number theory, algorithms, big data, cloud computing, blockchain, and any of the above.

This is very demanding.

But even so, so many people came.

Ye Fei shook his head and sighed: "I can only say that there are many talents and few positions in Xia State, and the involution is too serious."

In fact, it is not because the involution is too serious, but because many people have heard that Ye Fei is going to study blockchain, and everyone thinks that if they follow Ye Fei to study blockchain, they will definitely get results.

That’s why I came to apply.

If it were anyone else, they wouldn't necessarily go.

Ye Fei walked into a classroom and sat down in the first row of seats, and said to the three students: "Let's get started!"

The three students walked out and walked to the corridor. One of the students took the list and shouted: "Bao Zhengmin, is Bao Zhengmin here?"

A man in his thirties wearing glasses waved to the crowd and said, "Hey, he's here!"

With that said, he squeezed out of the crowd.

Another student said: "Come with me!"

Under the leadership of the students, they entered the classroom where Ye Fei was.

Ye Fei saw the person walking in and said with a smile: "Please sit down!"

Bao Zhengmin put the copy of his degree certificate and resume in front of Ye Fei and said, "Hello, Professor Ye!"

Then he sat down.

Ye Fei nodded and said, "Hello."

Then Ye Fei started to read the information in his hand.

Bao Zhengmin, male, 31 years old, graduated with a PhD in computer science from Jiangcheng University.

During his PhD, he conducted research on SRA algorithms, time-frequency synchronization algorithms for NG-DSL systems, participating medium algorithms based on fast k-nearest neighbors, and photon mapping algorithms based on fast k-nearest neighbors. "

Ye Feidao: "Tell me the basic principles of OFDM technology."

Bao Zhengmin said: "In the data transmission system, a multi-carrier parallel system is DFDM. The high-speed serial communication technology..."

Ye Feidao: "What is the timing code synchronization algorithm based on the minimum energy difference?"

Bao Zhengmin said: "The disadvantage of the non-data-assisted symbol timing synchronization algorithm is that it is cyclic..."

Ye Fei asked seven or eight questions in a row, and Bao Zhengmin answered them all very well.

Ye Feidao: "Okay, you can go back and wait for the news."

This is only the first applicant. Ye Fei needs to select the best thirty or so from all the applicants.

Therefore, he finally told every applicant to go back and wait for news.

Ye Fei spent a whole day interviewing everyone.

At about ten o'clock that night, Ye Fei was in the study room at home.

Ye Fei put the information of all the applicants in front of him to check, and selected 42 people. Bao Zhengmin was one of them.

The next day, Ye Fei sent a message to everyone based on the people he selected, informing them that the interview was successful and they would report to the Zhonghu University Blockchain Laboratory at 8 a.m. the next Monday.

Ye Fei thought: "Everything is ready, all we need is the east wind!"

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